
57 Reviews
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Not Bad
9 April 2010
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Not bad , but not great either and the best part of course was the computer graphics .Sam Worthington in my opinion did not have the look or charisma to play Persius , kind of just a gut , not a half-god saviour .He looked like a marine recruit with his crew cut , while everyone around him looked fantastic , from their hair , costumes and presentation on .He was exceedingly ordinary and out of place.This was mikkelson film , start to finish co-starring the cg . I enjoyed it but it could've been much better .They didn't show much about the gods or the creatures , Calibus was just a disfigured human , the race that rode the scorpions was cool but that was few and far between .
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InHumanoids (1986)
Good Cartoon !!
20 December 2009
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I remember watching ''The Inhumaniods'' in the late 80s while in a rehab center .We got to watch T.V. at certain hours an it just happened to coincide with the telecast time of the show .I was immediately interested in the cartoon and I think the Monster from the center of the earth were cool .I believe it was Metlar , Tundro and Decompose , the Decompose character was mt favorite , it had a good look and would simply shout ''Decompose '' and the masses would turn into mindless zombies ready to do his bidding .I don't remember the rest of the plot though , could someone help ? I just remember some scientists exploring inside a mountain and stumbling onto the ''Inhumaniods'' . It was fun while it lasted !!
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Oh God !
20 November 2009
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This good/bad mess was a paid vacation in spain for Shatner and Cotton I'm surmising because it sure wasn't done to enhance either of their careers .Shatner's native American accent is terrible as is handling a gun , he really stinks at it ! Which of course makes it very funny , the looping music doesn't help , but Joseph Cotton does .He's the only thing remotely professional about this mess .Notah is a bad boy , however Johnny will put things right by killing him and leading the indians to the reservation where they belong .''Let it be the way of'' esstotonyaa'' the way of man and horse .Or you must sit like a duck who quacks in Canadian with a Spanish accent ! Beam me up , Please !!!
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Miracle Pets (2001– )
Great Top Notch Show !!!!
8 November 2009
This feel good reality animal channel show always puts a smile on my face and a warm feeling in my heart !! The amazing connections people have with their pets and animals in general is phenomenal , just great !The great thing about this show is not only do you get the dogs and cats , but you get horses , ducks , pigs bats ,all kinds of birds , reptiles , I mean the list is endless on the connections people make with natures representatives ! Dogs sensing heart attacks , cats saving their owners from fires , horses helping get autistic kids out of their insecurities , just by being themselves .Dolphins , turtles , the list is endless ,by all means see these shows and enjoy !!!!
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Not Bad
7 October 2009
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This film isn't bad as imports go and even is entertaining in spots .The Angel as he is called gets his arse kicked through out the film and he's the hero !!! Though he tries and tries Dr. Krupp or ''The Bat '' as he is known is a fiend who laboratory is about as genuine as a chemistry set , but therein lies the charm .This film has parts of the Aztec Mummy film that was butchered to make about six films in total .Its left to the young kid to save The Angel from the snake pit of The Bat and he makes it just in time .The best part of the film is watching the Angel get beat up time after time , if you've got an hour to kill there are worse ways .
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Halloween (1978)
Excellent !
10 September 2009
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Probably the best horror film of the 70s and 80s ,brought back the fear of the nameless , faceless stranger who kills at random in a way that was rare before all the Freddie,Jason etc imitator's flooded the scene .This film is truly scary and has a film noir feel to it , it isn't gory but suspenseful , not obvious but more subtle .Donald Pleasance was superb as the doctor and John Carpenter's direction was masterful .Debra Hill's screenplay was right on as well (What a tragedy that Debra left us all too soon )The young actors and actresses were all OK in their roles , but the fact that a director who knew what he wanted was present was evident .One final aspect , the music was sensational .Eerie , driving and relentless it added a dimension that made this film , without it this film goes nowhere .A classic in every sense , unlike the remake .
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The Brainiac (1962)
K.Gordon your the man !!!
26 August 2009
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K.Gordon Murray is responsible for the import of several Mexican horror gems that I relish for their entertainment value even if they are not of the highest quality .Almost all the top Mexican stars are here Abel Salazar , German Robles , who teamed up in the Vampire pair of films . Of course the effects are lacking but the story is interesting , ''The Baron of Terror'' is thoroughly fun and enjoyable in my book , with pulsating head and foot long tongue he was a terror !!! The sets are pretty cheap but hey , details , details , details ! Sit back and enjoy the fun as he terrorizes those who condemned him three hundred years earlier . K. Gordon your the man !! RIP !
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Above average
9 August 2009
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This is an above average sci-fi film without the usual special effects where the concept is the attraction , where you are asked to think about the possibilities .In this future man has all but destroy's himself , not to far fetched at all and humanoid robots are performing all the tasks man used to , even loving women .This of course makes the men that are left very afraid and ''The Order of Flesh and Blood ''is the agency that represents the fear of what man has done to himself .The humanoids are all about the good of man but man's blind fears blur this until the inevitable finally happens .This film is quite good and has a lot to say , give it a try and forget about cg and effects .Just let the film take its effect on you .Approach with an open mind !
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Excellent !
1 August 2009
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Excellent vampire film because of the acting presence of Robert Quarry , who although an American can portray that old world style sophistication that I had not scene since Bela Lugosi's unforgettable interpretation of Dracula .Quarry is magnetic as Count Yorga , his twisted sense of superiority and confidence in the face of Roger Perry's character is fascinating as they spar with each other verbally and then Perry's character finally succumbs to Yorga's minions . Bob Kellijan does a great job with this and the follow-up ''The Return of Count Yorga '' of capitalizing on Quarry's appeal which carries the film .Hail Robert Quarry ! anyone who can make a vampire role his own is a great actor , Lugosi's footsteps are huge but Mr. Quarry holds his own !!
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Too Bad !
24 July 2009
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Too bad this film attempted to go for all style and almost no substance as Michael Mann misses the boat badly . I must agree with other viewers that I just did not care about anyone on the screen , mostly because I did not know them . Mann seems to be racing thru this and neglects little details like why you should care , here's what people were going thru during the depression and it drove some people to bank robbery .No none of that is in there , two people can fall in love under any circumstances .If those circumstances are interesting people want to watch , Mann had all the ingredients but still botches the recipe .Making a inaccurate , uninteresting , unfullfilling film that one would think it would be difficult to mess up , but not impossible evidently .I'm sorry it happened this way , I was looking forward to this film .The actors try hard but there just isn't much there , why did Dillinger do what he did ? We are left to guess that . There was no feeling of the suffering depression era people and families endured , this was a great chance to inform this generation about their grandparents experiences , Mann you blew it my friend .
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Horrid but funny !!!
21 July 2009
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Everything in this film is bad , the story , the acting , the effects but its funny , funny , funny !!!Scott Valentine with the army uniform thats ten sizes too big is so bad with the permanent attempt at a scowl on his face as the leader of a special ops group its hilarious ! The ''terrorists'' are as scary and realistic as the ''raptors'' , this is so phoney and bad at everything it tries you have to laugh .The part where the giant T-REX who somehow snuck on board a ship and then somehow got below is blown up and you see the metal pole sticking up where its head was is the perfect ending .If your into bad films , this is the pot of gold , the mona lisa of b-b-bad !!!
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The Head (1959)
Surprisingly OK !
18 July 2009
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A rather interesting b-movie Euro 50s entry from Germany , that relies somewhat successfully on atmosphere and music to create interest .Horst Frank is good as Dr. Ood the mad scientist with bushy eyebrows ,Dieter Eppler is amusing as the rich kid would be sculptor who spends most of his time chasing strippers .I don't know where this was shot , I believe it was some privately owned studio , but the atmosphere is bleak and dark and forbodding , it has a lot to do with any interest this film has , and the music is also dark and a good companion to the Gothic style that director Victor Trivas was apparently going for , if you've got an hour to kill there are worse ways .
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Not good , and hasn't aged well either .
16 July 2009
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Thie film is a mystery in my opinion , although the concept of a futuristic society trying to repair their violent youth through therapy of a kind had the potential to be interesting , the blatant nature of the decadence isn't impressive in my opinion .Malcolm McDowell is a excellent actor and does all he can and the film does hold your attention .However you don't care about anyone on the screen and that really says it all , there is some entertainment here but not the big deal thats made of this film. Kubrick must have laughed all the way to the bank . Full Metal Jacket is a quality film , but the maturity of Kubrick by that time is evident . Still worth seeing , but don't expect too much .
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Conrack (1974)
Wonderful !
17 June 2009
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I saw Conrack on a night I couldn't sleep and I was never so glad to have insomnia ! This story of a young white teacher who takes a position teaching poor black kids on an island in the Carolina's is a great advertisement for teaching , and for simply helping each other .Set in the early 60s , with the civil rights issues , Viet Nam and all that came with the 60s ,it is forgotten that the Peace Corps and many young people struck out to make a difference helping the unprivileged .Conrack with his open style of teaching is interested in these kids as people , and encourages an honest interaction in his class that scares the power's that be .The greatest part was that Jon Voight said they had a 20 year reunion and 18 of those kids became teachers !! Its enough to make you think we as humans may have a chance to survive ourselves ,maybe , hopefully .See this film .
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Black Mask (1996)
Good Stuff !
14 June 2009
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Very good martial arts film and Jet Li is the best since the master himself Bruce Lee .Li is excellent as the low key librarian/cop who saves all time and time again . He has a presence and a look that is riveting and believable as the kung fu king that you don't mess with .Francoise Yip is simply beautiful in that mixed race original way that is unique because of her mixed heritage , she has an innocence and an allure all at the same time that I found unforgettable .The villain , the man with the sunglasses and long hair was very good as well but I can't find his name in the credits , can some one help me out with that ? Thanks ! Enjoy Hak hap or Black Mask , in any language its good entertainment !
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Great Stuff !!!
28 May 2009
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Extremely funny Japanese sci-fi circa 1950s with the usual bad dubbing and Japanese kids leading the way .The chief antagonist is one Phantom of Krankor , he and all his kind wear fake chicken beak noses and he laughs like and old Jewish guy with a cigar , he does this often .However there is the Prince of Space to save the kids , the earth and most importantly Japan .After all professor Makin has invented a new rocket fuel that is revoloutionary so therefore Japan must be saved .The Krankorians have devastating weapons that destroy everything except guns and helmets .Thankfully the Prince is also immune to there weapons , Thank God !!!!! Harmless fun but see on MSTK.
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The Outer Limits: ZZZZZ (1964)
Season 1, Episode 18
Not bad
8 May 2009
An interesting idea for an episode , which is usually what '' The Outer Limits '' came up with on this groundbreaker of the 60s .Joanna Frank is tasty for sure as Regina the queen bee turned human seductress and she certainly is striking enough and does have a kind of bee look (in a good way ) to her face .Phil Abbott is a fine actor with many films to his credit and Marsha Hunt is also good as his unfortunate wife . Also in the cast as the doctor is Booth Coleman who played the bad guy Morries in the sci-fi thriller ''World Without End ''. All in all fairly well done and while not the best of the great sci-fi series it makes for an entertaining watch .
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Sea Hunt (1958–1961)
Great Stuff !!!
5 May 2009
I loved watching ''Sea Hunt '' back in the day , I was in grammar school and would get home do my homework and by 4:30 would be ready to watch ''Sea Hunt '' and Mike Nelson in his underwater adventures .I loved it ! He took to you a place not very accessible at that time , under the great blue sea . Pre ''Thunderball '' or even before Cousteau became common , there was Mike Nelson sparking the imagination of kids .I'd be willing to wager that more than a few kids developed their passion for oceanography or biology or one of the sciences from watching this show .Underwater photography also progressed , the fascination for exploration is easily stimulated thru watching this show . Watch and enjoy !!!
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Black Samurai (1976)
Yipes !!!!
20 April 2009
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Strictly for comedy relief , this film is so bad its hysterical .Jim Kelly is a terrible actor and OK we knew that . but I thought he was a decent karate man . However the fighting in this film is comical , the overdubbing is of the quality of an Asian kung fu flick and the plot GEEZ !!! Janicot the warlock is trying to take over the world I think and he has the midget kung fu men to do the job !! However there is one man who can stop him , he's that agent of D.R.A.G.O.N. which stands for defense something something ... Yes thats how realistic it is , the realism is gripping and ...I'm kidding , actually its good fun because they really seem to take this somewhat seriously .If bad/good is your bag , its right here in abundance .
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Great fun !!
20 April 2009
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This movie is a delight for all ages and stimulates the imagination do to the great Mr.Harryhousen and his wizardry with stop motion and miniature's , hes a genius without doubt .A pioneer in every sense when it comes to special effects , the mythical tale of Jason and his adventures makes for first rate entertainment and never gets old no matter how many times you see it ! The statue coming to life , Medusa's head of snakes , the harpies and Poseidon and much more ! Oh the skeletons I can't forget the skeletons and the Hydra , man there's just so much great stuff ! See this film at all costs ! You'll be very glad you did !
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Escape (1940)
Very Unconvincing
13 April 2009
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This so called suspense was very flat and unconvincing .Robert Taylor's character is so obvious its really silly . A blind gestapo man could spot him in the dark ! He is so ridiculously nervous and suspicious it just makes no sense , he sticks out so badly he might as well have been wearing a sign ! The actor who plays the German general also played the German officer in ''Casablanca'' and is good in his role as is the countess . The film is marred by Taylor's unconvincing portrayal of an American in Nazi Germany , somehow outwitting the gestapo and appealing to hearts of gold in all people .I like Robert Taylor generally , perhaps it was the director's fault .
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Kiss of Death (1947)
Widmark absolutely chilling !!!
30 March 2009
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Richard Widmark is mesmerizing as Tommy Udo a true psychopath , a sadist who truly enjoys his work , as twisted as it comes and every bit of it comes through .That this is his first role is amazing , he looked as if he researched this role for years , I was scared just watching him that there were actually people like that in this world !Victor Mature is a worthy counterbalance to Widmark's psycho , the good man who made a mistake and is trying to get his life back . See this one for Widmark alone its a classic , one of those roles an actor was born to play , Widmark reminds of Lugosi 's Dracula .But that its his first part is mind-boggling , see this at all costs !
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Good Stuff !
25 March 2009
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In spite of several shortcomings this film still holds up for the same reason a lot of films from this era do , its simple and the storyline is clever .The idea that on another planet plant life underwent a similar evolving was to me very believable . That it couldn't be hurt by bullets because it was just like drilling holes in vegetable matter and the question ''what do you do with a super carrot?'' , answer , boil it, stew it etc. I found this very clever .All the more so because it differs from the short story ''Who Goes There ? '' . Which John Carpenter was able to present with the advent of special effects and cg effectively .''The Thing from Another World '' had no such effects at its disposal but still manages to be an effective sci-fi classic .
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Frost/Nixon (2008)
Langella Superb !
5 March 2009
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I just saw Frost/Nixon last night and it was a great treat ! I wasn't familiar with this story prior to seeing the film , but did know something of the story .Of course I knew about Nixon and Watergate but only knew Frost as rather a buffoon type talk show host, this film documents the story in gripping fashion .The way Frost suddenly pulls it together at the final moment is rather unbelievable , but Langella's performance seems to override all .He captures Nixon's frailty , his humor , his insecurity and his demons in a simply great performance .The actor who plays Frost does well but the film doesn't really go to deeply into the Frost character , but clearly this is the moment of Frost's life .He risked all on this , money, career and reputation .The result in the end was a history making event .See it Langella is unforgettable .
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Pretty Good
24 February 2009
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I remember when this came out it was the first kung fu film ever seen around our way and we were all excited about seeing it for sure .Although the action was mediocre at best it gave us our first taste of kung fu and our first taste of bad dubbing as well as bad film making or more precisely the way Chinese people were making films at the time . They were admittedly inferior wlthout question but there was entertainment value here and that caught on for sure . The kung fu craze had begun and Bruce Lee and ''The Chinese Connection'' would soon follow either that or ''The Chinese Boxer'' with Jimmy Wang Yu . In any case this film was chosen to lead the way .
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