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The Perfect Finish
9 November 2003
If I were required to describe the finale of the most fantastic visual epic of our years in one word, it would be - sublime. The Matrix Revolutions is the perfect finish to the series. It may not be as enigmatic as the first two, but that's because it doesnt need to be. It is the story of everything quintessentially human, a story of war and bravery, love and hope, victory and loss. Different people expect different things from a movie, and hence not all of us would enjoy this. But let this be said, we are lucky to be part of possibly the most vibrant and engaging story of our times, and we should be proud to have witnessed it.
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The Core (2003)
Average Acting, Average Direction... Average Movie
1 April 2003
'The Core' is another "save the world" movie, attempting to change the genre a bit, by not going into outer space. Instead the concept revolves around the inner core of the earth and how it has stopped spinning. As usual a band of brave human beings are selected to deal and hopefully nuetralize the problem.

'The Core' falls very short in the acting department, with Hillary Swank playing a role that never should have been given to her in the first place. Surrounded by B-Grade actors turning in B-Grade performances along with the fact that her role had only B-Grade scope to it anyways, results in an absolutely sub-par showing on her part. Aaron Eckhart played his role to the best of his ability, even though that ability is only so good.

Direction is key in movies, as the director is expected to keep people on the edge of their seats, Jon Amiel had me looking around the room to see how many people were sleeping through his Lava explosions. If there is one saving grace to this film, its the special effects, the effects directors definately worked hard to bring the conception of the Core of the earth to life.

Nevertheless, this is a weak movie, and I would only recommend it if you had nothing to do, and wanted some eye candy. 5/10
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The Core (2003)
Average Plot, Average Acting, Average Direction...Average Movie
30 March 2003
Yes "The Core" looked trashy in its trailers and yes it is a pretty trashy movie. If you are a person that particularly enjoys the gung-ho 'save the world' genre then you still might be interested in this feature. Hillary Swank has no place in this movie that is teeming with B-grade actors turning in B-grade performances. She is utterly wasted in a role that should have never been hers in the first place. The Special Effects ofcourse were the high point of the film, and lived up to expectation. The direction on the other hand, lagged and dragged, and made it painful to watch the entire movie. The movie isnt paced well, and that as we all know is critical to action flicks, especially of this type. Thankfully there are no love angles, and the creative audacity is kept to a minimum. 5/10
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Dreamcatcher (2003)
Another Movie that projects why Books should remain Books
22 March 2003
Dreamcatcher, starring Morgan Freeman is the adaptation of the book by the same name written by Stephen King. Now Mr. King's books have been turned into movies with great success such as "The Shawshank Redemption" and "The Green Mile", but as far as this movie is concerned I believe the producers made a mistake. There are many areas of the book that have been attempted to be brought to life that just arent good enough. The memory warehouse and Jonesy's communication with Mr. Grey being prime examples. The movie also stretched on for far too long. These flaws apart, it is a pretty scary movie and the CGI of the alien beings are absolutely flawless. It's an interesting watch and probably the best movie of this week. Plus, there is an added bonus of the screening of the 3rd Movie of the "Animatrix" included, so if you guys are Matrix fans, this should be the movie you check out. 6/10
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Average... But Cute!
22 March 2003
"A View from the top" fits the typical "Romantic, Uplifting" movie genre, where the principal character has to chose between her love and her life, and ends up making a decision that satisfies him/her. A nice movie with tidbits of excellent comedy [Kudos Mr. Meyers!], "A View from the top" does well in projecting its message, while appealing to a very large audience.

Gwyneth Paltrow looks stunning and turns in a decent performance, she's ably supported by Christina Appelgate, Mike Meyers and Candice Bergen. Mark Ruffalo who plays Paltrow's Love interest is a bit unconvincing at times, but his on screen chemistry with Paltrow makes up for this, and he does well. Overall, I guess if your looking for a sweet romantic comedy to watch with your girlfriend or boyfriend, this movie makes perfect sense, and is a good watch. 6/10
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Entertainment Worth the $7.50!
17 March 2003
Now I've heard all about how 'far from the truth' this movie is. I'm no U.S. Navy Seal and I dont know their codes and procedures, and neither do I go to a movie to learn about them. I watch a movie to be entertained, and 'Tears of the Sun' did exactly that. Antoine Fuqua has paced the film incredibly well, making sure that there isnt a dull moment to deal with. He not only uses Willis and Belluci to the fullest, but extracts many mini-perfomances out of the supporting cast to deliver a well rounded movie. Bruce Willis is fantastic as "A.K. Waters", a hard-bitten commando who's been trained as an elite covert machine, and expected to complete missions at all costs. There is no extra emotion from Willis, he plays his part perfectly well. Monica Belluci [gorgeous isnt she?!], has done a good job as Dr. Lena Hendricks, being extremely naive and humanitarian, just as you would expect her to be. The one dissapointing part of the movie were the emotional scenes between Belluci and Willis, which were a tad over the top and were just not required. Overall, great entertainment from Fuqua and company, a good watch.
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The Hunted (2003)
Del Toro Wasted...
17 March 2003
Robert De Niro went from Taxi Driver and the Godfather to movies like City By The Sea and Showtime, Tommy Lee Jones has followed a similar path, and so do most of the aging actors in Hollywood today. Jones turns in an expected performance in The Hunted, but the main reason that drew me to the film was Oscar Winner Benicio Del Toro.

Now this guy can act, and does not particularly dissapoint in this film. But it is the Directors own fault that he wasted Del Toro in a role that was not tailor made for him. The Hunted is an agonizingly long film, that put everyone in the theatre to sleep. If the 'hunt and chase' genre is to your liking then you would probably enjoy this film, but otherwise the film lacks dialog and any form of facial acting beyond intense eye twitches from Del Toro and worried looks from Jones. Overall, the few dialogs that Del Toro delivers are fabulous and reflect his amazing potential, but the Director thoroughly dissapoints with the pacing of the film. Watch this film if you are a die-hard Del Toro fan, otherwise skip it, as its not worth the $7.50.
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Saathiya (2002)
Fantastic Film
19 January 2003
Yes, the film is almost like any other hindi film and yes its unbelievable how far better it is, than any of its contenders. A fabulous love story of a boy and a girl who marry each other against the wishes of their parents and society, 'Saathiya' shows the human side of love, stressing on the problems human beings deal with and work through in order to maintain a relationship.

The songs are amazing and their picturization magnificent. The movie has good doses of fun, emotion and tragedy. Rani Mukherjee looks ravishing and will take your breath away, she almost looks and acts like the perfect wife for any young man. Vivek Oberoi, who is very clearly the find of 2002 as far as the Hindi Film industry is concerned, turns in another great performance, he is absolutely flawless in the film, portraying the many emotional facets of his character 'Aditya Sehgal', with an almost unrecognizable ease. Shaad Ali puts in a fantastic effort for his first film, picking the perfect actors with the perfect locales to create a near perfect film. I cannot yet comment on the replayability of this film as I have only seen it once, but it is almost a surity that the movie would be as good on the second watch. A 10/10 film, and a must watch.
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No, it doesnt live up
18 December 2002
Peter Jackson tried his best, and did his best, unfortunately his best wasnt up to it. I dont know but was I the only one who felt the Two Towers crawled? The Fellowship was almost as long, but didnt drag for a second, this one on the other hand had me looking at my watch every now and then. Dont get me wrong, I'm as big as a fan as any of you there, but in all honesty - when I walked out of the fellowship I wanted to be Legolas, I wanted to be Aragorn, and I know a lot of you did too. The Two Towers however didnt do anything of the sort. The film lacked direction and somewhere Peter Jackson let the hype get to him.

At the end of the day, it might be the extreme expectation I had from this movie - but nevertheless no where near the first one. --kliq
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8 Mile (2002)
A Movie Requiring contemplation
8 November 2002
The end credits rolled, and I made my mind up that the movie had dissapointed me, but 8 Mile is for the intelligent. Upon introspection, I realised that the very essence of 8 Mile was its non-flashy, keeping it real kind of setting. Honestly I expected a rags to riches story, but I got the exact opposite. The movie is the story about one and a half months in a young white man's life, where his mindset undergoes major change. When you realise that the movie is trying to show this, it starts to shine, when you realise the 'realness' of the movie it shines even more, and finally when you watch Bunny Rabbit walk of the screen with a peace sign in the air, no better than he was in the start, with 'Lose Yourself' jiving in the background, you know the movie is worth it. Watch the movie, enjoy the battle scenes, decide its nothing great, but then give it some thought, you'll see what I see. 8/10.
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Hillarious Comedy with a dash of sentimentality
30 October 2002
Anyone who saw American Pie, knew what to expect from the sequel, but I dont think many would've guessed that the ante would be upped by such a large percentage. All the original actors return, and look much more mature and comfortable with the camera. Jason Biggs lives up to expectations and delivers like a true comedian. Tara Reid looks absolutely stunning, and that's pretty much enough for me. Shannon Elizabeth turns in a nice short performance, and is extremely fun to watch. The others turn in good performances, all except for Thomas Ian Nicholas who dissapoints and is definately the weak link in the entire movie. For whatever shortcomings Thomas Ian Nicholas puts up, they are more than made up for by stellar performances by Sean William Scott [Stifler]and Alyson Hannigan [Michelle] who in my opinion steal the show.

Eugene Levy turns in another brilliant performace as Jim's Dad and touches everyone at just the exact needed time. Overall the movie is a lot of fun to watch and has tremendous replay value. It combines laugh out loud rip roaring humor with splashes of emotional touches which are definately a nice touch.
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