
65 Reviews
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You're Next (2011)
Exceptionally weak and predictable
18 September 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Based on the reviews, I expected something better than average, but I got something well below average. The plot and the fact that the brothers and Zee were involved in the plot was completely predictable. The casting alone and their gestures gave it away. For that matter, perhaps it would have been worthwhile to barricade in a room and wait for daylight, thus removing the surprise element of darkness. It was funny anyway when the same curtains were closed all the time and then opened again and closed again. Sama curtains. I don't really understand the people who have praised this film. The same has been seen many times in recent years (decades) and many times better done.
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Dark Crimes (2016)
Jim Carey fans didn't like
3 August 2024
I wondered about the bad reviews the film received. The problem may be that Jim Carey fans are not the target audience for this type of film. I found it refreshing to see him in a very different role. He performed the role well, but he was also one of the problems with the film. Because of him, the film was made in English, which is silly. Even arrogant Americans should learn to read subtitles. The world is not an English-speaking and it is important for credibility that the film is made in the language that the characters would actually speak.

Also many seem to find the film slow burn. I don't understand this comment either. The film lasted 1.5 hours and progressed like many straightforwarded police films. Many series use multiple episodes to tell the same story.

I liked the elegance and style of the film. Little talk, grayness and bleakness. Good set and costume design. Unfortunately, the plot of the film was rather thin in the end. However, I enjoyed watching the film and it told an important story about the atrocities men are capable of.
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Five Days (2007–2010)
Long five days (season 1)
1 August 2024
I started watching the series with the idea that it was a police series. After all, it's a relationship/family drama where the actual investigation of the crime takes a back seat. This is perhaps the single weakest point of the series. On the one hand, it is interesting to look at it this way, but this has become more the rule than the exception these days. Of course, this is an old series.

All in all, however, the series was well done and well acted. The series held its grip until the end. Fortunately, the first season was only 5 episodes long. Nowadays, series are often prolonged.

Some critics have criticised the fact that there were no likeable characters in the series. I disagree. But I disagree more with the idea that a series or film should have likable or identifiable characters. Why should there be?
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Full Circle (2023)
Better than your average
29 July 2024
I don't really understand the bad reviews this series is getting. For once, a better than average series from the US. A complex plot with a lot of different weaves. Challenging and colourful characters, different backgrounds and motives. The series moves along smoothly and is not prolonged, each episode has its place. The series perhaps reminded me a little of the Russian doll (Mathuska doll). Apparently the plot and characters were too challenging for most viewers. I am not a Soderbergh fan myself. Still, I feel that this and Mosaic deserved better ratings. Now I would have to write something more to fill up the character count.
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Echo 3 (2022–2023)
Not what you'd expect and that is a good thing - at least for me
27 June 2024
I didn't intend to watch this series because it seems like a childish macho series with brainless action and fast cut scenes. However, I happened to read a review on this site which said that the series is not what it seems on the surface.

So I decided to give the series a try. Within the first couple of episodes I was about to stop watching, but fortunately I didn't. The series surprised me. It was much more complex and multi-dimensional than one might initially expect. The series was well done, the details and nuances were well taken care of. Sure, there were implausibilities and inconsistencies in this series too, but that's the way it is with all series and movies these days. Fortunately, in this series they didn't bother me so much.

The series expands from a kidnapping to a complex thriller and drama that deals with the dark history of the United States in South America and also deals with the geopolitics of the region. Ultimately, at the heart of the series is a question of morality and ethics; what is just and proportionate. Where the line is drawn and how actions can be credibly justified.

At first I also thought that 10 episodes was a stretch of a simple idea. But the series did indeed expand. It also showed very well that complex things are complex, not simple. Then there are also no simple solutions and there will be failures, frustration, disbelief and a sense of giving up. This was one of the strengths of the series.

The series held up well. Things were built up in peace, but the tension was maintained throughout. I highly recommend the series to those who want more than childish and stupid action.
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Pressure (II) (2015)
Don't leave any lasting memories
27 March 2024
I like confined space movies that take place in space or underwater. That's why I decided to watch this film. It's been a long time since I've seen a good film in this genre, and this film didn't change that.

This film doesn't reinvent the wheel, but it doesn't need to reinvent it. As long as the story is well told. This was both a success and a failure. The idea itself was quite interesting. However, the characters were rather thin and the story fell short in many respects. This is a pity in itself, because the basic idea was quite interesting. However, I enjoyed watching the film, but I didn't any lasting memory.
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Sea Fever (2019)
Better than usually in this gene
27 March 2024
This film does not reinvent the wheel, but there is no need to reinvent it. As long as the story is well told. This was both a success and a failure.

The acting was good and the characters a little deeper than usual in this type of film. However, the characters cannot be said to be very deep and personal, but they were nevertheless better written and acted than average for a film of this type.

Personally, I was perhaps a little let down by some the unscientific nature of the film at certain points. Although they tried to keep the science within the bounds of plausibility, I would have liked them to have done so until the end.

The biggest disappointment, however, was the final scene, which was a real anti climax. This because the scene was such a terrible cliché. The film would still be quite entertaining.
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Idleness and prolongation in good way
27 March 2024
The British know how to make quality drama, and this was no exception. I don't know the details of the case, and I don't know how faithful the series was to reality. Some elements and characters were obviously fictional. Since I do not know the background to the true story, I will treat this film as a cultural production of fiction.

The series was well written, directed, acted, costumed and staged. The series managed to touch on a number of interesting social issues. There was a lot of idleness in the series, but this time there were good reasons for it. It was a good illustration of how difficult an investigation can really be and how many things can actually go wrong. A look in ones perception and how deceiving it can be.

A certain idleness and prolongation underlined the frustration that the characters in the series were experiencing. It was important that this feeling was also conveyed to the audience. All in all, a series worth watching.
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Infinity Pool (2023)
Bizarre doesn't come by force
27 March 2024
I like strange films. This film started off quite promisingly. After the first execution, the film could have gone in any number of directions. I was perhaps expecting more of a moral philosophical reflection. The film could have dealt with many interesting issues. But in the end, the film tried too hard to be weird. Good weirdness doesn't come from trying to make a weird film by force. Something could have been made of the film's denouement, the way things went after the first execution. However, the film went off in too many directions without really achieving anything. That's a pity. This could really have been a good, memorable film. Now the main feeling was one of frustration.
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Hatching (2022)
Satire on contemporary phenomena's in a veil of horror
9 March 2024
This was the first Finnish horror film I have ever seen. I was pleasantly surprised. The film itself did not invent anything new. The old elements used are simply brought into the Finnish context. Or actually, one cannot speak of a Finnish context. By changing the language, this could have happened in any Western country. In fact, the language was the only factor that made it Finnish. But still, you don't always have to invent something new. The most important thing is a good script and execution.

I think this film was reasonably successful. Although it was a horror film, the film could have worked without the horror element as a satire on modern phenomena's. But horror it was and still made some good points. Some black comedy in there somewhere.
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Utö (2024– )
A fairly good mystery series from Finland
9 March 2024
This was the first Finnish mystery series I have ever seen. I was pleasantly surprised as the series conveyed the most common stumbling blocks of Finnish series.

A common problem with Finnish police series, for example, is that they try to copy US series, and don't trust their own work and strengths. The world is full of US series. They don't need to be made elsewhere. In other words, the characters remain very one-dimensional and the dialogue is generally poor. It's a lot of action and romance. Often the dialogue consists mainly of one liners. In this series, the characters and dialogue were much better.

The series as such does not invent anything new. The old elements used are just brought into a new setting. But you don't always have to invent something new. The most important thing is a good script and execution.

I think this series was reasonably well done. Maybe I should have shortened the series to six parts. I don't know. On the other hand, the little idleness created a sense of hopelessness that the characters were experiencing. I would also perhaps have liked the series to have gone longer without showing the outside world. Stayed on the island and kept the veil of mystery up longer. The last episode was a bit silly. Still, I thought it was a well done series and quite entertaining.
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The Show (II) (2020)
Maybe this would have been better as series...?
9 March 2024
I think most of the series are such that they would only have the makings of a film. In other words, the series are often forcibly prolonged with content that does not add value to the story. This time I think this movie would have been better as a 4-6 episode series. The film was rushed through. There were a lot of interesting characters and elements in the film, but these were not exploited and remained very superficial. A pity in itself, as a strange series these characters and elements could have been better exploited. That's not to say that the series would have been good, but it would have had a better chance to make a difference.
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Spy/Master (2023)
A good old-fashioned spy thriller with a historical context
8 March 2024
I had no expectations for this series. Fortunately, I started watching it, because it turned out to be a good spy series in a long time. The series doesn't reinvent the wheel, but it doesn't need to. The most important thing is a good script and the execution. This series managed to do both. The script was well written, the characters were mostly believable. The execution was intense. There wasn't much action, which I liked. However, the series held its grip firmly from start to finish. This was due to the good script and direction. The actors performed well. The set and costumes were really well done.

I also appreciated the fact that the series was not unnecessarily prolonged. Six episodes was just the right length for the series. In the last episode it started to get a little unbelievable, but I forgive that because the execution was otherwise good.

I was also a little challenged by the main character's motivations and the relationship of his actions to reality. But maybe that was one of the purposes of the series. The elusiveness of the main character Victor's motives.

Overall, a strong recommendation for this series if you like old-time spy thrillers.
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Entertaining, but...
2 March 2024
The historical context of the series is interesting. The style chosen is also exceptional. This chosen exceptional style is one of the strengths of the series, but ultimately also one of its weaknesses. The humorous approach could have worked, but perhaps I would have preferred a more serious approach to such an interesting subject. There could have been humour in the series, but now the humour became purpose in itself. Humour could have been a by-product, not the purpose of the series itself. I was also disturbed by Woody Harrellson's overacting. Or perhaps more so his overstated way of speaking. All in all, though, the series was entertaining, but ultimately a "dozen production" that left no lasting impression.
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Too many implausibilities
2 March 2024
The series raises the question of who the real victim is. From a legal point of view, the issue is probably clear, but there is another way of looking at it. However, I am not personally in favour of revenge in this sense.

The basic idea behind the series was quite good. The problem was the weakness of the script and the execution. Especially in the last few episodes, there were so many implausibilities that interest was quickly lost. I will not go into further detail here. It should be obvious to anyone who has watched the series. Something should be written here to fill the character count. Wee, that's it.
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Prospect (2018)
A pleasant surprise
25 February 2024
I started watching the film without knowing anything about it beforehand. The first thing I paid attention to were the little details. I appreciated the attention to detail in the film; dirt, wear and tear. The budget of the film was obviously small. Against this background, I appreciate the fact that the small budget was nevertheless well spent.

The story itself is not particularly original, but you don't always have to invent something new. The most important thing is that the story is well told and technically well executed.

You could say that it was a kind of western film about the gold rush. All the elements were there. Greed, deceit, survival. The story was just taken into the future and into space.
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Light of My Life (I) (2019)
Nice little story
16 February 2024
Another post-apocalyptic film. But a quite decent one. I appreciated the slow-moving story and the power of the storytelling. Many criticized how the father was so prepared and the daughter so unprepared. However, they seem to forget what puberty and adolescence usually mean; questioning everything and feeling out of control of one's emotions. It's been a long time since I saw the film The Road. This probably reminded me a lot of that film. It wasn't a new idea by any means, but I thought the film was quite well made. A little story in a new world order. Nothing groundbreaking, but a nice little story.
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The Cry (I) (2018)
Consistent quality
16 February 2024
I almost stopped watching the series during the first episode. I'm tired of the constant time jumps and flashbacks. I know it's trendy, but when the same trend continues for years, it loses its effectiveness. It rarely anymore ads any value to a series or film. Fortunately, I was able to keep watching the series. The flashbacks became fewer and fewer over the course of the next episodes.

Overall, the series was of consistent quality. The actors were a little out of character, but that may have been the intention. Overall, it was about power, manipulation and control. A neat little well executed series. It wasn't the kind of series that leaves a lasting impression, but it was well made entertainment.

The only clear ambiguity for me was the bottles and why. The similarity of the mixture just seemed implausible because why. I won't go into it any further here because I don't want to write any spoilers.
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Old Dads (2023)
Badly misses opportunity
14 February 2024
The films general idea was good. That's where all the good stuff ended. The idea is not new, but the subject could have been made into a really good comedy, which at the same time would have taken a stand on various phenomena related to the subject. Instead, the film was childish and full of clichés, a "buddy comedy" There have been many similar films, and this one did not bring anything new to the genre. The film was also weak in its own genre. The jokes were simply boring and there was nothing insightful about them. This would have been just the subject matter that would have required insightful humour to really make a stand. What a waste...
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Des (2020)
Gave me lung cancer - worth it
14 February 2024
I don't know the backstory of the series, so I can't comment on how it relates to reality. I therefore assess the series as a purely entertaining and artistic work. The British are known for making quality drama, and this was no exception.

The series was well and seamlessly scripted and was able to keep the tension from start to finish. The staging and costumes were good. Above all, the actors gave great performances. David Tenant in particular gave a strong performance. The other actors were also credible in their roles. Compared to Hollywood, I like the fact that the actors look like their characters and not all of them are beautiful and handsome in the classical sense.

About the lung cancer - the amount of smoking! :D.
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A strong one
14 February 2024
I don't know the backstory of the series, so I can't comment on how it relates to reality. I therefore assess the series as a purely entertaining and artistic work.

The British are known for making quality drama, and this was no exception. The series was well and seamlessly scripted. The staging and costumes were good. Above all, the actors gave great performances. The series was able to keep the tension alive from start to finish. There was no unnecessary "idle time", but enough space was given for the characters to grow over the course of the series. I can highly recommend watching this series.
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I don't understand what many people didn't understand about this film
2 February 2024
I find it a little hard to understand the bad reviews of this film. Mainly I wonder about people's claims that the film is confusing and "all over the place".

The film was quite clear and proceeded in a straightforward and unfortunately predictable manner. It seems that many, apparently US viewers, do not know their own history. I will not start from here on the other side of the globe to teach you things about your own history that you should know. If you did, there would have been nothing confusing about this film.

It was a fairly standard spy film kind of film. It wasn't a bad film, but it was formulaic and somewhat predictable. It was, however, fairly entertaining film in its genre.
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Really amateurish series or eccentric series?
1 February 2024
When watching this series, one often wonders whether it is an exceptionally amateurish series or an eccentrically, good series. Just when you think you've found the answer, you have to change your mind again after a while. And Again and again.

The plot of the series is rather used. Nothing new there. It's more about the way it's done. Despite the initial faults, I ended up watching the whole series. Despite all its faults, it was entertaining. The series was also such that you could really expect anything from the next scene. This also made me want to keep watching.

The series had partly a weirdly good '80s synth soundscape. Unfortunately, this was not relied on enough, but was interspersed with traditional melodramatic piano thumping and strings. What a let down.

Series also featured the world's most picked door lock, the world's longest made tiny tattoo and the longest strangulation scene without death.
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Don't Worry Darling (I) (2022)
I like this genre, but...
27 January 2024
I've always loved books, series and films of this genre. This film was in the middle of the genre in terms of quality.

Somehow, though, I've recently started to become alienated from films of this genre. This is probably purely due to the fact that every film in this genre has exactly the same formula. The context changes, but the story is the same right to the end; utopia/dystopia, doubt, revelation, open ending.

Somehow, after a film or a book, you always feel disappointed, even if the ending is basically fine and the film is well made. I don't like everything being explained. An open ending is fine. But you can't repeat the same idea indefinitely. This genre needs a rebirth, something new and fresh.

I minus one star for the completely unnecessary action section at the end.
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The Strays (2023)
I don't understand what people didn't understand about this film
26 January 2024
The average score for this film does not give much value to the film. It is not a top film, but it is not as bad as the score suggests. It is a film of quite good quality.

There are a few inconsistencies and a bit too much happens in five days. Perhaps the main problem is too much underlining. Even when reading the reviews, many people did not seem to understand the basic message and meaning of the film. This is perhaps a little confusing, as the film was quite clear in all aspects. In its own way, it was elegantly and impressively made, but the basic messages were quite clear.

Another problem that the film may have had was that it was very average in every way. Stylishly made, but at the same time somewhat empty, although there were various themes and they were clearly brought out. This made it perhaps a little difficult to concentrate on the film in depth. Fortunately, the final scenes saved some.

All in all, the film was okay, but did not leave any lasting impressions.
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