
13 Reviews
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Avatar (2009)
overrated but definitely worth a watch
13 May 2010
So i was very reluctant to watch this film as i thought it was overrated- i was right. However, i loved it but i can see why it lost out at the Oscars to The Hurt Locker. it's a lovely film, very well done technically but it's nothing really new. i would recommend anyone to give it a go but don't expect to be too amazed with it. the way the audience build relationships with the characters is amazing though. i do hope there is a sequel as i would like to see how the story develops but i do feel had i seen it in 3D i would have appreciated the graphics a bit more than i did. some parts of it i found needed more explanation but it wasn't too vital to the storyline thankfully. Great film to escape into as you can't turn it off once it has started.
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Not too bad for a remake.
13 May 2010
Not so bad for a remake though nothing can beat the original. Surprisingly better than I thought it was going to be, and a fair few jumpy bits in it to. Whilst no one can ever really fill Englunds boots, Haley gave it his best shot. This Freddy wasn't as scary as the original, his face wasn't as bad and his voice was pretty weird; kinda like having a voice over from God. Nonetheless a worth while film to watch- whether it be in the Cinema or when it's out on DVD. A true horror fanatic would agree that original Freddy is far better. I would recommend this film to others, even those who aren't all that into the horror genre. Brilliant atmosphere within the audience- although I have no idea who has seen the original and who hasn't. 6/10 for best efforts but no one can replace original Freddy.
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2point4 Children (1991–1999)
4 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Typical 90's comedy, situational comedy similar to our modern day "My Family". Thatcher being the height of most political jokes, Bill (Belinda Lang) blames Thatcher for anything she can. "Bloody Thatcher" possibly shared with most of us. David the typical teenager, cutting up brains with bread knives, Jenny, the moody older teenage child, only interested in boys and more boys. Bill and Ben working as much as they can to keep their family afloat struggling within the economical climate of the early 90's. Granted the first two series were not as successful as the latter however, series 3 onwards is where it all kicks off with more laughs that i care to count. overall this show didn't get the best viewing times and they ought to have held on a bit longer. clearly they couldn't have carried on after Gary Olsen died but i think they should get rid of "catherine Tate" "the office" "little Britain" and bring back the classics!
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3 December 2009
in a word. boring. this film was none other than yet another internet hype of rubbish. it was so predictable and the cinema was sold out yet everyone was laughing at the movie- this supposedly "scariest film of the decade" it is 1hr 26 minutes i will never get back of my life. the last five minutes does however, contain a minor climax but if you're a horror fan you will see this coming a long way off. was a bad version of amityville meets poltergeist. if you want a laugh i recommend this movie as a must see but be warned the camera shots are sickly if you do get motion sickness. however, if you enjoyed blair witch project this film may be for you. the combination of an unseen force and hand held low budget camera does give a good effect- shame the storyline in itself wasn't up to much. sequel? i hope not.
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musical marvel
2 December 2009
how much better can a film be? Ray Charles, John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd, Aretha Franklin, James Brown, John Candy, Tom Malone, Cab Calloway- need i name more? Absolutely amazing, the plot, the cast, the soundtrack- EVERYTHING! Best car chase ever!

Their music, humour and action leaves a now cult classic which is the blues brothers, never to be missed.

Along side the film itself is the most fantastic soundtrack to accompany the love of the film. Even their rendition of Stand by your Man!

They are on a mission from God and nothing or no one will stop them- not even the Illinois Nazi Party, Carrie Fisher or the police.

Recommend it to everyone.
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bloody marvelous
2 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I was sceptical of the storyline however, I felt it was greatly acted and the plot on a whole was unique (although it be a remake). The 3D effect was amazing and I felt this really complimented this film. The pick axe flying towards you in a cinema is hilarious if you're on the back row watching the ones at the front.

Even if the film in itself doesn't scare you- which it didn't for me. Watching it in 3D will make it worth the watch. To have eyes sitting on your knee is weird but amazing.

I hope they continue horror in 3D

DVD version, however, the 3D effect is hard to make out.
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love it, it's my favourite
17 September 2007
i loved this movie as a kid and always preferred it to mary poppins, when i was about 13 i decided to watch it again and i fell in love with it for a 2nd time and haven't stopped watching it since. its a nice story for everyone with an imagination. clearly because it's fantasy you know everything will turn out OK in the end but either way i love it and will recommend it to anyone of any ages. the stage production is unmissable too. the soundtrack to this movie is enjoyable and no one can hate it, sing-along or simply listen your choice. the car in real life is fantastic to look at too. for a 1968 film with not a lot of special FX like we have now the film is a masterpiece and will be forever more.
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Child's Play (1988)
17 September 2007
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i loved this as a comedy not as a horror. the props changed so often you could do nothing but laugh at their expense. i especially liked the bit where chucky threw a plastic hammer at the woman and she fell out of the window and died. i suppose you could think this was a realistic film seeing as how nowadays you can get freaky toys that move and talk. if you want a good laugh watch the bride of chucky and pay attention to what they say when having sex it's great. this is the prime example of a horror-comedy. try it you will laugh. in my opinion one of the best failed horror movies that reinvented itself as a comedy. true comedy with lots of violence
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The Grudge (2004)
so boring i fell asleep
17 September 2007
this movie was recommended to me as being really scary- it is not. OK the Japanese original may be scary but this certainly is not to add to the disappointment of the non-scariness this movie has an appallingly bad story line which will guarantee you to sleep with no extra sleeping pills required for those insomniacs. not once did i jump at anything in this movie. if you want a good movie try 1408 or boo this really isn't worth watching at all whatsoever, you will regret it and it'l be 2 hours of your life you'll never see again. there's is no point to this story at all it is left unexplained as to why it all happens. why there was a sequel is beyond me.
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Hostel (2005)
absolutely fantastic
16 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
i must admit i wasn't looking forward to seeing this however, my initial judgement was wrong and this is a very good movie on the whole. I'm not a fan of gore usually but this made me change my opinion. i especially liked the bit where the guy chops Paxton's fingers off, goes to get the chainsaw and slips on the fingers and cuts himself in half. for a modern day movie this was fantastic i'd recommend it to anyone on top of a good cast and realism there is a great soundtrack including Slovakian music. also the fact that this could happen, its not aliens, monsters or vampires it could be true. granted Slovakia isn't the 1st place on your list to go to after you've seen this but it deserves a lot of credit.
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90mins of my life i'll never see again
16 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
seriously avoid this movie like the plague skip to the 3rd one.

you don't need the 2nd one to understand any of them it was a total waste of time making it. i'd rather bang my head against a wall for a hr as it would be less painful and more entertaining.

it wasn't bad enough to laugh at just cry because someone thought this was a good idea, seriously it's not at all whatsoever. the acting was bad too. freddy didn't do his running. he became real not just in dreams he was a total mess and uncoordinated. i think people forgot he's not meant to be real.

not scary not funny not worth watching that's all i have to say
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Boo (2005)
1 in 57
16 September 2007
this movie was the only 1 in 57 horror movies i watched over the last year that scared me. my list includes the grudge, exorcist, omen, most common ones that people are scared of in any way shape or form whether this be jumping or true-to-life horror and many more. this movie deserves to be watched the only thing i will say it the beginning puts you off, you kinda think it's going to be another scream but it's not. the title "boo" also doesn't make you think horror it implies comedy-horror. it is not. not once did i laugh. i didn't move an inch all the way through 35mins in i wanted to stop- i wasn't watching this alone either. best thing to do is imagine you're there stuck in a haunted hospital on a mental ward trapped with no way out. give it a go n don't miss the hole in the wall
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13 September 2007
lots of gore, really good movie, puts you off Slovakia. better than 1st one not really scary but makes you cringe. it's worth seeing i can't wait for the DVD. i'm a total horror freak and i'd recommend this to anyone. it's great. this one is in reverse to the 1st one in that girls get slaughtered not guys. the other great thing about this which would make you react is the fact that it could happen, it's not unrealistic but it's not for the faint. it was commented that in the 1st one someone had a heart attack whilst watching it at the cinema because it was so gory, lots of people vomited. go watch it you shouldn't be disappointed.
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