
18 Reviews
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Badlapur (2015)
A unique, dark, surreal revenge thriller with some flaws, but with great performances throughout. (Spoiler of all the violent content in the movie)
22 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
What a tough film Badlapur is to rate. It's pretty good, but not as great as many reviewers on here have said. It shares various similarities with South Korean classics The Man from Nowhere and I Saw the Devil, but is not nearly as good or as violent as they are, even though it was advertised as such.

The film's pacing/length has positives and negatives. The whole movie lasts just 123 minutes, or slightly over two hours long. Refreshingly, all the songs combined take up less than ten minutes of the movie. There is no dancing of any kind during any of the songs, barring Huma Qureshi's stripper song. Still, the pacing is off. The first ten minutes move at a brisk pace, but the final 30 minutes before the intermission seems to take forever.

Anyways, what can be said about this movie that nobody else has mentioned, in 1,000 words or less? Well, how about the adult content? Unlike the other reviews, this one consists of all the adult content that is in the movie.

As far as the violence and adult content goes, well, it is there. It's nowhere near as gritty or abundant as expected, but it is there. To be precise, there are three murders, a child's death, two sex scenes (neither is graphic), and barely any language.

As for the violent scenes, all of them are in the trailer. The first one takes place in the opening minutes, after Nawazuddin Siddiqui and Vinay Pathak's characters kidnap Yami Gautam and her son. The son falls out of an open door, and Gautam's character is shot once, just moments after, by Siddiqui.

The two notorious hammer scenes involve Vinay Pathak's character, and his wife. The wife (Apte) gets coerced to shower by Dhawan while Pathak is away. When she exits the bathroom, she sees the bedroom covered in plastic. She is then struck one time on the side of her head with a hammer, and the result is the goriest moment of the movie. That's the first scene of the trailer, and the strike is also shown in the trailer.

The second hammer scene is the one in which Dhawan's character is seen repeatedly hammering a character, while screaming. That happens after Pathak's character arrives home, sees Dhawan's character in a chair, is told that the wife is in the bedroom, sees the horrifying scene. But, the most disturbing scene in the movie take's place before that.

After Pathak's character heads to the bedroom and sees his wife in a near vegetative state, bloodied and on the ground, he goes to her, screams her name, and cries as he kneels over to her body. She's still alive, but when he tries to call for an ambulance, Dhawan snatches the phone away from him. As he does this, Dhawan tell's Pathak about how an ambulance came to save his own wife, and how they tried everything. Then, he pushes Pathak, telling him that his wife still died.

Seconds later, as Pathak continues to cry out his wife's name, she tries to say his name. But, her body is still. Her face is still, her mouth barely moves, she struggles to breathe, and cannot see him. Dhawan tells Pathak that his own wife was also calling out his name, fifteen years back, but she couldn't see him. Then, she died.

The moment Dhawan finishes talking, Pathak's wife dies. Pathak shrieks with grief, as Dhawan pulls out his hammer. Pathak's character jumps at Dhawan, who stops him and smashes him with a hammer. Pathak falls onto the plastic-covered bed face first, as Dhawan bellows devilishly, while striking Pathak with the hammer several times, with blood splattering on his face and shirt. The scenes all take place 85-90 minutes into the film, and will likely go down, along with the rape scene, as the most memorable scenes from the movie.

The two other violent scenes involve Nawazuddin Siddiqui. Aside from the scene where he kills Yami Gautam, he stabs a prisoner in the face. Then in the final 20 minutes, he tries to strangle Dhawan, but fails to kill him. He gets his butt kicked, and is eventually knocked out.

As for the sex scenes, the first one is a rape. In it, Jhimli, a prostitute played by Huma Qureshi, gets raped by Raghu (Dhawan). The act lasts only ten seconds, but it marks the moment when his character undergoes its dark transformation.

The other scene is between Nawazuddin Siddiqui & a prostitute named Imli, but it's irrelevant to the story. The only other sensual scene is the kiss between Varun Dhawan & Divya Dutta, which was also shown in the trailer.

Performance wise, everyone is great, The best by far was Siddiqui, who always seems to shine in these roles. Qureshi did the next best job, and everyone else was terrific.

The surprise, of course, was Varun Dhawan. To me, he came off as perfect in this role. I find his usual persona annoying. Well, it lasts less than three minutes in this movie. It is all dark from there, and he shines. His transformation allows viewers to reflect on who his character was, and what he has now become. His voice betrays him at times, but he manages it well. I'll give him a B.

In summary, Badlapur is as the headline says. It is bizarre, dark, surreal, and somewhat flawed. But, Raghavan's direction is very good, and the performances are terrific. It also sends a notable message: vengeance will not alway result in satisfaction. I would go on, but I've reached the word limit.

Verdict: 7 or 8 out of 10. Worth watching, mostly for the performances.
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Fukrey (2013)
Short, confusing and HILARIOUS!!!
22 June 2013
My family wanted to go to the theatres this weekend and I had to go. They all went to watch the horrendously boring Ye Jawaani Hai Deewani, but I chose to watch this because of all the rave reviews. Let me tell you, the other reviews were correct!

I can't remember any scenes except for a few funny ones, nor do I know any of the actors in this. The plot was wack, and the songs were meh. But, the film was undoubtedly hilarious. There are funny lines, funny situations, and funny actions.

This film is exactly what you want to watch if you want incredible hilarity for 2 hours. You'll go home happy, and you're senses will be soothed. I'll give it an 8/10, worthy of watching in theatres and a few more times later, because it will be just as funny.
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The CONSUMMATE action movie-Great humor, epic homages, gritty style and high octane action with a dose of emotion.
4 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Seeing how there have been over 300 review of this film on here to date, I won't make this review a long one. This masterpiece is simply GREAT. The beginning and end are loaded with incredibly gratuitous action, with a notable amount mixed in. The humor is terrific. The best thing about this film, however, are the direct homages.

Bruce Willis was just like Mcclaine, Arnold like the Terminator, and Van Damme like the pure badass he once was. They all get a rebirth in this KING of all action movies. None of those, however, match up with the pure glee all action fans got from the Chuck Norris moments. From his entrance scene, to the Norris joke references, and all the moments he got to unleash hell. This is what we were expecting from the 1st film(which was also terrific), but it's great that we get it now. I could add more, but this is good enough.

While there will never be an action film that consists of as much epicness overall, I sure hope there's more coming, because these movies are better than any of the other rehashed superhero junk Hollywood is spewing out . I've seen it about 10 times, and for each viewing, I must give this gem a 10/10.
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Terrific when you first watch it. Even better when you watch it again after 13 years!
12 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
What can I say this movie is terrific. There is suspense, comedy, action, and even some horror! I know that it is probably a remake, but then again, just about everything is ultimately a remake. All the main actors and supporting casts are fantastic. Kajol shines as the villain, as does Manisha, both looked sexy and Deol is better than usual. Om Puri was legendary as always. This movie has more than enough action, but the comedy was surprisingly actually funny! The poetry by the lawyer was the peak of all the humor. Everyone has already praised the other aspects of this film, so I wont elaborate on all of them. The music, which is universally acclaimed, deserves all of its accolades. "Duniya Haseeno Ka Mela", "Mere Khwabon Mein Tu", and my personal favorite "Yeh Pyaar Kya Hai" are extremely well known, but the other songs are also great, thus placing the late great Anand Bakshi's soundtrack amongst the best of the generation. Oh, and did I say Manisha looked sexier in this than in any otther movie? Because that is true. Ultimately a great film that stands the test of time. 10/10.
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Outsourced (2010–2011)
A truly funny show, full of heart, that gives fairly accurate insight into Indian Culture.
6 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start out by saying that I have grown up within a subculture of the Indian culture. I grew up eating Indian food, watching Bollywood films, and listening to Indian songs. As time has gone on, I have gotten myself further immersed within American culture, and this show allows me to maintain a fair balance between the two.

The show features a consistent load of laughter. I laugh over ten times per episode, and explode hysterically at least twice. Each character gets its moments, and has a chance to be funny in their own way. It allows the viewer to gain knowledge of the main character's backgrounds, and actually makes you care for them.

Sure, the show is a bit risqué, but I feel as if this is mainly to lure in mostly American viewers. This is the first show I can recall which attempts to make American society understand some of the basics of the rich Indian culture. I enjoy it when I hear songs being put into certain scenes, and it greatly enhances those moments.

This show has greatly improved as it has gone on. It seems more polished now than it once was. Each main character's background has been shown, and the comedy has also increased. The past few episodes have incited more laughter than most of the previous ones. All in all, this show has the makings of a great one.

Unfortunately, it seems as though cancellation is ultimately imminent. After watching last night's gem, and knowing that next week is the season is the "season" finale, it seems as if the producers are acknowledged and ready for it. The show's heart, enthusiasm, and humor was more ever present than ever before. It's as if they know their future is still in a limbo, so they are balancing out the playing field. They are bringing out the best they've got, so as to hopefully garner a renewal, or patch up the loose ends before a possible cancellation.

At the end of the day, I must say this show is rather phenomenal. The characters, cinematography and script are amazing, and each of these characters provide a rather authentic look into a typical Indian calling center and Indian Culture. Whether or not it appeals to most Americans I do not know, but it definitely entertains those who are familiar with Indian culture.

I love comedy, and watch ABC's Wednesday and Thursday's NBC comedy blocks every week. This show is the main reason why I prefer NBC Thursday over the previous choice. Each show, except the 8:30/7:30 slot, is great in its own way. Community is awesome and is great for young adults, The Office appeals to everybody, and 30 Rock/Parks and Rec have their own distinct audiences. Well so does this one. It is truly awesome, and should either be renewed, or picked up by another station immediately upon cancellation. I would say more, but it would be rather redundant stuff. 10/10
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The Hot Chick (2002)
Hilarious movie-when you're HIGH!!!
10 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Last night, myself and a couple of friends were having a good time. It was late at night, and everybody was tired, but no one wanted to sleep, so we turned on the television, and watched this. I had seen this movie when it first came out with my family, and was too young to understand anything. Then again, that was over 7 years ago. To brain-dead to think otherwise, I saw it. From beginning to end, we were laughing our butts off!

All I remember is that Adam Sandler had a cameo, there were some penis and fart jokes, Ana Faris looked extremely hot, and slapstick was extremely frequent. In terms of regular, good old comedies, this probably doesn't fit. However, when you're mind is somewhere else, this film really works!

I would like to see it sober, but I am afraid I will likely abhor it. I love all films, and consider myself a film buff. I watch new films at the cinema the day or weekend they come out, and I usually agree with the critics. This film was panned, and I would likely also dislike it. However, I cannot forget the extreme laughter my crew and I experienced, during what were likely lame, slapstick moments. Nor can I let go of the strong emotions some of us felt during the "emotional" parts. Therefore, I shall treasure it for what it is:a treat for high or drunk people, though probably not so good for regular audiences.
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The Town (2010)
An exceptionally thrilling, well made crime drama that really works.
13 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I got a chance to see this film at a free screening earlier tonight, and all I could say was, nothing. My mind was sufficiently blown away, and mixed emotions coursed through my body. This film honestly lived up to its hype, a feat so few films have achieved recently besides Avatar and Inception. As we all know, the plot revolves around Doug MacRay(Affleck), the ringleader of a group of bank robbers. In the first scene of the film, he and his men rob a bank, and kidnap the bank manager Claire(Hall). They let her go free, but she remains traumatized from that moment on, with her only clue as to the identity of her kidnappers being a tattoo behind James Coughlin's(Renner) neck. She is visibly shaken when inquired by Special Agent Adam Frawley(Hamm), and ultimately breaks down in front of Macray at the laundromat, where he comforts her, while falling for her as time goes on. Ultimately, the plot thickens, as MacRay goes through his tumultuous relationships with Coughlin and his sister(Lively), his own father, and Claire, while continuing heists and evading agent Frawley. It is a rather well developed plot, albeit not completely original, but that is far from the movie's shining points. First off, the main characters are very well developed. Renner does a great job as Affleck's best friend and second in command. He reflects his role as flawlessly as any actor can. Rebecca Hall displays a fine performance, showing us yet again how great an actress she can be. Affleck, who has been trashed by many over the years, had been slowly regaining a good reputation amongst the masses, receiving good reviews for his performances as a supporting actor in Extract and State of play. As the main character in The Town, he has managed to show us that his acting and directing skills have not diminished much from the time he gifted us with Good Will Hunting. Even Blake Lively delivers a mature performance, proving that she has indeed fruited into a good actress since her days in Gossip Girl. The best performance, however, was from none other than Mr Don Draper himself, John Hamm. He proves to us that his acting is better than just television-worthy. His luring charisma and brutally honest dialogue is good enough to get him an Oscar nod for sure, and may likely do for him and Mad Men what 40-Year Old Virgin did for Steve Carrell and The Office: Get a great show the audience it truly deserves, and turn the actor into a Hollywood star. There are two non-graphic sex scenes(one involving Hall and Affleck, the with Lively and Affleck), and only three heist scenes(the opening bank scene, the hilarious and action packed heist involving the nun masks seen in trailers, and the concluding Fenway Park heist). The action scenes are few and limited, but are all great, especially the one at Fenway park. However, the heist scenes, as well as other violent scenes, regardless of their great impact and sheer brilliance, come remotely close to the brutality of the masterful dialogue of this gem of a film. Each main character gets their own fair share, but the two that stab our hearts with the most powerful thrusts are the ones from Peter Postlethwaite, who plays Affleck's boss, and Chris Cooper in his lone scene in jail as Affleck's father. Both have to do with the way his mother "left" him. Though I have already spoiled many aspects of the film, I cannot spoil those two dialogue sequences. They are both equally cringe-inducing and tear jerking, and you'll easily be able to identify them, not only through your ears, but by the pain your heart goes through. The dialogue is like a SAW trap: It is a hammer that will pound you relentlessly until your are as close to keeling over as possible. The film may sound very grim, which it is, but there is loads of humor in it, too. Most of it is dark and unexpected, due to the irony of the situations, such as some of Hamm and Lively's confrontations, Affleck's conversation with Hall at the laundromat about her kidnappers, the scene where Affleck and Renner talk about Hall, and when they beat up her tormentors and their brief dialogue before that. The funniest moment was by far and away the moment where the robbers, dressed in nun masks, are seen changing and driving by a police officer after the robbery, when he stares at them and does nothing. It should be noted that this film isn't for minors, due to its heavy use of the f-word, amongst other things. It isn't the love story that most have rendered it to be. The romance is yet another subplot to the drama and thrills this movie induces amongst its viewers. This film can definitely clinch at least a few Oscar noms for screenplay, writing, supporting actor, director, film, and should win for screenplay, due to the sharp dialogue which wickedly cuts into you, seeps into you, and rips you to shreds. A perfect film. 10/10

For those of you who want to write your own review for the film, here are a few suggested summaries:Exceptional; Affleck's Redemption; the best film of the year.
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Raajneeti (2010)
A terrific modern day version of Mahabharata with bits & pieces of Godfather, Sonia Gandhi's story, and the filthy, gritty dark side of politics.
4 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This film is undoubtedly a modernization of Mahabharat, as many reviewers have previously stated. Each of its main characters can be classified as a figure of the epic saga. The most obvious example would be Karna, a performance executed flawlessly by Ajay Devgan. From being sent away, to showing his power, to being rejected by all but Duryodhana, played by Manoj Bajpai, to committing hideous acts, meeting his mother, and ultimately sticking with his pal until the end. The roles of Yudhishtira/Draupadi- everything happens around her, yet she remains strong and ultimately wins. Arjun Rampal plays Bheema in a way, due to his dismissive and powerful demeanor, and the will to go to all lengths to achieve his goals. The main character of Ranbir Kapoor represents Krishna's manipulative nature but also Arjun, the fighter. He fights hard in the war, but doesn't go for the kill until Sarah(who in a twisted way resembles Abhimanyu's role) dies. The grandfather who dies at the end is like Bheeshma, while Nana Patekar is like Shakuni/Vidhur. The best job was done by Ajay Devgan as Sooraj, in my mind. The film does have it's flaws, but overall succeeds in showcasing the dark side of politics through a re-imagination of Mahabharat. Therefore, though not as ethical, Rajneeti is undoubtedly a modern version of Mahabharata. While some moviegoers have thought of this in a negative manner, I wholeheartedly respect and accept Mr. Jha's offering. The Godfather is also resembled here, due to it's themes of power, etc. Many people view the story around Katrina Kaif as identical to that of Sonia Gandhi. The film also defines just how dirty politics can get, especially in India. The songs are okay, and the film would have likely been better if it was original, but the great acting by the entire cast and Jha's direction give this  film a lot of merit, enough to recommend this to anyone who enjoy the Mahabharata, politics, and can accept the sexual scenes. 8/10-from a Mahabharat fan.
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A typical romcom with absolutely nothing to offer.
1 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
My oh my! What a dreadful experience this was! Karan Johar really screwed up with this one! He may not be a great director, but he knows what audiences want, and he utterly fails with this pathetic excuse for a film. It is nothing but your typical romantic comedy, loaded with cheesy dialogue, messy screenplay, and virtually no jokes. The outline is simple: guy hates love stories, girl loves them, they fall in love, etc. But Johar wants to make his film even more despicable, so he gives the girl a "perfect" boyfriend whom she doesn't appreciate and falls for the guy who doesn't love her. When he does, it's too late- or is it? Add in large plot holes and a laugh-less script and you have I Hate Luv Storys. This movie comes out tomorrow, but I had a chance to watch it a day earlier, a decision a wholly regret. it can't even be.put in the same ranks as other futile attempts at romantic comedy! Sonam Kapoor isn't hot, and Imran Khan couldn't act if his life depended on it. I give it a 2/10 only for a few decent moments and a slightly bearable soundtrack. I would say more, but I'd hate to give this piece of Desi trash any more press, regardless of how negative it is.

2/10-exemplifies just why Bollywood is going down the dump.
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The years first and perhaps funniest blockbuster.
24 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Phenomenal. Simply phenomenal. I just got back from a screening for this movie and I must say I had the time of my life! Never before have I laughed so hard that I had to eventually both pant and cry in between them. The story is simple: 3 old friends and a nephew meet up after one of them contemplates suicide. Wanting to renew the spark of their friendship, the 3 friends(Robinson, Corrdry, and Cusack and his nephew) decide to visit the place they had some of their best times. They get there, and it is a dump. They go to the hot tub, which seems dirty, but suddenly rejuvenates itself. They jump in, get wasted, and Corrdry's banned drink spills on the heater, thus resulting in the time travel. While chaos does ensue, so does hilarity. Gags are plentiful and cringe worthy, such as the opening scene, the soap scene in the bathroom, etc. Nudity is scarce(only 1 female scene). All the characters did well, especially the main cast. Cusack was okay, & Robinson had his scenes from the trailer, as well as the "cheating" scenes. But, there is now doubt as to who is the star of this one folks. From the to the bathroom soap scene, and Motley Lue, Rob Corrdry stole the show. This is by far his best and funniest role thus far in a promising career. My favorite scenes are when he makes the suicide joke and removes the urine tube, as well as the things I listed above. But, the overall funniest moments were when Rob and John's sister are having fun while John and Craig listen from outside, knowing the outcome, and when Craig speaks fake Russian. There are more, but that's all I will share. The movie is also somewhat sentimental, with friendship as the central motif. It also reflects some of the perks as well as negative aspects of the 1980s. I just left the theater, and want to write down my main thoughts of the movie, so I did skip some aspects of the film. All in all, a thorough raunchy laugh fest which you will definitely enjoy. 10/10
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Avatar (2009)
Cameron's return to greatness; One of the best cinematic experiences in modern film history.
18 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
In 1984, he gave us a groundbreaking futuristic thriller in The Terminator. Thirteen years later he gave us the high grossing romantic period piece Titanic. Prior to that, he had the vision for the sheer beauty and amazement of his newest masterpiece, Avatar.

I'm sure everyone knew to expect great visuals throughout the movie, but not nearly as much as this. James Camerons new world of Pandora showcases a vast amount of how creatively the mind of this genius works, and why technology couldn't represent it properly until now. Every single detail is carved in such a way that you are left with an abundance of awe from just a quick glance upon the vividly lush screen.

Though most films with an abundance of CGI and effects often overlook the acting in the film, Avatar even refuses to make that cliché. Sigourney Weaver is as great as she always is, and simply adds to her accomplishments. Sam Worthington has the perfectly roguish mentality that makes him the perfect choice for the primary role, and Zoe Saldana has made a career for herself this year alone, with her success in Star Trek over the summer and exemplifies her gifted talents with a powerful role here. Th most surprising role in my eyes, however, was that of Michelle Rodriguez as the pilot. For the first time, not only is she given a role that suits her, but she manages to showcase just how good an actress she can be with the right role.

While this movie does have its haters, and will obviously continue to do so, one of the most repeated criticisms of Avatar is that it is simply a superfluous futuristic version of Dances with Wolves. I wouldn't necessarily disagree, but do consider this a better film. While the two do have several similarities, the raw emotion infused with grade A technology simply magnify the drama of the plot to an infinite degree. While it is clearly a depiction of the story of American Indians, their life, infiltration, and ultimate loss of home and identity, the obscure version of this tale makes it more impactful on ones mind.

The wordplay involved within the film deserves its own applause. From the mineral being called "unobtanium", to the name of the planet being "Pandora", the foreshadowing of these words just continues to add to the depth of the movie.

Despite the fact that I have seen several dramatic, historical, futuristic and action films, I simply cannot recall a better combination of each of these major genres, with humor and emotion in my lifetime. It has been a while, both since Cameron has released a new film an I have anticipated a movie for so long( 3+ years), and both waits were undoubtedly worth it. It also borrows from films such as Dances with Wolves and District 9.

Ultimately, Cameron's lesson is perfectly taught, his vision is fully showcased, and this legendary film is undoubtedly a prime candidate for one of the best overall cinematic viewing experiences in modern film history, from visuals to storyline and its telling, along with fine acting and sheer brilliance.

A great tale of epic proportions from a directorial mastermind that can match the levels of Scorcese and Welles. 10/10.
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This Is It (2009)
Beautiful and picturesque; An essential tribute and terrific conclusion to a glorious era.
30 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was excellent. I am a young Michael Jackson fan, yet I have all his albums. This film showcases the exceptional skills he possessed, and the ambition he had for this concert. It may have never happened, yet this film made you understand just how grand it would have been. The songs are great, each of them sung in full. The best part was Thriller in 3D. I want to say more, but too many thoughts are in my head about this film and I do not have much time to write this review. I would tell you more about it, but think its best if you experience this masterpiece for yourself.

Ultimately, an excellent tribute to a worldwide icon-10/10.
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Whip It (2009)
Like a revised version of Juno-from the creative mind of Drew Barrymore.
2 October 2009
I just saw the film today, and I must say that I walked out pretty delighted. This is yet another excellent film that uses the talents of Ellen Page, and manages to maximize them. It is pretty funny at times, but the drama is terrific. It is not faux or fabricated, or formulaic, but seemingly real and recognizeable. All the roles were played out extremely well, with the excellent Ellen Page leading the way. Shockingly though, the one other person who really stood out to me was Kristen Wiig as Maggie Mayhem, playing her most refreshing role yet. Of course, all the credit in the world goes out to Drew Barrymore, whose directorial debut is a truly solid one. Throughout the film, it seemed as if it was her life story in an alternate universe, filled with, comedy, drama, adversity, adventure, and pure Bliss at the end.

I have more to say, but cant piece it all together just yet. A solid film-kind of like a revised version of Juno, with themes such as different central issue, feminine growth, parent/child conflicts, friendship, self-confidence, and ultimate triumph, all from the creative mind of Drew Barrymore. 10/10
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Great film. Best horror 3D usage ever!
28 August 2009
This was a pretty darn good movie. Even if it is the fourth film in the set, it still manages to bring the same essence that led the first one to nearly become a classic, and succeeds. The acting was okay, but definitely good for a film of this sort. Of course, the thing that sets this one apart from the others is the 3D aspect to it. This film used it as much as it could to its fullest extent, without ever going too overboard with it. The deaths were still pretty creative, and some even paid homage to older ones. When people say that they saw the whole film in the trailers, they aren't even close to right. Sure, they saw some POSSIBLE deaths, but the atmosphere that surrounds you in the theatres in 3D is so exceedingly thrilling that you definitely feel uneasy as you drive home. I would write more, but am kind of exhausted, and way too-overthrilled to say anything more at the moment, at the risk of offending this movie. It was on my top 3 to see this summer, and succeeded.

SEE IN 3D!!!
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An excellent and welcome addition to the Ice Age franchise
21 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this film earlier today, since it was a sneak preview, and I must say, it was fabulous! When I first heard about the sneak preview, I actually had some doubts about whether to go or not. I recently went to a sneak preview of the proposal, which wasn't half bad, but the theater wasn't even half full!!! when i got into this one, all but the fist two rows were completely full! Still i got a great seat. As for the movie, it was great. All the characters had their fair share of laughs, and they all were equally great! The story revolves around change: Manny and Ellie are together, she is pregnant, Diego wants to move on, and Sid wants to belong and have a family. In order to attain his goal, he goes to look for some friends, but falls through a sheet of ice in the process. He then sees three eggs which turn out to be dinosaur eggs, and believes that they were abandoned. He takes them, and chaos ensues. I would reveal more of the plot, but that could take hours! It may seem like a thin plot if you haven't seen the movie or read the script, but once you do, you will realize just how dense the storyline really is. The cinematography is spectacular, the pop culture references(past and present) are very creative, and the addition of real d 3D just adds more to the film: it is perhaps the best 3D I've seen! Also, all the characters, as said earlier, are also great, but new additions, such as the dinosaurs, and of course Simon Pegg as Buck, are also very funny. There is also times where some of the jokes from Manny seem like the material that made Ray Romano a household name! However, the tie that binds the movie together is the emphasis on the main theme-family and friendship. There are some very dramatic scenarios that display them throughout the movie, and even allow you to feel like you can relate. Since most triquels like Shrek the Third and Spiderman 3 are considered to be clunkers, this will surely be a breath of fresh air to the sub-genre, and is definitely worthy of being an addition to the Ice Age trilogy. A must see in 3D!!! 9/10
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Star Trek (2009)
A modern marvel-the epitome of summer blockbuster!!!
9 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Bottom line: Words cannot possibly explain the magnitude of perfection of this movie. Let me start off by saying that i am not a fan of the show, and have not seen an episode. When i first saw the previews, i was stopped dead in my tracks and decided to make it one of my top 5 or ten of movies to see over this summer. i expected a decent movie, and had fairly average expectations for it. When i went to see it yesterday, i was simply BLOWN AWAY!!! The movie has everything you could ask for in a single film-its has drama, it has emotion, the comedy is spectacular, and of course the action is top notch!!! Chris Pine obviously did more than a reasonable job as Captain James T. Kirk, and Zachary Quinto was superb as Spock-the one character that just about everyone who knows anything about star trek has at least heard of. John Cho, Zoe Saldana and Bruce Greenwood all did well also. There are, however, four people who really, really need to be praised for their roles in this spectacular film, starting with the always respectable Simon Pegg, who surprisingly has perhaps his greatest, funniest, and perhaps the most respectable role thus far in his young acting career, and was a perfect fit for providing much of the comic relief of the film. Secondly, Leonard Nimoy, who is often bowed down upon as the original Spock, does a fantastic job in a surprising role in this movie, and only garners more praise in doing so. Thirdly, is the most unexpected acting role in the film, and is that of Nero, the villain in the movie portrayed spectacularly by the hardly recognizable Eric Bana, who clearly showcased as much of a surprising and unexpected performance as that of Jeffery Dean Morgan in Watchmen, and obviously deserved more screen time. However, the one person who CLEARLY immortalized his name into Hollywood is none other than JJ Abrams himself, who co-wrote, directed, and produced this visual and mental spectacle. He did what no director has ever been able to do with a movie adapted from a TV series or a comic book before:not only did he rejuvenate the series, gather more fans for it, and make the majority of trekkies proud, but he did it with a rather unknown cast. He knew the risk he was taking, but ultimately he lived up to much, much more than anyone's expectations. This movie is so great that, it even got a 95% on rotten tomatoes, which is fairly close to unthinkable!!Some people have thought about possibly seeing it online off a torrent, but let me tell you, the SOUND AND VISUAL EFFECTS ARE SIMPLY BREATH-taking, and actually contribute more to the story than solely for just entertainment purposes, and should be mandated to be seen in theaters!!! It is worth any ticket price, and if you are a fan of comedy, action, sci-fi, drama, or all of these genres, then this is a movie for YOU!!! While there will be several expected blockbusters to be released in theaters this summer, such as the already released and enjoyable Wolverine, Angels and demons, Terminator Salvations, Land of the Lost, Up, Nam2, Pelham 123, Year one, Transformers 2, Ice Age 3,Public Enemies, Harry Potter 6, Funny People, GI Joe, Inglorious Bastards, Final Destination 3D and many more, this is clearly looking like one of the best of them all!!! A must see, and the EPITOME OF SUMMER BLOCKBUSTERS-past, present, and soon to come!!
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better than expected
4 March 2009
this show really isn't that bad. honestly, when i found out that Leno would be"moving", Conan would take over the tonight show, i wasn't too happy. i only felt worse when i found out that Fallon would take over Late Night! However, i did give the show a try. while his first show, last night, wasn't anywhere near great, it was definitely acceptable for a pilot. however, when tuning in to his second show, things seemed drastically different-he was calmer more creative, collected, and actually fairly funny! trust me, i am not a big fan of Fallon, or the roots. however, the show is drastically improving, and while i still prefer Craig, Conan, letterman, and Leno over him, he is still pretty impressive for a newcomer. and trust me, i know he did the weekend update. KEYWORD:END!! that means he had a full week to get prepared, and not half a day!!! so, give the guy a break, a chance, and watch him for a while(not for years, which is how long it took Conan to reach his potential), and then judge him. it will definitely be very good after some time, but for now, it is definitely acceptable. 6.8/10
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Sex Drive (2008)
Worth $5, bot probably not $10
12 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Well, I had been looking forward to this movie for quite a while, and i went to see it on its opening night. Yes, it was charming, and equally hilarious. Sure, the Donut costume made me laugh my arse off, there was only one thing that kept me from leaving at the end filled with disappointment, and that is Seth green. I gotta say, i haven't seen him much but he sure is hilarious, and the Amish character just made me respect him a lot more for his comedic genius!!! zuckerman was cool, Clark duke was deserves an honorable recognition, and Crew just looked sensational!!! Of course, being a guy, i feel the scene at the stage when the dancers were changing was spectacular!! All in all, if you are between the ages of 13-30, and like sex comedies without the raunch, and heart stepping in, u will like this movie. if not, go save your money and wait for the rental, or go to the matinée show to save money like i did.
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