
11 Reviews
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Kill Switch (I) (2017)
Very intersting, but needs some attention when watching
17 February 2024
I saw it last night, but frankly not very engaged. It run on one channel where the entertainment is Asylum style. I like the Asylum style, it switch the head off, very successfully. But "Kill switch" is very different and suppose "some" attention. I would say, this is a contemporary stuff, very contemporary and no entertaintment at all, it is serious about what going on. Two worlds, the same worlds, but mirrored. In the first they made some invention to suck an energy from the second (world), safe, cheap and forever. Sounds familiar? Yes, indeed. I would recommend to watch it. And think, it is that, what we want? In which of both worlds we are?
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Tenet (2020)
Interesting very poor movie
27 March 2022
Interesting because it is the climax of some decadent times when one now could be wonder, how it was possible. I read the reviews hier, some mentioned the bad script and "the strange actors choice". Well, that is true, but the more interesting question ist, why it was so bad?

I am afraid, I was not allowed to say why it and this is a main issue. I would say, the choice was ordered.

I am ashamed, I could give one star to that oeuvre, if I remember which much better movies was given the same by me.

I must confess, I could watch the movie the first five minutes but I gave it another hour without following what happened, simply because it happened nothing. Much cliché about nothing.
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Limitless (I) (2011)
Better went to sleep in (real) bed
10 June 2012
I saw that film till the very end. I'd better go to sleep before it starts. But I was prepared for the worse and I had some time to be spent somehow. Well, if i didn't saw it, it was exactly the same but now I'm writing this review.

I think it have to be some kind of autobiography or maybe hyper autobiography if such a genre exists. The movie is made to be sold and probably it was sold well exactly like the protagonist would do. So, I'll suspect, it'll be continued: the Eddie becomes a president (of USA of course) but wants to rule the world. The drug has transformed him to some kind of alien. At the very end of part two (I don't expect there would be part three) he'll meet her father who is the drug's inventor, but remember their old farm in Alabama. A final Oedipus dialog explain everything already happened.

What did disturb me? If all that should be true, the rest lacks elementary logic. The drug increases the brain power to the 100%, not more (so was at least said, but very soon forgotten), but 100% endless stupidity is like 20% stupidity and even 0,1% stupidity, it's mathematics.

But what did disturb me at most was that if someone should be so clever why should (s)he use her/his abilities to make (much) money? That's a really dangerous propaganda! And amoral message to the potential audience which is, I suppose, rather young. Why didn't use the supernatural abilities to teach the others being happier and possibly cleverer?

Or maybe I am just the most stupid one because I can not steal money and goods from the others?

I gave it 5, because visually it was not so bad and story was fluently narrated. I'd like however that those qualities was used for something more useful, though.
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incredible boring movie!
19 February 2012
Well, I said just "boring" to avoid to be censored.

As said, it can heal you from disliking Hollywood movies. They have at least some kind of casual entertainment. Which seems (after you saw that movie) not so easy.

There was hard to find some piece of logic there. Maybe the biggest hit was when someone (who? and why?) killed the very bad guy, the policeman come and smiling offered himself to help that it seems like a suicide. It seemed that no-one was interested any further for this case.

It was amazing seeing how Wallander are sweating in Capetown and begging for cool blower... while the others go with overcoat on the streets. Accidentally I knew how the weather is in Capetown and it is not especially hot even in the Summer. But this should be Africa and even South, so, it should be hot, isn't it?

It was so boring that I was interested if something gonna happen. At the very end (maybe) I switched it off.
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Confessions (2010)
not bad, but not particularly special
1 July 2011
I saw the movie about 40 hours before. I was waiting for it to touch me, but nothing happened, I have almost entire forgotten it meanwhile.

I heard at the announcement, it was in the short list for Oscars last year. Yes, if you like Oscars movies you'll probably like this one, too.

It is simple, it is nice and well done, and everything is explained, so no place to doubt what is all about. There are bad, there are good and the most are sometimes bad and sometimes good in well defined and recognizable boundaries.

That's all, folks!

The movie was very similar to another Asian movie, "Sympathy for Lady Vengeance" (Park Chan Wook, Korea). I would recommend it for those who liked "Confessions", simply to can compare for instance. I would recommend the whole "Vengeance" trilogy, ahead with "Old Boy". This is what I would call a really excellent movie. This one, "Confessions", is average for me.
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spoiler? how it could be possible?
2 September 2009
An awful movie? Yes, this is the least I could said about this mess. Spoilers? Maybe, if you can find a plot in this no-brain wash. Well, I thought it could be weak, but I went because of the kids, I thought I could be at least funny. At the end they didn't like it either. I've not read the books (the bestsellers), they are too fat to be valuable, and I think, if you don't know the story you would not understood anything either, no way. I am almost sure, the book could be more interesting, but a movie is not a book and if you try to make it like the book, you lose with no mercy. The movie is an endless cliché and boring to death. The person who plays Harry is the weakest actor I've ever seen, with approximately 3 or 4 grimaces, that's all. There are some freaky teeny love stories, which are laughable, I would prefer "American pie" instead. Accidentally I've seen the movie in original, but it was not something adding a value. Actually the people in the cinema laughed almost all the time, I tried to sleep a bit but it was so aloud, so I couldn't. Anyway, a miserable stuff, I'm just wondering how the advertising can manipulate the masses in such a manner. What's a pity!
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Crash (I) (2004)
simply, this is a bad movie
15 June 2009
Although it is not so simply to say "why". I can imagine, that many people used to read comments of critics about these "special" movies, begun to think "wow, how interesting, indeed!" After that, if they saw a similar, simplified movie, something like "Sophisticated movie for Dummies", they say "wow, at last we have understand what a good movie is!".

However this is a bad replacement for such movies, for example, "Amores Peros" or "Short Cuts". I didn't see "Magnolia", which is also pointed here.

The movie is flat at its extreme. Even worst, it is supposed not to be flat. Compared to the "the good guy and the bad one" it is a step toward improvement at glance, but I still prefer "the good and the bad" way, because it does not pretends to be more than a fairytale.

Why I've seen the movie? Well, a friend gave it to us, recommending. It is not polite to doubt the friends opinion, you know. Why I've seen the whole movie? Well I hoped that maybe it became better.. It became just worst, if just only slightly. Nevertheless as pictures sequence it was not bad. This is why I put my 3 stars on it.

The main problem was it has no substance, it was empty, it was laughable. I mean, it should be serious, it should touch you, but it was just laughable. I didn't know it has won 3 Oscars (otherwise I would not see it all. For me an Oscara is rather a sign that the film would not be my favorite). I was also shocked to see how many folk have given so much stars. What's a pity! To make such a crap just to be liked by many.

The theme has to be racism or something like that, and the main idea was maybe that nobody is really so bad, or so good, everyone has the background to act so, as (s)he acts. I'm sorry, but this is not something very new to nobody. Or am I wrong?
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The War Zone (1999)
boring, just boring, nothing more, nothing less
13 February 2009
If you have seen how many comments are saying "The best movie of the 90's" (and such) and how many are saying"This is a dull/boring story" you can begin to thinking "Wow, this should be a great film! How many controversy about it". But it is wrong, the movie is not controversy, just boring.

Well, for me was difficult to concentrate on the story, I confess. It is very straight forward one, I was just wondering what should be happening even more in the next 50, 30, 10 minutes. You just know what happens on the end from the very beginning. A classical Oedipus story, but told on a very miserable way. You know at every moment what'll follow, I have read here "Sudden end". Oh, really? But the main drawback of the film is that it fails on logic and background of the characters. Why they are acting in such a way? It is not enough to say "Hey, I am bad!" but (s)he have to imply some secret, obscure menace. Nothing of it! The characters seem to be some harmless persons, OK, they could be somehow, too; but nevertheless they should not be not innocent at last.

The dad delivers some very naive explanation for his outrages, rather freaky — not implausible, but like some monotone reading from a psychological book.

Actually the movie suggests that what happen doesn't really happen and it is just an imaginary world of the protagonists. Well, that could be interesting if it is made in a proper way. Instead, the movie is so poor directed that what happen is rather unimportant. The theme is difficult, no doubt, but it is difficult because it must be convincing.

I think the debut of Tim Roth will remain his last movie as filmmaker and it should be the right answer of the disaster.
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tasteless and dull
22 November 2008
...and that's all to remember of it.

At the very beginning were not so really bad (therefore 2 instead 1) but the last 4/5 are horrible. I didn't went in cinema and I didn't buy it, that was the good news; but I've spent 100 minutes to watch it with friends.

Trying to be fresh and up-to-date is OK, but such kind of films are not contemporary any more at all, that's the problem.

Sorry that I have to write 10 lines about this films, it doesn't worth so much attendance. However I've decided to do it... to preserve others to waste their time with the bored story.

To be honest, there much more "serious" movies more boring that that.
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The Machinist (2004)
20 September 2007
Well, it has been recommended me by too many friends of mine, although I thought that it could not be a big deal at all.

So, one day I saw the DVD 2-set version very tiny prised and I bought it. Then I watched it at night, really insomniac experience. For sure, it didn't help me to fall asleep, there is some fine aesthetic, I have to admit and I appreciate it. But the story was really deeply boring. In fact, I could not found a single point can catch me. It is a pretty wild mix of some well-known masterpieces still lacking understanding why they were made and what they wanted to say. I have read already the previous comments, the source are named and cited, I don't want to repeat them. There is some Lynch influence but lacks his magic indetermination, there is some Hitchcock but lacks his thrill and dramatic.

There could be a second layer in this movie but I am in doubt I am able to watch it one more time just to discover if there is or not something more I have missed.
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The Exorcist (1973)
teeny drama
27 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen "the Director's Cut" today, actually after midnight in a huge salon together with about 20 people or so, rather alone than with too many.

Interesting, I have tried to search some other hints as just horror and possession, but I didn't find any, so I'm writing my point of view now.

I couldn't find anything speaking against a common case of hysteria playing the chief role in the behavior of Regan. There are too many signs left everywhere in the film that can justify this statement.

First of all Regan is a 12 old girl: a very difficult age indeed. This is the age when a young girl replaces the love to her mother towards it to her father. We don't know anything about Regan's father, he has just left, and the mother is, of course, guilty of it. There is a scene when the Regan is in the bed with her mother, this is the last point she still (sexually) attracted by her mother. But the young lady has began to feel herself appealed by men: for example, the story about the man with the gray horse, she wants to ride with him. She is jealous to her mother's friend and wants to kill him, which also happens. It may still be just an imagination, but I'm think everything is in the brain of the girl, this was said, too.

Everything happens in the bed of the girl, in the night: that should be her dreams. I can imagine a young sexually frustrated lady could have such nightmares. Yes, this is hysteria.

The absence of the father and the need of them is depicted by the roles of both priests. It is conspicuous how oft the word "father" is used in the film.

The younger lives and loves his mother, feels guilty about her death: a very common "oedipus complex". He is the man playing the prince in this modern saga about the sleeping beauty. He sees his mother in the girl and falls in love with her. He rescues her, "kissing" or swallow the evil, and the evil is the suppressed libido of both. After the act (their orgasm indeed) he falls down the stairs, not being a man any more for a while at least (Erich From: "A man is a man only when he has erection") and she is free from the demon, she is not girl any more but becomes a young woman.

A wonderful modern fairy tale. I am really very impressed of the film.

By the way Sigmund Freud said in his lectures about the psychoanalysis that probably many women are convicted in the middle ages to be witches or possessed by the evil just because they had a hysteria or similar symptoms led back to suppressed sexual wishes.
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