
15 Reviews
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Iron Man 2 (2010)
A Fun Way To Kickoff The Summer
10 May 2010
Tony Stark, is back in this high-octane, high action summer blockbuster. The film picks up right where the first one left off, where Stark reveals that he is Iron Man. We are introduced to a new villain named Whiplash played by Mickey Rourke. We soon find out that he and Mr. Stark have much in common with their past. Meanwhile Jimmy Rhodes, played wonderfully by Don Cheadle, must deal with the government and Stark's crazy antics. This is just a reader's digest version of the story, I want to talk about the film itself. This film is the first of this summer's blockbusters. This film is bigger, louder and more action packed than it's predecessor, which not necessarily a bad thing. With the addition of Sam Rockwell and Scarlett Johansson really brings a "freshness" to the story. Director Jon Favreau has done another fantastic job, proving that he is a first rate action director. The characters are great, Paltrow gives a great supporting performance, Downey is funny and series as ever, and Rourke is a force to be reckoned with. The visual affects are very good along with solid sound editing, however, I do feel that Johansson and Sam L. Jackson, where a but underutilized. I really enjoyed this film, but I was hoping to see more from these characters. That's what sequels are for. I do like this film, but it did lack in some parts where the first one succeeded. I do love the special affects, but they could have been better. Unfortunately with the passing of special affects wizard, Stan Winston, who worked on the first film, it did loose a little luster but not much. Overall I was a satisfied as a moviegoer and a future film maker, I would definitely go see this film again. It is worth your money, but unfortunately, it will probably be overshadowed by the mind-numbing, horribly acted, D rated special affects, crapfest known as "Twilight". But hey, that is my opinion, and I'm sure people have other opinions, and that's OK.
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This Is It (2009)
An Experience to Remember. Forever.
11 February 2010
Wow! That is one of the few words I was able to speak after I saw this film. I went to see this film the last week it was in theaters, and I really regretted that I didn't go sooner, so that I could see it more in theaters. I am not really a fan of concert films or documentaries, but this film really broke down that wall for me. Michael Jackson is mesmerizing in his final performance on stage. Watching this film, you can really see Michael's passion for perfection, and for his fans. After watching this film, you can tell that he truly cared about his fans and he wanted to give them the best show ever. The lights, the dance choreography, the special effects! It truly is unlike everything I had ever seen before in my life. He takes you away from your world and puts you into his world. It is a fantasy land and I really felt amazing during this experience. I really think it would have been the best concert series ever, if he would have lived. Like Elvis Presley, he was electrifying in his stage presence. The film is made up of footage taken from multiple cameras and the thing that surprised me is how well the sound and the film is edited very well. Kenny Ortega did a fantastic job with helping prep the show. Michael really is a showman and this film proves it. Decades from now, I will tell my children that I saw Michael Jackson in concert and that he was amazing. I really hope that people do the same after seeing this movie. We miss you Michael, your legacy will live on.
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Saw VI (2009)
One of the Best Installments in the Series
11 February 2010
What can I say? Yes it may be another sequel to the now infamous franchise, but it is a great sequel. I saw this film back on opening weekend in October of last year, and I watched it again recently. I really did enjoy this film a lot more than its predecessor. The plot is better than the last film, it carries well, and it doesn't stray away from the formulas that the past few films have upheld. The plot is a little difficult to follow at first, but once you get into it, you will understand it pretty easily. The traps in this one are refreshing a in genius compared Saw V traps. To be honest, I feel that V was lacking in a lot of areas and it doesn't really seem to make a lot of sense. The ending of this one really does come together well and you understand further the master plan of Jigsaw. I know people are saying that there is a political undertone to this film, but I don't believe it's true. I must heed a warning, this film from start to finish is a lot more brutal than the last movie, but if you can stomach some gore, then you will be able to enjoy this film.
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Boy Meets World (1993– )
One Of The Best Shows Ever
13 January 2009
Aahh the 1990's boy what a great decade for television. There were some great shows on TV but this one is one of my favorites. I remember when I first started watching this show. I was about 4 and a half to 5 years old. I really started to love this show and it was great to see it run for as long as it did. I really enjoyed coming home from school on Friday nights and watching TGIF. I love all the characters on this show and how they matured throughout the series. THe shows got better and better. It was sad to see it go back in 2000. I grew up watching this show and I am glad that they are starting to release it on DVD. By the way, for those of you that want to know where to get seasons 4-7 I know how to get them. Buena Vista Home entertainment lost the rights to the show a few years ago, but just this last November, Lionsgate bought the rights and will be releasing the rest of the show in the next few months. I know when the rest of the show come out I will be the first one at the store buying all the seasons.
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Saw V (2008)
A Solid, but Sloppy, Following to Saw IV.
1 November 2008
"You won't believe how it ends." I honestly could believe how it ended, but this was still a great film. I was really excited when I heard about this sequel late last year and it did live up to my expectations. The traps in this film were pretty good, especially the very last one. You will be squirming in your seats when you see it. The trap before it was very genius as well. The story was written pretty well, and the directing was really good. It was better than, Bousman's first crack at the series in Saw II. THe one thing I did like was that Hackl, kept the score in the credits, like Wan. Instead of putting a heavy metal song near the end. I personally think that Kills the mood you get the shock of the final scene. Anyway, Saw V is a good film in the series, solid, but slightly flawed. What I mean by flawed is that there are still quite a few loose ends that were not tied up in this film. But I am willing to wait till next October for Saw VI. THe final chapter will be, I hope, the best since the original. Ps. PLease get James Wan for the last one!!! IT would be totally awesome, for the creator of this beast, to put the beast to rest.
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The Happening (2008)
I Don't Get It
11 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
What did I just watch? I first saw trailers for this movie earlier this year and I wasn't that excited about seeing it. But I was at the video store this week and I figured, "what the heck. I'll give it a chance." What a mistake that was. I just finished watching it and I am completely disappointed and mad that I wasted my time and money on this DVD rental. I thought that some of the acting was really bad, and the story made no sense. Yes I understand in Hollywood you can be as creative as you want to be. I do have to give Mr, Shyamalan props for taking this risk, I wish I had more guts to do so. However, this movie didn't have a point. It felt like a film that was promoting global warming for some strange reason. I mean really, trees? That is plain ridiculous, I honestly liked "Don't Mess With A Zohan" better than this movie. I was hoping that this would be the one movie that would bring M. Night Shaymalan back, but I guess I was wrong.
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Iron Man (2008)
I am Iron Man
2 May 2008
What can I say? This movie absolutely rocked!!! This film was one if not the best comic book adaptation I have ever seen. Robert Downey Jr. was perfect in this role, he became Tony Stark. I love Iron Man and always have. I grew up watching up the show and reading the comic books and I have always thought him to be one of the best superheros ever. The way the story develops is great, the drama was really good and the action was amazing. The action sequences were awesome, I haven't seen a movie this good in a while. Gweneth Paltrow did a good job playing the assistant to Tony Stark, she was perfect for the role and Terrance Howard played his part wonderfully. If there is a sequel I hope it's just as good as the original, but for now, it's not able to be topped.
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A Dark, Delightful Romance, With Lots of Blood
10 April 2008
All I can say is wow!!! This film is probably Johnny Depp's finest film ever. He lit up the screen with this portrayal of a tortured barber with a score to settle, with his trusty razor in hand, Sweeney is ready to punish those who have wronged him. Johnny Depp has done a fantastic job at becoming and playing this character, but I will not forget the other great performances by Helena Bonham Carter and Alan Rickman. The story was dark, just like Tim Burton promises, the score is beautiful and the musical numbers are unforgettable. A true masterpiece and achievement in modern musicals. I will buy this film and hope that others will enjoy it as much as I did.
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"Excuse me... nobody said anything to me about the Full Monty"
5 April 2008
I remember this movie when it originally came out. It looked interesting, but I was younger at the time and I wasn't allowed to watch R-rated movies. Later, I finally saw this movie about three years ago on HBO. I laughed my a** off. It was so freakin' funny and I still think it is funny. I bought the "Fully Exposed" two disc DVD and I still love this movie. Yeah some people don't understand British humor, but I love it still. I grew up watching Bristish shows like "Mr. Bean" and "Are You Being Served?" I love those shows and I love this movie, I think it is one of the best comedies ever made. I highly recommend it, you will laugh as hard as I did.
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Sin City (2005)
Dark, Gritty, and Fun. Sin City is the Place to Be
22 February 2008
I always wanted to see this film when it first came out, because I love comic book adaptations, except for a few. Anyway, Frank Miller's "Sin City" was a very different and dark film. The film revolves around three characters and has three different stories. All the stories are good but I like Marv's and Hartigan's stories the best. This film has a very unique look for it, I love that only a few objects in the film had color. It was very artistic, I know some people think the movie is overrated, but I think it is a very interesting style and great storytelling by Frank Miller, Robert Rodriguez, and Quentin Tarantino. I do hope that the sequels are successful, good luck Mr. Rodriguez I hope you do a great job on the next two films.
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The Brave One (2007)
"I Want My Dog Back"
17 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
What can I say about "The Brave One". The story begins when a young woman, played by Jodie Foster, and her boyfriend, Naveen Andrews, are attacked one night while walking through Central Park. She soon decides to take vengeance and deliver justice on those who have wronged others just like her. The film is very dark, gritty, and very interesting. The way her character evolves is good, she is traumatized by the events and the death of her boyfriend, so she dishes out the pain. The structure of the film is very good, and the thing I love is at the end. I'm not giving away details, you have to rent this movie for yourself. She wasn't as good like in "Silence of the Lambs", but it's a side of Jodie Foster I would like to see more of in the movies. She plays this character very well.
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Pretty Funny
19 January 2008
Okay, I thought that this movie was going to be extremely crude from what my friends told me. Honestly, it wasn't really that bad, I laughed and enjoyed it; it wasn't Dumb and Dumber, but it was pretty good. I don't know why Richard Roper said it was extremely crude and terrible, he's stupid if you ask me. Now there was a lot more sex then I expected, but if you can handle that montage of sex scenes, then you will enjoy the rest of the movie. It was better than Superbad, I'll tell you that much, I liked it and I hope that some people will give it a chance, rather than listen to Roper and not see it. This movie is for mature viewers, that I agree with, but it is not one of the worst movies of 2007.
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Planet Terror (2007)
A Gory and Violent Blast!!
2 January 2008
I first saw the trailer for this movie, back in April. I planned on seeing it, but I had a lot of stuff to do. Anyway, I just received the Planet Terror 2 disc DVD for Christmas from my aunt. I freakin' loved it!!!!!! I am a big fan of Robert Rodriguez's work, and this is one of his best films. It's original, and fun, he needs to do more movies like these. The thing I like the most is the look of Planet Terror. It looks aged and kind of damaged, but thats the point. It is a cool concept and I love the idea. The story was basic, but also featured a wide variety of colorful characters, as well as some beautiful heroines. Cherry Darling is the best. She is funny, sexy, and kick ass at the same time. All I can say is that this is one of the best movies of 2007. Thank you Mr. Rodriguez for giving us this fantastic film.
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A Flawless Visual Masterpiece
21 November 2007
1991, James Cameron releases his sequel to the 1984 hit, The Terminator. This was an amazing film for then, and sill is today. I just finished watching this movie for the 11th time and it still amazes me. The story is great, Arnold is at his best, and the effects blow me away; this is one of the best sequels ever, heck it's one of the best sci-fi films ever. Yes the Matrix is good and visually amazing, but it doesn't have what T2 has. The original Star Wars films are my favorite sci-fi films, but Terminator 2: Judgement Day, is my second favorite film in this genre. This is a definite film for any DVD collection, it looks fantastic, and if you can, buy the special edition. It has a newly re cut version of the film adding sixteen minutes onto the original film, which do not diminish the quality of the film, but rather enhance it. So if you haven't seen this movie, rent it and then, buy it. You will love it, I know I do.
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Silent Hill (2006)
Why do they keep doing this?
6 October 2007
Why do filmmakers keep thinking that horror video games would make good movies? They have failed in almost every attempt, for instance here are a few titles that are based off of horror games: House of the Dead, House of the Dead 2(DVD), Alone in the Dark, and Silent Hill. Now they did make Resident Evil movies, but from what I have heard, they are not that bad, but I haven't gotten a chance to see them. Anyway, these are some of the worst film adaptations ever made, I think that when you adapt a good video game to the big screen, you need to be extremely careful. This movie was not scary in anyway, it had no evil, it was cheesy in some parts, and the ending was lame. But, someone decided to make a movie out of a pretty good game, believe me play the game, especially Silent Hill 2, it is scarier than the movie will ever be.
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