
14 Reviews
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Sailor Moon (1992–1997)
4 is generous
1 September 2021
Without the nostalgia of being a kid in the 90s, this show is, uh... phew. A real pain to watch. It's fine that many things wouldn't make sense, considering it's a kid's show, but... the general IQ of the series is a good 40 or under. Character development... nope, a plot that grips you and draws you in, no way. One dimensional characters, repetitive episodes, boring monsters, superficial and brainless ideas of love, bfs, etc., or any concept of life really. Lack of sense and logic in everything that occurs, such as the sailor soldiers being unrecognizeable for one... All I can think is, whoa. This was not made by story tellers. It sure isn't like Disney where you can understand, relate or gather something from the story as an adult, nah, this requires an ignorant, very imaginative child's mind to believe, make up for and fill out all that lacks of character depth, background and plot arcs. What draws you in is simply the graphics, the blingbling, the sparkles, the girl band like strong female characters, the pretty accessories, the cuteness, the childishness of it all... but anything else, flatter than a pancake. And the fillers, my god. Endless torture. If you cut the story down to actual content, you'd probably have a good ten episodes worth watching, if at all. I'm sure that's gonna upset many a nostalgic fan, but.. it is what it is.
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Disappointing ending
9 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Like others have said, as a psychological thriller it was remotely interesting right up until the astral projection BS starts happening, then all the plotholes come crashing in like half of the manor remains.

Let's see.

When Louise goes "that lying b*tch!" she makes absolutely NO sense.

So far astral projection has only been shown as traveling while sleeping and going places in the present. All of a sudden we're supposed to believe that "Adele" KNEW that Louise was going to become David's mistress in the future and somehow planned in advance to become friends with her?? I'm sorry, wat? How can Louise even conclude this when astral projection has never been portrayed as time traveling?

Then you have Rob who's best friends with Adele. He seems like a great friend - up until he decides to steal Adele's life, her body and her fiancé. Again, huh?? He goes from being a supportive, funny friend to a complete psychopath in a day. 180 degree character switch.

Of course, the ending, where Louise decides to astral project when she can't enter the burning house where Adele is (or her body, anyway). Absolutely illogical.

But on top of it, how the HELL does "Adele" even plan this?! How does "she" even know that Louise won't just call 999 and not go on her own? How does she know Louise is gonna astral project? Lmao.

It was obvious from afar that the writer intended for them to switch bodies and that there wasn't going to be a good ending, but for this to be so illogical and dumb is what really got me taking my rating from a 7 to a gracious 4. Holy cow.

Then we also lack no ending. Did Adele's body die?? Looks like the ambulance could have made it to treat "her" overdose in time, but we don't see that. There's no funeral. We don't see if "her" note burned?? Was it on "her" body? What happened in Scotland? Did David get arrested first? Uhh. Whatever, they just decide to get hitched. 'Cause that seems like a great idea and it's not like David could even tell that Louise's personality had changed, lol. So much for love. Only the kid could.

But think about it. For ten years apparently Rob has been this miserable. He never got to marry Adele. And yet he still stays in the marriage due to "fear" of being framed, still has sex with "her" though.. I don't know how can even touch someone who'd wanna frame you for murder if you left them.

Other things that made no sense. Marianne never made it clear that they had an affair? I found that weird.

He says outside the bar where he kisses Louise that it's been forever or something since he's done this, but apparently he and Adele just moved 'cause of the affair? And he just happens to walk into a bar, alone, with no friends, and does *not* plan to pick someone up? Uhh, I don't buy that innocence.

Plus, when David finds out Louise knew Adele he asks her why didn't she think to tell Adele they work together? And she doesn't go, I did? What.

It just altogether made no sense and I suppose Adele's and David's relationship and conversations really were just so massively vague because really, there wasn't that much to find out, and what there was to find out made no sense and completely shattered reality. It's just plot holes galore. Pity, because they could have actually had an interesting psychological drama going on.
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Horrendously nonsensical
3 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie doesn't make sense even if you're high.

You have a ridiculous adversary in Ursula's sister, Morgana, the skinny, unscary, vapid version of her who decides to show at Melody's at least six month old birthday (she's able to crawl - why didn't Ariel introduce her to her family sooner?? Oh, well. Don't ask questions.) Clearly, Triton is so powerful he could have turned her into ashes immediately, but instead, they all decide she is such a horrible threat that Ariel must cut all contact to her family and the world of Atlantica forever, except Sebastian and Scuttle for some reason, and build a useless wall around their castle. Talking about how to build a mountain out of a mole hill. Why Triton doesn't just start his search for Morgana then is beyond me. So when Melody starts turning into a "teenager" (she's 12 though??), she becomes a very annoying, unsympathetic cliché character who hates her mom for wanting to protect her in some ridiculous reversal of the first movie. Of course, we have a ball that goes wrong because chef Louis decides to try and kill Sebastian in front of the royal family and all their guests in some psychotic rage that surely would have gotten a man like that fired if not decapitated in front of the mob, but then for RIDICULOUS REASONS this makes Melody super sad and she blames HERSELF for a crap party. Why, I dunno. It was literally Louis. Like, wat. After a poor excuse for a fight with her mom, she then decides to go into a boat and head out to the ocean to find ANSWERS about Atlantica?! From whom was she expecting answers from?? She drifts into sea until Morgana's shark and manta rays pop up to have a friendly conversation, and with Melody being completely used to a talking crab and a bird, I guess she doesn't find that particularly reality disturbing. They take her to Morgana - at the north pole??? Whom Melody treats as just any other lady with an octopus body, as if that was the most normal thing in the whole wide world. In fact, she doesn't even seem to notice it. Like whoa, people with octopus bodies exists?! Naw, it's more exciting to be told Atlantica is real. It takes about five seconds for the ignorant, naive and dense Melody to be talked into being made a mermaid and go steal King Triton's.. magical fork. This girl sure doesn't have much deep thought or critical thinking. While Triton is too busy talking to her MOM, she easily steals the trident with the help of the idiot pair of a walrus and a penguin acting as comical relief in a movie whose "comedy" I'd like to be relieved from. At this point Triton has of course finally started his search -- for Melody?? He should have been seeking out Morgana all these years, but nope. Anywho, Melody goes to give Morgana the trident, mama shows up and says nooo, Melody being the "teenager" she is says TOO LATE MOMMY, and Morgana turns all powerful. I guess. Then we have the cheap Chinese rip off of the first movie, basically just a regurgitation of all that happened in the first one except this time Eric with his ship doesn't manage to stab Morgana in the chest. Instead, we have the massive anti-climactic climax of Melody becoming a super climber on icy weird.. mountaineous stuff Morgana has created to look powerful on, and she just swoops in from behind and gets hold of the trident and.... Triton turns Morgana into a block of ice and sinks her to the bottom?? Seems legit. Maybe destroy her, imprison her, ice melts? Nah. Like, was that it?! That's what Ariel cut her family and friends off for twelve years for? THAT? Then we have some more horrendous musical "songs" and all ends well. I think. Oh, my god, how shallow and vapid this movie was. A total crap stain on the first one. I could have created a better script while high. Who's the idiot team who gets to do all the Disney sequels and who's allowing it?! There were so many things they didn't take advantage of, so many sides to the characters, the world, etc and details they could have included, but nopes. I think they aimed this sequel at 5 year olds with learning disabilities. Even Disney's series was better than this. This was just as bad as I recall 21 years ago. Ok, worse then.
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Load of crock
20 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Everybody liked the first episode on near-death experiences, yet I'm flabbergasted that they interviewed people who've supposedly "studied" the phenomenon for 40 years, and yet we never get any critical questions such as:

  • At what time in evolution did "consciousness" develop to the point it can exist post-mortem? At what point in our multi-cellular existence was life considered 'conscious'?
  • At what point from conception, to embryo, to fetus, to baby... all the way to adult is the consciousness able to exist post-mortem?
  • How much MATERIAL and physical biological development is required for a spirit-world existence post-mortem?
  • Do cats, dogs, birds, elephants experience consciousness post-mortem? Do FLIES? Dinosaurs? If not, why on earth not?

  • Since reincarnation was claimed to be real while human life particularly continues to augment significantly, how are souls/spirits recycled and in what spirit factory are new ones made? Clearly, demand does not meet supply.
  • Are recycled spirits species-specific or cross-species? If species-specific, how are the evolutionary boundaries determined? At what point are the MATERIAL DNA mutations a road block for reincarnation? If cross-species, does that mean someone could have been a cat, a bird, a comodo dragon, a toad in another life?
  • How is memory contained in spirit form? Why is this memory not consistent across all reincarnations?
  • Does reincarnation mean we are all doomed to suffer life endlessly despite a heaven supposedly existing? Is this.. hell?
  • Why do all near-death experiences supposedly only include positive experiences that are interpreted as heaven? Does everyone go to 'heaven', even Ted Bundy?
  • Why does everyone who die and come back not experience NDEs? Why is this inconsistent?
  • What percentage of people who die and come back experience NDEs?
  • Are NDEs reported around the globe in a consistent percentage of the population or are there specific geographical, cultural differences in occurrences? If so, what does that mean?
  • Is it true that 100% of the ND experiences are positive as claimed in the documentary?
  • What's the explanation for ND experiences differing? Why do some people fly around the room, through walls, up in the sky, etc., and others apparently go to heaven?
  • Are there any SOURCES and facts available on NDEs??
  • If everyone is always present after death, does that mean you are consistently surveyed, even when excreting feces in privacy? Are your parents watching you getting it on? Do spirits ever respect your privacy?
  • Do spirits in the spirit world have an expiration date?
  • Are spirits eventually recycled, ie reincarnated?
  • Why are all the NDEs based in representations of the material world? Like the ocean, flower fields, rivers, forests? Why do NDEs give you material-like experiences such as warmth, caresses, safety?
  • They said that these people had no brain activity while dead (obviously), but why did no one consider that the NDEs could have occurred at the time right before death or at the time of resuscitation, and, also considering their poor physical state, the feelings of time and place could be completely malplaced? Could that be a MORE rational explanation than 'spirits did it'??

I just mean.. the more I watched this, the more questions I had. You should have questions too.

And the whole shenanigans about mediums..... Do I really need to say more? Go watch Derren Brown on cold-reading and mediumship. It'll put these charlatans transparent nonsense to shame. Really, I can't believe people fall for this. Okay, I can. Because people are DESPERATE to believe there is no such thing as death, that consciousness never ceases, that their loved ones never disappear, that we're not just evolutionary, organic blobs of carbon with an expiration date, and so that we can all forget about our overwhelming evolutionarily pre-programmed fear of death that has kept our lineages alive for billions of years.

I was hoping for some true skepticism and at least a scientific method that would attempt to penetrate this so-called non-material spirit world, but nope. Just found endless examples of stunted emotional maturity with zero critical thinking.. as expected. Seriously, Netflix. Seriously.

Spirits and life after death don't just become real because you really want it to and can't face the pointlessness of our puny, temporary lives. Instead, it's time we dealt with the facts. We're going to die and it sucks. It's scary, it's sad, but it is what it is. Appreciate your life while you got it, because you'll never have another one.
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Locke & Key (2020–2022)
Great potential wasted
19 February 2020
I'm sad to say that I really liked this series, but as others have pointed out, a great story and setting are continually spoiled by absolutely moronic characters. The logical mistakes they do time after time are so grave you wonder about the IQ of the script writers themselves and those who had to accept the script be put to the screen. I really love Bode's character though, finally a child who seems intelligent, well behaved, and actually likeable. His siblings though are just a new level of stupid that makes you groan loudly and throw insults at the screen. I still give it six because besides the idiocy and the poor execution, it still had entertainment value. If only it could have intelligence next time, it would deserve its current high rating too.
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Altered Carbon (2018–2020)
Absolute boredom
3 February 2020
Quite the potential it had with all its interesting elements of AI, digitalized consciousness, flying cars, body changing, cloning, immortality... It was so packed that perhaps they forgot the most important of all - character depth. At no one point did I care if a character would be lost. The whole series was just mental agony and looking forward to its end. The story and its apathetic main character were flat and uninteresting, to the point I can hardly relay to you what the hell the series was even about. I can't at all grasp why people were so amazed with it, besides being blinded by its interesting concepts and fancy smancy graphics. Zzzzz. Not watching season 2.
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Sanctum (2011)
Characters quite unrealistic..
29 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I guess it could have been somewhat interesting if the characters didn't make stupid decisions throughout the movie. Like Judes going in without her extra oxygen and then unprofessionally panicking twice ending with her death, or the rich dude's gf refusing to wear a wet suit because it was dead Judes' and none of the pros insisting and then ending up with hypothermia... deep deep. Then nobody helping her through a narrow passage when she was struggling despite them knowing she'd never dived before or her accidentally cutting a rope instead of her hair off, wat. Actually, why were the women portrayed as so inexperienced to danger and overreactive, but the men weren't? *eyeroll* Josh was also annoying with his ridiculous dad anger, and it was so predictable that the dad would die at the end and somehow merge and mature his son's character. Urrgh. I didn't at all feel a sense of claustrophobia, maybe because everytime they had their flashlights on they also lit up everything like a spot light. Unrealistic. Didn't have a connection at all to the characters. Meh.
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What a load of crock
28 January 2020
What I noticed immediately were the slow pace and filler shots as if they didn't really have much to offer at all but wanted to drag it out anyway. Throughout the "documentary", all I heard were "we must consider it from another angle" /"keep our minds open" /"view it differently" on repeat, yet I sat around anxiously waiting for any actual solid explanations, evidence or facts that never came. They would talk vaguely about one subject then suddenly make a conclusion about something random, so nothing really seemed remotely supported. In between that were accusations of "cover ups", like covering up big cracks in the pyramids but offered no explanation as to WHY anyone would cover anything up. There were basically red flags and alarm bells from the complete beginning. "Independent egyptologist" is certainly a nice way of saying "quack". Then they started talking about sound therapy and energies and that's when I pulled the plug. I was constantly expecting that the next thing for them to say was "aliens dunnit". Funny enough, a documentary about just that was recommended by a Netflix after I quit it. Yeah, just pure woo, speculations and flat earther BS. Not worth your time.
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Beyond Scared Straight (2011–2015)
This is abuse
18 December 2019
This is nothing short of abuse. You think you can deter children from crime by treating them the same way that their environment has, with abuse, by screaming at them, by tearing them down, by scaring them, bullying them, etc, etc, which is the reason they believe in the first place that either you're the bully or you're the victim. They're not being shown there's another reality where you can thrive, feel loved, validated, understood, where you can have experiences of success and achievement. This is just more of "you're fundamentally bad, even so bad you're not even welcome in jail". I can't believe it's legal, but then again, it IS the United States.. This would not be acceptable in Scandinavia. Poor fricking kids. They'll get older, get better at being the "top dog" and they'll end up in jail, becoming the ones who scream at kids.
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What a waste
16 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
What the hell. If I was the family member of a murder victim, I'd be well pissed off at this movie's happy go lucky take on some of the worst things that can ever happen to you as a family. It's illogical, incoherent, way too light and happy dappy, cuts out the essential scenes of something so terrible and just altogether fails. The way the family figures out who the murderer is is ridiculous, nothing but a few weird, tense eye stare moments and apparently their "instinct" just lets them know, making them act unnatural and cringe worthy with the killer, in-between strange scenes of the victim's MDMA limbo. I thought the dark haired girl would be an essential character, like a medium who would be Susie's contact to the world to get her justice, but no, she was useless and had no relevance. When her sister finds the book with all the evidence at the killer's house and runs back home while getting chased by him, she almost forgets the urgency of death on her heels and her sister's murder when her selfish mother returns back home after a long time away, and so instead of an important scene of getting to her house in time both for her safety and to bust him, we're interrupted by an eye rolling scene of reunion, mummy hugging daddy, feeling a lot of feefees. Uuggh, the sugar in this movie is nauseating and feels more like an immature take on serial killers and loss from the perspective of an optimistic 11 year old movie maker than anything that truly deals with the devastation of your daughter being murdered, her body never being found and the burden of requiring answers for closure. In fact, it seemed like Susie dying was a great thing, the way she gets to spend time riding sleighs on snowy CGI hills with her co-victim and new BFF or having a photo shoot while disco dancing, or making out with her non-boyfriend in the possessed body of his actual girlfriend while the killer dumps her body in a safe in the background. Jesus H Christ, how anticlimactic, nonsensical and a complete waste of my evening, as well as the talent of these actors. Blargh.
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Like everyone else said, absolutely f(l)at
24 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I thought maybe this movie would show us what happened with Jessie - in the future. We all pretty much already figured out he probably made it away, considering the ending of season 5. This just felt like a movie made for fans to munch brainlessly on, with cameos just for you to go "oh ey, cool, it's Walt!" even though it's absolutely not memorable. What I loved about BB was that every time a character opened their mouths, something relevant came out, something memorable or something to push the plot. Here there was nothing. Badger and Pete weren't even funny. Moments seemed as dragged out as is the tendency of Better Call Saul (especially the first episode). Jessie and Todd were fat, Todd distractingly so. This would have been fine had he been a survivor and this was taking place in the future, but now you want me to believe he gained weight, then radically lost it before getting shot? Seriously. It made it feel like these actors didn't take reappearing in this movie seriously at all. How can the actor for Todd (whatever his name) drag himself into a long awaited movie looking like he aged twenty years knowing he's supposed to look like not a day went by?? I mean c'mon, make a little effort, dude. It's embarrassing. If I'd been the director, I'd have fired him for it and said it wouldn't work for continuity purposes. The hell were they thinking. He could at least have tried to suck in his tummy, elongate his neck, you know, all the things us women do all the time being constantly made more aware of our weight and how angles affect it. Had he been a woman he'd probably been fired if not had his career ended, I swear. The bar is certainly high for men. So yeah, I agree, this brought nothing to the table whatsoever. Bummer. /Shrug
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Hereditary (2018)
Absolute nonsense
25 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know what the hell I watched but it wasn't horror. The only horror about it was the absolute lack of sense. What a pity to waste the actors this way. The movie built up this idea of the mother and her side of the family having multiple serious mental illnesses, and through the title of the movie, you expect it to go down that road, but instead it just enters the plane of nonsense with demon worshipping, random decapitation and naked weirdo people. The very 'tragedy' that's supposed to propel the plot onwards was so ridiculously far out and stupid all I could do was gesticulate and repeat wtf at the screen. I mean, first the mom, obviously well knowing her son wants to go to a party to drink, forces his unwilling handicapped(??) highly allergic younger sister with him practically in order to force him to admit it's a party with booze (what a great strategy, mom!), but in his denial brings her with him anyway, both of them (the son and the mother) not thinking twice about making sure the sister brings her epipen, even though the movie already made a deal of underlining how important that was just moments earlier. Then in the brother's teenage rush to go smoke weed with the girl he's infatuated with, he just demands his odd fitting little sister to go eat cake that neither of them bother to consider what contains, her then running to him later with an allergic reaction as if it's her first time (we didn't see that coming..), he hurrying to the hospital in his mom's car while the sister is choking and dangling out the window then trying to avoid random dead dog and bike (???) on the dark road, neatly swaying the car for his sister's head to perfectly smack against the electricity pole on the side of the road, her head splatting off and thus putting herself out of her misery. Jesus effing Christ, I say. You doubled killed her, dude. Darwin award of the year. So in the brother's shock he just drives home in a catatonic state, goes to bed where he does not sleep, waits till his mother finds the decapitated body in the car and goes almost eternally bananas, and so we watch as the family spins out of control while having absolutely zero scenes of confrontation, explanation or anything with the son about the event itself. It's as if they send him straight off to school in his catatonic state as if he had nothing to do with the death in which he sits like a trauma victim that nobody noticed, parents, friends, teachers, nobody. Seriously, did nobody consider giving this guy emergency psychological aid?? What the hell, is all I can say. Then the mother's behavior just goes downhill and she even blames the son and wants him to take responsibility for the accident? Wat. And somehow we get from the poorly cut weirdo material of Darwin award death to decapitated grandma in the attic, demon spirits and devil worship, oh, and naked people. Always with the naked people in horror movies, mind you. Then Charlie (the double dead smacked sister) turns out to be dead headless granny's uhh demon spirit who had a faulty body (allergic? eh) and who has now been transfered to of course the totally well functioning male body with the broken nose who's just thrown himself out of a window from the attic floor. Very well functioning body! Can withstand much smack. I can't even. It was like a horror movie on crack. Also, what's with people never turning on the damn light when all scared in the dark at night, searching their damn house in full on darkness, or how about never calling the police, even when they are all alerted to miss headless granny rotting upstairs for no explicable reason? Aaah, there was no sense to this, and I fear for people's healthy skepticism that this movie has been this highly rated. Ugh. Okay, I'll stop rambling now.
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Black Summer (2019–2021)
Bingeworthy, realistic and awesome
18 June 2019
How can it be so lowly rated?? This is super bingeworthy and instead of making no sense or being overly idiotic like Walking Dead, this series is realistic, with believable characters, and takes its time in the scenes which builds up adequate tension. The living dead are an actual threat and not some weak, slow, slithering ragdoll where you're wondering how they could have possibly taken over the world. Definitely worth watching for any zombie fan.
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When the Cullens are forced to leave town Bella develops a warm friendship with Jacob Black while struggling with a depression.
5 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Looking over the reviews of this movie it was easy to figure this is where the haters of this movie go, not the fans. So I wanted to comment on this movie as a FAN, not a person who have read all four books and watched both of the movies solely to join the basher's club.

New Moon was a LOT better than the first movie, Twilight. People complained that it was long drawn but I felt that it was necessary in order for the movie to captivate Bella's depression and the many months that pass by as it was portrayed in the book. As a fan you are bound to fear the animated adaptations of the books because you know they will most likely have to cut off a tremendous load to keep it as a movie. That said I think Chris Weitz did a really good job on pleasing the fans, keeping everything as original as possible.

I remember that from the first movie the acting seemed off; it was as if they couldn't quite captivate their characters' personalities, especially in the beginning of the movie the actors didn't seem to belong. Now in New Moon it really felt as if the actors had had time to properly adjust, to read the books and get to know their characters and now know how to act exactly like them. Kristen Stewart's acting had definitely improved for the better, there were less pauses and less blinking and she came off so much more natural. I was also really pleased to see that Taylor Lautner did not only commit physically to his character but really seemed to know how to act like him.

It saddens me to think that this movie is mainly getting so many bad user reviews solely because of its fan base - teen girls. It seems that in the US they have an obsessive and crazy fan girl base that whine and moan about the male actors. But if you did not expect that from this kind of genre you must be truly naive. There will always be obsessed fans related to anything you ever watch or read, it's unavoidable. And it seems that along with a crazy fan base follows a much obsessed anti-fan base, and it really surprises me how much time some people choose to use on the Twilight saga to find every flaw about this film and not to mention the books, because I have seen worse movies out there and so it confuses me. Bella is supposedly a bad role model, yes, she does many reckless things, but there are so many more bad role models out there who get a lot less attention - and who are not fictive characters. I assume no one ever called Dracula abusive when he and Mina wanted to be together in the movie, because it simply wasn't aimed for teens. You don't see many complaints about Romeo & Juliet either because of course, the ancient writers are protected. And though it was not aimed for teens I am sure you won't find a teen who didn't know how that story went. You'll never see anyone bash a macho movie with gore and blood as much as you will see them bash a teen series where the main plot is love. Personally, I never thought the books were aimed for people below age 16, I simply don't think they can comprehend the feelings involved.

But to get back to the movie, I must be one of the only fans left who can see it regardless of the many haters and crazy obsessive fan girls pulling it down and actually just like it for what it is. I rated it 10 because it succeeded to captivate me throughout the entire thing, the battle scenes were a lot greater than I had expected from watching the trailers, the CGI was well done and it had great character development and the actors pulled it off professionally. I'd vote for Chris Weitz any day over Catherine Hardwicke. And I fully agree to the fact that there was actually chemistry between the characters now - not so much in the first movie.

One more thing - I just want to mention Dragon Ball Evolution as the most horrible movie adaption ever made and compared to that New Moon is a really great adaption to a book with more than 5-600 pages and it really deserves a lot more credit without considering its crazy fan girl base and the haters that try and bash the movies solely to kick it out of the mainstream. I'm sure that if it wasn't because of the Twilight hype going on it would go a lot more unnoticed as any other movie and just be appreciated as another romance movie. New Moon even does a good job on adding extra action sequences than there were in the books and though it's a tricky and dangerous thing to add more than there originally was Weitz really pulls it off.

But one thing I've got to say - I was very disappointed there was no Charlie in the end of the movie yelling "BELLAA!!" Anyone who read the book would know what I mean. But all in all, 10!
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