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Bosch: Legacy: A Step Ahead (2023)
Season 2, Episode 10
Too much Maddie, not enough Hieronymus
18 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Sorry but can we give the Maddie storyline a break. She seems shoehorned into scenes where it is not necessary. On behalf of Bosch aficionados give it a rest with the Maddie storylines. I do nott want to watch rookie cop becomes seasoned officer. That is not why we are tuning in. I get that they have to have some type of filler or B storyline but her judgemental, pouty looks are just too much. Perhaps it is to give Titus Welliver a break but there other supporting cast members that could foot that bill. Looks like they are setting up Honey Chandler as DA and Bosch could work as a special investigator directly for the DA office which would make season three intriguing. Well, you get the point, someone put the kaibosh on the Maddie Bosch storyline. Pun intended.
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Tetris (2023)
Just a little piece of history.
3 April 2023
The fascinating tale of how the game of Tetris came to the world amid the fall of the soviet union.

The story of entrepenuer Henk Rodgers and his deal with Nintendo including all the Soviet Union shenanigans. He faces off against publisher Robert Maxwell for control of the game and distribution rights with Nintendo.

Of note is that Robert Maxwell was the father of Ghislaine Maxwell, the famous child sex trafficker who was convicted along with Jeffrey Epstien. There is a clear zionist thread throughout the Maxwell family. Robert Maxwell who died a suspicious death had a state funeral in Israel despite spending his life in Great Britain. His sons continue the zionist propaganda of their late father. There is another movie in there somewhere, if someone has the guts to tell the story.
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Not as bad you are led to believe.
7 March 2022
Based on the reviews here there are two types of people who didn't like this film. First there are those who genuinely did not care for it. Second there seems to be a lot of people scoring this a 1/10 because it has people of colour in it. How dare they show non whites in Croatia! Apparently Croatia is for whites only.
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Another propaganda piece with the usual culprits...
15 November 2020
And by culprits I mean, Nick Wechsler, Stephen Schiff, Edward Zwick, Marshall Herskovitz .......

Straight out of Tel Aviv.

Hollywood continues to pump out zionist propaganda.

Are people still falling for this?
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Tiger King (2020–2021)
Here kitty kitty Mama's got some treats for you
2 April 2020
She was a rich woman she had rich tastes She felt the blood runnin' through her veins She liked the life she had she loved her big cats and the beauty of bein' untamed Everything was fine, just as sweet as wine But her husband went and disappeared But then it got a little crazy, got a little hazy and the cops said there's somethin' wrong here

Oh, here kitty kitty Mama's got some treats for you Oh, here kitty kitty You can't find this taste in the zoo Oh, here kitty kitty Well mama Carole sure loves you Oh, here kitty kitty Mama made this for you

So if you're ever down in Tampa on a big cat refuge don't pick a fight with your wife 'Cause it's a big 40 acres and if you're not careful you'll be gone in a blink of an eye No bones, no remains but that won't change the fact that Don sure ain't comin' back But you can't prosecute, there's just no use There's nothin' left but tiger tracks

Oh, here kitty kitty Mama's got some treats for you Oh, here kitty kitty You can't find this taste in the zoo Oh, here kitty kitty Well mama Carole sure loves you Oh, here kitty kitty Mama made this for you Whoa, here kitty Well mama's got some treats for you Oh, here kitty kitty You can't find this taste in the zoo Oh, here kitty kitty Well mama Carole sure loves you Oh, here kitty kitty Mama made this for you Mama made this for you
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So what's the problem?
18 August 2019
I don't get it. The guy provided a beautiful home for his "wife". Walkout kitchen, hardwood floors, treed lot. What's not to like? Oh and did she even consider all the work he put into her rehab? Cooking meals? What about his photoshop skills? You think a well rounded man like that comes along every day? Nah, no appreciation for him whatsoever.

A guy can't catch a break these days.
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Kike Like Me (2007 TV Movie)
Loses focus along the way...
6 February 2008
I am not sure what Kastner wanted to achieve with this piece. All the points of entry seem to be skewed; whether trying to interview Pat Buchanan or getting a rise out of poor, unemployed, indigent French youth he just keeps missing the mark.

The one thing I found interesting was that the only people in the film who were concerned about him being Jewish were other jews! He seems to have missed this point entirely.

Not sure how a Jewish viewer would react to this film. You have to see it to decide.

Other than poor editing and a lack of vision, the biggest problem with this film is that Kastner comes across as genuinely unlikeable.
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Garden State (2004)
so this is what passes for a script these days...
24 March 2005
Much like the lead character, Braff belongs in the shallow end of the pool. Rarely has one witnessed a script that is so trite and pedantic. I cannot imagine anyone over the age of 17 actually falling for this drivel.

I felt no emotional attachment to any of the characters.

The film ended with me wondering what Ian Holm and Natalie Portman actually saw in this project; both actors plodding through an unreadable script. Folks, fire your agents post haste for getting you involved in this fiasco.

As for Zach Braff: who does this guy know to be able to secure funding for a project like this? Unimaginative and unforgivable. 1/10
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Pi (1998)
a snoozefest!
22 January 2004
Can't sleep? Had too much coffee this evening? Your loaded with b-vitamins and wakeups and nothing could knock you out? THINK AGAIN!

Terrible acting with an equally terrible screenplay. I purchased this DVD based upon the hype around it. A mistake.

Filmed in black and white, which by the way, adds nothing to the mood or atmosphere; other than leaving film students searching for reasons to like it. Aronofsky seems to try too hard take this film somewhere the script doesn't want to go. Unlike some die-hard math enthusiasts I was not so concerned about the math not making sense rather the plot seemed to start nowhere and end up in the same place. Modern art...meh.

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Ease his pain...
22 January 2004
A wonderful film about penance, redemption, and chasing an impossible dream.

Those who say its about baseball I think miss the point, yes it uses baseball as a vehicle but to what end? Watch the film.

Great performances throughout; James Earl Jones is outstanding as the reclusive writer Terrance Mann (J.D. Salinger anyone?).

The unfortunate thing about the DVD is that the sound is only available in dolby 2.0; you would think that if they put in a directors commentary that they would at least provide a 5.1 mix. The video transfer on the DVD ranges is barely mediocre.

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Breaking Away (1979)
"The Italians are coming!"
15 January 2004
What more can one add to the comments already listed for this little gem. The performances are down to earth without a weak spot throughout.

Some may say that this film really comes across as dated (it is truly the late seventies), but that is beside the point.

What makes this one stand out is the writing. It holds true, line for line. It tells us what a great writing talent Steve Tesich really was and that perhaps his best was yet to come. His premature death precluded all of that.

If you have never seen this movie I sincerely advise you to get a copy and on a lazy Sunday afternoon alone plop yourself on the couch and watch.


"Go you cutters!"

Enough said.
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Dark Blue (2002)
The dark side of blue.
11 January 2004
Total score: 6.5/10

The first film I have seen incorporating crooked cops within the backdrop of the Rodney King riots.

Kurt Russell gives the performance of his career as the L.A. detective with a twisted (depending on your viewpoint Mr. Getz) sense of justice.

The supporting cast were generally okay with the exception of Ving Rames and Michael Michele (female) who were particularly good.

Script: Has some high points but could have been tighter.

Should you see this one? Ummm.....yep.

Is it worth the rental? Ah, yeah if its cheap.

Should you buy the DVD? Yes, if you pick it up for $9.88 like I did at Sams Club. That Canadian mind you!!
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Kung Fu (1972–1975)
"do you not hear the grasshopper at your feet?"
30 December 2003
David Carridine plays the shoalin monk, philosopher, priest, drifter, defender, dreamer, he simply says, "I am Caine."

The music of Jim Helms is eerie and completely apt.

Performances are good, especially that of Keye Luke as the venerable Master Po.

People often ask, "why don't they make shows like this anymore?" Some answer, "because no one wants to watch them".

Truth is, the art of writing a decent screenplay for television has gone the way of the Dodo bird. They're all mediocre, untalented, overpaid, underworked hacks!
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Time to revisit this gem.
20 December 2003
Now that the trilogy is complete, I thought I would return and add my comments to the film that started it all.

This film, unlike the other two is perhaps the only one of the three that appeals to Tolkien aficionados and lay people alike. Why? That is difficult to answer but here are some of my thoughts none the less:

As the first film in the series, director Peter Jackson pursued the path of least resistance: ie. stick to the source text whenever possible both in term of story line and dialogue. It surprised me that almost every line of dialogue in this film is from the text of the book.

Yes, sometimes it is from the mouths of different characters, eg."...the world is changing, I feel it in the water, I feel it in the earth" narrated by Galadrial at the beginning of the film is actually said by Treebeard near the books end.

Of course Glorfindal the elflord is replaced by Arwen, but this can also be easily overlooked knowing Tolkiens love for the story of Beren and Luthien.

Furthermore, for fans of the book, we were just happy to see the characters we knew so much brought to the big screen.

Lastly, this film has an aspect of Tolkien, the author, the others do not: the Shire and Bag End. For Tolkien himself, this idyllic little tract of land, be it fictional, was close to his heart. It abounds at once with spring time renewal, peace, and simplicity. Indeed, it is no bad thing to celebrate a simple life.

With the second films wide departure from the book and the last films cheesy schlock, I for one am certainly glad that Fellowship of the Ring is there on my shelf for return viewings. We'll always have the Shire.

For those who have not seen this film and for those wanting a second look: it is time to revisit this gem.

the Pond
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What happened to the script?
18 December 2003
This film was so chalk full of cheesy one liner's that one wondered what happened to the script writers.

Gandalf the wizard was reduced to a swordwieilding soldier who merely clubs over the head those who disagree with him.

What is clear is that Jackson, Boyens, and Walsh do not have a firm grasp of the source text.

One can discern script weaknesses clearly as confused actors muddle through dialogue that they know is suspect at best (see Mortensen's (aragorn) speech at the crowning of the king).

I laughed and I cried, but for all the wrong reasons.

Rest in peace professor Tolkien, however difficult that may now seem to be.
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