
831 Reviews
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A drama for your I.Q. scores and your logic ability
22 May 2024
Well, all those thoughts I want to write down is already down below:

This is an odd show. Although I'm a big fan of the enemies to lovers romance genre, its success depends on the likability of the female character, the potential for the main male character's transformation and reliability of the plot. Sadly, this stinker lacks all three, Well, I'm being a bit harsh on Ruby Bell. She's not completely unlikable, just a bit wooden.

None of the student characters look young enough to be high school. Then there's a party to attract potential new students serving champagne. None of them would be legally allowed to drink for another three years. And they're dressed in evening wear. Open campuses never have champagne and sequins.

There's a lacrosse game where the players are wearing American gridiron shoulder pads. Bewildering.

There are multiple scenes of the two main characters, who supposedly hate each, standing super close and speaking to each other with just 10cm between their faces. Enemies don't do that. (standing so close to each other would make them both become cross-eyes)

The main male character spends a lot of time sneering, pouting and trying to look threatening. He takes his shirt off a few times in just the first episode. He's grumpy crumpet.

I doubt I'll watch anymore."
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A Man in Full (2024)
12 May 2024
The thing that I really don't understand is how only Charlie Croker, played by Jeff Daniels, is the only guy who got the weird, overly exaggerated, absolutely unnatural accent in this series. Is Charlie Croker is actually the only Atlanta outsider doing business in that city? Why all the characters around this guy speaking normal American English, even Bill Camp, an Atlanta local banker who hates his guts, without such weird accent? Not his ex wife, his current wife, not even his son, none of them seems to have no difficulty to communicate with him in a normal American English.

The second thing that I consider this series inferior is there almost not background histories of all the people around him. All these characters are like from the prequel series that we already knew them quite well. But it's not. When the first episode started, they are already in the middle of the storyline. There's no developments, the origins of all the relationships with Croker.

Then the whole series also showed a thin and weak centerline of the drama that needed to insert many unnecessary fillers such as 1) the mayor's re-election campaign, 2) Croker's attorney family life, his connection with that thug-like mayor, 3) Croker's secretary, Jill Hensley, her husband's bad luck with the violent white cop, his jail time, and his court trial scenes, 4) The weird and over-the-top side story of Herb Richman at the Croker's ranch. The rattle snakes scenes. 5) The unnecessary characters of Joyce Newman and even Croker's ex wife. There are more stuffing fillers in this thin drama, not just what I've pointed out here.

But the real killer of this series is the WEIRD ACCENT of Charlie Croker, so strange and out of place, a disastrous misfire, making Jeff Daniels a cartoon character and a very bad actor.
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A very amateurish disjoint documentary film
8 May 2024
I really don't know how the producer or the shooter who could call this clueless, going-nowhere video recording as a watchable documentary. I have patiently tried to hang on from the very beginning, but after a while, I decided to fast forward every other few minutes to see if there was anything really meant something worth wasting my time. All I got is some male or a female speaking mindlessly in Chinese Mandarin with heavy Taiwanese accent about something that without any clue to connect with the video. I saw a guy used a hatchet to blaze in the jungle, then set up tent, read some manuscripts with his headlamp...I finally lost my patience and interest to watch further and consider that this is the most clueless video record I have every watched. What's about is absolutely not worth my attention. I simply couldn't care less. I can't say this video is one of the worst documentary films I've watched so far, because it does not qualify as a Documentary, in fact, it's not.
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Big Driver (2014 TV Movie)
Watchable, but
29 April 2024
Maria Bello is a great actor, her performance in this Hallmark movie is as good as before; no question about it. Her appearance on the Hallmark TV movies also enhanced Hallmark's WATCHABLE value. This movie in general, is not bad, but some formulaic formats of Hallmark still has big room to improve. The first thing they need to improve is the usual lame and shallow SOUNDTRACK that almost every time giving us a lightweight, B-level production impression. The music with this movie is no exception. Especially when the movie started, that annoying light-feet goofy music almost turned me off right away, making it nearly unwatchable. All the soundtrack music in this movie were overly used, trying so hard to mimic every on-going scene is actually not necessary. Sometimes, a silent soundless scene is even more suspenseful than any sound, if the leading actor is good enough, she or he could grab more attention from us by their great performance at those critical moments; the soundtrack would suddenly not just unnecessary but even become annoying. Less is more should be a motto for Hallmark to abide with.

Again, with the great performance of Ms. Bello, this movie has become more valuable to watch; except the annoying soundtrack.
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The Falls (2021)
A very awkward Taiwanese movie
27 April 2024
As always, the acting of the two main characters of the mother and the daughter, like the their dialogue to each other, just felt so awkward and unnatural. It's the typical shortcoming that generally and only happened in the Taiwanese movie. Rigid conversation between the mother, daughter and among other supporting characters in this movie, as always, just felt unnatural, unrealistic and no chemistry at all. I just don't know why this weakness never seems to be able to correct or improve so far. Why the movies made in Hong Kong or from the CCPChina never have such problem? There were great movies produced from Taiwan, but the dialogue and the way those Taiwanese actors never seemed to be able to overcome such rigid, unnatural and unreal problem. The way they delivered the dialogue always felt like they were from the actors' mouths, not from their hearts, they just memorized it and delivered from their mouths; performing a play on stage in a one-dimensional way.
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Humoresque (1946)
Why this Boray guy always so angry?
27 April 2024
A great violinist would be so angry? He seems to hate everything in front of him, around him. He doesn't seem to be kind toward anybody. And he is very rude to his mother, ignores his father and his brother and sister. A guy so self-centered. Treating his only friend, using him as his violin. When he becomes rich, the first thing is to get a luxurious apartment for himself. He seems to be always angry, unhappy, and cynical to other people. There is love; if there is passion in him, but sorry, I fail to see it. A typical selfish person. And I just believe a person who loves music, loves all those beautiful, romantic, profound and passionate violin concertos would have such rude, cold, ungrateful personality. People like him wouldn't be to interpret those great music.

The script has create a very unlikely great violinist, just impossible. The woman who sponsors him at first for his music, then falls in love with him is just so unreal and impossible. When he said he loves her, there's no passion, no real feeling, just like the move dialogue that written and prepared for him to recite from his mouth. His face is so cold, no feeling at all. So when you watch the movie, you just feel like watching a Movie.

There are some very smart even wise-cracking dialogue in this movie, like this movie title: Humoresque, more like a fraud and fake painting, look quite real but in fact not at all. The chain-smoking scenes, smart-ass talking dialogue, the hateful looks of the bartender, the helpless husband, the overly protective mother, the mindless father, the grocery store on the street level first floor in New York.

"Why the lollipops look so small?" "Because the day has become shorter"

And I just quit watching this heartless and looked unreal movie at last five minutes left. The only thing worth of it is the great music, not the characters in it.
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White Lies (2024– )
This 8 episodes series should be shortened to just 1 episode only
13 April 2024
I used to consider Lifetime or Hallmark stuff are bad, but if compared them with this White Lies, they'd immediately transform into masterpiece. I don't even know why I need to write a review on this horrible drama series. The screenplay is so bad, all the actors, except Dormer, who's also the producer, are just so amateurish, especially the young guy who plays the son of the murdered parents and the elder brother to his sister. His bad acting in addition to the bad screenplay and those horrible actors who played the cops, are the major reasons that nearly ruined this drama from the very beginning. I have to admit that I didn't waste my time to watch the whole eight episodes; I really didn't need to since it's so predictable. After in the middle of the second episode, I skipped to the last one, and voila, nothing really out of my prediction. I have to say that even in the last episode, it's still so bad and I was lucky I didn't so mindlessly waste my time going through the whole series.

Writing this review is perhaps the hardest one that I've ever did, because it's just so bad that I don't even know how to put it into words to describe it. To fulfill the required words is just so painful like a torture.
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Shōgun (2024–2026)
One of the best drama series so far
12 April 2024
I wish I could give this fantastic series a 10/10 score rating, but some of the major and minor flaws which I couldn't disregard or overlook forced me not giving it a full score.

The first major flaw is the cast of John Blackthorne played by Cosmo Jarvis, who in general, is not a bad actor, but if compared him with the older version of Shogun played by Richard Chamberlain, cast him as Blackthorne is not a good choice. His height is a bit of short that made him obscure among the Japanese actors, even among the female ones, his didn't stand out as a Western white man. During the ancient time, the Japanese people were short in general, if cast an average height white man like Jarvis is an obvious flaw. Furthermore, other than his height is not tall enough, not only he looks too ordinary, but also without strong charisma.

The second flaw is Anna Sawai, who plays Toda Mariko. In this series, Mariko can speak Portuguese and English. But her English is too fluent and too American. In that era, only a few Portuguese missionary monks in Japan, the American military ships and merchants were not yet presented, how a woman could speak such fluent and perfect American English without even an error or even a stutter to find an appropriate English word? More ridiculous is she could instantly translate the Japanese into English without any hesitation like those professional translators working in the UN council.

What makes this drama series so great, on the other hand, is also the great casting. Hiroyuki Sanada, Tokume Nishioka, Shinnosuke Abe, Tadanobu Asano, Moeka Hoshi, and Takehiro Hira...All of these Japanese actors are so great. Especially Mr. Sanada, who played Yoshii Toranaga. Mr. Sanada is like a rare vintage wine, too good to not mentioning here.

The setting, the costumes, the dialogue (except Mariko's fluent English), the soundtrack, the special CGI effect, the directing and editing...All of them are near-perfect.
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The Settlers (2023)
A boring and pointless movie
29 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie actually got nothing to say, just used the camera to shoot a lot of close up macro images on the screen, every close up frame would have prolonged for a long period of time; another kind of filler trick to extend the length of a movie. The only thing that might worth your time to see is the middle-of-nowhere wildness that claimed to be Chilean territory or Argentina or somewhere else. The camera team of this actually nothing to tell early 20th Century south America did a great job to show you lot of beautiful sceneries, but what missing is the meager storyline and boring plot.

In one of the early beginning scene, there was an accident about a labor lost his right hand, but what could cause that accident if they were just did a wire fence job? There's no explosive involved.

Three guys travelled on their horses in the wildness for days but without a packing horse to carry food, tents and those must-have items for a long journey is just not possible and unrealistically to look real enough. There's only one scene that the third member of this mission, an aborigine Indian young man, caught trout of some kind of large fish in the creek and that's it.

In addition to those mindless and cruel killings, there was also an awful, totally unnecessary scene, showing a British guy assaulted one of the three party member, a Scotsman. (spoiler?)

But in general, this movie actually told nothing interesting at all. If there was one, I didn't find it and simply could not care less.
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The Night Agent (2023– )
I'm just watching Episode 2 in the middle of it, guess what?
27 March 2024
1) I really don't know how the production team signed up the actress to play the Rose character. Neither she or the role she played in this drama series are likable but instead, I find both are very annoying. The male actor who played Peter is somehow likable and cool enough, but he is too young to convince me that he is so capable to deal with all the deadly and critical situations like a veteran field agent.

2) The FBI will not allow its agents to drive official vehicle back home, except certain high-pay-grade tier-one chiefs, yet Peter drives a FBI SUV like he owns it. When he and Rose were chased by the assassins on the freeway, the car was hit many times, riddled with many bullets with all the windshields broken, Rose was hit by a piece of shattered glass. But in the next moment, his SUV has been miraculously repaired in a perfect condition.

3) Did Peter and Rose both were implanted tracking GPS? Why the assassins knew where to find them anytime anywhere?

4) Rose steals a cellphone from a female customer who's trying some new dress of the store. Did you ever see any woman or man who would leave their belongs, especially the purse outside the dressing room? The screenplay writers just made this impossible crap readily for Rose to steal it and asking Peter to call his handler in the White House.

5) The Chief-of-Staff is a woman with funny bleached hairs. Yeah, like any production of films or dramas, racial balance is a political correct must, so this drama is no exception, she and the half-Tonga actress from New Zealand to play the annoying Rose character in a 98% white world.

This drama is just so ridiculous and childish, full of holes and highly unlikely scenarios. You have to put your brain at rest watching it, otherwise...
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Did you realize...
26 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
How much is the cost to buy a single burial lot in a cemetery nowadays? Did you know you have to pay to reserve a cemetery lot in advance? Either pay in full or with a monthly installment for such reservation not just for the lot, you have to pay in advance for the funeral arrangements, including the cost for a coffin or ash urn after the cremation, the memorial service. You have to prepay for the transportation by the mortuary company...and so on. There's no way if these complicated and expensive arrangements not to be done in advance, but instead that you could do it right after your beloved one passed away suddenly, or you could have them done immediately.

I've learned all of these painful experiences and its huge expense from my parents death, and they died in different ages and years.

But what we saw in this movie and almost all of the other movies that involved funerals and burials, it just seemed so easy to be arranged.

In this movie, the husband is just a roofer, I really don't think that he could afford to pay for all of these expenses, albeit in advance. When his daughter falls ill, his credit card already over the allowed limit. It just looks so unreal and unrealistic in my opinion. What I have seen in this movie were just so conveniently and readily done for the movie itself that inevitably gave me a quite distant and disconnected feeling.
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This is a terrible movie
16 March 2024
The screenplay was such a poorly written and crafted one that only skimmed the surface of a historical person that served the early beginning of America. This movie about John Paul Jone only superfluously told us how he was fooled and manipulated by the American bureaucrats even the nation just claimed it's independent from the British Empire, no more a colony but a new nation. The movie was full of big words, blah, blah this or that, every man is born free and equal, but what John faced was constant rejections by those politicians. He kept lost his commissions as a captain, without ship to command. Then he was sent away as a mercenary to fight for France, even for the Russia. The fighting scenes on the high sea were often messy and confusing. You couldn't even distinguish who was the enemies. But the most annoying thing about this movie is the loud, almost deafening soundtrack, the horrible music that almost accompanied and synchronized with every scene. There's nothing about the person of John Paul Jones, but a pathetic pawn, a servant, an errand man, often betrayed or cheated by those so-called Founding Fathers, except B. Franklin.

This is a horribly scripted and directed movie. A total waste and an insult not just to John Paul Jones but also the cool dude of Robert Stack.
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Watchable but with weak and wrong supporting actors
15 March 2024
I rarely finished watching most of the Taiwanese movies due to their shallow, childish, naive screenplays, their bad acting with horrible dialogue deliveries in a complete unnatural and fake way of speaking by most of the actors and actresses. This movie, although still inevitably failed to improve the way of speaking the dialogue in Taiwanese Mandarin, at least it's bearable this time.

The cast of the No.1 and No. 2 villains when compared to the No.3, the leading actor who played the protagonist, were neither good enough nor appropriate, not even feasible or realistic. There's no way the No.2 villain, a murderous killer from Hong Kong, most of the time speaking Cantonese, could be so hard to catch. Besides, his physical strength based on his height and weight would not be able to cause so much damages to the protagonist.

The cast of the No.1 Villain is even worse than the No.2, a fragile, skinny con man, who could hide himself on the island and become the preacher and the cult leader. His illegal organization is somewhat copied from the Scientology cult that plagued America. The way he fools and cheats on those naive followers is just too shallow.

The actor who plays the die-hard cop is a great cast. He is also the second worthwhile element that has made this movie feel more humane and realistic.

The watchable value of this movie is completely relied on the leading actor, who indeed performed so believably well. The herb medicine woman cast is not bad, but her Taiwanese Mandarin is still felt a bit forced and unnatural, the formulaic way of speaking by almost all the Taiwanese actors, actresses in movies or in dramas. Their weird and unnatural way of speaking is the fatal weakness of all actors, actresses and even all of those reporters, news anchormen and anchorwomen on TV.
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Modern Love (2019–2021)
These reviews may have include all the thoughts when I watched this drama series Season 1 & 2
14 March 2024
"Loved season 1, season 2 not half as much barbdelorme16 August 2021 Still very unique, but season 2 was kind of a disappointment. Didn't like it even half as much. Felt like the ball was dropped on season 2 in some way.

Episode 3 gjonisee25 October 2019 Anne Hathaway, had an award winning performance in episode 3. Episode 2 was touching, real with a great performance by Dev Patel. I didn't expect to like the series but I love it!!!!!

Moving katrinatiebel24 October 2019 I was skeptical but after watching the first few episodes I was hooked. I'm about as cynical as you can get, but this touched my heart. Episode 3 was brilliant and real. I highly recommend.

Only reviewing Season 2 divedeep-4670422 August 2021 Firstly season 1 was much more engaging than season 2.

Season two lacked any authentic depth in characters and I found it difficult to remain engaged in the episodes.

There were much too many overstated/cliche scenes and characters were very 1 dimensional.

Disappointing as after watching season 1 was really looking forward to season 2.

Season 1 Great Season 2 Awful elisaa-6329715 August 2021

What happened with season 2?

Tyshastx16 August 2021"

Yes, "What happened with season 2?" is exactly what I thought. But other than this, I do have some of my own to say here:

I only consider episode 2 of the season 1 is good enough. But the story also showed how most Americans, males or females, are so self-centered only-care-about-himself/herself people. The people who were in the lives of the Journalist and the dating app website guy both used them as SPARE TIRES. When they decided to change or go back to what they were looking for, all their current husband, kids, and lover/girl friend would suddenly become their Spare Tires. They only take care of themselves and disregard their current relationships and responsibilities. Some reviewers said they loved episode 3, but I don't think so. It just looked like a Broadway show, very unrealistic and dramatized. The other episodes in season 1 simply turned out to be waste of time.

Season 2, only episode 3 a bit worthwhile watching, but still got lost to COVID-19 Lock Down. Other episodes, Jesus, can you believe we have to watch the propaganda LGBTQ, gay crap? Nothing worth watching.
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One of the worst K-drama series uptodate
13 March 2024
Rarely I've found the Korean drama series could be this bad. There almost nothing to tell. A lame story could be summed up and finished in one episode but dragged along to fill up to 16 episodes without any watchable interest. It's so painful to watch these actors tried so hard to play those lame characters. Same songs played and played throughout the whole 16 episodes. Those songs were actually not so bad, but kept hearing and listening to them was like a convict is forced to listen "The Sound of Music (1965)" 24/7/365 day in and day out as part of the punishments and it would drive the prisoner crazy. This Korean product team was doing the same thing to their viewers.

Then, there were so many scenes of drinking and eating. The green bottles almost appeared in every couple of minutes in every episode.

One of the other thing that my wife and I couldn't deal with is the limited actors and actresses cast in this production company. They just rotate them to play different but actually similar roles in their series. It just makes you feel so tired to watch them.

The baby-face leading male actor and the way-too-old female leading actress in this lame series were both wasted completely and, at the same time, becoming two tiresome ones to encounter again and again in so many lame drama series.

We have to constantly fast forward like every 2 to 3 minutes to get it going, but even so, the slowly dragged, nothing told drama still felt so slow to stand.
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Spaceman (I) (2024)
You don't need to go to Space to get the marriage counseling
12 March 2024
Why you have to got the far far away Space to retrospect your past history about your childhood, your marriage, your life on the Earth, or elsewhere, to have your brain checked, to revisit your personal history? You can do this by making regular visit appointments with a cheaper or more expensive Psychologist, he or she might also have chocolate hazelnut spread bought from Costco or Sam's Club or Walmart or their local supermarkets and keep it in their offices, for themselves or by any fat chance, for their clients (No, you can't use the word of Patients). You don't have to go so faraway into the Space to talk about your life story to a weird spider, to spend a whole year (or six months) in Space, and try to fix a toilet system in your spaceship. No, you don't have to do these, you can just lie down in the lounge couch which is provided by your shrink, who either sit close by in a sofa chair, or sit a bit far away behind a desk, pretending he or she's focusing what you are talking about. Unlike talking to a weird black multi-eyes English-speaking Spider, they are English speaking humans with authentic diplomas and current licenses. When you finish it, you can call your wife and ask her to have a late lunch or a coffee date, or just text her.

This Spaceman movie is absolutely an overkill and obviously, in order to save some tax or union required minimum pay with a meager budget, it was shot in Prague, Czech Republic. Amen.
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The leading male actor was an unable-to-overlook wrong cast
11 March 2024
This great review by Des81022 November 2020 needs to be read when you decide to write a drama or movie review after you've watched it. It's what I call a "Thinking" one when you don't put your brain and your logic abilities at rest, taking everything for granted.

"I finished watching the series last night and I have to say that I only watched it because on the one hand, I wanted to find out what will happen to the secondary characters and the Ha-Joon Wi's character regarding his relationship with the dying writer and on the other hand, I'm a true book lover and I liked watching how things work in a publishing house. Other than that, this TV show failed to allow myself get immersed because of dune flaws that I couldn't shake off:

1. Too much product placement!!! I get it that Tv shows need sponsorship to get them up and running and it is something that you often see in Kdramas but this time it was quite distracting and annoying, especially some close-ups of specific logos and coffee brand!!

2. And let's not forget how often the main male character got in and out of different outfits, some quite outrageous (I'll never forget that awful leafy coat when they went to look at the apartment), that it was more about making fashion statements than adding anything at all to the character!!

3. Having watched Lee Jong-Suk in W and Pinocchio right before watching RIABB, I was really disappointed with his acting in this one. It felt like he was doing it just for the sake of it, like he wasn't very invested in his character, and he looked very fake; maybe because of the clothes he was wearing and the makeup he had; he didn't look like a man who's head over heels with his best friend; to be more precise, he didn't look manly at all!!! And those silly, goofy, trying-to-be-cute antics and declarations of love were so cringy that made me feel uncomfortable to watch!!! In one word, they were ridiculous!

4. NO chemistry whatsoever between the 2 main leads!!! No passion, no longing, no desire, no romantic/sexual tension! Their interactions were very blunt and more sibling like! So, that was a major turnoff!

All in all, if you have nothing better to watch, then go for it... but keep your expectations low."

I have decided to check out what Des81022 had pointed out about this series' flaws anyway. But after patiently watched it, I think that Des81022 gave it a 5/10 rating is still too generous. The leading male actor actually ruined it.
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gkhege27 already said what I want to say about this drama on August 2021
9 March 2024
I often wondered why there were only a few of the reviewers who had actually really penetrated deeper than most of the others.

When I decided to review on this Korean period drama series, I found out that the reviewer gkhege27 had already written it for me:

"Talk , Talk and more talk.. gkhege27 August 2021 I love this show but it does have a lot of snail pace dialogue. It also has a lot of drinking wine and tea. It also has a lot of verbiage about killing ones self or asking to be killed by others.

It also wears out the phrase, I've been framed!" Other than that, it could be seen as a family show (no sex). The scenery is beautiful and all the characters have perfect teeth and skin tone. They also have plenty of crying and more crying.

If you like battle scenes, don't blink, only a few look real ( CGI?)"
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Queens (2024– )
Boring as watching clouds floating by in the sky
7 March 2024
The main problem of this documentary serial is the narrator, whose voice is way to low, vague and spiritless without energy. Even by increasing the volume, her low tiresome voice still became so difficult to catch sometimes. To tell the stories about the queens in the wild animal kingdoms, you need to use clear, strong and energetic voice to deliver the powerful, sometimes predictable, sometimes not quite predictable situations when those queens of the different species become weak and old and inevitably ousted by the young, upcoming and more vicious ones who come to take over and become the new queens. Yet this weak narrator's voice simply failed to deliver such wild animals' world.

The other weakness of this documentary is the random editing that jumped around. Often when we just got into that specific animal's world, it suddenly cut it short and began to tell another animal's stuff. Besides, all the contents of this documentary are already well-known and old information that we don't really want to renew or relearn. This is a very boring fact finding documentary that we could do without, especially with such terrible choice of a weal, seamless female voice just because the documentary needs to tell, that in animal kingdoms, the female ones usually reign over the males and the other females. Sounds more like a feminist's production, don't you think?

I could only watched the first episode and decided to quit in the middle.
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A typical crappy product out of Hollywood
1 March 2024
When the first scene appeared on the screen, you immediately felt it's not what you've expected, an authentic European scene what Dumas wanted you to see. Then the specific Hollywood branded scenes came onto the screen, they all looked so fake, artificial, and pretentious. When all the leading characters came up one after another, again, you didn't feel and convince you were looking French people but Americans and British dudes. When Leonardo DiCaprio came into the screen, Jesus, except his name maybe a bit of European, he actually looked a Californian kid, a teenager dressed up in shinny gilded costumes to play a role that completely out of his zone. Everything, every scene, just looked so fake like a high school kids play on stage. The 3 actors who played the 3 musketeers and the guy who played D'Artagnan, my God, they're absolutely the result of a bad casting job. The dialogue never felt natural, more like people who used to jerk around by himself or joke around with other clowns.

This version of Dumas novel that was further twisted into complete garbage adaption. Sorry, I could not finish it.
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This is how to watch a movie as a thinking man
29 February 2024
"Saccharine stuff on Corny Corrie TimelessFlight18 February 2024

A Shine of Rainbows tells the tale of a young and shy orphaned boy, Tomas, who is chosen by a new foster mum, Marie, to start a new life at her remote home on Corrie - a quiet island off the Irish coast.

Marie is welcoming, warm and loving towards Tomas, but the relationship between Tomas and Marie's husband Alec is not quite so comfortable. Tomas gradually settles and develops confidence, until a tragedy strikes.

Although a sweet, good natured and inoffensive film, I pretty much hated all of it (apologies to those who liked the film).

Firstly Marie and Tom (played by Connie Nielsen and Aidan Quinn) are too pretty by half, and not at all convincing; they're handsome city folk who look completely out of place in what could, in reality, be quite a harsh environment.

Secondly, the overbearing and relentless music. Just in case you forget this is meant to be in Ireland, here's some Irish music. And some more. And some more. And some more.

Thirdly, it is just so sickly sweet. Now I'm all for a feel good movie, but this was just so cheesy it almost tipped into satire. Maybe it's just the fact that I had not long before watched 'Ryan's Daughter' and the contrast between the grittiness of that and this treacle-laiden offering was too stark.

Throw in a range of eccentric knitware and Tomas's bizarre relationship with a seal pup (a dreadful animatronic one by the way) and it was all just too much to stomach.

Even the wonderful landscape didn't save it for me; we get glimpses of a fab coastline, but are never fully immersed in it.

There's certainly nothing to hate about the sentimental story itself, but the way it was portrayed on screen was just too lightweight and hammy. An amateur, corny offering I'll easily forget."

Don't be so easily to become a fetus not developed with brain, yet.
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3 Godfathers (1948)
Again, another loud and annoying boring Western
25 February 2024
Like always we had to listen to the overly exaggerated but also totally irrelevant loud soundtrack, the specially composed music for all the movies, not just the gun totting Western genre movies, but almost every movies once the silent movies were phased out and the movies were with sound. The first thing Hollywood did was hiring a bunch of musicians, many composers, to drafted up and orchestrate music for every movie they made henceforth. All the loud soundtracks were even had conductors to play the music. Bombarded from the first second when screen lit up, to the last scene, the music never stopped. Most of the time, totally irrelevant to what we saw on the screen. Just non-stop, played on and on.

This Three Amigos type and format movies with different players, different scenarios were overly used from 1940s till late 20th Century by Hollywood, Bollywood, industries, just changed or replaced a little bit, but if you unluckily watched most of them, they would have turned out almost the same. Three morons, three clowns, and/or three jerks got involved with an baby from a dying mother. And these three morons unfortunately became babysitters. So what else is new here? None.
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The Mechanic (1972)
When you tailed the mark
23 February 2024
You don't take an oversized binoculars with camera device. You don't keep shooting so many unnecessary pictures. You don't have to waste so much time in developing those overshot pictures in the darkroom, besides, when your contracts require you to follow your targets everywhere, those places don't so conveniently provide you those necessary darkrooms for you to develop those photos. Yes, it might take a lot of time to prepare a hit, but how can you get all the necessary weapons, handguns, shotguns, rifles with scopes, explosives, and bombs with timers. They are not ready made to serve your needs whenever you want them. If what we have seen in this movie that everything mentioned above so easily to get, it's because the movie has a logistic production team and crew to make them ready when the scenarios needed them to be ready at hand, but it also undoubtedly expose how fake this movie is. There is no way everything, every equipment would be so conveniently prepared whenever your needs arise. This is why I have to give this looked so cool on-screen movie a lower than usual score, because it just felt so absurd and so difficult to believe.
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Land of Bad (2024)
Not bad, not bad at all
22 February 2024
Actually, this movie is pretty good, except the ugly part of the those soldiers on duty are absolutely disgusting. If they were really like this when they are on duty but never pay any attention to the life and death of their own soldiers on the ground, only focus on the ball game on the TV, then I think America is really in trouble. The 2nd Pearl Harbor disaster would happen when America is on the war with our two potential enemies, CCPChina and Russia. I think all of those who are on duty that day should be court marshalled, except the only two and half guys, the fatso Russel Crowe, the black fat female operator, and the guy who took over Crowe's operation, only these three should not be punished.

This is a very exciting military mission gone bad thriller. Of course there are some illogical flaws, but they could be disregarded or overlooked completely. The combat scenes are all great and look quite real, special effect, stunt, and make-up are all good. If you want to ask me how good is this movie, I could give you several reasons: 1) I didn't stop watching after 5 to 15 minutes like when the movies were so bad. 2) I didn't fall asleep and lost my consciousness from the beginning to the end. 3) I was really pissed off by those officers and soldiers on duty. Then you know how this movie made me feel so realistic.

One thing came to my mind when I watched this movie: Mr. Crowe really has to quit drinking. He's not just so out of shape, but even became so clown-like ugly. He was so handsome before, I could never imagine he'd become so pathetically disfigured.
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Forsaken (I) (2015)
A wonderful Western that's so rare to enjoy now
22 February 2024
I don't know why I had given this movie a 5/10 stars a few years back when it was first show on the screen. But today, in Feb. 2024, after I've reviewed it again, I've decided to revise my score to 9/10, and at the same time I also realized why I gave it a mediocre rating when I first watched it. It's because I didn't like and felt disgusted by what Reverend Samuel Clayton's stupid preaching since I never believed anything from the so-called Bible. But this time, when I witnessed what the Reverend finally realized that if there's indeed a God, that guy would only help those who help themselves to make things work by their own deed. As to this movie itself, I have to say it's almost a perfect Western, screenplay, directing, cinematogrphy, editing, soundtrack/scores, acting...all turned out to be impeccably perfect. I'm glad that I've decided to give it another try and rewarded with such a wonderful viewing experience. Highly recommended.
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