A drama for your I.Q. scores and your logic ability
22 May 2024
Well, all those thoughts I want to write down is already down below:

This is an odd show. Although I'm a big fan of the enemies to lovers romance genre, its success depends on the likability of the female character, the potential for the main male character's transformation and reliability of the plot. Sadly, this stinker lacks all three, Well, I'm being a bit harsh on Ruby Bell. She's not completely unlikable, just a bit wooden.

None of the student characters look young enough to be high school. Then there's a party to attract potential new students serving champagne. None of them would be legally allowed to drink for another three years. And they're dressed in evening wear. Open campuses never have champagne and sequins.

There's a lacrosse game where the players are wearing American gridiron shoulder pads. Bewildering.

There are multiple scenes of the two main characters, who supposedly hate each, standing super close and speaking to each other with just 10cm between their faces. Enemies don't do that. (standing so close to each other would make them both become cross-eyes)

The main male character spends a lot of time sneering, pouting and trying to look threatening. He takes his shirt off a few times in just the first episode. He's grumpy crumpet.

I doubt I'll watch anymore."
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