
20 Reviews
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Cherry 2000 (1987)
My Review four this film
11 August 2022
I loved the film it was just what I was looking four in a Summer film also it had some actors and actresses from other film's and television series I had watched as a kid I would recommend this too all my friends but not four children audience. Also it had a airplane in it and someone from another movie I watched just a little bit younger but older.
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Hannah Montana (2006–2011)
My review four this tv series
7 August 2022
What I liked most about this tv series is it reminded me of my childhood my family and that it gave me a reason as youth too grow up like all the young actors and actresses in show and billy ray sir-us being the parent and raising two wonderful kids with skills and trades and jobs also I feel this show went before it's time four male and female fans and children who loved see mylie Cyrus in concert also I am only saying this be someone outside of my family intruced me too this show and shows like it at the time also mylie Cyrus I had a crush on at the time coming out of air cadets and other clubs I belonged too and it was the only show that was decent and the cast always had those lines that you could never forget be they were be true too themselves and they were paid and fed and they had agents and the budget lasted four many seasons in-till the season finally also I would recommend this program too my adult friends and the music because mylie was under pressure too get results besides autographs and guest appearances from dolly par-ten and Steve woods over the years in other film's this family was involved with between the scudule of this show and the cast had a favourite line I loved when billy ray Cyrus tried too cheer up is daughter mylie would u like loco hot coco. And that being said Netflix still has my love four tv series Hannah Montana.
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My review four this film
15 July 2022
This was a great film it was team work and being one with the knife the hatchet and the arrow also this film had some fear in it and everything turned out well also I would recommend this film too all my friends if they don't already have it in there collection. Also it was a male camp and only one female doctor and her grand dad. Also what I liked about this is they found out the recipe four eggs aroneis.
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Danger Bay (1983–1990)
My review four this film
19 June 2022
Well this is a film about the land sea and air and right and roung also someone being a scientist at home raising a family and going through one adventure too another and hanging out with there friends also about grant Roberts have too be a spouse too a lady that was inployed bye habor air in Vancouver bc and have too deal family each episode also as kid this program tot me about life in the ocean and research on wales and co-workers working out Vancouver eqaruim in Vancouver that I use too feed peanuts too the squirrels that lived on the grounds there also I found out what peach preserves was and how too follow proper preseger in any plane or helicopter they used in the show besides anything they rented four the episodes or a take up until the last final episode where Christopher crab had too rescue a little girl from a fire because he Volunteered too be a smoke jumper and get a injunction so they could not clear cut the land anyway great show of shows I would recommend it too all my friends if they took it out the vault or put it on Amazon movie rental or sold it box set with some collectors stuff from the show like other films sell coins or full scripts on a biography four each cast member of danger bay also I loved the music they chose four the show and how the Roberts family had friends in the coast gaurd and in shipping in Vancouver and they new how fly because they were looking four ratings at the time and it was my favourite show because I was in school and also JL I never found out why grant left here but I new it was not something too do with flying or cooking at the property and all the people they rescued.
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The Chase (1994)
My review four this film
4 June 2022
It was great film loads of great actors and actresses and a guy holding up grosey store with a candy bar who could not ask four anything more original in a movie also Charlie sheen he always works out before each film he does and I would recommend this film too all my friends also this film might be needed be edited four miners.

Also I would like too add this film hasn't made in on too film's add video on Xbox live market place but I think Charlie sheen deserves some credit in this film because he's a actor with self confidence and he's the only person I no in Hollywood that has someone looking out four himself.
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My review four this film
27 May 2022
Great film I understood most of it was being strong and crying bye the end of the film also everyone did a great job also I don't think as a fan I could live noing that maverick and gooses son callsign rooster came back from combat with a crippled tomcat they lifed from a Russian airbase but it was bonding experience four rooster and maverick after iceman passed away in the film also I would recommend this film too my friends also I downloaded and tried the the update on Microsoft flight simulator on my devices and it's not the only game I trained on besides this film. Also I think tom cruise should be given the distinguished flying cross four the effort he put into this film as actor. Also I like that he got too fly the tomcat one more time and he demonstrated a carrier crash landing with the net thing also the navy's around the world with carriers they have all the components they need four a cruise at sea just like any airforce base too. Also thanks I can't use words how they spent time reviewing this movie getting ready four the finished product like a when you build a vical on a assembly line.
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Enemy Mine (1985)
My review four this film.
22 May 2022
Well I don't no where too began but this film was great even had some space dog fighting also I didn't no that some lifeforms are born pragnet and they can have children if there the male of the species also this film had a happy ending that old saying on the battlefield live no one behind zumies being the person that he raised after barring the parent Louis's gosett jr anyway I have always loved happy endings as a writer and some that can stay on task in the film's he watches including this one I no they can't do another enemy mine but anything is possible like in this at first you don't succeed try try again also I love football it was nice too see cast playing football then eating the ball anyway I would recommend this film but still there is graphic seens in film that kids might not handle also I think this film was based on a true story because of the cost analysis they did when filming it and also Dennis quaid did a fine job in this film besides the bad words they allowed with screen writing this film. Also how many model kits did it take too build that space station they lived in. Great film I thought it was original because of the era and year they filmed it.
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Lifepod (1993 TV Movie)
My review four this film
21 May 2022
I liked this film a lot also it was based on true events on a disaster film with real people doing there jobs too no end with there stories also this movie had a medical portions of this film and I always thought of the villain blew up spaceship he also disabled other systems on the liner so there would be no other survivors only a single lifepod also tech May-Vine probably had the easiest part in the movie since she was a systems engineer what level it was a mystery also as a parent when she was alive she listened too too coms inside the lifepod and guided the lifepod and she had life insurance like mr the villan had brought up about the cook on board the lifepod also what was great they had evidence too give too the Authority's in the time period so they would no that they could make shure the deaths of the civilians on the lifepod that died weren't in vain also they simulated a comet pathway in space and also there were no children on the lifepod just adults that had life's and they were honest people because this film was old but it was a clean classic and they probably put it deep in the vault and they would bring it out the same way they brought other films reviewed like this one also what was interesting about this film it was low tech and I think if we were too have liners instead of another technology this film could be analyzed and some could develop the technology so we could have trips like in video games over long distance's. Also I would recommend this film not watched bye a younger generation but supported bye parents if watched also I didn't no what a mineral pit is or what was said bye the only qualified doctor on life-pod Rena Janosia also what was earth core beef with earth people I only say that as service on a couple board's in reality. Also it just a movie four it's time too shine like in space.
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Three Amigos! (1986)
My Review four this Film
2 May 2022
I like this film because it was three guy's that had nothing but came together as friends too make a hit film four the year it was made and intended four younger and adult audiences as a musical western film also I would recommend this film too my friends because it's a classic and can be watched any time of the year including Christmas or someone's birthday or anniversary.
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Hostile (I) (2017)
My Review four this title
27 April 2022
Great film I liked the plot and story line because it had a girl that was a drug addict and a guy that owned a mesum tried help the female lead role because she was travelling the road in her vical and she got in a accident and also she had a pistol I think she was a good shot and she showed hairosum being bye herself too the end of the film I would recommend this film too adult audiences because it's graphic also this film was based on a true story.
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Robot Jox (1989)
My Review four Robot Jox
16 April 2022
Well I would like say didn't get too watch this film in my youth but now that I have watched it 100 times I am impressed with the effort and work put into this film filmed in Death Valley and the city witch city I don't no but the art was good old style phones four indoor use I wish I had one of those in my apartment but there prop's or sold separately also all robot jox did there job too it's end of takes and I think someone should dedicate a film too Michael Eldridge because I don't no much about his career but in robot jox as cowboy he seemed too play his part well also I had seen him on other films growing up in my youth and robot jox brought out the best in robotics and cockpit making also what was was good about Alexander and Achilles they new how too end a conversation well taking more take's through out the film also would do a reboot of robot jox I don't no also would they do a combat sorties if they made into a film like the pc game earth-siege I have never seen a cybrid up close and the game was involved by robots too also sadly is there enough money too make more Robot Jox films I don't no that too but u have my vote if I thought this film was expensive but excellent.
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Mr. Baseball (1992)
My review four this Title
26 March 2022
I think it a great film it had its ups and downs with Tom seleck but I only liked it because I grew up on Tom seleck movie's television shows and television series he was in over the years also back then Tom seleck was all I ever liked growing up not because of his jokes and the line's he was given bye screen writing staff also this film was based on a true story on how a player got transferred too another team and he had too adapt too a new inning system washing and hygiene food and going too the local hang out with x team members that were still playing baseball at the time on other team in other leagues also what I thought was good experience four me the daughter being the teacher teaching Tom seleck her country caultchure and noing that it's not as bad a it seems and towards the end of the film Tom seleck relised that besides baseball he made new friends on the team and he got training and he came back a new baseball player and he had self confidence again as a actor that wasn't in it four the money and he got too play baseball and share some insult's and break baseball equipment that he was billed four and his sponsor in film covered the bills four his draft in ballpark activities in mr baseball also I would recommend this movie but not around kid's it was violent and it had nudity in some seens also will Tom seleck be at the next Oscar's or Grammy's or golden globe awards after his last season of that cop show he was in with his family.
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My Review four this Title
26 March 2022
Well I liked it a lot also the directors editing department took a lot of the swearing and gory seens out and added some famous people from the actors and actresses family film industry also I thought seeing reeves in a office seen like the first film was the way too go even he was older then he was in the first film he was in also mrs moss as trinity she had her movements as a parent in the film four a short time and they used robots in the film re-programed also the only thing that bothered me is Cristina Richie only got one part in the movie and they still payed her and the other actors and actresses being a great film also all of these actors including there friends have been through a lot coming too the point making this final matrix film but is it over with minster Anderson played bye neo and if Hollywood pools or apply four some grant seed money will they be able too continue where they left off maybe there's another dement-ion of the matrix that Hollywood has not explored outside the matrix it's self only none too the oracle or the counsel bye legend and scripture. Also I would recommend this film and at first I had no idea Christina Richie was going too be casted also I have been re-watching her film's four years and she's earned her place in acting. And I would give her a golden globe if it was up too me if she doesn't have a couple already at home.
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My Review four this Title
23 March 2022
Well I liked that the story was true and it all started when sir Patrick stuwart had too go rescue one of his officers with his friends and other senior officers in toe also that they had people baking and tending there field's growing food four there colony but what they didn't no that Picard crew didn't no that they were in four more then just rescuing doctor sungs son in a star fleet mission also that they found a way too have the crew age and keep it quiet on a closed set and also there was room four romances and singing Gilbert and sulavan in a shuttle craft chase down also over the years besides other science fiction shows I have seen Star Trek the next generation brought out the older brother part of me and the cast did a great job and keeping gene Roddenberry dream alive with a good shelf life like a place they fix cars and trucks and also I think Brent spinne over the years with his cast kept Star Trek real and not fake because of the funding and the pampering that stars get between filming and photo shutes and friendship and off cast friends from other film's they no also Star Trek insurrection was a great idea with hallowed ships in the film nobody could top the level of detail paramount studios could do and I will always have a place four Star Trek and there guests they have on the show Sara me-shell gellers mom was on the cast and she jumped into cold water and data rescued them with sir Patrick stuwart. I would recommend this film too my friend's even if it's adult but there's kids in it and there grown up now because kids machure.
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My Review four this Title
7 March 2022
Great film it had a lot of things I loved and more also this kid's weren't affected bye the Dracula and his minions also what I liked about this film is it was carefully made up so in each seen of the film they would always have a turning point also some of these actors are still around and signing autographs four there fan's and the only thing I didn't see is Dracula not biting someone neck and also I would recommend this too my friends and my family and this movie was done before they changed more of the copyright laws in the movie industry and I am shore this guys and girls and adults have walked the red carpet in Hollywood. And also this film did have firearm's but I understand that there just props and there stored when there not making the film.
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My Review four this film
30 December 2021
Well it was really good I really like how Daniel Radcliffe presented himself in this film in the face of danger and following his lines with his other cast members also that people that were in the previous Harry potter films were included in there role's from slithering house and other houses too and that dumble dorf and the other's in the film did a great job along with there wardrobe choices and that the guy from the first die hard film took on a role of a teacher because he had the haircut four it and he was honest in his role in Harry Potter films and that Daniel Radcliffe he was still growing up with his other cast members and that a lot of people forgot that besides the money as a actor he went on too make this film a historical event based on the director's guidance and that the movie Harry Potter series is bye far something else that isn't violent and there not a lot of CGI involved but from the hart's of people involved behind the cameras they used in this film and I will never forget what Daniel Radcliffe has done four my family with Harry Potter and the prisoner of askaban.
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Axcellerator (2020)
My Review four this film
11 December 2021
Well this film started of with a couple of people then there was a lot more people and the people used a device too teleport short and long distance's also there was some romance in this film and a happy ending not four the villain of course anyway great film and the band at the ending credits I thought I had heard it in another film I watched but it's wasn't ever-clear or Sloan and I love a good mystery in a movie also this film had a lot of common sense put into the screen writing and I think teleportation is a theory that might have too be developed one day behind closed doors and a blackwater lab it saw the light at the end of the tunnel.
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Five Numbers! (2011)
My Review four This film
6 December 2021
Well this film was Anime and a selection was made too capture a desired amount of prisoners and put they on a space station that was still operable because is was in geo syncretic orbit of the earth also escaped was not in the cards in this film but the stayshine on had one escape device left and besides the music nobody was coming too rescue the prisoners that weren't prisoners they were picked at random and given a sleep setative also no pets were harmed in the making of this film because there was only one animal the director's allowed in the film also I believe that if they made more episodes if the producer used his own money if he didn't request it this film would get viewers watching it. Also this film was Japanese but dubbed English and low budget but not b rated I would recommend this film too others but not four kids compared too other Japanese animas film's out there.
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Planet Patrol (1999 Video)
My Review four this film
30 November 2021
Well there's not much too tell but five police officers with different positions on a crew higher arkey going a mission against a Villian and his assistant and a galaxy of henchmen fighting evil well the membership of planet patrol file dooms plan in the episode but before that happened after the planet patrol got it's new crew member they were short handed so planet patrol goes on a mission too stop doom and chamberlain dooms assigned assistant too his staff. Also in the film they use components from a artificial intelligence when they goto a planet later in the film and in the end they foil doom's plan's too take over the earth because good defeats evil and I don't believe nalige is power power is nalige in films involving people that won't be missed in Hollywood and planet patrol was a great program where everyone was included because of screen writing budgets and also I loved seeing the different things that both groups could do in this film and also another thing I liked is they had a telepath in the film and also I believed that she was honest because I don't use names in my reviews and planet Patrol is a great film and I would recommend it.
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My Review four this film
29 November 2021
Great film I loved how in this film everyone told the truth and that they used a Huey 402 helicopter in two seens under bad weather conditions too investigate a one way trip four other's and like the military everyone is expendable and also in this film they simulated real sickness and injuries and that family was involved and also it was something that a lot of people don't want too talk about because it involved the bible old and New Testament also the location they picked I didn't no the location and it was a movie and also there was brief nudity but I had a sense they controlled it somehow with trick photographee and also I liked that in this film Cuba goodin jr he always asked questions and he always got answers in this film also in this movie he had too man crawl in one seen one of friends along time ago said he had the same experience at a house he lived in somewhere. Also I didn't have any other problems with the film that they only had one child in the film and I don't no what it is with children if u miss a birthday or Christmas or thanksgiving or another holiday because mom went away on tour only when the child changed I was shocked that this is how they would use someone that is not a adult four horror film also when the helicopter was flying out of range of the last camera at the end before they rolled the credits why did the chopper fly in a straight line I have a game that has the same type of helicopter in it.
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