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Very fun, lighthearted, and loveable. It's a feel good movie.
8 June 2022
So, I watched this going through some anxiety issues and such, which is why I might be biased in giving this an 8. It helped me feel better and get my mind off of the stuff worrying me.

The story is simple, but comes apart easily if you really think about it. With the suspension of disbelief intact, I really enjoyed this film.

The comedy in this movie definitely gets an A grade from me. It's got some really funny scenes, but also some really heartfelt ones. On the surface, it's a cheesy romcom, but it also felt like it centered around love in general, not just romantic love. It was about loneliness, and family.

8/10. Cheesy, but great. I couldn't recommend it more!
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Probably the most emotionally "heavy" movies I've ever seen. Fully broke my heart.
9 May 2022
Honestly, I wasn't really into it at first. The first 15(ish) minutes were pretty eventful but not exactly gripping.

However, it suddenly became captivating in a way I didn't really expect. This whole movie was filled to the brim with pitch perfect story telling and world building, that also tapped into real life issues and emotions.

The story revolves around love in general, mainly the love of and for one's mother. It was honestly one of the most heartbreaking movies I've ever seen. I never expected to go into this movie, bored and then finish it with tears in my eyes.

It started slow, and took absolute ages to pick up the pace but it was totally worth it. It teaches the audience that love and pain are two emotions that go hand in hand together. Love leads to happiness, but love hurts more than anything else.

Maquia's story was filled with happy moments and sad moments. This is the story of a girl who lost everything, but still managed to find joy in life through love.

10/10. I'd give it more than that if I could. My love for this movie, and the sadness it induced can't really be put into fitting words if I'm honest. Not by me. Go and watch it, now!
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Serendipity (2001)
It's a complete fairy-tale romance, and I love it.
15 April 2022
The idea of this movie was bizarre in theory, but the execution and the magic of passionate storytelling really brought it together nicely. It's a full blown fairy tale romance in the sense that our characters barely spend any time together before falling in love.

The story is simple, right? Jon meats Sara, an English woman who has a deep belief in fate. This is something that angers him at first, but later he clings to it in hopes of meeting her again.

Jon and Sara spend about 20 minutes together in the total runtime of the film. Mostly at the beginning. Throughout the whole film, you'll be aching to see them meet again.

This film took that classic romance writing principle of not letting your characters be together properly and definitely until the end to a whole other level, because these characters barely spend any time together. Despite that, the script and the chemistry really pulled through in making them a near perfect match.

8.5/10. Gave it an 8 because I can't really give eight and a half on here.
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Love Actually (2003)
I feel terrible for avoiding this movie. It's a masterpiece!
13 April 2022
For months on end, I've had this movie recommended to me on numerous occasions. Why? Well, I like romcoms. Why did I avoid it? Dunno. I felt like it had too many characters and stuff and I guess I just avoided it because it feels weird for a romcoms to have multiple love stories going on at once.

Was it good? Hell yes. Oh, lord yes.

There were so many heartfelt stories in here. Each character had their own problems or aims which drove the plot forward. There were moments to laugh at, moments you'd look at and just say aww, and moments that tugged at your heartstrings till you'd tear up just a little but not an embarrassing amount. Moderate amount of tears. Totally not a lot. Totally not.

The narratives were intricately woven and they flowed perfectly. The character's simple emotions drove their complex and incredibly deep decisions. Seriously, the depth of some of the characters' choices in this movie is astounding. Everything was driven by love and nothing else.

Another interesting thing about this film is that love in this context isn't just romantic love. It's all sorts of love. There's love between friends, family, etc. It's a marvelous movie and I can't put everything about my feelings towards this film into words.

I'd love to give it a 10, but there's one glaring issue with this film. Not everyone gets a happy ending. Is that bad? No. Not at all. It's realistic and it gives the movie a bit of a grounded touch. I'm just too much of a romantic to see that as a pro rather than a con.

9/10. Could not recommend it more. Its a one of a kind film.
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The Umbrella Academy (2019–2024)
Good show, great show, but it has some issues.
13 April 2022
I'm gonna have to be completely honest. I might be biased here because I only watched this after I found out Gerard Way wrote the comic book series it's based on.

Anyways, the first season was a huge drag, but engaging enough to pull through at the end. The second season was a step up. The pacing was right, and the story was clever and neat. The ending was a little shoehorned in, but, I guess we'll have to wait and see what they do about it in the next season.

Aidan Gallagher definitely carries a lot of this show. His character is mean and very unique (in the confines of the show). Sometimes he reminds me of House and other characters like that. His actor... Well, it's one of the most perfect castings I've ever seen. Definitely my favourite character, and my favourite actor on the show.

8.5/10. Giving it 9 stars because I can't actually give it 8 and a half on here.
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The chemistry is perfect not just because of the actors, but also the script.
12 April 2022
Gotta praise this one for getting everything down perfectly. The story was neat, and the chemistry was out of this world. The dialogue for Harry was absolutely fantastic! His character's personality was so well defined in everything he said and did. Billy Crystal played the part the best he could and to be honest, he really just did it flawlessly. He Is Harry.

I've gotta praise Meg Ryan on this too. Seemingly one of the earlier movies in her career, but still she carried her character in a way no one can really recreate. Just like Harry, she was written wonderfully with her own unique personality and mannerisms.

The story was neat! The opening scene had a very weird feel to it thanks to Harry's blunt remarks and cynical dialogue. It was funny in so many ways. The movie had tons of funny moments usually instigated by Harry. It was one of the few romcoms to get me to laugh and not just chuckle and exhale through the nose.

The side characters had their own unique personalities, which isn't something you see in romcoms too often. They weren't just there for the protagonists to lean on, they actually had their own stuff going on, and their own iconic moments.

Another thing that was oddly nice was the length of the movie. It didn't feel a minute too long, or a minute too short. Though, that bit right before the credits felt a bit off, but I won't let that ruin the movie.

10/10. Nostalgic, cute, and funny. A well-written and well-crafted masterpiece that will hopefully never be forgotten.
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Copy and paste story beats from the original with a few changes.
11 April 2022
2 points for the Patrick Swayze cameo, and 2 points for the dance work. 1 point for the story.

For real. I'm usually very generous in my reviews but I hated this movie. It had promise at first but, the story beats were almost the same as the original. It followed the same basic idea too.

It got boring by the end of it. The protagonist was also pretty irritating (no offence to the actress).

5/10. I'm going to have to watch the original again to get this garbage out of my head.
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Constantine (2014–2015)
Easily the greatest ever adaptation of anything to do with John Constantine.
11 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
He's a natural. It's as if Matt Ryan is actually Constantine. He plays the character like no one else! The snarky remarks, and overall rude behaviour is executed perfectly.

10/10. The story itself was really going places when this show got cancelled. Its really a shame since there's other DC Shows that are more cancel-worthy than this one was. Its possibly the biggest crime DC had ever committed.
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The Batman (2022)
Hands down the best ever Batman film.
19 March 2022
Matt Reeves struck gold with this. He got everything down perfectly. For the first time ever, Gotham actually feels like Gotham. Batman actually feels like Batman. The casting was fantastic. Pattinson, Collin, Jeffrey, and Zoe were all perfect in their roles.

The story was engaging, and the soundtrack and sound design were absolutely amazing. The ending was fitting and heartfelt in soany ways. I've never seen Batman like this before.

10/10. We finally have THE WORLD'S GREATEST DETECTIVE.
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Dirty Dancing (I) (1987)
Undeniable chemistry and feel good moments.
4 March 2022
Honestly, this movie has a lot of flaws but, I still loved it to bits.

The pacing in the first act was questionable, and some of the line deliveries felt stiff. But even with those problems, I'm giving this a 9. Why?

The chemistry. Not only that, but there was a very nice atmosphere, like, there were numerous scenes in this movie that made me smile uncontrollably.

The dancing itself was captivating. It was definitely fun to watch, and obviously it must've been a lot of hard work.

9/10. It's a masterpiece.
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Supernatural (2005–2020)
Its a full 10/10.
30 January 2022
Quite frankly, there were points in this show where it got so boring and elongated that I wanted to stop, but I didn't. The payoff was brilliant. The finale is one of the best in TV history.

The earlier seasons, 1-6 had this aesthetic, this vibe. The thought of two brothers roaming around, staying at motels and hunting monsters without a permanent place to stay was fun. The earlier seasons had a certain color grading and visual style. Those seasons created this feel that was never recreated on this show again. Never.

At some point, the Winchesters got a permanent place to stay. The color grading changed. The visual style changed. It all became so... basic. The style of story telling changed. It all became such a drag. I wanted to stop. I actually even skipped a season or two.


It was worth it in the end. The finale delivered the perfect ending to he story, and the characters I've grown to love over the years. Nothing has ever hit me so hard before. The emotional element in that last episode is unmatched.

I will always hold this show at a high level. It'll always have a place in my heart. Maybe I'm biased because it reminds me of the relationship I have with my brother... But still. It was a hell of a ride.

10/10. Watch it. NOW!
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Red Notice (2021)
Felt like if M.Night were to do a heist movie... while drunk.
1 January 2022
It was pretty good at first. Dwayne Johnson and Ryan Reynolds were the highlight of this movie for sure. They had a lot of comedic exchanges and whatnot. That's where the good stuff ends.

This movie made me realize how bad Gal Gadot's acting actually is. No--really. Her line delivery was almost The Room tier most of the time. And her character was a major pain in the ass.

5/10. Wouldn't really recommend this. Kinda wish I steered clear of this movie to begin with.
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Dramatic, mysterious, and sad. A very deep movie.
16 December 2021
It's got extreme depth, covering the hardest human emotions: love, and fear- of death.

It was off to a rocky start but within the first 30 minutes, I was hooked. Bradd Pitt has his own charm and talent to drive the film. Anthony Hopkins also does an incredible job.

9/10. It has it's issues, but its amazing- regardless.
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Very atmospheric, and pretty neat.
10 December 2021
I'm not really into the old guy young woman relationship idea, but it was a decent movie. It definitely weirded me out. I don't wanna be that guy, but it must have been very awkward to film.

7/10. Weird, but deep and very atmospheric.
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Shadow and Bone (2021–2023)
Ben Barnes is the only good thing about this show.
8 December 2021
It's a Netflix show, so I didn't expect a masterpiece going into it. I did however, expect it to be decent. Plot twist: it wasn't.

It was interesting at first, but it became a terrible bore. Ben Barnes was an interesting character. But, he's not he protagonist. The main character is just about the most irritating thing about this show. She whiens, and complains. Then she whines, and complains some more. Then suddenly she's okay, but then she's not. She reminded me of Elizabeth Keen from The Blacklist.

There's also this side plot main plot with some characters that manage to be more interesting than "the good guys".

This show slowly devolved into a bland, cliche, and boring YA Novel style story. It isn't unique.

5/10. Praise be to Ben Barnes, as well as the art direction.
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No Strings Attached (I) (2011)
Surprisingly good. Definitely worth a watch!
8 December 2021
I went into this expecting a somewhat boring and cliche comedy where half the jokes don't land, but it was actually pretty funny. I was also concerned because the last Ashton romcom I saw was that one about vegas with Cameron Diaz (it was terrible).

This film was actually funny. It also managed to be emotional and dramatic. There's some really great chemistry, and the plot is actually pretty good.

8/10. Loved it.
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Bravo writers, bravo director, bravo Mr. Crowe, and bravo Mr. Nash!
7 December 2021
Truly a one of a kind movie. The writing was amazing. The story wasn't gripping from the start, but I loved it more and more as the movie went on. Bravo, writers! It's a truly wonderful, tragic, and heartbreaking narrative grounded in the real life of John Nash. I really felt for him.

Russell Crowe did such an amazing job. He's truly one of the most gifted actors of all time. He should've gotten an Oscar for this film.

10/10. A beautiful film. One of a kind.
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State of Play (2009)
Gripping. One of Russel Crowes best films.
7 December 2021
Honestly quite blown away. I don't remember this one that well, having watched it over a month ago, but I remember having my mind blown. It's pretty fun. It's cool and really has a strong 2000s thriller feel to it. Kinda nostalgic.

9/10. Definitely worth a watch.
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It's a lot deeper than I thought it would be.
7 December 2021
It's a deep movie. It's sad, but not in the usual way. I wouldn't overthink the concept or the accuracy of the time travel in this movie, but it conveyed a hell of a message. I kinda see myself in Owen Wilson's character.

10/10. It's truly a one of a kind film.
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One of my favourites.
7 December 2021
It's a classic at this point. It's definitely funny, but the romance is also nice. I might be biased because I'm an Owen Wilson fan *and* a Rachel McAdams fan but, I still recommend this to anyone who likes a good romcom every now and then.

9/10. I'd love to watch it for the first time again.
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The Proposal (I) (2009)
It was surprisingly decent.
6 December 2021
The premise of the film sounds awful on paper. An assistant is forced into marriage by his cruel self-centered boss who wants a free pass from getting deported.

It was actually a decent movie though. It was funny. The quality of writing, however, was not the best. The movie suddenly picked up the pace in the last 30 minutes.

Nonetheless, it was better than I expected. I wouldn't think about it too much.

6/10. Maybe watch it if you're bored and you're looking for a wholesome movie with a couple of jokes here and there.
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Where do I even start!
6 December 2021
There's only one word for this movie: gold. It's gold.

The story somehow managed to be more compelling, more tragic, more suspenseful, and deeper than 90% of the films I've seen. I was left feeling sad for a day or two after finishing the movie. It moved me.

It's a tragic tale of family- the close bond of three brothers and their father. It's a story about love. It's a story about life.

It has its issues, but only the stereotypical movie critic focuses on the bad more than the good.

10/10. Watch it. I'd watch this one again for the first time if I could.
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Weird, but actually kinda deep.
6 December 2021
It's a weird movie. Definitely weird. I've heard people compare it with "About Time", but they're not alike. The only thing they have in common is time travel and romance.

It was poorly executed at times. The concept is sad and sounds miserable for the protagonist. It's not perfect. Theres plenty wrong with it- especially one scene in particular.

It was sad and kinda heartbreaking near the end.

6/10. Not the best. There's a lot wrong with it.
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Morning Glory (2010)
Surprisingly good.
6 December 2021
I'm not just saying that because I easily enjoy most movies, but it was actually a really good movie. It's like "The Intern" but honestly better in my opinion.

It's simple and cliche but it was funny and definitely worth the watch.

8/10. It's not perfect but its worth a watch.
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House M.D. (2004–2012)
My favourite show of all time, and my favourite character of all time.
6 December 2021
House MD is one of the best (if not the best) shows of all time. Its a medical drama, but it's different from the others.

I've rarely seen any characters as compelling and well written as Gregory House. Hugh Laurie does an excellent job of portraying him. No one else could do the part the way he did it.

The pilot was a little underwhelming, but the rest of the show was a decent but different. That's how it usually is.

10/10. Give it a chance. Writing this good is a one in a million thing.
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