
17 Reviews
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Manifest (2018–2023)
Was promising
22 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It was interesting at first, then added too much soap, got too derivative, and UTTERLY FAILED at, of all things, HYPOTHERMIA. Omg, a simple trip to Wikipedia could have saved some of the second season. Was that really the best they could do? I won't be bothered with season 3 or any more.
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Best, most celebratory concert film ever
10 June 2022
It's pure joy, outrageously good performances, and beyond star-studded. The only thing I never liked was the appearance of Neil Diamond, but I realized on first viewing that the timing of his bit is perfect for a bathroom break, which means you don't miss any of the good stuff but you do get to dodge Neil Diamond, who is out of his element here anyway. Everyone else is absolutely terrific. Holds up to hundreds of viewings years later. A huge chunk of music history.
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Should've been a podcast, if anything
7 March 2022
Terrible schlockumentary, prurient modern footage badly edited, could've been edited down to a 20-minute podcast and spared us the garbage. Lurid in a bad way. Utter crap. Sorry I wasted the time I did before I exited out of it.
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Fields of Gold (2002 TV Movie)
I believe the movie's premise is true
31 January 2022
Phil Davis and Anna Friel are terrific in this story, which I wish was sci-fi but sadly I believe that it's prescient. The themes are skillfully taken apart until it's clear what the real enemy is, and whose greed is responsible for the disaster. I enjoyed this film; it wasn't perfect but its message should be taken to heart before it's too late.
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Not as bad as I feared - I enjoyed it
14 January 2022
I watched the first half one night, then got interrupted and didn't get back to it for a week or so. I had to get back into it, but once I did, and activated my Willing Suspension of Disbelief (if you don't have that, you probably won't enjoy sci-fi anything), I enjoyed it.

I won't give away anything that's not in Netflix's short description, because the last 15 minutes or so is the fun part. The casting was interesting; having Michael C. Hall as supporting cast and Boyd Holbrook as the lead could have been viewed as risky. I'm among those who found that it worked, because Holbrook's character Tom has a tough time believing his own eyes, and Hall does a good job of not overpowering him as lead.

Any movie involving time travel is going to challenge the viewer, but I liked the little plot twists in this one. I doubt Hall needed the money, so he must have liked it, too. Boyd Holbrook does a good job with a role that got pretty demanding at times. I look forward to seeing him in meatier roles.

I doubt I'll watch it twice, but it was better than I expected.
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More realistic than the average viewer might suppose
13 January 2022
Other reviews have described who plays whom, so I'll skip that. The patients Susanna encounters in this mental hospital ring true and the actresses portraying them do an excellent job. I'm speaking from experience here. The mental hospital environment created in this film is realistic for the era; I'm not sure how many are left that offer so much freedom as rewards for good behavior/improvement. I'm especially not sure a sociopath like Lisa would be housed in a ward where she could do so much psychological damage to patients who clearly are making some progress. In my experience, someone who is clearly unwilling to progress would've been in a more secure ward to protect the vulnerable patients. That's the bit that is unrealistic to me.

Realism aside, I personally feel that Winona Ryder was robbed; she should have won the Oscar for her performance in this. Her character's confusion, intelligence, sensitivity and indecision, coming of age during a very turbulent era in America, was subtly and very honestly played. Susanna's main problem was confusion about her place in the world, and who she wants to be. Jolie has played over-the-top in so many roles that I found her more annoying than anything else here - just as Susanna did in her more lucid moments. I would've liked to see their roles reversed. I find Ryder capable of a broader acting range than Jolie, and she is very believable in this role.
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Red Dog (2019)
Honest and heartfelt - well worth the watch
4 January 2022
I'd never heard of any people or places mentioned in this documentary. I had some fairly crazy '70s experiences, but nothing like the people in this documentary. I'm very impressed with Luke Dick's film skills, his editing and songwriting (this from a music lover who doesn't prefer C/W music). By the end of the film, I wanted to call them friends . His mom Kim's honesty, humor, and love for friends and family made her larger than life. She's a superb storyteller. It's a raw look at several former 'exotic dancers' who made bad and good life choices, whose kids managed to thrive in spite of it. Raised in a strip club environment, around drunks, fighting, drugs, dealers... a very frank look at a lifestyle few would consciously choose. But there's so much love behind all the struggle and pain - love, loyalty, friendship, and family are the values evident throughout these stories. We are all flawed in our own ways, but Luke Dick and his mom bared it all, bravely (both tragically and hilariously) and it's thoroughly entertaining. You want to hear all the stories. Great job, Luke. I'd crowdfund for another film if you make one.
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CBGB (2013)
Real music history as raw as it gets
4 January 2022
I have always regretted not having gone to CBGB. I wasn't too old to enjoy it, just in the wrong city. It's impossible to underestimate Hilly Kristal's importance to the development of underground music, as well as his huge heart. Bands that played CBGB went on to influence generations of musical style and expression. This wasn't a masterpiece of film, but it got two things very right: the inestimable Alan Rickman to bring Hilly's flawed, generous warmth and humanity to life, and the electric musical energy that permeated NYC at a unique and precise moment. A lot of talent is represented here, and any fan of modern music history should be able to appreciate this movie.
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Replicas (2018)
Story hole
3 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Once aboard the boat, William looks for the keys in a tackle box, despite knowing/repeating "the keys are in the bait box!" Bait boxes are nothing like tackle boxes.
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MI-5: Episode #8.6 (2009)
Season 8, Episode 6
The character Sarah...
2 January 2022
WORST Boston accent ever attempted. As far as I'm concerned, her character ruined a whole story arc. Never trusted her from her first entrance. She never got any better. Just waiting for Sarah to get killed off.
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MI-5: Without Incident (2003)
Season 2, Episode 6
Not up to par
26 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Several "ugh" moments. Here are my top three INCLUDING SPOILERS: Tom's doctor ex is an increasingly over-the-top loony - how would an MI-5 operative even become entangled with someone like that?? Her character would be great on AbFab, but here?? All the Americans look like jerks in this episode, and it's sadly well explained. Finally, as an American, I didn't enjoy the trip down memory lane to the presidency of GWB. "Cowpuncher" was the perfect CIA code name for him.
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Rose Red (2002)
I love the house. Literally, just the set.
14 December 2021
Most of the characters aren't that great. I like the storyline that the house changes by itself. Truthfully I have watched this twice, just for the sets and art direction. The crews who created this environment were at the top of their game. I suffer through several mediocre performances, a couple of totally annoying actors, a so-so script and the weak 'plot' meanderings just to see the sets.

NB I worked for a long time in tech theatre so my review is heavily biased by my standards of production.
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Great cast. Great scenery. Um...
2 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I tried to like it. The characters developed in the 1st episode had depth. Their flaws/strengths developed in ep 2 were interesting. I liked the cast. Sociopaths and compulsive liars can be difficult to spot at first, I get that. But by the 3rd ep Tennant's character was so clearly self-obsessed, it became impossible for me to feel any kind of sympathy for his character, who was innocent of absolutely nothing and abusive of everyone in his life. Classic manipulator. It's the most one-dimensional role I've ever seen him in. I was shocked at that. I wouldn't mind not having seen it, sadly.
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More than meets the eye
2 November 2021
It took me two viewings, separated by several years, to really appreciate this film. Reading here on IMDb of the huge critical praise it received, and the numerous awards/nominations, underlined my reaction. There's more here than can be easily taken in with one viewing.

All the other IMDb reviews have dissected the story. The satire and parody are deft, on so many levels. So many movie memes are skewered, it's really a good, complex approach to the genres of war movies and black comedies.

Excellent performances all round, and a superb ensemble cast, kept me from.getting distracted by minor details - technically it was very very well done.

Not a fan of Tom Cruise, but this is my favorite role he's ever done, hands down.
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Ordinary World (I) (2016)
Better than some reviews might indicate
30 October 2021
I was pleasantly surprised by this film. It's a 'small' film, not Hollywood, but the performances are true and I found it very believable. There are no 'special effects', just some believable characters and a fun story with a few crazy twists. I didn't find anything to complain about, no gaffs, unlike big Hollywood films.

Maybe you have to be a certain person/age to fully appreciate it. If (as I am) you find your life and your body maturing faster than your rock'n'roll brain would prefer (and brace yourself if you don't - it happens), then you may relate to this film on a deeper level than its premise. Okay, the humor is light, but then, finding yourself in the wrong job with responsibilities that seem to sneak up on you - light humor can save you.

I know Armstrong's various accomplishments, and I found it admirable that he never stole a scene. He truly holds his own with Selma Blair and Fred Armisen. Yes, the initial scheme is a little preposterous, but if you accept the character's backstory, is it that far out? We can't all age with the utter grace of a David Bowie.

Personally, I miss headbanging. Arthritis has put an end to it. If you can't understand the concept of a "midlife crisis" - and they're not limited to MID life - you may not like this film. I really liked it.
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Bottom (1991–1995)
Two utterly brilliant comic geniuses
27 October 2021
If only there had been an episode that had Richie and Eddie staying at Fawlty Towers at the same time as Eddie, Saffy and Patsy... watching these two is the equivalent of a few semesters of improv master classes. You could turn the sound off and still laugh aloud until you cry. R. I. P. Rik Mayall, taken WAY too soon.
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Jonathan Creek: The Three Gamblers (2000)
Season 3, Episode 6
Not the best episode
24 October 2021
I usually love Caroline Quinn's work, but the character of Maddy Magellan is not worthy of her skills. She does her best, but I just can't warm up to this character. Constantly yammering, chewing open-mouthed as she endlessly stuffs her face, constantly needling Jonathan, pathetically horny - I can't understand how or why such a brilliant series needed such an unsympathetic foil for the delightful Jonathan Creek. This is my 2nd time viewing this series, and I'm just skipping this final Maddy episode to spare myself the annoyance. Sorry Caroline - it's certainly not your fault.
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