
107 Reviews
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Just felt weird
12 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the original film and had pretty high expectations going into this one. While I enjoyed it all the way through, something just felt off, and the lesbian scene felt unnecesary. The characters stayed the same for the most part and I ain't complaining, I loved how relatable they were from the first one and they felt real, so I didn't mind how this was a 'characters get into weird scenarios the movie'. The refrences were nice I guess and the soundtrack too..I haven't got much to say.
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The Grudge (2004)
Feels like a cheap copy
12 July 2021
I watched this with my brother because we couldn't find the original anywhere, we had low expectations. The beginning was somewhat suspensful and it seemed that this could become something good, but once we got into the middle we had to give up. It started dragging out so much and our attention was just not enough. So much potential for a good remake wasted.
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Jojo Rabbit (2019)
12 July 2021
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I originally got tickets because I expected this to be just some sensless comedy with pro-nazi undertones. What I didn't expect was deep sighs and tears at the end. The movie actually had a lot to say and the comedy worked extremely well. The acting is great, even for the child actors. I could go as far and call this a masterpiece, it just works!
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Cyber Bully (2011 TV Movie)
Important message, awful execution
12 July 2021
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The way this film portrays cuberbullying is over-exaggerated, dramatic and unrealistic. Don't get me wrong, bullying is a serious issue but if the message is constantly shoved in my face I just can't take it seriously. I also had to wonder why Taylor didn't just report the users harrasing her or delete the comments and move on. Not trying to victim-blame here. And her jump to suicide felt a bit too sudden, and could've been executed better. Usually these movies make up with good acting and a bop of a soundtrack but I can't say that for this movie. I like the small psa at the end, where the characters discuss what to do if you're cyberbullied but it doesn't make up for a poor excuse of a movie.
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Internet Historian (2017– )
How can you hate this guy?
10 July 2021
Everything about internet historian's videos is just pure perfection. I don't want to skip a second as he makes every moment enjoyable, even the ads. Guest stars don't ruin his videos, especially if it's Sumitomedia. Sure he was a bit awkward and still finding his style in his early videos but by The Fall of 76 he had found it pretty well.
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Super Buddies (2013 Video)
It's for the kids
10 July 2021
I can see why older viewers might find this ridicilous but it's a kids movie about talking super dogs. My sister has watched this like a million times and enjoyed it more each time because it was meant for children her age. The story doesn't need to be that complex and the jokes worked on her pretty well. I can't really comment on the voice work since I didn't see this in english, but I guess the acting was okay, we were more focused on the dogs anyway.
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Unpopular opinion..
10 July 2021
..but I actually kinda enjoyed this, even as a child. Probably has something to do with that I never saw the first part. This managed to get many laughs out of me and my siblings when we were kids, we just didn't pay attention to the plot. Now that I am older, I can see why this is so disliked. The plot was pretty nonsensical and the camera angles were weird, and the jokes weren't that funny. Kids might like it still but older
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10 July 2021
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Don't get me wrong, I LOVE found footage movies and shows, but the gimic couldn't save this one. I saw it once and never wanted to touch it since. The two girls were clearly meant to be total opposites and were about 15 or 16? But they didn't act their age and it felt like I was watching 11 year olds. The acting was good I guess, the editing could've been better and the second half could've been worked on better, as it was just disturbing stuff for the sake of shock. I do understand that the message behind this film is important but it does not excuse an awful film. This wasn't even that scary, but disturbing for sure.
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Loved it as a child
10 July 2021
This was the only Hot Wheels movie we had, so me and my brother watched this on repeat. And only I remembered this existing because one of the songs randomly popped up in my head. Now that I'm older, I see that the animation has not aged all that well and I finally understood most of the plotpoints I was too young to understand years ago. Considering it's target audience this is pretty great, but I could see why older watchers would be bored during this.
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Midsommar (2019)
I am a bit mixed
6 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
To get it out of the way, this is not a horror movie, it's more of a psychological thriller and it's plot is about a breakup, even though it doesn't seem like it. I originally picked this because I had heard a lot of praise and how disturbing it was, and I went in blind.

First off I have to say that the camera work is amazing, and this movie is great in subtly and not too subtly foreshadowing what is to come and leave small details in the background to notice during a rewatch. Florence Pugh's performance was absolutely phenomenal and I'd love to see her in more films. The soundtrack does it's job well and I guess the lighting is good too I guess. I did get a lot of Hereditary vibes from this movie, but the two movies have the same director so..yeah.

I assume that this film's intention was to be a 'slowburn' film and they used swedish to make the viewer feel like an outsider. But for me, the film was way too slow and I had to fight the urge to turn the movie off. As someone who has grown up in a swedish speaking area, I understood everything they said and was like 'okay, sure'. And can I say how unbearable the side characters were? There is a reason why I was not sad when they died.

The film's intention was to disturb the viewer as much as possible, and while this can be tame to others, it worked for me. I can also understand why some might laugh at those scenes because they were ridiculous, sure, but there was something disturbing about them. When the gore started, I expected it to be something way over the top,¨or like the description of the film promised 'festives getting more violent each day' but even what I got was disturbing enough. I almost cried at the end because I felt so bad to the people suffering in Hågra but blindly believing.

Overall I would recommend this to those who love long movies and psychological thrillers. Definitely not for everyone.
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Dawson's Creek: Full Moon Rising (1998)
Season 2, Episode 5
Easily one of the best
6 July 2021
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The episode where everyone cries and blame their behaiviour on the full moon, but I love it. While I feel like the drama between Dawson's parents seems a bit forced, I did feel sad hearing them argue and after many episodes, understood Dawson's feelings. Jen almost gets laid with a man much older than her, and the scene where she is stopped is so well done I can't even explain it. Great work from both actors and the song...I can't remember it's name but just..aagh! Also I see another plotline arising from Joey kissing Jack..nice.

I haven't even talked about Andie and Pacey. I love everything about them, and I was pretty excited when they were finally going on a date. I always suspected that Andie had a rough past and this episode confirmed it. My heart melted at the end, boys can cry too you know. I'm not sure if I can say this is prime Dawson's Creek just yet but I hope so, this is so great.
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Dawson's Creek: Tamara's Return (1998)
Season 2, Episode 4
Seeing some improvement
6 July 2021
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I always felt uncomfortable with Pacey's relationship with Tamara, I was in disbelief the entire episode, not sure how to feel really. I have said it a million times but I love Pacey, and I love how he develops in this ep!! Ah this can only mean that something good is ahead.
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Dawson's Creek: Alternative Lifestyles (1998)
Season 2, Episode 3
6 July 2021
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I still can't watch the Joey Dawson stuff without getting a headache, but there seems to be improvement. The episode is saved by Pacey and I do love Andie too! If they focused on them more...but seriously why is Abby still here? I can't watch her without rolling my eyes to the back of my head, aaaaa!!
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Dawson's Creek: Crossroads (1998)
Season 2, Episode 2
Probably one of the worst
6 July 2021
Just shows how self-centered Dawson really is, and it was painful to watch him trying to make up with Joey over all the wrong reasons and not really listening to her. Nice ending though, I love how they developed Pacey.
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Dawson's Creek: The Kiss (1998)
Season 2, Episode 1
27 June 2021
Can I say how much I love Pacey? He's evolved so much compared to last season, while Joey and Dawson feel watered down. I used to love to watch the shenanigans of the two as Dawson was this film obsessed dude who wanted to script everything and Joey the sarcastic girl who is pretty much done with everything. I do see that this show is slowly becoming more soap opera like, repeating the same things over and over. I did like how realistically it portrayed first relationships though, but this is just the first let me give it a chance.
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Dawson's Creek: Decisions (1998)
Season 1, Episode 13
Well that was something
26 June 2021
As a teen, this was really great and a neat ending episode for Dawson's Creek, but as I watched this with my mom, she pointed out how they just repeat the same things and are overdramatic, and her words kinda ruined the episode for me. Great performance from Katie Holmes and loved the songs! Can't wait to get to season 2.
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Skam: Lykke til, Isak (2016)
Season 3, Episode 1
Interesting start
24 June 2021
So begins the season that gained attraction for having a gay couple. Everyone and their grandmother have seen this but never bothered to watch any other seasons, really a shame. But on this episode, it felt refreshing after such a weak previous season. The soundtrack actually hit hard and I like how Even was introduced. Great beginning.
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Skam: Vil du flytte sammen med meg? (2016)
Season 2, Episode 12
Pretty boring
24 June 2021
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There is some party at a rooftop, Noora and William kissing, more kissing, Chris kisses someone randomly, the girls dance, more Noora William kissing, more kissing, they have sex I guess and now I'm supposed to leave this season shipping these two? This was a pretty bad ending episode and left a bad taste in my mouth. This season in general was pretty awful with its story.
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Skam: Husker du seriøst ingenting? (2016)
Season 2, Episode 11
Saw some potential
24 June 2021
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..and it stayed for a bit. William ditches Noora, leaving us an ending with actually a pretty sad song now that I think about it, but I knew this was bound to happen. Good for Noora that William left her, seriously, you can do so much without him. Let him move abroad.
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Skam: Jeg skal forklare alt (2016)
Season 2, Episode 10
24 June 2021
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I know it was hard for Noora to open up to the other girls about her suspected rape but really? Staying silent to protect William? I know these are teenagers but can't they see that William has been awful all this time but I guess he said something nice to Noora so he is redeemable now. Good for Noora for confronting someone who she suspects raped her, but why is all this going so slow? Seriously?
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Skam: Jeg savner deg så jævlig (2016)
Season 2, Episode 9
24 June 2021
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It felt interesting to see Noora confused as she woke up and trying to piece together what had happened and immediately jumps to the conclusion that she had been raped. And I also liked that we finally get to hear what the muslim girl stuff was about, kinda. Why is this season so slow?
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Skam: Du tenker bare på William (2016)
Season 2, Episode 8
First time I fell asleep
24 June 2021
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I love how they handled Vilde's reaction to the reveal and kinda imply her eating disorder a bit further but the Noora and William stuff has gotten old and I can't just get myself to care anymore. I know this won't end well, it just won't.
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Skam: Noora, du trenger pikk (2016)
Season 2, Episode 7
24 June 2021
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My only highlights this season are if we get to see the other girls, this episode is one of them. But again, there was just so much kissing between William and Noora, I still won't believe they are a good couple if you keep showing the same thing over and over! But anyway it was interesting to see that William had a dispute between some other 'gang' and smacked someone with a bottle, Noora should just take the warning sign and run.
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Skam: Jeg vil ikke bli beskytta (2016)
Season 2, Episode 6
Noora and William are a thing now
24 June 2021
So this means that the rest of the season will be a pain to go trough, this was no exception. Sure it all seems healthy now but just because half of the episode is the two kissing, I won't believe it's a good romance.
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Skam: Jeg er i hvert fall ikke sjalu (2016)
Season 2, Episode 5
24 June 2021
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Noora is trying to be a goody two shoes by forcing the party she is kinda forced by William to attend, to be about Syrian refugees. This all just sounds so ridiculous. I understand that William is supposed to be this bad boy with a softer side but I just got big yikes from him. If Noora was 100% in character, she would not have pursued him at all and left him, especially knowing that Vilde is nowhere near over him. My only real highlight is that the music at the party was great (Troy's music, Childish Gambino's Zealots Of Stockholm) I don't like where this is going at all. When the two kissed I was screaming no pretty loudly, I know their relationship won't end well.
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