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American Horror Story: The Auteur (2024)
Season 12, Episode 9
this season was just very weak and boring BUT
26 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This season unfortunately was just very weak and boring BUT I'm very surprised by Kim Kardashian's decent acting. Her and AHS alumni Emma Roberts basically carrying the whole damn season with no others standing out.

However the storyline was VERY BORING, SLOW and made almost no sense.

I read the book this season was based off and think they should've stuck to the book's plot which was MUCH more interesting and entertaining. This season had about 20% of the book's plot.

The whole season and especially the last episode left many unanswered questions and barely scratched the surface of explaining them.

The ending episode of this season felt like some type of David Lynch, fever dream. WAY TOO CAMPY.

I've been a HUGE AHS fan since season 1. And the magic, hardcore originality and memorability it once had has slowly faded unfortunately.

This whole plot idea of this season had a lot of potential it just wasn't executed at all well. Possibly also due to the secondary no name, very bad actors that were supporting characters. Made it so boring and dry to watch.

SIDENOTE: Throwing alumni names in like Billie Lourd, Leslie Grossman, Dennis Ohare as "main characters" when they had probably 5mins screen time in the whole season is such a weak bait. Also apparently Zachary Quinto is in this but I swear I didn't see him AT ALL all season.......?
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The original is better, this remake was just bland
22 April 2024
First time watching this (2006) and the original (1977) in 2024.

Watched the original first and enjoyed it.

This remake was pretty much the extact same, beat by beat but just added more unnecessary gore to it.

To the point it was just just kind of cringe and lost my attention. The backstory of the villians and their town that was not included in the first film doesn't really land well in 2024. Maybe in the early 2000s when people enjoyed seeing crazy, deformed and abnormal things. But now it just falls flat. This remake isn't scary just very gorey like i said.

Most likely wouldn't watch again.
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VERY underrated, should've been a TV show
1 February 2024
This film is very over looked and barely heard about.

Pros: Fantastic plot concept, very diverse and campy actors.

Decent music numbers that are pretty catchy.

This movie definitely established a very small cult following.

The plot, cast and just overall vibe would've been a success as a TV. There's so much to be explored in this world that you don't get enough of in the hour and half of watching.

If you're a horror fan I highly suggest watching this atleast once to have your own opinion. Over a decade later it's still entertaining

Cons: The graphics are alittle cheesy but for their budget that's very understandable.
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Could've been better
20 October 2023
Nothing really stood out and sadly falls into that category of failed early 2000s remake.

It overall wasn't GOOD as the original but not totally bad.

The want to spin it's own new narrative of Jason just didn't stick as they wanted.

I'd personally LOVED to see a whole movie from the opening credits with the camp counselor and Mrs. Voorhees. Which is what the whole film should've been about instead of years later.

The lighting in the film was terrible, the actors and their characters were so cringe and stereotypical.

PRO: I did feel some sympathy towards the Jason character which i never have before watching the series so I guess that was something.
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THIS WAS SO BAD (the worst in the series)
16 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After watching #8 Jason Takes Manhattan and just seeing how poorly executed it was, you'd think "OK that was BAD it can't get any bad than that" but here comes #9 The Final Friday.

The acting TERRIBLE The storyline TERRIBLE (adding 'plot twist', Jason had a sister, etc.) was very poor and very cringe.

I found myself asking WHY over and over.

The whole film was just very hard to watch (watched this in 2023/30 years later)

Watch this if and ONLY if you want to watch the entire series, if not it's a skip and will leave you very confused about the storyline of the whole series.

The only 1 star comes from literally the last 10 seconds of the film where a familiar BUT COMPLETELY DIFFERENT horror icon makes an appearance.
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You: Fear and Loathing in Beverly Hills (2019)
Season 2, Episode 8
one of the strongest episodes of season 2
31 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So far the effects, storyline of this episode were FANTASTIC!

I'm enjoy the series for the first time and so far season 2 has been ok.

I find my attention wondering alot this season but this episode was fantastic, just that simple.

I guess the illusion effects that started mid episode and the coming and going of numerous characters made it feel exactly like the classic Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

Not a perfect 10/10 only do to the slow beginning but of course you had to build up to something.... the ending Definitely did NOT see coming. Would've been alittle more mind blown if Forty did discover somehow Joe did in fact kill Beck.
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Scream VI (2023)
Pretty entertaining, had some missed cues though...
13 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Overall this movie was pretty entertaining. I somewhat enjoyed this alittle more than #5 (my least favorite in the series). I would rewatch again, but I can see how many fans could be disappointed because this film doesn't really follow the typical formula of horror troupes, which kind of makes it fun and memorable to say the least... but they could've made it more of a solid hitter so a movie without our main character (sidney) would've made people not miss her so much. For fans and myself this was just a filler movie as literally ALL the main characters survive.

  • The killer(s) reveal wasn't expecting it, so I'd have to give it up for that.

  • Loved the return of Kirby (but she was still seen as more of a side character, would've love to seen her for more screen time and more of Final Girl type instead of a 'I survived and i'm a badass FBI agent now')
  • The SUBWAY SCENE WAS THE BEST I've never felt so strong anxiety from a movie scene in awhile.

  • They should've just finally killed Gale to make this movie more better/memorable, which leads to my strong second con....
  • There was VERY little kills. In a setting of one of the most populated cities in the world, there was a total of probably around 10 kills the whole movie (all minor/background characters included)

ENDING: I would've personally loved for Sidney to have been the killer at the end. (kind of a I went crazy/I dont trust you as Billy's Daughter Sam) type of thing and it would've been a WILD send off to finally leave her character alone and Neve Campbell because after this I fear she will truly never return (and if she does it'll be some weird Halloween Ends with Jamie Lee Curtis) type scenario. The whole news about her coming back rumors and then not coming back they could've easily have play in their favor. To somehow trick the audience into thinking she wasn't in the movie until the very end. THAT would've probably made this the BEST scream movie.
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HIT & MISS only a few episode stood out
14 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There were SOME good episodes but the majority were very boring, cliche and truly not scary. But this was better than American Horror Stories but of course not at good as the Twilight Zone/Black Mirror type shows.

Epsiodes: 1- Not too bad of a start, decently entertaining 2- A little cheesy, but the ending is pretty crazy 3- A decent storyline/plot but has been done before. A little slow paced, but decent ending 4- THE BEST OF THE SERIES 5- Enjoyable storyline, crazy effects and entertaining 6- Felt VERY rushed and like it should've been a movie with the plot, but since everything was so rushed it wasn't as good. Decent effects 7- this one drags on, HOWEVER the effect are TRULY OUTSTANDING and carries the show. Plot, background and direction of the show is alittle lacking but the effects/colors are FANTASTIC 8- TERRIBLE ending to the series, weak plot that has been done before and very, very boring.

Overall while none of the episodes were truly scary, some ideas were okay. If you enjoy horror shows in general I'd say give it a try, doesn't have to be ASAP but eventually.
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So far the BEST out of the 4 I've seen
8 November 2022
Recently started the series and this one was VERY well. I normally dont review individual episodes but I would say it was THAT good. If you're thinking about watching the series you FORSURE should see this episode in particular

  • Not traditionally scary like the others, with monsters etc. More psychological.

  • Very much enjoyed the vivid time period of the 80s, the whole feel of the setting including the fashion, music and all made you feel like like you step into a time machine.

-The main actress was fantastic!!! It was so hard not to feel so much empathy for her character. AND also her husband made them such a cute dynamic duo.

-The only issue was the ending shot seem very 'Pearl' (2022) which just felt copied....but still very good overall.

Actually wish this episode was it's own show itself.
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7 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is such a great early 2000s movie, even if it's a Disney film.

PROS: -incredibly nostalgic -the jokes/hidden goofs never get it -has some pretty classic/iconic scenes that people would quote "LANA GOT CONED" "wait for me! Not you i don't even know you!" "GET OFF THE GRASS" "Gupta!" The list goes on -Probably the best Anne Hathaway movie -overall a feel good/comfort film

Cons: -truly can't think of any it felt longer watching as a child BUT goes by pretty quickly as an adult -some scenes may blend in together because there's about 3 or so total settings

This has easily made it on my top 20 films.
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Mostly for adults
7 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Recently watched this for the first time almost 8 years later and never even heard of it prior when it first came I had to see why this was such a cult classic and what made it "hidden adult entertainment"

At first watching the whole thing, episode after episode I just wanted to finish it and get to the end and only took about a day or two.

Some episodes were alot more funnier than others but did enjoy the show alot more after researching the Dante's Inferno's theory pretty much proved to be correct.

Good characters, random plot lines and definitely not for kid kids.

If you're 15+ who enjoy animation with hidden adult topical themes you'd enjoy this! If you enjoy ricky and morty, gravity falls and "cartoons" that were "made for kids" but uses alot more complicated thinking than a normal kid can handle you'd enjoy this! VERY GOOD. Perfect length time wise for each episode.
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Barbarian (2022)
3 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Overall the film was interesting in a way I'd say definitely watch it for it's unique-ness.

But just cause it's different doesn't mean it was a perfect 10/10.

Enjoyed the twisted, but it did get pretty predictable after that....but didn't see the twist coming.

PROS: -GREAT acting and chemistry with each relationship with the characters -Really makes viewers interact with the story by putting themselves in the shoes of the characters

CONS: -The pacing was alittle longer than usual -While it wasn't bad there's a strong you either like it or hate it 50/50 that makes it alittle too controversial -Some plot holes but I guess sometimes left out information leaves the viewers thinking more.
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Wish Upon a Star (1996 TV Movie)
Classic for it's time, 90's nostalgia now
24 October 2022
Very enjoyable to remanence and watch almost 20+ something years later.

The lead actors fantastic.

Classic older 90s disney film where they werent scared to talk about real life stuff (ex. Virgins etc.) that would NOT be talked about in innocent disney films nowadays. I also feel this movie has a slight cult following feel to it.

Highly suggest it for teenagers, not children person cause they may not understand some parts. But also if you're a millennial adult you will also enjoy this movie and respect it for what its worth.

The film goes by pretty fast and doesn't really have any boring or dull parts.
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Another Halloween classic
14 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It is very hard to see this and try NOT to compare it to #4 but in my personal opinion it is a VERY DECENT follow up. A storyline which is executed very nicely right after the previous one. I understand they could've went one of two ways with the storyline (having Jamie to be a killer, like Michael) but the choice to have her be the heroine again was the right move. Overall much like all the others it's not intimidatingly scary....and still gives a comfort horror just like 1,2 and 4.

PROS: -Danielle Harris as a child actor can STILL act her ass off, after the 4 -The killing of a main final girl (Rachel) from the previous film is very different and grounding to the audience.

-This film just like 4 also gives the comfort of a traditional Halloween Holiday setting very strongly. (also great costume designs)

CONS: -some editing goofs -some continuality of storylines (example: Michael being under the care of a stranger in the beginning for a YEAR) seemed alittle far fetch but I understand it was added for film purposes. (another example: Jamie's foster mother seemingly being alive after the 4th)
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CLASSIC to the franchise/80s horror (slasher)
13 October 2022
This along with the 1st ,2nd & 5th were such classics when it comes to this Halloween franchise.

Overall I'd say this and #5 were FANTASTIC follow ups from the 1st in way of continuality with storylines PROS:
  • The characters, acting & storyline 10/10.

  • With this film and 5 you get somewhat attached to the characters (Jamie & Rachel)
  • The actress Danielle Harris acted her ass off even for a child!

  • This film's setting also gives a STRONG sense of the Halloween holiday spirit (decorations, the look, celebration) itself, especially for a how we all image Halloween is supposed to be traditionally
  • Kind of weirdly gives the vibe nowadays as one of those comfort movies because its not too scary for 2020's but gives great nostalgia for the film's overall presence
  • Great twist at the end
  • Nothing genuinely pops out as terrible or lack off. There were some minor goofs with costume designs (check Wikipedia for production section) but what 80s film doesn't really have some type of goofs ending in the film cut.

I'd definitely say this AND #5 are on the top 10 list when it comes to 80s slashers. It incorporated everything a classic horror film is made of, which got many horror fans hooked on the genre and franchise itself.
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Hellraiser (2022)
not the worst remake, but also not the best
11 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This wasn't the best remake, but also wasn't the worst

  • Lots of the storyline felt very predictable in the beginning, there was a shocking twist with the bf and I felt that was the most obvious thing from the beginning of the film
  • Plot holes: How did the billionaire survive (16 years??) by himself in that did he even know the boyfriend prior
  • Didn't have as much gore as the older series
  • Also felt very long and dragged on
  • Im not saying it had to be an EXACT replica of the original with the same gender characters/centobites but I know lots of ppl would've enjoyed seeing their favorites
  • The main actress was a pretty good actress, did enjoy many earlier scenes with her
  • Its definitely worth a watch if you like the original.

  • will I watch the sequal? Yes.
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Smile (V) (2022)
Very decent horror movie!
8 October 2022
Very decent horror movie kinda dating back to the mid/late 2000s. If you enjoyed the Ring, Hereditary, It follows, you will very much love this.

If you're a horror movie fan you can probably see the ending coming BUT at least it's well executed.

Crazy camera angles, acting is good, definitely had me anxious watching threw my hands a few times (jump scares) it's also VERY analytical with huge PSTD, clinical diagnosis, mental characteristics in different characters

Some cons were the extended background information they would give which made the movie feel alittle more longer

There would most likely be a sequel or two but I doubt they'd be as good as this

Would I watch again? Probably not they heavy graphic suicide scenes (I get it that's part of the plot) BUT it's well worth a watch at least once.
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Hocus Pocus 2 (2022)
It is what it is (not good, not bad)
2 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As someone who can say they had a very special bond with the first Hocus Pocus (being born the same year it came out, watch it year after year since I was 4) I wasn't surprised this didn't live up to what I was HOPING but it was very much what I was EXPECTING.

This 'sequel' was as good as it a 30 years later sequel can probably get. Especially with the "modern" fan service, it felt at sometimes like a parody making fun of itself.

Overall I think it wasn't THAT bad, but also wasn't as good as a follow up should've been. (the storyline was This sequel also was more kid friendly unfortunately..... the 1st had thing such as more stronger darker themes (the devil, hangings, virginity) this one just seem too sunshine and rainbows.

  • I do think a younger elementary version of myself, would've loved this so that's a big plus.

  • Bette Midler out of the three sisters had the SAME energy as the first, great actress
  • I did enjoy some scenes, the opening scenes in the town of salem (besides the mother witch scene)

CONS: -The cheesy green screens/sound stages (that forest looked beyond fake)
  • The child acting did make me cringe a lot.

-Plot holes (goofs from the original storyline) -just too kid friendly (but it's new aged Disney I get it)

In my opinion this really shouldn't have been a thing. Because the classic But it does exist so overall don't get your hopes up. Kids will most likely enjoy this, previous adults who grew up with the 1st most likely will not. IF they do a 3rd which they SHOULD NOT the only way it'll be decent if they had the original cast of teens/child back (omri, vanessa, thora).
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Nope (2022)
Wasn't super impressed at first BUT
26 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Was super excited to see this... not the biggest Jordan Peele fan but his "elevated horror" was something I did enjoy seeing or so I thought. Even though the plot didn't go in the direction I wanted it and in the moments after the movie ended I declared I didn't like it.

HOWEVER After letting it settle in hours later, it did grow on me. It did pretty much just settle in my mind as a true Jordan Peele film which people are going to like or not. Personally, i'm just in the middle. The ending (a little boring) would've been more of a hard hitter, if it had a similar ending to US, in this case where more monster cloud things are seen over the skies of earth.

PROS: -great acting of course, with very likeable characters -while i thought the monster was kinda cheesy in the moment watching I did have a hard time getting the images out of my head while trying to sleep. SO i guess it did psychological do something -the monster over the house raining blood scene was very good

CONS: -lots of drawn out, long story telling parts -i'm not a huge fan of the random moments of JP's film (ex. The random TMZ guy)

overall, the film of course has alot of details that should analyzed (some more than others) to help understand the story.... take that as you want if you like having to overthink every detail. The reason i give the film a solid 6 is I do however believe the film should be watched but probably only once.
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Best movie of 2021
9 July 2022
Very funny and impressive indie film put together with some prettt memorable characters.the acting was a solid A. I can def see this becoming a cult classic/comfort film in a few years.
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Watcher (I) (2022)
Wasn't bad
26 June 2022
Was very excited to see this movie! Definitely wasn't bad but wasn't as scared as I hoped to be. Overrally pretty good, and a good ending. Probably wouldn't watch a second time.
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Used to be good, lacking now....
23 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
From Seasons 1-3 incredible and very amazing, made me LOVE this show to death.

Season 4-5 started getting alittle wonky... BUT still held up very high.

Season 6-7- it started going down hill

Season 8-9- had very strong plots but RUSHED endings.

Season 10- should've just been RED TIDE and not some very cringey GEN Z SCIFI second part.

I've noticed with recent seasons especially Season 8-current. ALL the endings are very rushed, "modern day flash-forward" and its literally happened over and over again hasn't even been enjoyable. The issue is they focus so hard and kick off with a great start but the seasons slowly descend it's very dry and unmemorable endings. Used to really enjoy and get excited about this show but after being disappointed over and over just not as fun anymore. And has become very fan serviced to the point it isn't standing on it's own anymore.

As a whole with everything above ^ it's forsure became a 6/10.
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Solid 10/10
10 June 2022
Hands down probably the best movie I've seen in 2022. And top 10 all time. Great and tremendous acting. And the story makes you think and overall purpose is fantastic. Very emotional but that's ok. Only cons is it's alittle long but definitely a must see... that's it.
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It got me hooked in the beginning...BUT
10 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It got me hooked in the beginning... BUT the ending hardly explained anything.

  • as I said the beginning gets your very interested in "why is this happening" "who's making it happen" and so on.

-dakota fanning's one liners in normal conversations were hilarious (great acting)

Cons: -everything seem very rushed towards the half of the movie. The build up was great the first 30 mins but after it just seems like things were happening just for the sake of a story and just seemed rushed.

(SIDENOTE: The teenage son pissed me off wanting to go fight, his over the top rebellious attitude was the worst)

-some plot holes & the ending was just like "oh okay so the mother just stayed safely in her house while her kids went threw straight hell...the aliens just randomly started dying? The vague and confusing end Morgan Freeman dialogue....

I suppose watching during the early 2000s this was good but it didnt age very well. I feel like a remake should happen for a more current and up to date vision of the story would help.
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The Lighthouse (I) (2019)
VERY good, VERY impressed
5 April 2022
Finally decided to finally see what the hype was all about and I REALLY enjoyed this film. The plot was very interesting especially if you like horror but not the traditional jump scare horror. However the film is definitely a psychological/suspense. The perfect about of detail of plot given to the audience (making them think outside of what they see) and the act was AMAZING! Highly recommend if anyone enjoys movies for what they are, to tell their own tale.
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