
15 Reviews
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Creep Fest Continues!!!!
22 July 2024
In a series that is quickly become one of the most unique found footage series (is it even found footage really? I believe it's "mockumentary" but that sounds like a comedy) this third installment is FANTASTIC! My absolute favorite thing about these movies is the way they take their time and slowly peel back layers as to whatever the heck is goin on out in the desert. We got some new information in this one that I won't leave here as a spoiler, but the tension I felt during the motorcycle scene and the ending of this one was off the charts! I want to know what the lady at the ranch found! Overall, this was my favorite of the series and I can't wait for the next!
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Deadstream (2022)
14 November 2022
The moment he walked up to the front door and screaed like a little batch when he say *clearly fake* dollar store, cotton spider webs, I should have turned it off. Very DIY and I usually love that, but the dude screaming like a bashee the whole time got old real fast. Pass. The old house itself was pretty rad. That is the one thing that this movie rally had going for it. I also was not a huge fan of these peoples segment in VHS. Where did they come from? How and why are the being given these opportunities? There's also zero knowledge of how live streaming works here, which, yeah, i get it, it's a movie and that normally doesn't bug me, but in this one IT DID.
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Not sure I totally understood it but I loved it
28 April 2022
This movie is a vibe and I viiiiiiiibed with it. Lately I've gotten into the youtube thing and have been watching a few youtubers - this movie is definitely made for that kind of audience. This young lady in the lead is wickedly talented and I really look forward to what this film maker does next. Don't go in expecting horror, it's more of a eerie mystery drama? Actually, it doesn't really adhere to any specific genre, and I think that's why I vibed so hard with it.
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OK wow
27 January 2022
This made for TV movie has faults, of course...but I am giving this a solid TEN because they don't hesitate to show terror with children that most movies would shy away from! It's a camp fest of the best kind and one I was continually surprised by!
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Session 9 (2001)
Nears "greatness"
27 January 2022
Wow. This movie has aged well. Aside from a few VERY clunky off screen lines of VO, this movie is haunting. Deeper than your average horror film, this one sticks with you. There is a twist that I did not see coming the first viewing. It holds up, and on a re-watch there are, what should be very obvious, clues littered throughout the first half. I will be buying this one on DVD.
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27 January 2022
The stark black and white presentation gives a dream like feel to this film. Although I wouldn't label this a "western" like it is touted in all the PR, it does have a desert thing going on, being in Iran and all.

I've never seen a vampire tale told from this perspective. This is an art house movie, so not for everyone, but I imagine even people not into art house would be into this if they gave it a chance. It's not "scary" per se, but very watchable. Surprisingly, what sold me on watching this was seeing a teenager on my block who had a skateboard with the vampire girl from this movie on it.
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The Medium (2021)
After all the hype.....
19 October 2021
Meh. Yes, it looks great. But this movie basically takes what works from almost every other similar movie and uses it all. There were some great performances but also some LOL moments. Not what I was expecting.
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1 October 2021
What a bizarre and delicious premise. They actually used real footage from real disasters though, which I thought was super poor taste. There were a couple of chilling moments that could have blossomed into a full on nightmare!
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Lunopolis (2010 Video)
Proof that great things can be done with limited resources
1 October 2021
Outstanding! There were only a few minor blips in this otherwise very solid no budget indie film. The ending was just a little confusing...but the amount of thought and depth that went into the story is phenomenal. Incredible world building.
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Mexican Moon (2021)
Very different
10 May 2021
Visually, this movie is bold and very, very different. Filmmakers took risks here and I commend them for doing so. I enjoyed it.
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Hoodman (2021)
Great! Has a bit of everything
10 May 2021
Ok so this one has it all. A missing child, a detective, a killer and an urban legend. Well paced and overall a great indie film!
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Greatland (2020)
A movie with STYLE and clear direction
10 May 2021
It's super refreshing to see an independent film that HAS A VISION and a style. In a sea of average movies, this one stands out for good reason. The music is amazing as well. I found this engaging and entertaining overall.
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Darling (II) (2015)
I mean........
16 March 2021
Drink a pot of coffee before you start this one.....It only 78 minutes, it manages to stretch on for hours. Maybe it is the black and white paired with the bleak and repetitive sound design/score?
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If you don't like this movie you have bad taste
16 March 2021
Every. Single. Thing. in this movie is done right. Crips direction, incredible acting, phenomenal sound design and score, just overall yes yes yes to this. Ashley Bell is OUTSTANDING as the chipper and innocent daughter. Her enthusiasm when she gets to put the red boots on is just the most adorable thing. When it comes time for her possession, you can't possibly imagine this young woman being scary and nasty......but OMG does she pull it off without a hitch. Incredible transformation. A+++++
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An indie masterpiece
16 March 2021
This is one of the strangest (in the best ways possible) films I've ever seen. It reminded me both of Lynch's earlier works and Kenneth Anger. Beautiful, surreal and truly bizarre. Stunning soundtrack.
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