
15 Reviews
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Outback House (2005)
Very lovely and compelling look into 1860 sheep station.
20 August 2023
Enjoyed this very much. Beautiful country, and beautiful friendships formed among the workers and family. Living in primitive quarters in primitive conditions. We take for granted what we have today, washing machine, walls that keep out the flies, the easy access to food. We are so privileged to just have clean water coming into the house and sanitation. I certainly missed my calling. I have always yearned to live such a life. Real hard , solid work, community, majestic surroundings. Alas, I am old now, maybe the next time around. Eh. Is there adventure out there? I think so. Go out and find it, live it.
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Frontier House (2002– )
None of the families were prepared
19 August 2023
None of the three stocked enough firewood for one winter . Wood gathering is a daily chore . You need wood to cure, a covered area for storage, kindling. Every evening gathering, chopping, storing. Comical to see the "rounds". None of them , nor the animals, would make it through a Montana winter. First things you do on a property , fences, trees, put in your potatoes. Felt bad for the Karen lady, she is a perfect frontier wife, she was in her element, chastised for being good at her job. The Clune man, a simp. The children, all lovely and learnt what life is really about. Wonder where they are now?
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Who Knew?
29 July 2023
I was there for the Beanie Bubble. I never participated, did not see the point. My kids were gifted a few by their grandmother. I did recognize some the toys from the movie. My sister in law however, really took to the craze. She lived in Houston. Her daughter had a closet stuffed with the under stuffed toys. This was her daughter's retirement, college fund, she will make millions!!! So ironic. Her husband's company annual was in 100mil, my annual was closer to fifty. But, all in all, through the in's and outs of the 90s/2000s , I made out better in the long run. Plus, I still have great hair .
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99 Homes (2014)
Is the Average Guy this Dumb?
16 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Finance and Money classes should be mandatory if one is entering into a mortgage, much like marriage counseling. I don't understand why people are so attached to a box. The young man facing 12% and a ballon payment will face disaster a second time. While working for the shark save your cash and buy a distressed property for CASH, then use your skills to improve. Two years in the motel will do it. Why subject yourself to more usery? Unfortunately, Americans live isolated, and those who are fortunate are unwilling to share. Maybe our current times will bring about great change. Not just societal, but also spiritual.
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The Mosquito Coast (2021–2023)
Where is Your Hat?
24 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Crossing the AZ/MEX border and no hat. The Coyote figures he doesn't need a hat, just a gun. The series started okay but went downhill fast. The " vigilantes" wouldn't worry about some skinny, white , dude putting himself and kids in danger. Justine is desperate for a job.
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Fray (2012)
Realistic portrayal of the price of "democracy".
10 February 2022
Our young men are sent to foreign lands to be killed , maimed, and living the rest of their days with intense mental trauma. The young women, children, and mothers of these men also suffer not knowing what to do. What do these bright promising lads receive after these tours? Nothing! This movie is a realistic look at the real after life of these soldiers who feel a noble duty to serve. Too bad those who they serve don't deserve the sacrifice. The lead is fantastic and so is the girl friend. BTW I am the mother of one of these boys. I know.
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If I Were You (2012)
I love this movie.
30 December 2021
This is a movie I watch whenever I see it. I love the relationship between the two women, and how, unconsciously, that relationship brings powerful change to their lives. It's fun, sexy, and takes one's mind off of the daily nonsense.
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Love this movie.
24 December 2021
Fun to see, albeit, not real, my favorites. Picasso, Degas, Gaugin, Dali!, Stein, Hemingway. Imaginative, many what if's . Very fun. If you like art and literature.
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I love this movie.
25 November 2021
The boys did have a spiritual experience, it was not the one they were expecting, re: forcing. Beautiful sets, landscapes, people, music. Sweet story of brothers letting go and allowing trust and understanding into their consciousness. My favorite of the Wes Anderson films.
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Welcome to the Prison Planet
21 June 2021
This is our life on this plane. Man and daughter living off the land. They are good. Maybe a bit hungry , but, are we not all hungry? State disagrees. Overlords gives you tests to see if you know that 2+2 =5. Oh yeah. Have to have that TV. Let us live!!!!
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The wife gets on my last nerve.
25 May 2021
Gregory Peck as the sensitive man still dealing with the after effects of war ten years on. Jennifer Jones , the wife, shallow , grasping , disassociated mother, punishing her husband for a child conceived during the war. Maybe it was the time but I found the wife entirely unreasonable, petty, and immature. Oh geez. I just described my childhood.
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Very Cute
28 April 2021
Very sweet. No sex. True friendship. Sometimes the older ones are the best.
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The Crucible (1996)
Beautiful study of mass hypnosis
24 April 2021
Textbook case of suggestion, coercion, and group psychosis. The girl group, terrified to tell on Queen Bee, slave girl amazed at the reaction of her performance, the " court" giving us the absolute power of religious dogma, and finally the hero, John Proctor standing for truth with a capital T. Very much mirrors what is happening in 2021. Who will be sent to the gallows due to the new religion's mandates?
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Is that Jennifer Stein?
6 March 2021
Was I was watching Jennifer Aniston? So obvious and trite. This Jessica person has no authentic self. Romantic comedy? No it's an NPC tragedy.
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Birth (2004)
OMG Nicole Kidman is Acting
4 January 2021
More breathless calamity in a mundane, yet , calamitous world. I am confused. Is Anna a simpleton? Sean, take my word, stay away. She does look good with short hair.
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