
16 Reviews
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Gives exactly what it promises
14 October 2023
A municipal office goes on a corporate retreat, or conference, to do some competence development. But it all goes wrong quickly.

It is a solid movie, in line with flicks like House of Wax or Wrong Turn. In terms of storytelling, it is even closer to movies like Friday the 13th, but very much tongue in cheek. The characters are well developed, with a simple yet effective storyline. It does not try and be more than what it is. It is a weirdly comedic slasher movie. Scenery is great, acting is on point, and the dialogue is sharp and engaging. It is a really enjoyable 100 minutes. It has fun with itself, and gives what it promises.
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Ambush (I) (2023)
30 June 2023
Absolute rubbish. Whoever wrote this had no idea how an actual military operation would work. Holes in the plot you could drive a truck through. Guns, uniforms, vehicles- all wrong. The writers did not even read a basic Wikipedia article about war.

The acting is every worse. I would like to say there are decent actors in it but they would clearly just like a check.

I feel this might become a cult bad movie, like the Room or Plan 9 from Outer Space. Except this one actually takes itself seriously.

Nope, gave up after twenty five minutes and I feel that was way too much.

Avoid at any and all costs.
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Last Light (2022)
Almost watchable but best to give it a miss
12 September 2022
An incredibly contrived plot with Really Dumb Decisions being the main character, as it happens. And some of the plot holes are so large you can drive an oil tanker through them. Apart from Fox and Froggart, the acting is really poor. Like, school play poor. Actors standing around waiting for each other to deliver their lines, staring at each other's lips. It is that bad.

I was interested in the story and that is why I finished it. Now I am sorry I did that too. It made zero sense.

Did I mention plot holes? Things break leading to societal collapse, except when a character needs that thing. Then it works. Why? Because why not?

Actually, avoid. It it rubbish. Director should probably find another job.
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Good idea, bad execution
10 September 2021
The whole concept of the aliens, how they move and what they do is novel. Just a pity the actors and the director was so bad. Like, ludicrously bad. Destroyed what otherwise could have been fun.
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Better than the ratings suggest
20 August 2021
I was in the mood for a trashy post-apocalyptic story. Came across this, saw the low ratings and thought here is my guy. What I got instead was a tight and interesting character drama. Pleasantly surprising. It has many faults, sure. Directing and cinematography is good, acting ok, but the editor should maybe find another career. But again, watch it with an open mind and you won't be sorry. Quite enjoyable.
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The Handmaid's Tale (2017–2025)
Loved season 1 and 2 but it is done
25 July 2021
Just blah blah. The first season was so good and deserved a 9 or 10; season 2 like a 8, but then... o boy. The simplest of plots extend over 6 episodes and it is just washed out shot after washed out shot. So much filler, it is crazy. Producers really missed an opportunity here. Took a tight tense story with a ton of potential and made it boring as. Average of 5 because season 3 deserves a1. I gave up halfway through so can't rate the rest, but from reading plot summaries it seems as if it is getting worse. It is done, give up already.
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Average rating for an average film
4 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie could not be more paint by numbers if it tried. It is a somewhat passable action movie but within 6 months after seeing it, you will have completely forgotten that you ever did.

It has every single cliche in the book. Precocious child. Check. Estranged father. Check. Funny offsider. Check. Serious killer offsider. Check. Clumsy social message. Check.

If you go into this with zero expectations, you will be fine. If you expect this to change your world, meh, not so much.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: He Said, She Said (2019)
Season 6, Episode 8
Insulting and preachy - the end of the road for the show for me
18 June 2021
I never know why successful shows feel the need to move away from what made them successful and start lecturing us. It is an important issue but I watch sitcoms to have a laugh, not a TedTalk. This important topic was handled so poorly, an insult to real victims everywhere. I really enjoyed seasons 1-4, struggled with 5 but this episode made me realise that the story is done. End of the road for this show for me; it can only get more cringe and more insulting from here on out.
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Cruella (2021)
Fantastic acting
5 June 2021
Seriously, the interplay between Emma Stone and Emma Thomson is so good. These two play so well of each other. A good story made excellent by these incredible actors.
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Chernobyl (2019)
Dramatic story but absolute fictional nonsense
7 March 2021
The story so extremely well told, with excellent acting and directing. Just a pity that the science is so disgustingly wrong. Like, not even close. I get enhancing for the drama, but stories like this is the reason why we have to argue with people whether the world is round. I encourage you to go read the actual story and take this series for what it is is; mindless entertainment. Do not trust the science.
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Excellent acting
5 March 2021
Wow, the interplay between Amy Adams and Jeniffer Lawrence, as well as Christian Bale and Bradley Cooper, is fantastic. Movie is worth seeing for their performances alone. Lawrence and Adams are especially good, with this amazing tension that exists between them.
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Joy (I) (2015)
Jennifer Lawrence carried the poor directing and editing
1 March 2021
Actually a really good underlying story here, but the script, directing and editing is so poor, it completely messes it up. The pacing is awful and they imported just about every cliche in the book. It just feels dialled in. Lawrence must have had intense back pain after carrying this movie so hard. With any other actor, this movie would have flopped spectacularly
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Complete drivel
29 December 2020
Can't believe that we go from such a fantastic movie in the first Wonder Woman to such absolute nonsense. Completely illogical story, Kristen Wigg's usual horrendously poor acting and an unconvincing villain just cheapens the legacy of the first movie. Avoid at all costs. Only giving it 2 because some of the action sequences are passable.
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Ava (IV) (2020)
Good acting not enough to save horrible directing
14 December 2020
The director struggled to get a consistent pace in the movie, going from pretty decent actions sequences and tense moments, to just incredibly long periods of down time. Overall, the excellent acting by Jessica Chastain and John Malkovich is just not enough to save it. I wanted to like it, I really did, but it just ended up feeling like a chore.
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Female Agents (2008)
Well worth watching an unknown story
10 September 2020
Even though a little bit melodramatic in spots, it is well directed and incredibly well acted. Likeable and relatable characters make this an experience well worth it. Will recommend
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Mulan (2020)
Not the animated version, beautifully shot
6 September 2020
I fundamentally disagree with all the low ratings because it is not a shot-by-shot remake of the animated version. It is a different movie, telling the story differently.

Cinematography is excellent, action sequences are fine, story is well told- if you see it as a new movie, then it is completely enjoyable. Not the best, but definitely a great way to spend 2 hours.
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