
29 Reviews
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Bad Bad Bad Oh So Very Bad
27 July 2022
Everything is bad! The Acting is Bad! The Effects are Bad! The Storyline is bad! The directing is bad! The Makeup and Costume is bad! The plot is just bad! The Script is bad! The Lighting is bad! The Everything is bad! Bad! Bad! Bad! And the only reason to watch is for Chris Pratt and how handsome he is and he is hardly in the movie at all and doesn't do anything interesting at all. Bad oh so Bad oh so Bad. Or perhaps Worse!!!!!!!!
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Its like.........
21 July 2022
....all the characters seem to wander onto the screen and dithered about wondering what they should be doing....and then they sort of acted out some random stuff that then the movies 'about' basically non enlightening stuff with nowhere near enough madness or multiversing....just kinda definitely STRANGE and rather empty of story line or point......or plot.....but I still love Dr Strange! And will remain hopeful that the next one has some meat to it!
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Fun Fun Fun
8 January 2022
Really loved the Phoebe character 💖 really enjoyed the whole movie 💖👍 well made! Fun! Loved it. Its good when Director - Script - Casting all comes together and flows smoothly 😁
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Just Watched - Nothing New
8 January 2022
Nothing new or amazing about this movieeeee...but I do love Venom so worth a watch if you have nothing more interesting to do....even Woody Harrelson seemed a bit boring and tame which is weird!!!
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
Like Watching A Car Crash In Slow Motion
30 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Every single character suddenly has multiple personality disorder! Nothing they do makes any sense. Its just a giant waste of time. Weird kinda quick lets just get this over and done with asap and it doesn't really matter what happens to who and who does what. The best bit AS IN MOST EPIC FAILURE was when Dany addresses her Dothraki and her unsullied in her dumb and pointless victory speech - that they FORGOT the Dothraki were mostly DEAD coz they'd just battled the White Walkers etc... Ermmmm how do at least the actors not remember they're dead and warn the writters! Whata buncha dumbasses DOH!
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Sensing Murder (2004– )
Intriguing and very entertaining
25 January 2018
This is a bit a different from all the other psychic detective etc shows... this one is more down to earth! Filmed without the spooky effects and the visual displays of gruesomeness! Its very interesting and you can get hooked on the details the psychics pick up on. Definitely WatchWorthy!
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Bering Sea Gold (2012– )
Do Not Watch This. Unless You Want To Be Depressed.
6 January 2013
Do Not Watch This. Unless You Want To Be Depressed. These People are so very depressing. Not a single nice person in sight. I guarantee you that none of the people in this program will ever be happy or successful. They moan and whine and complain and get each other killed and are just incompetent and boring and greedy and ungrateful. There is no heart or soul to this series. This is the Complete Opposite of GOLD RUSH - where the show is filled with Warm Human people. Bearing sea gold is a nasty collection of rather unpleasant people trying to grab gold and failing miserably. You do not warm to any of the players. They all suck. They are all very negative people! Don't bother watching this rubbish. It will depress you rather than entertain you.................
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Arbitrage (2012)
Do Not Invest Your Time in Arbitrage!
24 September 2012
Arbitrage. ? What exactly were they trying to achieve with this movie? I am not understanding! It was predictable. It was boring. It was about nothing. It lead nowhere. The characters where.... ? What? Interesting? Nope! Not interesting. The plot was non-existent - and I kept watching till the end - expecting this amazing twist to impress me and surprise me - and then the movie just *ended* .... No real Ending... No real solution... No Twist... Nothing New Or Interesting... Perhaps it was simply made - to show off Richard Geres Silver Hair! A whole entire movie so he could wriggle his bum and show off his snazzy hair-do. Very strange. Very Pointless. A total waste of everyones time - the people who made and the people who watched it! A silly pile of poo. Don't bother. Unless you love boring empty boxes - coz that is what this movie is like - a boring cardboard box - with absolutely NOTHING IN IT....................
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The Dictator (2012)
This Movie Having Good Reviews IS* the Joke!
4 September 2012
The only funny thing about this movie - are the raving reviews of people who thought it was funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... Sacha Baron Coen wrote this movie as: a joke! He is now reading all these *Good reviews of his *Terribly unfunny film and he is laughing his socks off! No Brit is going to be impressed by this film... and he knows it... He is laughing reading IMDb reviews! The Joke is on the public for sure... I think it was his evil plot all along - to make a terrible movie and then laugh at all the people who laughed... I still love him though! Even if he is totally taking the Mickey! He can't help himself... He is famous enough now to get away with it.... LOL
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Dark Shadows (2012)
Errrrr what was that all about?................
4 September 2012
I think I am confused. I have never seen this mysterious series that this movie is based on... and indeed haven't even heard of this series... but still if a Movie is good - I shouldn't need to know all about what it is *based on.... and this Movie is NOT good. It is just NOT a good movie, that is pretty much what it all comes down to. It's not funny enough to be a funny movie... it could be darker when it just gets silly... it could be just silly but instead its boring... it could be dramatic but it just gets too boring silly try-too-hard.... sigh sigh sigh... Love Tim Burton! Love Johnny Depp! But what the heck was all this? It never took me anywhere... It simply confused me! Recap: Silly! Boring! Not-Funny-Enough! What was Mr Burton Thinking!
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The Directors Should be Hung Drawn And Quartered and THEN drowned in a bucket..........
26 May 2012
I cannot believe that the same guys who Directed CRANK - directed this! CRANK was awesome and this is terrible beyond awful beyond bad beyond horrible beyond totally bummed........ Mark Neveldine & Brian Taylor must have been totally hungover when they directed this movie... this is one of those movies where they get it ALL wrong! The Casting - The Directing - The Scriptwriters everyone gets it WRONG! It could have been funny but NO. It could have been entertaining but the terribleness of it all *gets in the way of the entertainment......... Fail Fail Fail on so many many many levels its unreal! I still like Nicolas Cage! But the directors deserve to be hung drawn an quartered an then drowned in a bucket at birth! Because they bummed up this Movie Big TIME It is just bad and confused - so confused - they don't know if they are being serious * funny or just plain ridiculous! The Casting is terrible - the character Ray Carrigan played by Actor JOHNNY WHITWORTH is not worth anything at all - he cannot act to save his grandmothers life! He is crap! And wooden! And actor IDRIS ELBA isn't much better! So BAD in many ways. Not GOOD in so many others. Nic Cage is the only good thing! AND the special effects of Johnny Blaze becoming THE RIDER is GOOD! The flaming skull head is GREAT - so they did get ONE thing right but thatz it! Do not bother buying this movie on DVD or seeing it in the cinema! It would have been money better spent on waxing male ball hair or buying up maggot farms! Sum up - Worse than Bad - Pathetic - Wooden - Ridiculous - Annoying - Confused - Badly Badly Badly Incompetently Directed!
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Goon (2011)
Funnily. Enough.I.Was.Kept.Entertained.
24 March 2012
I know this movie looks terrible, and in a way it is terrible but it is also good at the same time. I really thought I would have to suffer through it - but found I really enjoyed it. The dialog is quirky and of course Seann William Scott is very funny. He has changed rather a lot since ' Welcome to the Jungle' thou .... much bigger built now... not so high school skinny... This movie is not the best movie out there but its far from the worst. I was kept very entertained and even laughed aloud with some parts... It was different. It was Funny. It wasn't the big disaster I thought it would be. So am quite pleased with the efforts made on this... and through the violence it was sweet and cuddly! Remarkable piece of well made nonsense! Gotta give this high points for effort and scrip-writing and of course casting. I think they should give Oscars out to the people who *cast the actors! I think that would make more sense, if they hadn't casted that exact person - the movie probably would not be as *good as good movies are..... and probably would not be up for Oscar anyway... Give credit to those 'casters' they are amazing (some of them).......... !!! Watch GOON and be entertained! :)
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A Typical 50% will find it 'right' and the other 50% will find it 'wrong'.... thats inevitable...
13 March 2012
It is very hard for popular series to be made into a movie that EVERYONE will love. Some will find the actors to be the 'right ones' and some will think they are the 'wrong ones'. Here they did a pretty good job..... It takes a while to get used to but part way through the movie you are used to characters from a BOOK having actual real faces! They worked very well with what they had. It must be so hard to cast a movie from Books like these because SO many people will hold very high expectations. This movie has a very low rating - and it does deserve higher. It is not as bad as reviews and reviewers are making out... There are funny parts and clever parts... and Stephanie Plum IS Stephanie Plum... and she is still fun and Plum Crazy! It is worth watching but still will probably always be 'right' for 50% of people and 'wrong' for the other 50%. But thats life. Love it or hate it.... I hope they make 'Two for the Dough'... because I enjoyed it and hopefully the cast will just get stronger and more believable as they go ON! and ON! and ON! and ON! Imagine if they make all 18? so Far! WoooHoooo! :)
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23 February 2012
It is Watchable... It is Daniel Radcliffe.. It is Spooky.. There is nothing wrong with this Film... But having said that... Why watch it... If you have nothing better to watch, okay... Otherwise really it is the same ol same ol.. with no Interesting twist.... Rather dark and somber.. and grim... The Spooky house is good though, and Daniel Radcliff proves he can be more than just a boy wizard! Which I suppose is the point he was trying to prove. Or maybe no one offered him nothing better because they reckoned he couldn't do it. I hope he does get really good roles! There is definite potential lurking around inside him. I wouldn't keep this movie on my favorite collection shelf... but it didn't bore me to death... which is why I am still alive and writing this review! I like the scenery in this Film, very good scenery very nicely shot! They certainly made an effort! The spooky stuff is quite normal and predictable, but they had a very good location - which creeps you out before anything creepy even happens! So 6 out of 10 to Mr Radcliff! I hope he lives long and prospers!
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So Boring you would rather go to the dentist and have all your teeth pulled
20 February 2012
This movie is so boring... When I say boring I mean boring you literally to death... You might want to hang yourself off the end of your sofa watching this movie... Everyone in it is old... especially Gary Oldman... He is truly living up to his name! Nothing happens in this movie - ever - so if you are sitting and waiting for something to happen you might as well throw yourself off of the sofa because nothing is going to happen. Even my dad (who LOVES boring movies) thought this movie was boring - and for My DAD to think a movie is boring - Oh my God you might as well move to the Moon for its spectacular countryside views rather than watch this movie. You might like to do the washing up and watch it dry - rather than watch this movie. In fact getting shot in the foot would be way more fun! And exciting! And Entertaining! Watch the kettle boil! Watch paint dry! Watch the sun go down and wait for it to come back up again! All these things are better and more entertaining than watching this movie. Tinker Tailor Snore Snore Yawn Yawn - is a much more accurate title. Why oh why? Even the young and improved Sherlock Holmes actor Benedict Cumberbatch is made bleached blond and rather dull...... Aaaaaaaaahhhhh do not bother to waste your valuable air breathing time - by watching this movie. Stare at the nearest painting on your wall. Or count air bubbles under your wallpaper.....
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Jack and Jill (I) (2011)
Worse Than BAD
20 February 2012
Oh my God this movie is so bad, so terrible, so painful to watch. This movie is childish and not in a good way, farting humor, sweating humor, screeching humor, oh my God this movie is awful. Adam Sandler what have you done? Why did you think any of it was even remotely funny? What were you on? Prescription painkillers? Because that is what you 'the viewer' is gonna need for the headache this movie will give you. It is beyond crap - it is worse than crap. It is so pointless and so unfunny it will give you nightmares! LOL Maybe not nightmares .... but maybe Adam SandlerMares... I do not know what was going through his mind when he decided to make this movie. Does he really think he is so funny - that unfunny things when said by him - in a squeaky voice - pretending to be a woman - is going to be funny anyway? What a disaster... How embarrassing would this be to walk down the red carpet and watch the premier of this movie with OTHER PEOPLE in the cinema. How could he hide his redcarpet face? Oh my God I do not believe this movie even got made. A spectacular waste of millions, better spent on buying up stale bread to feed ducks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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27 January 2012
Not too sure about Monty Halls ... not such an interesting guy or guide for that matter... but the camera man deserves an Oscar for this masterpiece...its beautiful. Really well done doc. thought out... and fascinating! You cannot take your eyes off it! Would watch again and again! Kids and adults alike will love it! Would recommend as a present... or just a nice addition to your documentary collection... Am off home to re-watch this again! My 8 year old son loves it, especially when it gets to the sharks... some great pieces on sharks... even a shark I have never heard of! Giving this a 10 out of 10 Hopefully the camera man gets the Oscar! :)
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The Mechanic (2011)
Awful Bad Terrible Sad Tragic Pathetic Plot less Reasonless Crap
4 April 2011
The boom mic appeared THREE TIMES (before I fell asleep) in one shot where he is standing in a hallway you see not only the boom mic but the handle and cable THE WHOLE LOT! I have never seem smeggups like this before, was nobody watching while they were filming? Apparently NOT. And I don't really blame the director for not paying attention - because it was so boring it didn't even matter... it had no story line really... just a pretence at one. It went on and on and on... to the point where Jason Statham put me to Sleep!!!!! How can that be possible? He is Great. Action packed Hilarity. Normally! Not this time. Do not waste your time on watching a movie that even the director could be bothered to watch. Simon West: Shame On You!!!
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Tron: Legacy (2010)
why do peeps like this?
9 March 2011
this movie is one of those movies that gets off to a good start, full of hope and promise of great things to come and then gets derailed at the first junction.... it quickly turns from excitement into repetitive bore and makes you feel like you're watching a kid play an endless playstation game.... and really ??? what did they do to poor Jeff Bridges... they seem to have scraped off his face and layed down some white plaster and drawn his face back on! Garrett Hedlund you poor dummy... you are cute but not cute enough to distract from this movies horrific failings... A big load of bla and hype and the result is predictably hollywooded bad! Nominated for an Oscar? ahhhhhhh the world needs help!
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Dollhouse (2009–2010)
At first the prognosis wasn't good... but then things got better
14 July 2009
The first couple of episodes weren't as catching or thrilling as to suck you in but if you hang on in there you do get caught up with the characters. Eliza Dushku makes a great Doll. The Canadian actor Tahmoh Penikett who plays FBI agent Paul Ballard is a little rough on the acting skills for the first few episodes but after that he actually improves! So well done Tahmoh! The Dollhouse, a brainwashing agency, is an interesting concept and certainly could have been more thought-through but it's fun. Fun and Entertaining. And entertainment is what we're after when we watch TV, that being the whole point, right? So it may look like tosh at first glance but give it a second chance and I am sure you'll soon be wanting a Doll of your very own. :D
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12 Rounds (2009)
Yes OK it is Cheesy but Oh-My-Gosh.... Don't you think John Cena....
7 July 2009
don't you think he looks like a perfect genetic cross between Matt Damon & Mark Wahlberg and then chuck a bucket of steroids in the mix and et voila - you have - JOHN CENA! Really Hollywood is up to something - Cross Breeding Actors!!! John Cena, I discovered, is better at acting with his face than with his dialog. Irish hot head Aidan Gillan (star of the Queer As Folk TV-series) plays the baddie Miles Jackson - and does his sexy psycho thing very well. John Felix Anthony Cena plays Detective Danny Fisher - a cute an honest cop - caught unfortunately in a evil game of cat-an-mouse. Ashley Scott plays Molly Porter the cute blonde wifey. Its not a NEW plot, nor even close. But they don't try to be something they're not - they just copycat and get on with chasing each other round and round. If you have nothing better to watch - then why not watch it? But if you could go out for margaritas instead - why, you'd be missing nothing. Enjoy those margaritas! :D
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Knowing (2009)
Oh God why did they make this movie? why oh why?
26 June 2009
First off it takes its time in getting started... then it gets kinda exciting for a minute... then it gets kinda silly... then it becomes really retarded - and THEN it gets worse! Rose Bryne plays Diana who's just a boring character from start to finish. Nic Cage is John, a really grumpy dad who suddenly almost becomes a heroe - another boring character. Did Alex Proyas really direct I,Robot? because THAT was a GOOD movie! This is a load of tosh - and the last 15 minutes just ruin anything that it COULD have had... so pat on the back to the director for failing terribly - pat on the back to the writers for failing terribly and pat on the back to everyone who thought this was a good idea! You've all wasted millions, well done!
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Obsessed (2009)
The Director really buggered this one up........
23 May 2009
Steve Shill I think must have been asleep in his directing chair throughout the entire filming process... Every single scene is mechanical - Beyonce and Idris Elba merely reading their written dialog... It does not improve or get any better at any point during the movie, there is a way this script could have worked - the premise is good but the directing is so amateur its shocking The actors become stiff puppets instead of humans 'living experience' This director shud be locked away in directing jail for wasting Beyonce's 'no doubt' precious time! I can't think of anything good to say about this Movie except Beyonce makes One Hot Mama! This movie should not be watched by anyone ever - so save yourself the complete and utter and total and absolute disappointment ;))
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Lie with Me (2005)
Great! More Movies Like This!
6 May 2009
The girl is gorgeous! The boy is too! They're overwhelmed with lust... Great soft porn movie... 'Mr Eric Balfour'has got lovely smooth mocha skin and 'Ms Lauren Lee Smith' has these mesmerizing eyes... Together they do set the screen on fire. The movie flows well, and has other things to distract us aside from sex. Obviously the sex scenes are really what the whole thing's about. I'm thinking this movie without its tiny sub-plots would be okay too - they could have more sex scenes and to add variety simply explore different settings, feelings & locations. Rather than trying to excuse the fact they want to film two good looking people 'getting it on' by having 'sub-plots'... kinda like deciding you can't just eat Desert... you must first have the main course to have an appropriate reason to eat 'Desert'. Well get over it, a movie can just be about sex, why not? Obviously not porn style because that is monotonous, repetitious, and usually boring (though millions may of course disagree with me)! LOL. I say JUST EAT DESSERT!
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Becoming Jane (2007)
Anne Hathaway can Act!!!!!!!!
26 July 2008
This was really quite amazing (Anne being able to act that is), Anne Hathaway was perfect for this role, after seeing the disaster that was 'the devil wears prada' (such an interesting title for the dullest movie ever made) :S I really disliked Anne Hathaway... but now I see her differently... Anne was very Jane and this movie had an authentic feel about it. The colours (yes I'm English and we spell colours like that) were bright, the velvet coat lovely, and Jane falls in love with the handsome and overly confident Tom, played by James McAvoy (and who wouldn't fall in love with him, sexy devil that he is). The cast is great, the romance ever so romantic. Like something out of a Jane Austen Novel LOL It is a Good movie - not too deep or profound, just a beautiful glimpse into a life gone by!
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