
30 Reviews
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Atlas (2024)
A Bronx Girl in outer space
14 June 2024
She grew up in the Bronx, her mom made sure she was well dressed and taken care of vs. The fantasy she said she grew up in the hood is bogus. My MIL knew her mom. She has a big keester in the film in her tight suit. BIG KEESTER. A Bomb not worth watching again! Story line is Poor. What is worse than this movie? If they ever do a sequel, If we ever meet, she will wither under the facts will i can tell you about her real life in the real Bronx. What a successful fraud she is. Her personal relationships reflects her terrible personality and her BS about how bad her life was in the Bronx. The Bronx was much better than the fraud she portrays.
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13 Bombs (2023)
Very long and mostly dull
6 May 2024
The premise of the bad guys is a stretch. The length of the movie is equally a stretch. After a while it looses its interest but if you get ½ in you stay in the hopes it gets better. Maybe streaming this on fast forward would have helped. The good guys in the movie are annoying and distract from this every getting to be worthwhile. If you like shoot the up's and body count you may like this movie. The premises of the bad guys is a major stretch. After suffering through 2 ½ hours you will need to get up and stretch. This is not one movie you will want to see for a second time. Next time, I will read the reviews as there can not be that many that like this. I am being kind with a 5/10 rating.
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Mine (II) (2016)
A waste of time
27 November 2023
It's one of the movies you watch hoping it gets better. But it never, ever does. You wait to see if it can redeem itself at the close but never does. From unbelievable sniper scenery that a trained solider fails to keep his objective lens on his scope from reflecting sunlight, to the Outer Limits type stupid flashbacks this movie is a compilation of many bad movie scripts lined up and used in one movie. Too bad I can't get back the time of my life wasted on this turd of a movie. Too bad you have to rate a movie as low as 1 when reality shows this one should earn a NEGATIVE 10. I blame Netflix for providing access to a movie that should never be seen by anyone at anytime.
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Support allies
1 November 2023
Wow, streaming this. Epic movie. I had to stop and post my first impressions, it angers me to no end how the USA left their allies in Afghanistan and let the terrorist get away with getting all that weapons material. We should not abandon our allies and help to save those that helped us against the Taliban.

So, watch this and look how things went vs. How things should have gone.

What a few individuals did to save an ally is commendable and should be what we do when we are forced to face threats to our life and safety.

Watch this with friends and understand what we should do when confronted by evil again.
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Pompeii (I) (2014)
Long and torture to watch
6 August 2023
Not compelling. A lot of rubbish wrapped around a natural disaster. It took18 hours for the eruption to bury Pompeii. Unfortunately this film needs to be buried asap. A movie in search of creating a creative narrative this missed by miles. So, go out, take a walk, a nap or drink an adult beverage. I suppose SyfyHD has been stuck with streaming this movie. The directors could have expanded the story to include that Herculanium and Torre Annunziata were also destroyed.

For a more realistic outline Google NBC special " Pompeii family's final hours reconstructed"

Special affects were ok for 2004.
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Hidden Strike (2023)
A way to spend 1hour 52 minutes not caring
29 July 2023
The typical Jackie Chan exercises. He is still adept at his current age. Cena needed the gig purely for money his acting cops better suited for fake antics in a wresting match.

The story line is pretty predictable. Not really compelling movie but something to look at on a rainy day.

Too bad Jackie Chan stays within character style honed in the 1980's.

So bring your beer and popcorn and watch on Netflix.

Wiki: " Since 2013, Chan has been a pro-Chinese Communist Party (CPC) politician, having served two terms as a delegate to the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and, in 2021, expressing his desire to join the CPC.

Chan's views on Hong Kong politics have gradually shifted from a pro-democratic stance in the 1990s to a pro-Beijing stance since the 2010s"

No knowing that I will NOT watch his movies and Cena better wake up.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Watchable once only
28 July 2023
Good CGI on nuclear explosions. Jumps around rather than a linear presentation. It would be hard to sit through another look. Once and done. We saw it in IMAX which was nice. The Lewis Strauss portrayal reminds me of the current Democrat Party.

The other part of the Strauss legacy is overwhelmed by his machinations against Oppenheim.

Robert Downey Jr. Played the role so well one can only look down on any positive contributions Lewis Strauss did before or after what he did to Oppenheimer. I hope people take what he did to Oppenheimer as a warning on how the search for absolute power as Lord Acton the British historian coined " Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely"

See the movie if evil political intrigue does not raise your blood pressure too high.
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14 July 2023
Nice film. Pretty good effort by a 61 year old man, Tom Cruise. Pretty good looking women in this movie. Not as over the top CGI/special effects like other movies that distract.

It being Part One with no idea when part 2 will come to screen.

Almost like the old 30's and 40's serial movies. I hope part 2 will wrap it up. I would not be a fan of keeping the story line going longer as in old TV shows like Hogan's Heroes, Lost in Space and similar which never had a conclusion.

Tom Cruises is 61 and no one has a guarantee on how long we have on the earth, so I would be disappointed if they kept it going without a clear ending.

They could spin off the younger players in the film to keep the genre going but to expect Cruise to keep going is like watching Harrison Ford going one movie beyond and ruining the memories of the film in its prime.

Overall a nice movie.
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Midway (2019)
Entertaining with good story line
10 July 2023
I enjoyed this film. It was a bit better than average. Story telling was helpful. CGI and graphics are ok. So much time has passed it would be hard to find the aircraft used in the campaign as the older movies back in the day used. We have no choice in the matter but CGI is more of a distraction than an aid to portray the event. Since so many of the younger generation are clueless about the World Wars, Korea 🇳🇪🇳🇮🇰🇷 and even VietNam 🇻🇳 it is still nice that some producers take on to retell the stories. Hopefully some younger viewers will revisit history and appreciate what our great grandparents, grandparents, dads and other family members did to keep us free 🇺🇸
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Devotion (II) (2022)
Just so-so
10 July 2023
More a narrative of a true story. Going thru the mechanics of telling the story but failing to touch the audience. A shame as I like action, documentary and war films. This one is not a compelling rewatchable film. Too bad. I grew up in a neighborhood where a lot of the older adults, dads and uncles were in the Korean War. I had high hopes for this film but it did not connect. More just a visual retelling, fair graphics and CGI This will undoubtedly be streamed on a variety of platforms soon.

If you want to get further into what the Korean War was like, read The books: Frozen Chosen, On Desperate Ground, Breakout: The Chosin Reservoir Campaign, Korea 1950.
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Jaguar (2021)
Dull and annoying
28 June 2023
The attempt at drama with the lead woman in this show is horrible. Someone that survived the holocaust and yet constantly melts when dealing with Nazi's in the 60's is unbearable. A she would be the worst Mossad agent in the world.

It's tortured to watch but so far into it I hope the ending saves this movie bomb.

I doubt it.

The acting sucks, the "drama" sucks.

Unfortunately you can not give reviews negative stars and giving it just one is seriously unfair.

So, save some time in your life and watch paint dry or something else to pass the time.

Her attempt at fear, drama just does not work.

I hope she has a better career at McDonalds flipping burgers as acting is well above her pay grade.
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65 (2023)
I wish I could have left my flight midway at 30,000 feet
27 June 2023
This was a free movie provided on my Jet Blue flight.

The crew likely would have not let me jump out of the plane mid flight as that option is not available.

This made my flight tough. The flight crew will not sell you enough adult beverages to numb the pain while sitting in my More Room seat waiting for this film to redeem itself.

I don't blame Jet Blue. Perhaps they should let Jet Blue Mosaic members preview the memories. This way they can reduce the amount of barf 🤢 bags needed per flight. Or, they could let us fly in a B-52 bomber so they can open bomb bay doors for those of us that can't stand the torture of a really, really bad movie.
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1 hour 20 minutes of dull
29 December 2022
If you like soap operas or watching paint dry, watch this film. Guaranteed to put you to sleep or to puke. Ed Wood would be proud of this bomb.

I want the time it took to suffer watching this bomb added back to my life You may wish the Germans in this movie wherever they are had better guns to shoot this movie into oblivion If you get this via a streaming service you should ask for a refund

The "special" effects was done by failed high school media arts students

Too bad they were not shot down at least there would have been some satisfaction having suffered through the entire one hour and 38 minutes of this dud of a film.
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One funny aspect to this 1997 tv movie, look at the sign
17 November 2022
Has anyone noticed the ski slope sign in the movie with Heaven's Gate with the two black diamond ski symbols.

This came out the same year the true to life story of a bunch of cult folks committed group suicide as in March 1997 cult believers thought the Hale-Bopp comment of that year brings closure to "Heaven's Gate ...our 22 years of classroom here on planet Earth is finally coming to conclusion-'graduation' from the Human Evolutionary Level. We are happily prepared to leave 'this world' and go with Ti's crew."

The rest of the story is pure formula tv screen play written by high school kids likely.

They did shoot this on a small budget as the special effects rise to the level of an Ed Wood effort.

About 24 minutes in I had to stop and watch paint dry vs looking at the remaining film time of 1 hour 28 minutes and 14 seconds of a most forgettable tv movie

I do not think any of the main actors in this lamentable film went onto anything worthwhile or something they list on their acting resume.
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Dull, long, more about visuals vs story line. Sequel bomb!
12 November 2022
It hurts when a sequel bombs. This movie is a MOAB dud. Story line is looking for a path to clarity and remains lost in a fog. They could cut out ½ the movie and maybe it would be more engaging.

They should have taken the high ground and just retired the original. This story line is not compelling, dialogue is not clear. Too much reliance on visual Computer generated visuals.

I was very happy when this movie ended. I an a lot of others must have shared my feelings as there was a surge of people getting out and not staying for the credits.

This bomb will likely be sold online or in big box stores in time for the holidays.

I suppose if you need beer coaster, the DVD set of Black Panther: Wakanda Forever will be of some use.
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High Noon (1952)
Timelines a bit loose?
14 October 2022
They are pretty good at time lines in the movie but still a bit loose? Maybe too fast for some items to get out to somewhere in the "wild west" The newspapers hanging on the wall in the early screen when he returns to his office shows " President calls for 75,000 volunteers" on April 15, 1861. Depending on how fast news got to a western paper , the President's call to arms was April 1961 so maybe this was April or May 1861.

Also interestingly, they must have had a good Sherriff budget to have so many lever action rifles. However the one in his rifle was a 1866 Winchester. So, a newspaper hanging pinned on a wall from 1861 to 1866 seems odd.

Very racy to say the Spanish/Latin lady in the movie had "relationships" with the Sherriff and then the Deputy. But I must admit, she had great looks!
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Contender for one of the worst WW2 films, ever!
19 July 2022
Ed Wood came back from the gave to direct this. Must have been written by some under 40 kid that never attended a history class.

Giving "secret" plans over the Radio , non encrypted, full detail as to where and when an invasion to be help.

Assured fakery on the guy running the 20mm gun Amateur special effect I tried to stay with it, I could not.

Must be sad for actors in need of money having to be involved in this bomb.
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Waste of Time
19 July 2022
This won't even be enjoyable when it's on Netflix, Amazon Prime etc. Really bad story line, humorless comedic lines fall flat. Save a few hours of your life and spend your time elsewhere than watching this bomb.
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Free Guy (2021)
A tale with a somewhat hidden agenda
26 March 2022
For visuals it is fine. However, look at the underlying theme being pushed here. A corporation looking to grow their business, keep people working and they are thus very bad in the eyes of the 2 "heroes" in the plot that want to provide the game for free thus no need to pay for anything. I suppose in that world things magically are granted without effort including everything they consume and use in the world should be free. No conflict, no effort, just wander nirvana without a care in the world.
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The Last Kingdom (2015–2022)
12 minutes towards the 1st episode, I gave up
11 March 2022
Slow, mumbling dialogue, not compelling. Find something else to watch. Very drawn out and uncompleting story line. Five minute read on Wiki gave me all I need to know. Very slow and a boring.
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Company of Heroes (2013 Video)
Amazingly bad. High School Director?
6 June 2021
So let's wander off from our squad. Let's smoke a cigarette at night so they can see us. We never run out of ammo. I will use my sniper scope at night that does not have night vision for several decades before that come out. Let's put tiny cannons on our tank. Non dramatic 80's music. 42 minutes into this bomb, not sure I can get to the end.
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16 years after the end of WW2, what a movie!
13 April 2021
So exact and detailed. Filmed in bombed out Germany at the height of the Cold War. Stellar cast. Interesting there were people that fled Nazi Germany, Jewish actors in this movie. Just think about their emotions doing this film. Never Forget!
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Rocket Hunter (2020)
What a Movie!
26 March 2021
Really my review headline should really say "What Movie?"

It is surpasses Tim Burton's "Ed Wood" movie in that the directors exceeded in actual bad movie making way beyond the satire portrayed in Ed Wood

This may be the first film to win that new Oscar category:

Most Likely to be Erased Film.
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Muddled. Mess.
24 March 2021
Why were both armored trucks using the same number 56765

That is not a phone number and trucks have their own I'd numbers unlike this movie

The FBI goes in and her camera is not at full power?
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Marooned (1969)
Just amazing film for the day!
23 February 2021
We did not have this movie on TV back in the day. A kid I went to school with, his dad worked at NADA. I got large B&W press release photos of Gemini and Apollo from him that were stamped on the back with a "do not release before date" in blue ink. One year prior was the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey . From watching the original Lost in Space on TV to watching real Mercury and Apollo launches it was a unique time here in the USA! The space program was compelling. Seeing these films in color at the movies we were blown away. I don't care about the plot lines it was just something to see what space flight was vs. grainy B&W TV news broadcasts at home . Yes, the detractors will focus on other issues during that day in a sad attempt to devalue the immense impact space flight was like to experience as a person on the ground. So , next time you pick up your cell phone or tablet, those devices were possible due to advances made during the early space missions.
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