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thefilmguru reviews: The Simpson's Movie
9 August 2007
The Simpson's Movie has had movie critics dribbling at the prospect of it being the new movie to bash. It's perfect bait. With this much of a fan base and this much hype surrounding its release, even the public were waiting to hate it. But alas. Not even the critics are pretending to hate this film.

In a summer of hyped movies that have been major disappointments, (Pirates 3, Spiderman 3) The Simpson's Movie is a welcome injection of solid fulfilment and humour into this years solid blockbusting rubbish.

The creators have strived to adapt a fast paced television show into something audiences need to stay with for an hour and a half. With all the writers being used to making a passable, easy storyline for the TV show, it seems they thought the only way they can keep people interested is to see the relatable town in extraordinary situations. It sort-of works, but a lot of people may be disappointed by the change in pace and style from the TV show.

Scenes are able to stretch their legs in a longer running time, this aiming to make it not feel just like a long episode, but as you are still watching a 2D cartoon, it seems odd that it's subjected to such a mature structure. This does test the concentration as your brain instinctively expects a flicky, snappy, choppy, quick-scened riot.

But, the creators have been very wise, because while they have upped the running time and therefore the scene length, they have also upped the gag count. All the above criticism is all forgotten in the array of chuckle-worthy jokes flying at you every 30 seconds. Unlike the structure and pacing, they manage to keep the style of jokes loyal to the TV show. Homer repeatedly hurting himself and Homer strangling Bart are just some of the old favourites that have made it to the big screen. And these well known ones are mingled in with some genuinely strong and funny new material. This silencing some that say that The Simpson's has run out of steam. But, people who are new to The Simpson's (who aren't many), will not get the inside jokes which clog up quite a lot of the scenes. This is because the film sets off expecting everyone to know the characters already, therefore the people who don't, may not get some gags which are related to certain character traits.

But it never overstays its welcome. After all I've said about The Simpson's relishing the chance at breathable scenes, they still never forget that at its core, it's a TV show, and usually we only intend to stay with these characters for half an hour. Therefore they clearly and nicely round it off at one and a half hours.

All in all I believe that The Simpson's hasn't disappointed, but while its humour isn't an acquired taste, I still believe this is mostly only going to entertain the lovers of the TV show, due to the many nudge-nudge-wink-wink styled inside jokes. However, in a cinematic age of action movies and things blowing up, The Simpson's Movie is welcome as the only real intelligent thing around…with a few things blowing up to top it off.
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thefilmguru reviews: The Painted Veil
14 July 2007
The Painted Veil has it all going for itself. Naomi Watts and Edward Norton leading, two great actors. An interesting theme and issue, Cholera in China in 1920 and a great location to tease beauty from, but none of this is taken to its advantage.

Director John Curran shoots this self-named political romance in a way where it's so trying to be unique, that it turns out to be not so. Curran seems to refuse to even attempt at pulling away from the dreary, wooden lifestyle of the early 1900's that is so majorly presented in other films, and therefore throughout the film seems to sort of descend into not even trying to be unique anymore.

Having not much earlier experience or success, Curran seems to have jumped at the opportunity of a movie about a politically buckling country, after seeing the Oscar success those types of films have had recently. Namely, The Last King of Scotland and Blood Diamond. In all the excitement however, Curran seems to have forgotten that to have winning political films like them, the films have to be good.

But, I shouldn't rant on about John Curran when the obvious major culprit is the screenwriter. Ron Nyswaner tries but fails at creating thought provoking and understated dialogue and story. It's heartbreaking when you can tell he has obviously tried at making it these things when it just turns out to look flimsy and thin under the influence of such a promising cast. Edward Norton strives to get something out of his sketchy and single-mooded character but again, fails, just like the rest of the crew on this film.

However, there are moments of genuine flair, but this only occurs in obvious exciting bits, which makes you think the Director only chose to do the film for these sequences. Long half hour dull patches are injected with 1 minute scored sequences of someone dying of cholera and the disgust on Edward Norton's face, and despite these only being the good bits because, finally, there's something interesting to watch, you do feel that there may be a tiny bit of promise for the rest of the film, but guess what…the score stops, Norton stops looking disgusted, and we cut to Naomi Watts, sitting in a chair sighing again.

The writer seems to have run out of ink only when he had established 2 plot lines, a novelty guard, and the idea that making the characters British makes them deep in itself.

Somehow, however, this film drags these 2 plot lines, the guard and the British accents along with it for the whole 2 and a bit hours, to solidify the fact that Naomi Watts isn't as good as everyone says, that just because movies are about redemption and political issues with foreigners, it doesn't make them good, and that The Painted Veil, overall, is a thin, and boring movie.
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thefilmguru reviews: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
14 July 2007
Finally the fifth Harry Potter movie is here. The franchise has been through too many ups and downs to count in the public eye. Disagreements galore over which movies are good, which adapts most faithfully and so on. We've had the magical but hollow first two, the darker, stylish and faithful third, the larger, bolder, more adult fourth, and now the fifth.

The fifth is a mixture of them all really, director David Yates has obviously learnt, and learnt well, from the mistakes of his predecessors, taking the previous potter criticism to his advantage, but this sudden change in filming a Potter movie disconcerts you for a margin of the film, preventing it from having a more rounded, fulfilling pay-off, which instalments three and four did so well (and which the first two failed miserably at, both fading out to an awkward, beaming Daniel Radcliffe in the great hall. Director for both, Christopher Columbus, not seeming to know how to end the movies but with that shot).

Yates was given a tougher job than the rest though, having to adapt the fifth, bloated and one of the worst Harry Potter books, but he excels. He creates this slow book a sense of pace and intrigue, but with this being the adaption of the longest Harry Potter book, into the shortest running time of a Harry Potter film, some of the best bits are shortened or montaged to save time and you do feel slightly rushed in places. However, Yates redeems himself by doing all this without making you feel at loss from a lot of the book like movie four did.

Not underestimating his audience, Yates really does wash out a lot of the pizazz of Harry Potter, darkening the tone another level. However there's always a well delivered quip coming up soon to relax the brain.

Yates faithfully falls back on Rowling's' teachings when creating a vital character or set, not wanting to rile up Potter nuts, and he does this rightly so.

The script is business as usual, no Potter movie yet, including this one, has even tried to meddle on the already immaculate story and dialogue created by J.K Rowling, and there's no need to, despite the odd feeling of déjà vu or the generic style still being carried on from movie number one. The only reason these feelings are cast aside is because of the unbelievable line up of actors gracing the screen every 5 minutes. Helena Bonham Carter, although only portraying the small role of Bellatrix Lestrange in book five, stands out and brings her character alive. The teenage cast also has greatly improved, especially the main three, who have proved they can finally act, and new young additions are fantastic.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is a great addition to the movie franchise, and is up there with films three and four as the best yet. Parents my finally fully look forward taking their kids to a Harry Potter movie.
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Memento (2000)
Chris Nolan is GOD
17 December 2006
Memento is unbelievable. Prestige is my favourite film, and this is not too far behind. Hence, why Chris Nolan IS GOD.

Thsi film should have won Best Directopr, Editing, and Screenplay. Because they were all sublime. Just think of the amount of thought and time must have been put into this film. The editing must have been hell, because of the backwards idea, the screenplay hell for the same reason, and same for the directing.

At first i thought that film was so much liked by people because they are distracted by how its going backwards, but then i came to realisation, it isn't. This film is next to perfect.

Im scared to think this is only a film that you can watch once, but i might watch it again to watch it knowing the end (beginning).

At first i was so confused by the backwards-ness especially at the start (end) with the photo fading out instead of in, but you get used to it and you get all hyped up.

Who thought you can get a the beginning? (End)
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17 December 2006
I know a lot of people that complain about the running time for this film, bu i didn't even notice, i didn't want it to end, 3 hours wasn't enough. I looked at the time of how long it had been going a bit of the way in, and its said 2 Hours 15 Minutes, and i was astounded! It felt like half an hour!

I came to the conclusion, that Frank Darabont must be a genius, he isn't up there for consistency with people like Spielberg and Kubrick, because he only has done 2 good films. But those films aren't just good. They are masterpiece's. When Darabont is at his peak, he's one of the best directors alive.

Green Mile is sublime, Tom Hanks is amazing, as usual, Barry Pepper and the rest of the supporting cast are great, but the main character is "Old Sparky". The electric Chair. The film is all about what this thing can do to people's lives, and how it affects everyone.

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Love Actually (2003)
16 December 2006
This film is sublime. I wish i could remember the directors name right now, but he is a master, maybe not a director to go down in the history books, hes not a genius, but he is in this film, the way he kept up all the stories, kept them interesting, made you love everyone of them, AND still shoot it just amazing.

I can think of only about 1 or 2 jokes that flop, but its perfect British humour, and by this average rating i see that a lot of Americans like it too. Liam Neeseon steals the show as the best actor in the film, he is the most charming and nice dad in the world, and you can feel his agony, love, and how much he wants to help his son. Bill Nighy is hilarious, Hugh Grant is the same as ever but fantastic, Colin Firth is subtly fantastic, and the director/writer levelled out the joke-per-person perfectly.

I cant describe this movie but i never get bored at all, I've watched it countless times. Definitely the ultimate romantic comedy. Its sublime.
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Flushed Away (2006)
Well Done Aardman.
12 December 2006
Thats all i have to say, the transition from clay-motion to animation is fantastic, and they still make it look a lot like clay motion.

The jokes are extremely visual, which isn't cheap i don't think, i think its fantastic, and music was a big input to the comedy factor of this film.

The characters were great, with lovely little fill in ones like the slugs, the french frogs, and more. This film was also very meaningful, and was so much more than an animated Rom com, which is what it could be percept ed as.

Well all that needed to be said is that i was laughing my head off through this film and not just Wallace and gromit fans should see this. This is for all.
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12 December 2006
The whole idea of this film felt uncomfortable and odd to me. I watched it with my mum and dad and it all felt like i should be embarrassed watching it with them. I mean, Jennifer Aniston knows Kevin Costner might be her dad, then she goes and has sex with him. I haven't seen anyone else on IMDb that feels the same. Its quite disgusting for me.

However i do very much like Mark Ruffalo and some of the laughs i did do out loud and it wasn't half bad at-all, the low rating is just from the unnecessary odd story. The way they got back together in the end was very cli-che also.

I felt there was a lack of laughs in this Rom com as well, i felt the joke-per-minute was very very low, i think it was about 1 joke per 10 minutes.

A bit, weird, cli-che, and uncomfortable, but funny in parts.
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United 93 (2006)
12 December 2006
Im going to review this film solely from an audience view. I mean, that day was awful, and personally i don't think they should have made a film so fast, but, they have, and i watched it, so because i think it would be better, I'm going to review this as if it was a film based on fiction.

Its a fantastic film, with the last 15 minutes literally getting you angry / emotional / on the edge of your seat. its very slow paced in the middle and people could percept that bit as boring, as your just seeing the control centres for the planes realising what is happening, but thats one of the best bits, its the realisation and the fear that is just amazing to watch. When the first plane goes into the world trade centre, thats just, scary. Great writing, directing, and acting make this film a surefire winner.

10 times better than Flight 93.
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Brick (2005)
thefilmguru reviews: Brick
12 December 2006
Brick. Ahhh Brick. Brick Brick Brick Brick Brick. After watching this film i still don't understand what the hell Brick actually is, but I'm sure i heard it mentioned, and i think yo're actually meant to know, but thats not the point, this movie is great.

I've got the sneaky feeling that someone told me that this film was made as a school project by these guys, and thats what made it a whole lot better for me.

The dialogue is fresh and snappy, the acting is fantastic and i felt i really grew with the character, the suspicion, and just the story unfolding in itself, seemed to be happening to him and me. I felt a real connection.

I just think this film is very good, not one to really watch again and again, but its fresh. And fresh is good.
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Sky High (2005)
12 December 2006
I hope you all agree, we've seen it all before, Sharkboy and Lava Girl etc. all these Disney, cheap laughed, cheaply made, horribly trying to be fun, movies. But no, were wrong on this one.

My movie-buff uncle (god of all DVD's), said to me. "Here kid (im only 13), watch Sky High its fantastic!"

Personally, at the time, i thought he was on crack.

But anyway, i sat down, preparing for the worst, getting comfy to fall asleep if i do so please, when.....WHAM!! The title came up on the screen and i was thrown into a hilarious new world. The teenage actors were great, and even though the director seemed to have only done (in my opinion), pretty averagely shot, acted and comedic films like Deuce Bigalow, this one seemed to be a whole new level for him.

The story was, typically Disney, but who cares? With hilarious cameo's from Bruce Campbell, an actually funny evil sidekick, and the kids parents being even funnier than the kid, and great ideas, this film turned out to be, well, quite spectacular.

I walked out of the room, doggy eyed, looking sorry for myself, and apologised to my uncle, for proclaiming he was on crack for liking this film. Because if he was, then i am definitely on crack as well. Because this film was great.
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Casino Royale (2006)
thefilmguru reviews: Casino Royale
23 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Do you know, i wouldn't blame you for calling me sad when i say i have seen this film 3 times and am going another 3. Its just great though. Its such a cli che but i do like it every time i see it.

Daniel Craig is Bond. If he had brown hair he would be the closest to Ian Flemings' Bonds look and character there has ever been. Harsh, ruthless and more realistic. I mean, if you work for MI6, you're going to expect to get your hands dirty right? Right.

Its just set piece after set piece, memorable scene after memorable scene, i couldn't pick out a bit for you now, but i can pick out a few. The machetti fight down the stairs; exhilarating. The Poker Game; Probably the best scene(s) in the whole movie, people say its too slow paced, which it is but in a blood pumping way. The crane fight; it gave me vertigo. Miami Airport; this is the first time i felt "My god, i love this film". I felt that about 3 times during it.

The bond girls are great, great acting and great characters. Bond also has such a raw sense of humour and...yey! Its actually funny! In other bonds he was trying too hard and it was just too cheesy but now, all 3 times i went, the whole cinema was in uproar! Oh, and don't get me started on the bad guy. Okay fine you have me started now...Le Chiffre looks stereo typical at first, with his scar and accent, but he is so not, he is so original. The good thing is, you feel like he could actually give bond some trouble, but at the same time, you feel like he is intimidated by bond. Also you feel like Bond IS in trouble for once, so again, its more realistic.

The script is great, and the story is great, lots of my family say its the first bond they have fully understood, enjoyed, and been at the edge of their seat at.

The directing / cinematography is great and keeps you guessing / exhilarated and sets the tone.

Basically, all i have to say is that i thought this film was so good, it out beat Bond Himself. every time someone went "Bond" or "James" in the film i was like oh yeh! Its a bond film! I was like that because this is just so much better than a bond film. Its in another league. Move aside Impossible Mission Force, and move aside Jason Bourne. Here is Bond. James Bond.
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The Prestige (2006)
23 November 2006
WHAT...A....GOOOD...MOVIE!!!! And WHAT...A...GOOD...CAST!!! And WHAT...A...GOOD...SCRIPT!! Oh and the directing rules too! Nolan is a god, how he could come up with such an elaborate story, make it into an understandable script and then make an amazningly directed film of it i just don't know.

It feels impossible to me. Hugh Jackman is no longer wolverine. I don not see him as just that anymore, so thats good. He was great in this. Christin Bale i could not stand in Batman Begins, but in this he was so engaging, making im look like a subtle villain.

The story is just! It never lost me or made me bored it was just...well go see it. And look oput for the twist!
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Click (2006)
23 November 2006
Basically this is a very entertaining movie, its perfect Sandler Comedy.

Its a great story, sandler is great, hasselhoff is great, walken is great, and it gets you thinking. And no adam sandler film i remember ever got me thinking. Its so much more meaningful than normal comedies. Its great, it really makes you think about family and what you take for granted.

I like story ideas like this, with the remote and things, i do think about regularly what it would be like and this perfectly shows it, and doesn't get complicated. Its pure, meaningful fun from a great comedy actor. Obviously its not the best directing and the comedy does sway once in a while, hence the 7 star, but it is good.

A Good film.
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Stormbreaker (2006)
23 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I am a big fan of the Alex Rider series, most of all the first book, a.k.a this film, Stormbreaker.

I had high hopes for this as Anthony Horowitz himself was the screenwriter and the likes of Stephen Fry, Ewan Mcgregor, Bill Nighy and Mickey Rourke were on the helm as the cast.

It didn't really come through as i had hoped. Alex Pettyfer, well, i know he's only 15 but god ACT WILL YOU!! Obviously the cast mentioned above were great but it doesn't make up for the main character ad the cut scenes from the book e.g. the Quad Bike race on the moors, or the depth and thought to the story like his uncles clues and the mine shaft he has to swim through. All gone. I think it cost.

The directing was also a bit too cheesy, even though i did like the camera-work, it was just to pantomimish, when really its meant to be a pantomime boy thrown into a gritty world. This didn't come out.

The Wolf vs Alex didn't come through in that army bit either, they were meant to be arch enemies / rivals but really they were only this for 1 scene and you didn't see it anyway. Also, just a little niggling comment but that Feel Good inc. song does NOT fit the training at the army base. Another directing mishap. The other sound directions were..average.

People now usually say "only go see this if your'e a big fan" but i think you shouldn't see this if your'e a big fan, it will ruin it, see this if you haven't read the book and treat it like a summer blockbuster, it will give you a good time.
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Flatliners (1990)
23 October 2006
I got recommended this film by a friend, we both love Keifer Sutherland. He watched this for that reason and liked it. Trusting Keifer would make the film i took his advice and watched it, hoping that i do not see his character as Jack Bauer all the time.

I didn't. It was great, Keifer played his character; Nelson, brilliantly, and i totally forgot about 24. The casting was great, Julia Roberts didn't annoy me so thats a change and i also didn't want to kill Kevin Bacon. Another good change.

The idea and plot line caught me straight away as i think about these things a lot and its very psychological, but then again it can be freaky after the death experiences.

It has a lot of secret depth in this film if you look hard enough. This is a good film, its not the best film in the world or one of the greatest, but its a bad director made good by the cast and plot line.
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Orange County (2002)
Very Watchable
20 October 2006
Jack Black, Jack Black, Jack Black!! Its just all Jack Black! And not in a bad way! This is one of my favourite films of all time, its funny, charming, dramatic, and all in excess.

Jack Black as the druggie was hilarious he got just the right balance of being stupid and then looking like an actually druggie. Colin Hanks was great, he sometimes expresses his dads ways of acting (Tom Hanks) but it doesn't bother me and i don't know why he isn't a very very big star.

Also a nice little cameo from Ben Stiller. Watchi this for a laugh, and also a cry.
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To be brutally honest...
20 October 2006
I seriously don't see anything actually Bad or not well done or boring about this film. Really there is no reason why this isn't one of the greatest films of all time.

I mean think about it, Tim Burton's directing was at its peak, Johnny Depps acting was sweet and drawn in. The rest of the cast was just great.

The storyline was just so...sad and...well, just the idea of a man so unattached from the world and then suddenly thrown into the mix, hard, its just so tear jerking. Especially the love he has for Winona's character.

So what really is wrong with this film, well, technically, absolutely nothing.
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Jarhead (2005)
Nice director.
20 October 2006
I just LOVE this director American beauty and Jarhead..Great films, well acted, well directed. It can't be too much of a coincidence.

Well, i have to do 10 lines on this review but really i only want to say one thing and that is this: I love films that keep me watching, even when nothing is happening. That is this film. They're in Iraq, but what are they doing? Sitting around.

Don't get me wrong, things happen, dramatic things, life changing things..etc. This is all mixed in with fantastic little speeches from the fantastic character fantastically acted by Jake Gyllenhall, about merely nothing, just what they do in they're spare time while waiting. Which is just fun things.

This film is funny, moving and dramatic. There are shocking scenes, hilarious scenes and tear worthy scenes. Not American beauty 2, but its Jarhead, and thats something new.
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Open Season (2006)
Want some fun?
20 October 2006
This film i thin was purely made for fun, i know its a comedy and your thinking "isn't that what all of them are made for?". Well not in this kind of way. I mean, it obviously was never going to be a shrek or a Monsters Inc, this was just going to be a kids idea of The Godfather (which here i will count as the best film ever). This is because of the huge amount of toilet humour and slapstick, funny voices and just downright silliness.

So, if i was going to rate this on greatest movie kind of meter, i would give it a 5, looking at the unfinished graphics and the unoriginal comedy. But, as i rate for enjoyment, or something along the lines of that, then i give it a 7. Not bad i say.
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20 October 2006
I find it quite hard to..i don't know..analyse this movie.

On one hand this could be a masterpiece, with the swirling clever cinematography and the obvious chemistry between Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt (as they hitched up in real life during the filming). But, on the other hand, this is a stupid film, just an action flick, trying to be emotional and meaningful but turned out trying to be a blockbuster.

I hope you see what i mean. I have rated this film 7, because of the reasons above, as the clever cinematography mixed with some good fun comedy and watchable action can't be that harmless can it. Can it? See for yourself.
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Dear lord lil baby Jesus...
26 September 2006
I didn't like anchorman atall. So why did i love this!? No idea. Maybe it was the obviously genius improv mixed with the stupid slapstick comedy that just tipped me over. Maybe it was just Will Ferrel. Maybe it was a one off.

The only important thing is that i loved it, and I'm pretty sure you will too. It hilarious, stupid, and clever. Its like...a Nascar dodgeball mixed with wedding crashers' clever wit.

Reily is also great in this and the botched french accent is hilarious. "Ricky Berby" lol.

but I cant describe it all, you'll have to see for yourself.
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9 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this film, one of my all time faves. Maybe half the reason is because I'm so interested in Andy Kaufman, and also Jim Carrey is one of my favourite actors. Also with a FANTASTIC director, if you care to look at his resume.

I have to say, jim played a tee. I think he overplayed the nervousness of the Latka character, and wasn't close to perfecting the elvis impression, but they couldn't have got better, Andy was un-impressionable. His style was also.

I love this film, andy was so interesting, so kind, and everybody should watch, see the real him. The end also is very suggestive. I love it!
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"Oh, I'm not interrupting anything, am i?"
28 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This film was fantastic. I like to relate it to Ferris Beullers Day Off, a teenage comedy made about 20 years ago, that still please so many immensely, maybe even more than when it was released.

John Cusack is Matthew Broderick. Small role as a 20 year old, then, when they get older, they become huge stars. It is Ferris Beuller, but in some way, made better.

John's character is witty and charming, you cant go one scene without laughing out loud. Esecially the bits on the road.

The supporting cast is great, no faults, with a great surprise appearance from Tim Robbins, probably one of his upcoming films also.

This film can be quoted to hell, and needs to be watched by all. Its the law.

*swallows mouth wash* "shit"

(good bit in the film)
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Steven? What happened to you?
23 August 2006
I just don't know what Steven Spielberg was doing in this. I don't know why he would do a sequel in the first place, for one thats not like him, for two...they always are worse than the original.

This looks like it was directed by an amateur beginner. i don't get it. It was good cinematography and things as usual with Steve, but i just wasn't engrossed, gripped, intrigued, as i am with his other films, namely Saving Private Ryan.

Jeff Goldblum's character had no spark, no flare, and no enthusiasm, which made him so likable in the first one, and which probably got him a part in this film. That was one big downside.

Vince Vaughn was surprising. Very good. Julianne Moore wasn't bad, but i didn't really notice her, so she cant have been too good.

I just say, what do you gain from watching this but seeing 24 people die, one by one, and then the main characters live again. What?
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