
41 Reviews
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Hit-Monkey (2021–2024)
First MCU TV Show of 2022 does not disappoint!
28 January 2022
Rating: 6

I have watched all the MCU movies till date and read a lot of comics. However I had zero idea about this character. I thought of giving this TV show a try and it's good. I would say it's quirky and offbeat. The marketing team has probably done a below par job at advertising this show. Considering it's MCU I was expecting this show to have a wider reach.

But anyway the good parts of the show are it's humor, animation, soundtrack and the references. The plot is fairly simple - a monkey out for vengeance. I won't say it's a must watch but you can stream it when you have time to kill.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
"You see, in their last moments people show you who they really are."
25 December 2021
Rating: 9

My first instinct when I logged onto IMDb to pen down this review was what the heck is up with people? I mean this movie is a classic American political satire. Rotten Tomatoes - 56% but Fast & the Furious 9 gets 58%? No wonder I don't trust them. Now I don't know how exactly America works as I am an Indian citizen but surely we can expect a disaster to be held in a similar way. Take for example the COVID pandemic - the news channels were flouted with fake news that this virus is nothing but a propaganda and so are the vaccines but after 2 dreadful years we do realize the immense impact and the immeasurable lives lost.

No matter what be the country the politics remains the same and this movie perfectly captures it. I mean even in the darkest moments (the apocalypse) the US General seems to be a crook. As The Joker quotes - "You see, in their last moments people show you who they really are." I couldn't help but applause for the brilliant performances put forth by the actors involved. It looks like they had a fun time in making this movie. I loved every second of it. I couldn't help but relate Oh snap this is what would happen if we face a doomsday scenario.

I mean pop stars singing crappy songs about the world ending, celebrity breakup news being promulgated over realistic stuff.....well this counts real. Let's be honest how many times have you faced a thread of notifications on your phone over a celebrity breakup or marriage - I am from India and the answer almost everyday.

Not hating the celebrities but this movie portrays what gets priority. Do you want the mundane apocalyptic news featuring nerd scientists or the hip happening? Brilliant performances by the actors involved and nothing less expected from the legendary director Adam McKay. This movie is a must watch and one of the best movies in the year 2021.

At the end satire although meant to mock should actually be appreciated as a positive criticism. I find no issues with this film and definitely give a go-ahead. I would say Don't Look Up surely *Looks Up* to my expectations.
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The Perfect Tribute!
16 December 2021
Rating: 9

This was a movie long awaited by Spidey fans! One word of advice this movie is made for the cinemas. The experience is unparalleled. The plot as we see from the trailer is Spider-Man taking the help of Dr. Strange and trying to patch up his past however this creates a rift in the multiverse and invokes more trouble.

The Good - The performances!!! Wow, I loved Tom Holland here. You could feel his Spider-Man is emotional and no longer a kid who relies on external help (cue Iron-Man). The movie pays the perfect tribute to the previous Spider-Man flicks. For example - Willem Dafoe (Green Goblin) and Alfred Molina (Doc Ock) were brilliant, like these guys are over 65 years and they look the same as they were before :) The Raimi trilogy was dark as the villains involved were intense, they gave Spider-Man a really hard time and in this movie nothing changes. This movie brings back serious nostalgia with all it's moments. The CGI, soundtrack, cinematography and the performances were brilliant!

The Bad - Well, I did feel some moments were stretched. The movie felt more packed than Avengers Endgame but it also brings in nostalgia. While I appreciate some light hearted moments (Marvel movies are famous for that) I believe the movie could have done without a few.

That's all! This is a must watch for Spidey fans! Watch this movie in a cinema hall and go without scoping for spoilers. And do watch out for the two end credit scenes, they are worth it :)
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What the heck did I just watch? Blatantly SKIP IT!
14 November 2021
Rating: 3

I have very mixed feelings for this film. Lately I have been watching indie Netflix foreign films like All My Friends Are Dead, A Classic Horror Story etc and they all seem similar. This review would probably be my shortest.

The first part was average - banking on lower end, this part was weird. The main actress is affected by the alien virus and becomes the killer like the two alien fat bros. However the film is from her perspective. We get to see the effects of alien virus and whether the person affected is in touch with their human side or not. The film felt like a bad slapstick comedy. It felt rushed and made just for the sake of it or probably because of a gross fetish.

I wouldn't recommend this movie. I watched it because I was bored and had seen the first part so wanted to see where the second part leads to. You can skip this flick, not worth streaming.
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Jungle Cruise (2021)
A fun adventure comedy!
13 November 2021
Rating: 7

I think the title sums it all. This is your typical treasure hunting adventure movie set in the WW1 era. I felt the movie was an amalgam of Jumanji and Indiana Jones. I was impressed with the CGI and the jungle setting.

The Good - I loved the way they used Nothing Else Matters by Metallica theme. Or was it? Not exactly sure if this is a copyright. I was impressed by the portrayals of the actors involved. Dwayne Johnson was in his typical hero saves the day mode. What was surprising was the character played by Jesse Plemons. I had seen him in Breaking Bad and absolutely despised him, however he plays antagonistic roles well along with comedy. The costumes, themes and cinematography make this movie a delight to watch.

The Bad - Well, the plot is banal. I have seen so many treasure movies which feature a jungle, tribals, 1900-esque setting and curses. The CGI and the cinematography involved was good but in some places the CGI was sketchy.

Overall, it's a fun movie to watch. No matter how repeated the plot is, I love adventure and fantasy movies. Watch it if you want to kill time :)
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K-PAX (2001)
A toned down One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest!
30 October 2021
Rating: 8

I finally got the chance to watch this flick. I could straight away point out similarities to One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Though Spacey has been shunned and is a disgrace, we can't deny the fact he is one heck of an actor. The performances were brilliant and I liked the plot of the film.

The Good - Influenced by One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Prior to this flick I had watched The Man from Earth and I thought okay this movie is an amalgamation of the mentioned flicks. This film kept me engrossed throughout it's runtime. The script has a slow start but it follows well to fruition.

The Bad - Hmm, I don't think there are any negatives here. The movie kept me piqued and I was interested in what it works up to. The ending was not banal it was on a good note which is rare with this genre.

Overall, it's a good flick. Starts slow but ends well, is packed with great performances and a decent plot that makes it interesting. I wasn't aware of this movie and the name was not eye catching. Whenever this popped up in my feed I ignored it, but do watch it if you have the time. It's a feel good film and though has over 170k reviews it seems underrated.
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Squid Game (2021– )
All aboard the *Money Heist Train*
17 October 2021
Rating: 8

This show was identical to Money Heist in so many ways. The costumes, the plot, the way how people tackle situations and obviously Netflix. Squid Game seems like Money Heist of an alternate darker reality. But I enjoyed it. I hope the series does not get milked much. The acting performances were good, I liked how the games were simple yet ingenious.

This series, I believe took heavy influence from old movies like Cube and Exam. Exam is a really underrated flick and I could sense the influence in the finale.

I believe you can give it a watch and climb the hype train. It has comedy, gore, tragedy etc a complete package but it's not a must watch. I think it will get renewed for a Season 2 but after the finale something felt amiss hence I am giving it an 8. Probably because I have seen Money Heist, Exam, Cube, Saw etc hence I didn't find the plot as completely new and offbeat.
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What If...? (2021– )
Watch it if you want to kill time
14 October 2021
Rating: 7

I was not expecting much from the TV series however it was good. Some episodes were boring, however it was an interesting take on multiverse and we saw more characters and their storylines. There are so many reviews who are blatantly bashing this TV series without even completing it. I would say it was average, way better than Falcon & Winter Soldier though.

Episodes of Dr. Strange, Star Lord T'Challa, Zombies and the Finale were the best out of the lot. They were downright dark and captured serious moments perfectly. The other episodes were "Disneyfied". It would be interesting to see if this series ties up with "Dr Strange and Multiverse of Madness" or Loki/Spiderman.

Overall, you can watch it if you want to kill time and want to see an amalgam of your favorite characters back on screen.
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Treasure Island (1990 TV Movie)
Deserves a wider reach and more recognition!!!
14 October 2021
Rating: 10

I absolutely loved this film! Sadly I haven't watch any other adaptation of Treasure Island and this movie was really hard to scope out. I have not read the Treasure Island classic novel although I am familiar with it. This movie was surreal and I am sure R. L. Stevenson would be proud of this work. As I haven't watched any prior adaptation or read the novel I present a bare and honest review.

The Good - If you watch this film without any prior knowledge like me, you would regard the director (Fraser Clarke Heston) as an auteur. Obviously the credit can't go to just one person but everyone involved in making this incredible movie. The cast is brilliant, a young Christian Bale, Christopher Lee with his grim cameo, Charlton Heston, Oliver Reed and the list goes on...Some of the dialogues are straight poetry and the fantastic depiction of pirates. I can see where Pirates of the Caribbean looked for their source material and inspiration.

The Bad - I was disappointed when I searched this movie after watching it. The reviews are so less and it seems this movie is not at all famous in comparison to it's other adaptations. It badly needs a wider reach and recognition.

A 10/10 and a must watch. You won't be disappointed at all as in each and every scene there is an iconic moment or an iconic performance :)
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An oddball, but brilliant!
14 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Rating: 8

For long I wanted to watch this movie but couldn't find the print. At last, I was able to watch this gem of a film! I personally love ancient Japan and the ideology of Bushido. This movie seems a bit offbeat however it connects with you emotionally.

The Good - Well, it's unique. Forest Whitaker puts an amazing performance which aptly captures the phrase "Less is more". There are many comedic scenes which stereotype the Italian mafia and I loved it. I like the pop culture references to Rashomon (A Kurosawa classic), Frankenstein etc. The soundtrack is kickass, all thanks to the legendary RZA. I find the movie fairly simple but deep in meaning. You can relate to each and every scene and figure out your own interpretation!

The Bad - Ghost Dog seems a bit disconnected with reality. It sort of goes against the "Spirit of Age" message. In the message it states that it's important to make the best out of every generation however he is way too involved in the ancient culture and even goes on to state how it's "sometimes" better. But let's be honest it's not "sometimes" in his case. He reveres the ancient culture so much that he sheds his blood for his morals and credo. I guess this is the only reason why I am giving it an 8/10. Else this movie was a total package!

I have a knack to eke out oddballs and underrated movies. I loved the performances, soundtrack and the general theme of the film. I won't say it's a must watch as it's for folks who have an acquired taste and yearn for offbeat flicks. Overall this movie still holds up in 2021 and surely beyond despite it's limpid plot.
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Ray (2021)
Indian Black Mirror, A must watch!
25 June 2021
Rating: 9

Short stories written by the late maestro Satyajit Ray, envisioned by brilliant directors and a stellar cast! Satyajit Ray was a gem. I have always wanted to see more of his work but couldn't find much of his curations. H. P. Lovecraft and Satyajit Ray, they were ahead of their time and I would love to see screen adaptations based on their work.

I absolutely loved this Netflix series. It has an Indian Black Mirror vibe to it. The performances were brilliant and stories were mind blowing. We need more such stories. India has a lot of content to offer, take in account our vast history/myths/folklore etc The soundtrack and colors used are placid and appealing. I have noticed that good movies generally have the same color palette :) I could compare the color palette to Tumbbad or Dev D.

I haven't watch many Bollywood movies as they are kind of redundant and only a handful are top notch yet undervalued. Would appreciate if more of these type of movies come in play rather than the unauthentic and infamous masalas. Brilliant series, a must watch!
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A good concept, but poorly executed!
15 March 2021
Rating: 7

I am not spoiling this movie for anyone, but this is not a horror movie. It seems like a psychological horror thriller in the beginning (15 mins) but then it fades as a sci-fi thriller.

The Good: I liked the concept of the film. I could sense that the film tried to invoke Lovecraftian horror. The performances were alright, not bad at all. Cinematography was good. The ocean shots and the general color theme was pretty serene.

The Bad: If it wasn't for the concept the movie would be a dud. The movie does not deserve 96% as stated by RT but it's somewhere like 70-75% for me. I can say the concept of the film was good but it was a bit poorly executed. Did the producers/directors have a limited runtime issue or something? The movie was on a good pace but the last 15 mins or something felt rushed. They explained the concept in the end but it would have a very good impact if it was drawn out too, like the rest of the film.

I am not saying it's a must-watch. Watch it if you have the time. A good concept but poorly executed.
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Wolfwalkers (2020)
A perfect animated Irish folklore fantasy
11 January 2021
Rating: 10

I have no words for this film. The entire movie was surreal. I loved the animation, the soundtrack, the story and the characters. This is a perfect watch for people of any age. The art within the movie is detailed and feels like a trip.

The Good - Everything. At no point did I feel bored, the movie was very emotional and engaging to me. I loved the soundtrack behind it. The character's voices and themselves were very cute.

The Bad - I could see a bit of similarity with Princess Mononoke but this is no doubt a beautiful film that captures a lupine essence. The real bad part of the movie is it's marketing. I guess launching it on AppleTV+ is a risky move in the beginning. Agreed in the times where COVID-19 has taken over, movies are not being promoted well but I personally believe if they stuck with Amazon Prime or Netflix it would hit a huge audience early!

I am rooting for this movie to have a cult fanbase. I don't want such a beautiful animated fantasy to remain underrated. A must watch for every age as it even has some mature themes.
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A Movie Ahead Of It's Time
27 June 2020
Rating: 7

A beautiful movie which was marked as a box office flop but gained popularity overseas. It remained a top Hollywood grosser in India beating even Jaws. The movie brings forth a stellar cast of Gregory Peck, Omar Sharif, Julie Newmar, Eli Wallach and so many others. It is a fairly simple driven story which is about a search for the valley of gold or as they say "Canon Del Oro".

The Good - The power packed performances and cameos in the movie make it a must watch. The cinematography seems to be ahead of it's time considering the year to be 1969. I like how the film touches upon the themes of greed and betrayal and the vices of the human nature. The song "Old Turkey Buzzard" composed by Quincy Jones is heard throughout the movie and way too catchy.

The Bad - Some bits of the movie seem stretchy, it could have been shortened. Other than that I didn't find anything wrong with the movie.

Mackenna's Gold is a classic film packed with notable actors which makes it a must watch. The runtime is around 2 hours which I believe could have been shortened but do watch this movie for it's cinematography and effects.
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Bulbbul (2020)
Good Acting, Brilliant Cinematography, Weak Storyline
24 June 2020
Rating: 6

I took up this movie as I am a horror fanatic. I thought Bollywood might produce another gem like Tumbbad but this was a very weak attempt. I am giving this movie a 6 because this was the director's debut, the acting was good and the cinematography was damn good for a Bollywood film. If it weren't for these the movie is not more than a 4.

The Good - The cinematography and the acting. I was misled by the trailer actually. The trailer was fantastically curated that it would invoke a horror-fantasy feeling for you. I could see *shades* of Tumbbad. The movie had this reddish aura along with mindblowing visuals.

The Bad - Ah! Insert some Ramayana references, some superstition and a strong feminist character. What was the point of this film? I could literally see an incomplete storyline. I was lured here being a fan of horror but this is just plain old drama. It's like a revenge flick! The runtime is around 90 minutes and that was too much for me to watch as they were stretching out the film and still left plotholes.

I am sorry for bashing this movie but you can skip it if you are a fan of horror. Want to kill time be my guest watch this movie. 90 minutes would feel like 3 hours to you. But yes visuals wise I absolutely love what they did here. This movie had the potential but failed to deliver due to a weak plotline.
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The Office, if it was a Horror genre :)
21 June 2020
Rating: 9

This show is just brilliant. I highly recommend that you watch this show as it's severely underrated. The show focuses on a group of vampires and their daily life and adventures. As they are vampires being in existence since medieval times, they find adjusting in this fast-changing world pretty difficult. The series brings in amazing cameos, absurd/cringe moments and what not. It's a perfect getaway that would keep you hilariously wanting for more.

As a fan of horror, I love how they touch upon everything supernatural from zombies, witches to what not in a satirical way. Taika Waititi and Jemaine Clement have created an absolute masterpiece which would be a cult classic in the times to come. A brilliant supernatural mockumentary which deserves a wider audience.

This is a must watch TV Series which you won't regret at all. So go ahead and sink your teeth in this crazy take on the supernatural.
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The Hunter (IV) (2011)
Straightforward Indie film which feels a bit rushed in the end
21 June 2020
Rating: 7

Okay so the movie was good. The performances put up by Willem Dafoe, Frances O'Connor, Sam Neil and the kids were brilliant. I loved the actual locations shot in the film. I liked the concept of the film as it was simple and it focused on a beautiful extinct creature.

The Good: The movie had brilliant performances and cinematography. The storyline was well curated and kept simple. It brought an idea of tracking down an extinct Tasmanian Tiger which was fun and offbeat to watch.

The Bad: I loved the movie the only thing that bothered me were the last few minutes. The movie was focusing on all the characters and giving ample amount of screen-time to each however the ending seemed rushed. It seems like in the last 15-20 minutes they realized whoops! it's time to wrap up and rushed with the scenes.

I would not recommend it as a must-watch, however it's a good indie film in it's own sense if you want to give it a try. Willem Dafoe continues to remain underrated and he performed pretty well in this film as the lead.
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A Perfect 10!
16 June 2020
Rating: 10

I absolutely love this movie. It is so beautifully written. A fun fact the movie received a 10 minute standing ovation at Cannes. I came across this movie as it was listed in the Comedy-Drama genre but the comedic bits in this movie make up only 20 percent of the film. The rest is just heartfelt and emotional. I couldn't help but just bring a teary smile while watching this movie as it is so brilliantly written.

The Good - The soundtrack, the cinematography, the storyline and the cast of the movie is fantastic. They each portrayed a different personality while being connected at the same time. I like the concept of the film which heavily relies on raising a child via experiences and not textual knowledge. Although this might be frowned by a lot of parents it's just a different way of raising a kid. I like how the movie portrays the negative of being secluded too, like you are missing out on daily life. The movie is quirky and slips away from the mainstream.

The Bad - If I had a bad for this movie I wouldn't rate it 10. The movie is beyond what I expected, I am so glad I came across this movie by luck. I guess that is the only bad. I would want this movie to be promoted to a broader audience.

Viggo Mortensen and the rest of the young upcoming stars make this movie a must watch.
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Freaks (1932)
Not a Horror but a Sad Film!
11 June 2020
Rating: 8

I don't know why this movie is in the Horror genre. I saw this movie just for that particular reason. The movie is a sad drama which gives an insight on people who are born with disabilities. The eras different now its 2020 the movie deserves it's genre to be changed. Even if people are born with deformities they are still human.

What's disgusting is that when the movie was released in 1932 it was a box-office bomb and halfway through the movie, the people ran out. They didn't walk out but ran out. It was a controversial film in 30s because the people back then were pretty orthodox and didn't have an open mind.

About the movie, they hired real circus people or freaks who played their part perfectly. It shows how their world is just limited to the circus and also how someone who is fit is regarded sovereign. I would not recommend you to watch this movie, you can watch it if you want but have sympathy with the people in it and also I would like if the movie's genre changed from Horror to Drama as times have changed.
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Movie That Just Gives You Feels!
10 June 2020
Rating: 9

I never gave this movie a try as I am not a fan of romantic genre but this is a beautiful movie. The beginning seems to be a bit slow as the credits roll after 18 mins in the film. This marks a top spot in my list of movies now. If you have ever been in a relationship you can obviously jot the ups and downs you've gone through and this is what this movie is. It just brings in the Sci-Fi factor of getting your mind erased which can sway either side being good or bad.

The Good - I loved the cast, the concept, the acting and cinematography of this movie. It just left me with feels and I had a trip down the memory lane. Also at some point I wondered whether this procedure exists in real world or is it just fantasy. If a movie can make you think and put you in an existential crisis, it obviously deserves respect.

The Bad - I guess the movie might have a targeted audience. If you have ever been in love and had a rough patch, well watch this movie and get a hold of your life. The beauty of movies is that there is no single way to interpret the theme, you can just relate it to your individual experience.

A must watch film with superb performances put up by the cast. Go ahead and watch, it will be worth your time.
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A Must Watch Underrated Movie
9 June 2020
Rating: 9

This movie has it all. I didn't feel like I was watching a movie but an epic. The movie was banned in Italy after it's release due to political reasons but after a span of 30 years it was broadcast on television.

The Good - The movie portrays the Arab culture, their beliefs and customs beautifully which I was not aware of as they are foreign to me. The performances packed by all the artists is just phenomenal. I like the portrayal of a war between technology and tradition. The Italians have superior weapons and a huge arsenal whereas the Bedouin warriors use cunning and traditional simple yet effective tactics. This is a 3 hour long movie which keeps you on your seat with the impeccable cinematography and the events that went down in history which most of the people are blind to. As a foreign to the history which took place it was unbelievable what the people had to face, to protect their lands and culture. This movie deserves a wider reach so that an event like this never happens again.

The Bad - The movie was a box office bomb. It had a budget of $35 million and could only gain a revenue of $1.5 million. This shows that this gem of a movie deserves a wider audience. I wish there was a way to promote this movie again. It's a very rare occurrence that a movie appears to be flawless.

A must watch for the history that went down and to make sure an event like this never happens again. Long live the Lion Of The Desert!
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An Indie Dark Comedy
8 June 2020
Rating: 8

Elijah Wood just like Radcliffe made blockbuster movies and then shifted to the indies. No wonder I love both of their films. This movie is dark, sure I do enjoy the bits of comedy but man do they mask the darker undertones. The plot is basically a silly situation which just goes downhill.

The Good - I love the character of Ruth (Melanie Lynskey) who is so awkward and out of place in the situations. Elijah Wood portrays such a quirky, crazy character whom I absolutely loved. The characters are brilliant in their weird and eccentric ways, the cinematography and plot is silly but fits in really well.

The Bad - Some scenes do turn out to be over the limit but they fit in well. I did not find anything bad in this movie just such normal plot that goes downhill in silliness.

It's a must watch movie. No doubt a gem which will be a cult movie in the upcoming years. Take your time and give this movie a try on Netflix.
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Beautiful Bizzare Movie
8 June 2020
Rating: 7

I don't know why the movie is tagged as a Romantic Comedy it should definitely be in Mystery as the ending takes a turn. I didn't take this movie up before as I thought it would be a Rom-Com and I am not a fan of that particular genre. But I must say this movie is beautifully written and is undiscovered by so many.

The Good - I love the characters, the cinematography, the twist in this movie. Like what a straightforward and placid movie it suddenly does a 180 haha! The movie touches on the themes of married life, love, sorrow, betrayal and what not.

The Bad - I want the movie to reach a wider audience and not be an undiscovered underrated gem of a movie. That's the only bad I feel as I want more people to watch this beautiful piece of artwork.

This is a must watch movie which though seems like a simple, well laid out romantic drama takes a turn and reveals the true undertone colors!
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Tumbbad (2018)
A Kohinoor that demands mainstream!
3 June 2020
Rating: 10

The movie is not riddled by generic Bollywood actors. It doesn't have the awful eye appeasing item songs. If you read the above two lines and want to downvote the review, please be my guest but do watch the movie! A movie like this is the best creation of Bollywood which is a very rare thing since it doesn't have a mainstream actor/ higher audience or so called masala involved. I refrain from watching Bollywood movies and it's once in a lifetime thing that a movie like this that too in a horror genre comes up.

Please watch this movie, I don't want it to be underrated as it deserves more. It takes into account Indian Mythology which is an encyclopedia for making movies yet Bollywood doesn't refer it.

It is available on Amazon Prime in India, downvote my review if you want but I am pretty sure after watching this movie you would be the first one to change your vote!
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Ghoomketu (2020)
Watch it only if you have time to kill
23 May 2020
Trust me, I love Nawazuddin Siddiqui as an actor but man was this movie dull. It seems like a cheap Wes Anderson meets Taika Waiti knockoff movie. The film is a bad portrayal at taking in their iconic styles. But the actors are not to be held responsible. They did their bit in being wacky and offbeat. I just see this movie as an utter waste of talent and nothing else.

I will only conclude by saying it's not at all a must watch, only watch if you are a die hard fan of Nawaz who seems to be totally wasted in the movie :/
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