15 Reviews
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The Most Underrated Movie Of All Time?
29 July 2023
In my mind there are perhaps two movies that could take the title of "most underrated film of all time": Star Trek The Motion Picture, and Last Action Hero. Both films are far more clever than they're given credit for, but whereas Last Action Hero requires a knowledge of Action Movie tropes to fully appreciate, Star Trek TMP doesn't require a love of Star Trek. It is one of the most visually and audibly impressive sci-fi films ever made. It has a great plot, fantastic music, mind blowing special effects and cinematography, and scope. It in no way tries to imitate the space action of Star Wars, which released only a couple of years prior, instead opting for something more akin to 2001 or Close Encounters. It also has a budget more than three times larger than Star Wars, which really shows (not that Star Wars looks bad in anyway at all, just that it has overshadowed Star Trek, which I think is a shame).

This is a fantastic movie. It's been a long time since I've seen the other Star Trek films, and I'll need a rewatch before I can say so definitively, but off the top of my head I'd say this is the best Star Trek film, and arguably the most underrated movie of all time. Don't dismiss it, unless you're the type who prefers typical space action and generic good vs evil plots, a la Star Wars. If that's the case, you'll probably find it dull. You'd be wrong, though...
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Classic and heartfelt
9 December 2022
I've been working my way through the Zatoichi films and reviewing as I go, and I've noticed I have a habit of claiming many to be the best in the series as soon as I've watched them, knowing full well I'll probably watch one soon I like even more. Having said that, so far this film is far and away my favourite, and I'm only a little over halfway through. Despite the title (fight Zatoichi fight) that would lead you to believe it is more of an action entry, this is the most humanising film for Zatoichi so far.

Zatoichi finds himself responsible for a mothers death, so he takes the woman's baby to deliver it to her husband some 60 miles away. Along the way he grows attached to the child, and turns into a bit of a mother hen, all the while being pursued by a group of hired killers. The bulk of the film (so far) is made up of scenes of Zatoichi with the child - my favourite of which (and possibly my favourite scene in the series so far) has Zatoichi buy the services of a whore to care for the child for a night, so he can finally get some much needed sleep. But he can't stop worrying about the child. Time and time again he rises, irritating the whore to no end, and the scene finally cross fades to the next morning, and the whore is out cold while Ichi nurses the baby. It also has a great gambling scene.

All the films have had something to offer so far. The third (new tale of Zatoichi) was the most visually pleasing; every shot was masterful. The film directly following it topped the third film in most other regards (such a great ending, with Zatoichi dancing off down a road with a grin on his face, which soured as soon as it was out of sight of the people the grin was intended for). But "Fight Zatoichi Fight" is the most satisfying film in the series so far. I love heartfelt sh-t like this.
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They just keep getting better
16 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This may be my favourite of the series so far. Though not as visually impressive as the previous film, this one has a stronger plot, and some truly touching moments.

Zatoichi kills a young yakuza in self defence. He visits the young man's mother to inform her of his death, and to beg her forgiveness. Once in town, he meets an old flame, and strikes up a rivalry with her new lover. He also comes across the reluctant heir to a yakuza family, Sakichi, who is pressured by the other bosses to take out Zatoichi or lose his position. Sakichi is in love with the innkeeper's daughter, but the innkeeper has a vendetta with Sakichi.

These are the threads which lead to the greatest battle in the series so far, and to those touching moments I mentioned. The ending, in particular, is quite moving, as the old woman who lost her son at the beginning tells Ichi she wishes he were her son. The final shot has the old woman and the other people Ichi has helped throughout the film prostrating themselves before him in gratitude, moving him greatly. Music picks up from the distance, and Ichi dances away down the road, in spite of the terrible tragedy he's just suffered. What an ending. What a movie.
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So far, the best of the series.
15 November 2022
In terms of plot, the third Zatoichi is no better than the previous two films. Cinematically, it is a vast improvement. Every shot is fantastic, and the score is as good as it gets. The change in Director really shows. Oh, and it's in colour. I do love black and white photography, but the colour adds so much in a film like this.

Like the previous film, it's a little melodramatic in places, but it works in the films favour. The lead actor is as great here as he was the last two times round, and the actor playing his master is perfectly cast. There is a lot of character development in this one. A little more about Zatoichi's past is revealed, as is his desire to leave the yakuza life, and the shame he feels for his past deeds. As someone else said, there is a great scene in which he plays a game of odds and evens. Maybe I'm just a softy, but after a scene like that I find it impossible not to rank this film higher than the previous two. I love it when villains have a change of heart. Very impactful scene. Admittedly, the character Zatoichi befriends in the first film and their relationship is stronger overall... but that odds and evens scene... Love it.

This film also has a great ending; a far cry from the abrupt ending of the previous, which felt as though they ran out of time and cut it short. I'm all for stylish abrupt endings (Sword of Doom), but the second film's ending felt almost accidental, almost as if they had an allocated time slot and were running over. This one ends with style. In fact, for a film like this I'd say it's a perfect ending (though not as good as Sword of Doom's ending, obviously). In a way it reminded me of some of the Sharpe (Sean Bean series) endings, and that non-detrimental melodrama reminded me of Sharpe, too.

I've not seen all the films in the series yet. I'm working my way through and rating them as I go, but so far Zatoichi 3 is the clear winner. Stylish and impactful.

EDIT - I'm now up to the ninth film. There have been films that surpasses this one overall, but I have to add that so far this film is still the best in terms of visuals and cinematography. Every shot is fantastic, so much so that the photo used for the actor is a still from this film.
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F;$k yeah!
19 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
We've got another Payback on our hands, albeit one that moves at a much slower pace, at least for the first half, as all the pieces fall into place. But that's not a criticism. The suspense continues to build, beginning with a scene in which Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughn tail the bad guys along a highway. It's straight out of Vertigo, and has the sort of rising tension Hitchcock was the master of. Then we reach the bank robbery, and from that point on the film is non-stop, edge of your seat gripping sh:;). At any moment anyone could die. All bets are off.

Mel Gibson is awesome, as always. Same for Vaughn. I'm not sure I thought they had much chemistry, however, which became all the more apparent when Mel Gibson and Tory Kittles were in a scene together, as they had as much chemistry as Mel and Danny Glover do. Reminded me of Lethal Weapon, and made me hope they'd both survive till the end so a salt and pepper buddy cop thing might happen as a sequel, but alas, it wasn't to be.

And Spawn is in it! And Crockett!

F$&k yeah!

Awesome movie!
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Frank's Cat Soup
18 June 2022
Whether or not you like this episode, there's no disputing Frank watching a video of himself admitting to putting dead cats and kids into a soup he fed to other kids, followed by his gastric attack and denial (that's all a lie! There was no soup!) and storm out of the building is one of the funniest moments in all of Sunny.

It's a good episode anyway, but I'd watch it for that scene alone.
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Best episode in worst season (but it makes up for the rest)
18 June 2022
The one good episode in an otherwise sh$$ty season. It makes up for all the rest though. Best episode in years. Now I'm not one for female writers myself, but the sheila that wrote this knows her sh$t. She also wrote the episode in season 15 I think with the cliff in Ireland. Like I say, she knows her sh$t (for a sheila).
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The X-Files: D.P.O. (1995)
Season 3, Episode 3
Gen X Cult Classic!
16 June 2022
This episode has all the makings of a cult classic 90s B-movie, aesthetically akin to something like Demon Knight (not just for the shared song by Filter, which kicks arse in both).

It's extremely Gen X, more so than any other X-files episode, from the characters attitudes, attire, and choice of actors to play them (this might be Ribisi's best turn); to the music, cinematography, and setting. Everything about it screams 90s.

It's awesome. Top 10 episode.
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South Park: Make Love, Not Warcraft (2006)
Season 10, Episode 8
Most overrated episode. For Warcraft fanboys
5 December 2021
This episode is nowhere near as good as the rating on this site would have you believe. Beloved by nerds with a hard on for Warcraft. It's not Terrible but there are plenty of episodes much funnier and a lot more clever, which deserve to be higher.
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South Park: Proper Condom Use (2001)
Season 5, Episode 7
One of the funniest
5 December 2021
Definitely a top ten South Park episode. Mr Garrison teaching the kindergarteners how to put on a condom takes the cake. Garrison's best moment, and he's had a lot of solid moments.
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Doctor Who: The Woman Who Fell to Earth (2018)
Season 11, Episode 1
Not as bad as I'd expected... but still pretty bad
24 December 2020
The most noticeable thing about this era (judging from the ep alone) is the shift in tone. Gone is the whimsical Harry-potter-esque fairy tale look Moffat brought to the show, as is the feel-good light hearted nature. Now it is gritty and dark and lacking any sort of comedy (although there are some shoddy attempts at humour). Now it reminds me of the show 'Dark' mixed with a procedural like "Cracker" perhaps, although nowhere near it's quality. Maybe 'The Bill' then.

Being the first female doctor Jodie Whittaker has a lot on her shoulders and she almost pulls it off. Unfortunately there are too many people to focus on for any to be properly developed.

As for the heavy handed liberal themes a lot of people have mentioned, I'd say other than the doctor being a woman and the rest of the cast multiracial, these themes seem less forced than they were in much of Capaldi's run (having said that, it does open with a mixed race couple teaching their disabled 19 year old son how to ride a bike, but to call them out for that would be nitpicking. Bear in mind not too long after this Chibnall will retcon the entire mythology of the Doctor in the timeless Child, much to many's ire, and for good reason) Overall I'd say it's lost some of its charm, but to some the shift in tone will be refreshing.
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This movie doesn't suck; you do.
19 December 2020
John Carpenter's most underrated film. I think people expected something more akin to the original, and what they got was a campy, ridiculous, born to be cult classic. How can anyone dislike a movie that has Kurt Russell (with a bullet in the leg) surf a title-wave with the Easy Rider, then jump from the wave onto the back of a convertible? Or how bout Kurt paragliding with a transexual Pam Grier. Or Bruce Campbell as a mutant surgeon who cuts off body parts to make freak creations in his lab. I mean COME ON. This movie is a f-king classic!
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Community: Advanced Documentary Filmmaking (2013)
Season 4, Episode 6
Best of season so far
20 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The first decent episode of the season. It's not great, but it at least gets some laughs, which is more than any episodes prior. The trout dude scared the trout were out to get him was f-funny, as was Chang repeating Jeff and shirley's convo and then forgetting "side-effect". That's Chang's scene of the season. Even if you don't like "Kevin" (which is crazy) it still plays out like a classic episode, with everyone acting like themselves for a Chang.
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Proof rob grant was the witty one
20 September 2020
This show is criminally underrated. All the charm and humour left red dwarf with rob grant after series 6, and he redirected his powers into this gem. Ignore the low rating and find this show. It's great.
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Red Dwarf: Thanks for the Memory (1988)
Season 2, Episode 3
The BEST Red Dwarf episode
22 August 2020
I grew up on dwarf. I've seen em all a million times over, and series 2 is probably the funniest, and this is the best of the series. Queeg and Stasis Leak are also contenders. And Marooned in series 3. ... and maybe Justice in 4. And White Hole... Hard call. So many classics.
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