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Survivor: Run the Red Light (2024)
Season 46, Episode 10
Best Episode of the New Era?
2 May 2024
I think so!

Season 46 has been a weird season of Survivor. The start of season was rough with episodes 2-4 being straight up bad episodes but ever since Jem's blindside in epsiode 5 the season has only gone up.

And now the last four episodes have all been great with four straight blindsides! I love how this season doesn't have a majority alliance and every vote different people are voting together, those are always my favorite seasons.

But this episode was pretty much a perfect episode of Survivor. You had one of the funniest scenes ever with Liz's breakdown and you legitimately couldn't have written it any better. Like all that over Applebees!? Liz is hilarious, I love when people lose their mind on the Island it's always great TV. But then her saving Q and pulling off the best blindside of the season?? Amazing. Tiff was by far the best player in the game and it was an amazing move by Maria and company.

So far S45 is still my favorite of the new era (because the cast was the best) but if S46 has a strong finish it could end up being my favorite.

My Rankings going into Final 7 1. Q (Awesome and I love a villain but won't win) 2. Maria (Now by far the best strategic player left) 3. Kenzie (Best social player left) 4. Venus (Love her but probably won't win) 5. Charlie 6. Ben (Great Guy) 7. Liz (Hilarious but is the ultimate GOAT)
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Survivor: Following a Dead Horse to Water (2023)
Season 45, Episode 8
We Love A Good Blindslide
16 November 2023
"Woah people are playing SURVIVOR"

Another fantastic episode where it felt like old school survivor. We did still have someone lose their vote but it's wasn't based on luck so i actually didn't mind it. I loved the "New Auction", they brought back a classic and made it somewhat competitive so overall that was a huge plus to this episode and i hope they bring it back for future seasons.

I was concerned coming into this episode after the horrific episode last week. GET RIDE OF THE NEW MERGE. Making the merge still have basically tribe tribal council is really ruining these new era seasons. This season you had probably the best player go home because of pure luck. Post merge is the best part of Survivor i don't understand why Jeff keeps throwing these HORRIBLE twists into it.

But thank god we had a classic challenge and a classic tribal council AND LOOK you had a amazing blindside because of it! I loved Kellie, so i am sad to see her go but I'm all about the game moves so i'm totally here for it.

But what in the world was the the promo for the next episode? 3 people lose their vote with only 9 people left!?!? Jeff what are we doing.
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Survivor: I'm Not Batman, I'm the Canadian (2023)
Season 45, Episode 6
Kaleb Does Not Count
3 November 2023

Top 5 moment in Survivor History?? I don't know but it's close! (Depends how far Kaleb can make it)

Basically how all of America reacted to that tribal council. Like i said in my review of episode 3 these 90 min episodes make the show infinitely better. The audience really gets to know the dynamics of all the players and the different alliances happening, and that's something the previous 4 seasons were missing.

The Shot in the Dark! Finally coming through how Jeff and production intended it to and it saved one of the best players not only of this season but the new era. I know the two quits sucked watching week to week but through 6 episodes this season has the potential to not only be the best season of the new era but one of the better seasons of all time. This merge is loaded with in my mind the 12 best players from day 1, still in and that's a rarity in Survivor especially the new era.

Here's to a strong post merge !
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Survivor: No Man Left Behind (2023)
Season 45, Episode 3
Best Tribal Of The New Era
13 October 2023
Season 45 had a rough first episode but if it wasn't for the unfortunate quit by Hannah I think a lot of people would think differently about the premiere. Like it or not tribal has a lot to do with the overall enjoyment of the episode which is why this episode was fantastic.

The 90 minute episodes are a dream come true for die hard fans who really care about the social and tribe dynamics. The reason the New Era gets more hate than usual is Jeff and his team think the audience love a million advantages and dumb Risk your vote "journeys" lol and that just doesn't work when you have 40 mins of screen time a week because you also have a lot to focus on; players, immunity challenge and tribal. (Casting for the new era is also a reason for hate but that's a whole different conversation)

I'm personally really liking this cast and if the rest of the game is like episodes 2&3 I think it will be the best season of the new era. S42 &S43 i thought had really strong casts but with bad game layout and 60 min episodes they still felt off. I loved the Tika 3 from S44 but other than them that cast was very weak in my opinion. Crossing my fingers that the swap and the merge will continue to good and with the 90 min runtime I think it will.

Emily had a rough start, starting the game way to hot but had a fantastic episode here and I think her and Kaleb could be a dynamic duo if they both make the merge because they will both be outliers between the other two tribes. Kellie on the blue tribe is playing great putting her and Brando in the perfect position and I'm loving the red foursome of Austin(my winner pick), Drew, Julie and Dee.

Overall I'm really enjoying this season and I think it has the foundation to be the best season of the new era.

Let's hope!
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Survivor: Under the Wing of a Dragon (2023)
Season 44, Episode 9
Back to Back Great Episodes of Survivor
3 May 2023
Man look what happens when you just let the players play! Last two episode have been great episodes of survivor. No stupid twists just old school gameplay.

The three TIKA are really entertaining, being the main focus for almost the entire season and I'm here for it. Again they held the golden ticket in another tribal council. These last two episodes have saved the post merge game imo. Hopefully they can have a strong ending!

My rankings as of Final 8 Favs: Carolyn Danny Frannie Yam Yam

Like: Carson Heidi

Eh: Lauren

Get Out Please: Jamie

PS Jeff please give us a returning players season in S45 I'm begging.

Summary: Best episode of the season so far.
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Survivor: I Can't Wait to See Jeff (2023)
Season 44, Episode 1
Best Premiere of The New Era
6 March 2023

By far the best premiere of the new era. No BS all game. Jeff has been hyping this season up and so far I can see why. From the start, this season felt like old school Survivor. Loved the opening challenge hopefully it set a good tone for the rest of the season.

The cast seems to be very intriguing. You have a good mix of people in my opinion. You have some crazy/fun personalities and people who are very competitive and want to win. I hate when players are "there to have fun" it just makes for boring seasons(41). Final tribal was awesome i can't remember a first tribal that chaotic. The shot in the darks finally mattered! I'm sure Jeff was very excited for that.
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Cyberpunk: Edgerunners: Lucky You (2022)
Season 1, Episode 4
Netflix's New Great Anime
14 September 2022
Wow what a surprise. I honestly have never seen a show quite like this. It's a little bit like Arcane but in the Cyberpunk world with the classic anime animation. This episode really brings together the first 4 episodes and it was great. The characters are very well developed in such a short time, very impressive. I love the music so far in the show and the action is some of the best I've seen in animation.

I really like David he's not your stereotypical anime protagonist and I really appreciate that. Lucy is also a highlight she seems like a very complex character that we will learn more about as the series goes on.

P. S. Definitely smoke a little weed while watching you'll thank me later.
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She Hulk/ Stop review bombing
18 August 2022
First of all She Hulk isn't a 10 and it's not a 1. This episode isn't bad but it's not great. People need to stop making IMDB like this. Honestly watch the show or episode then leave a review it's not that hard. The last 3 MCU shows have gotten reviewed bombed and it's making this great app garbage.

This episode is fine it's clearly going for more lighthearted comedy than anything. All the MCU shows are meant to be watched all at once so just watching one episode it's pretty hard to have a grasp of the whole series. Looking forward to what they do next.
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Lightyear (2022)
Not My Buzz, So Disappointing
30 June 2022
This movie as a Pixar movie fails. The only redeeming thing about this movie is the animation, it's absolutely gorgeous but that's a staple for Pixar by now.

Who is this imposter calling himself Buzz Lightyear? Cause it's not the toy that's in four of the greatest animated movies of all time. This movie is zero fun which i don't even know how that's possible. Three of the worst side characters I've ever seen in a movie PERIOD. Also has one of if not the WORST twist in a movie Ive ever seen. Me and my gf nearly walked out after the big reveal that's how bad this "freaking" movie is.

As a huge Toy Story fan this is one of the most disappointing movies I've ever seen. Very sad.
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Survivor: It Comes Down to This (2022)
Season 42, Episode 12
Survivor has one big issue and it's been going on for 22 years
26 May 2022
Overall Season 42 was insanely better than 41( the worst season ever imo). Even this finale episode is pretty good. Loved the final 5 immunity challenge and the preceding votes to final 3.

But this where the 22 year issue comes into play. Final tribal is just way to important. It makes the other 38 in this case 25 days not matter what so ever. Now i get it, part of the game is putting people in the jury you think will vote for you in the end. But why can't they just vote on the person who played the best? THEY DONT KNOW that's why. They basically have no idea what happens after they get voted off. They have no idea what happened in the first half of the game unless you were on their tribe. All that matters is how well you speak at final tribal. Last time i checked Survivor isn't a College Communications class.

I'm not saying Maryanne is a terrible winner, there have been way worse (41,32) but Mike clearly played the better overall game and just because he didn't speak better than Maryanne on 1 night of the WHOLE game he lost. You can go all the way back to Season 2 where Colby somehow didn't win in Australia because he didn't want to sleep with the She Devil lol.

I love Survivor i've seen every season but every year the worst part of every season is Final Tribal. I don't have a clear solution, i get it it's hard as hell to even make the show and they have kept it this way for so long now it would be really hard for them to change it now.

My pitch would be this- You keep tribal the exact same but at the live show to reveal the winner the jury members have an option to change their vote based on watching the season and seeing the WHOLE game. I know this will probably never happen but that's take.
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Moon Knight: The Tomb (2022)
Season 1, Episode 4
Ummmmmm Fantastic
20 April 2022
Sat speechless for like 10 minutes. I still don't even know what to say. Like i have no idea what just happened... but i freaking loved it. Give me the next episode damn it!
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Survivor: Beg, Barter, Steal (2003)
Season 7, Episode 1
Best Premiere Episode of Survivor
15 April 2022
Having watched every season this premiere still holds up as the best and most unique. The pillaging of the village to start the season was absolutely fantastic and i really wish Survivor would do this again. Love this season and it's personally my favorite of the Old School Survivor seasons (1-19).
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Attack on Titan: The Dawn of Humanity (2022)
Season 4, Episode 28
Hilarious, Emotional, and Intense Final Episode to Part 2
4 April 2022
Amazing bridge episode to set up the final part of this all time show. I know some y'all got emotional because of Mikasa, I know I sure as hell did. The opening is absolutely hilarious and it was great to see Sasha again): The scene where the original gang gets drunk and has a party almost brought a tear to my eye. Especially knowing that was the last time Eren could be himself and truly be happy with all his comrades.

I haven't read the manga so I'm extremely excited to see how the show ends. Keeping my fingers crossed but I'm predicting a Breaking Bad/ Code Geass type of ending where Eren somehow dies in the end. I just hope it doesn't feel rushed and the characters outcomes feel earned.

Best Anime of all time? Easily.
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Bill Hader Wow
20 March 2022
This episode should have a lot higher rating. Bill Hader won his first Emmy because of this episode, absolutely brilliant acting. As a whole show Barry is very unique show and it's really the only show to balance comedy, action and drama so perfectly. Bravo Bill Hader and company can't wait for season 3.
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Funniest Episode of the Show
24 January 2022
This episode is absolutely hilarious. The opening with drill instructor is pure gold and establishes the supporting characters with such ease. Attack on Titan is maybe the most detailed show when it comes to characters and foreshadowing so rewatching from Season 1 for the first time is really something special. With all the craziness that happens later episodes like this really put a smile on your face. Also unbelievable soundtrack/score like always.
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Spider Man 8
17 December 2021
Combines the best parts of every Spider-man to make one of the best cinematic experiences of all time. Tom Holland gives the best performance by any Spidey ever in an film. It celebrates Spider Man like never before. All the performances are really damn good. Don't wanna spoil anything but seeing some of your favorite characters and actors really makes you feel like a little kid and it's honestly everything an Spider-man fan would ask for.

Bravo Jon Watts and Kevin Feige.
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Survivor: My Million Dollar Mistake (2021)
Season 41, Episode 3
What is up with the idols this season!?
8 October 2021
They are penalizing players who actually play the game. Basically all the players on the yellow and green tribe are terrible. Absolutely no gameplay in these first 3 episodes so far. Tribe swap needs to happen very soon.
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Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart (2021 Video Game)
A True PS5 Experience
18 June 2021
As an long time Ratchet and Clank fan this is one the best entries in the series. The visuals and action scenes are truly spectacular. By far the best gameplay the series has ever seen. The only negative thing I have with the game is I wish it was longer!

Hoping Insomniac continues to make great entries into this beloved series.
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Invincible: That Actually Hurt (2021)
Season 1, Episode 5
This Show is Seriously Really Good
9 April 2021
This episode is flat out awesome. The beginning is kinda slow but then you realize their just great character building scenes. That definitely payoff in the end of this episode. The finale in this episode is as good if not better than the pilot. I mean fr that last was freaking nuts and so surprising! Only thing I don't like about the show is I want all the damn episodes! The show works way better that way but sadly Prime won't do that. In long run though it won't matter cause this show is just flat out kick ass.
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Survivor: A Sinking Ship (2010)
Season 20, Episode 12
My favorite episode in first 20 Seasons
22 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
All hail Rupert. Somehow, someway Rupert and Colby outsmarted Russel in 2 of the craziest votes I've seen in the first 20 seasons of Survivor. Rupert's play with his "fake" idol was brilliant. I'm hoping Rupert can make it to the end but I gotta feeling that probably won't happen. If Russel makes it to the end, dumbass Tyson should be writing that check for him because if he wasn't an idiot Russel/Parv would be gone and Boston Rob/Coach would still be there.
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WandaVision: On a Very Special Episode... (2021)
Season 1, Episode 5
I mean are we really surprised? They never miss
5 February 2021
Trust in Kevin Feige. What started out as a "disappointment" to some fans has turned into a straight banger of a series. If this is what's in store for phase 4 take all my money.
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Blooding Hilarious
9 November 2020
First time watching the series and I love it. Just wanted to throw a review up for this episode cause it didn't have any! Anyways this series is badass and I loved this episode. For some reason this episode cracked me up so many times definitely a highlight so far.
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The Boys: We Gotta Go Now (2020)
Season 2, Episode 5
Dream On !
18 September 2020
What a badass episode! Tons of great action and a lot of surprises. The writers definitely got me with that Homelander scene, my heart dropped. Do yourself a favor a play this episode until the end credits rock on!
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The Boys: The Big Ride (2020)
Season 2, Episode 1
4 September 2020
Great first episode with violent action and raunchy comedy. The satire here is just so great but I did miss me some Butcher! Can't wait for the rest of the season!
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Young Justice: Homefront (2011)
Season 1, Episode 12
Best episode yet
4 July 2020
Action from start to finish loving this show! Great backstory on Artemis as well.
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