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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
I was surprised
29 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I had originally thought this was going to be a remake of the old movie, so when I discovered it wasn't, I made the decision not to watch it. A trip to my library and there it was on the shelf, and I thought to myself 'what the heck.' Im glad I did. I enjoyed this movie quite a bit, but was frustrated at times. In a world of cameras everywhere, I had a hard time with the murder of Cecelia's sister and also with the ending, where she is able to go to the bathroom, put on the suit, kill Adrian and then remove the suit in the time frame she did all of this. But I think overall it's worth watching.
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The Lighthouse (I) (2019)
What was this?
1 July 2020
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First thing and one of the most important thing for me is that I didnt think the black and white worked for this film. The film gave off a cheap look any way, so the addition of the b&w, made it worse. I still don;t really understand the point of this movie. Was there something up in the lighhouse that Tom didnt want Ephraim to know about? I found myself confused throughout the movie, with nothing to focus on. This movie was all the place. I had no idea what was real or a hallucination. And the end scene? How did he end up from screaming at the beacon, to on the ground having his guts eaten by seagulls, while alive? Ugh!!!
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It's her truth
19 May 2020
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I believe, after watching this, that something happened to Ms. Dolezal after her parents adopted her African American siblings. Perhaps her watching them being abused or being stripped of their heritage had a profound impact on her life and who she was. Whatever the reason, I wish her all the luck in the world. I feel bad for her, because I truly believe her heart is in the right place. I thought the makers of this documentary did a good job of showing all sides, without bias.
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The Good Liar (2019)
Very entertaining
1 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I think the previews showed a little too much because I watched "knowing" that Betty was conning Roy, but the big reveal was surprising. Even though Roy was despicable, I didn't like the part where he gets beat up or the fact that he was left in the state he was, in the hospital. I loved that they put a bow around the reveal. The full story behind why Betty was doing what she was made it more believable to me. I know that women can be as good a hustler as the men, I just couldn't imagine her doing this solely for money. The roles of Betty and Roy are played splendidly; I am a huge fan of both Mirren and McKellen. It was also great seeing Jim Carter again!! My only complaint was the last couple of minutes of the movie. I didn't find the scene of Betty at home necessary. I didn't know that Stephen had made any mistake (I just thought it was all part of Betty's scheme), so bringing it up only confused me. The entire part of this movie wasn't necessary.
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Under the Skin (I) (2013)
24 April 2020
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I decided not to give this film any rating at all. I absolutely hated it!!! I am someone who loves slow movies and deeper, more mindful films, but this was just atrocious. I saw no point in it at all. If I had been given a hint of what she was, it might have been more intriguing. I thought she was a female serial killer and instead of having slasher scenes, they decided to do these artsy weird scenes and eventually the story would pick up. That I as a view would have this slow, hint by hint unveiling, and things would make sense as the film progressed. Ha! And who in the heck was the guy on the motorcycle? I assumed he was going to be someone significant in the woman's life later in the movie, but then that part of the story just fell off a cliff for me. The film fell short of being visually stunning or in telling any kind of story. I saw very little value in this film and not once did I find myself entertained, fascinated or even curious.
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Gemini Man (2019)
Glad I watched it
7 March 2020
Im not a Will Smith fan, but I really liked this movie. No, the plot about the cloning wasn't original, but also no, it couldn't have been thrown out of the movie, as one reviewer stated. The cloning and subsequent relationship IS the movie. For me the other stuff about being covert military agents was the sub plot. Maybe I enjoyed it because I had no expectations and just let movie do its thing.
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Loved it...until I didn't
5 February 2020
When I first started watching this series, I was so over the moon for it. I'm on Season and it's getting old. There's too much high drama all the time. I wish they could have one show that was just about an ordinary day. I was going to list some of the things I dislike, but Im just going to leave it as-is.
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The worst Christian movie I have ever seen
29 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I am a huge fan of Christian/faith-based movies and this was awful. At the end, what was the point? The movie should have focused on Lefty and his mom, Eva and left the rest out. Rick being brain damaged and no one going to visit him in the hospital. The wife and son go for 2 minutes and then confront Rick's best friend about seeing him, which he never does. It's brought up that the church members Rick and his family attend don't visit, they never do. Ricks wife heads out to her family's for Christmas and their car breaks down at a gas station. There they meet the owner, who works on the car for hours and then the wife decides not to go. We don't get to know really anything about the gas station guy, though he and the wife talk a lot...nothiing happens there either. They eat a Christmas dinner together at the end, in total silence. We never find out what happens to Rick. I fast forwarded through a great deal of this movie so that I could get to "the good stuff" but it doesn't come until the very end, when Eva goes to church with Lefty and we know that at least for that night neither of them will commit suicide. But Lefty is still an alcoholic. So bad!!!!!!
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Prodigy (I) (2018)
Poorly executed
11 January 2020
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I think the movie had a lot of potential, but it just seemed lazy to me and therefore sloppy. I am a big fan of faith based and/or Christian movies and I thought the story was intriguing. I am used to poor acting in this genre; that wasn't the problem for me. There was scene after scene where I was just cringing and thinking 'that would never happen' or 'why would he (the dad) do that?' He makes his getaway with Caleb and then pulls over while obviously still in the area and honks the car's horn over and over. He knows there are people every where who are looking for them but he lets a stranger come into their camp and accepts alcohol from the guy, without even a thought that this guy might be there to take Caleb. This was common throughout the movie and frustrating. It felt like the film makers only cared about their message and didn't give a darn about how they got there.
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Light of My Life (I) (2019)
What was Affleck thinking?
9 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I should have known this movie wasn't going to be good when in the first scene I started working on a crossword puzzle, while listening to that ridiculous story the dad was telling Rag. I didnt realize she was 11, so I thought he might have been telling her something important and perhaps trying not to scare her. But no, the story was for no reason. It doesnt take long to discover that Rag doesn't know anything that's going on in the world around her and from that moment, the movie just collapses for me. In ten years the only plans are "red alert" and keeping her hair cut like a boy. Dad has no weapons and Rag has no idea what to do if something were to happen. Once Dad is forced to tell her, she asks and asks what would happen if anything were to happen to him, even asking what would happen if he died and he tells her "you'll live on because you're strong." Huh?? She's most likely going to become a baby making machine for pete's sake!!! In the end, Dad most likely would have been killed and it's Rag who saves him and therefore herself, thanks to someone else teaching her how to shoot a gun. The closing scene is just ridiculous. Dad still has no real plans except to go somewhere someone else told him about. No dialogue about Rag shooting the gun and saving him. This would have been a perfect opportunity for him to admit he hadn't prepared her for the reality of things, etc. This was such a waste of time and Im not sure why Im even giving it 3 stars.
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Great movie!!!
5 January 2020
I wanted to see this movie as soon as I heard about it. Yeah, I know, Im a bit of a word nerd. To find out that Penn and Gibson were going to star in it absolutely fascinated me. It does not disappoint. It is 2 hours long and yes, it is a bit slow, but this kind of movie can't be done in any other way and it is a story, I thought, had to be told. Penn is dynamite!! I love his acting style, where you can see his character's feelings from head to toe. He simply drew me in in every scene to the point where scenes without him in it paled in comparison. Im not much of a Mel Gibson fan, but enjoyed his performance. I thought he and Penn had great chemistry.
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Breakthrough (2019)
Yes, it's a faith based movie!!!
3 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Besides the fact that I am Christian and enjoy faith based/Christian movies, this one was good. It was!! Give it a try Im reading reviews about it being "religious propaganda"....It's a faith based movie guys. That would be like going to a Bruce Lee movie and complaining about the martial arts. Or that it was corny or the jokes were bad. Christian people are pretty corny and yes, their jokes are bad. This isn't a badly written script. It's how we are. I don't know how many times I've cringed on Sunday morning to my pastor's jokes. It stays fairly close to the actual story. How long he was in the water is true, the fact that mom prayed over John's body and asked the holy spirit to bring him back to life, is true. I don't know why movie makers have to take something dramatic and make it more so, such as the rescuer hearing God's voice to go back; not true. But there was "something" that made him try one more time and that's when he found John. I think if you are a person of faith or someone who just likes a good movie without a lot of extras, you;ll like this movie. If you don't believe in God or corniness and bad jokes, skip it.
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Ragamuffin (2014)
Im not sure what to think...but i liked it
24 December 2019
I didnt know this was a true story until about half-way through it, when I looked at the cover. What a story! To be honest for much of the movie I mostly didnt like Rich Mullens. Being as I didn't know him, or what the intentions were by the makers of this film were, I won't say anything more about that. But it did touch something deep in me. There were scenes that absolutely touched and crushed my soul and I wept like a baby.
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One of my favorites
23 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I so enjoyed this movie. I think the reason that I liked it so much is that isn't wasnt over the top. This was a simple, honest movie of how most people come to Christ. We have a man who feels like a failure because his baseball career didn't pan out. He is a heavy drinker, who doesn't realize he's an alcoholic, which is something many people believer about their drinking. He is not only struggling as a man, but as the single parent to a 17 year old daughter. Then he meets Produce, a man who works at the produce section at the grocery store who has down syndrome. I'm glad they didn't make this movie about the disorder. That's not what message. Here's a man with down syndrome, a disorder that a lot people still see as "mad", and he's teaching another man how to live a better life simply by just being. I was waiting for the turn in the film where Calvin instantly and dramatically converts to being a Christian and was so pleased to see that it didn't happen. We got to see what we believe will be the start of Calvin and his daughter's walk with Christ and that's good enough for me.
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Indian Horse (2017)
superbly done
18 December 2019
I dont remember putting this movie on hold at the library, but one day it showed up in my stack and I am so glad it did. This movie will probably haunt me for a while. Not only was it so beautifully done, but my great grandmother was Inuit and lived in a residential school. She never told us she was Inuit; we found out by DNA. So this movie touched me on a personal level as well. I thought the performances of all the actors who played Saul did a wonderful job. I hope we can see more movies about native american cultures in the future. So much beauty that we know nothing about.
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I Am... Gabriel (2012 Video)
I am hopeful
14 December 2019
I so enjoyed this movie and we need more like them. I know that much of the time the actors/actresses in Christian films aren't the most talented in the bunch, but these movies are about spreading the love of God and showing the grace, mercy and miracles that come when you walk with the Lord. That is what is important here. I liked the fact that they used a child for the role of Gabriel!! I know that for a lot of people this was over the top and predictable, but that's why I liked it so much.
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Too much!!
14 December 2019
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One minute I would be swept away by this movie and the next minute I almost felt like fast-forwarding. I wish I didnt know anything about Gerhard Richter's life, it would have made the movie more enjoyable. Being "inspired" by Richter's life, there's a tendency to wonder why the writer used real events one minute and not-so-real events the next. Elisabeth was institutionalized but was starved to death and there wasn't a down-syndrome girl who said "I like you" to a female guard as she was sent to a gas chamber. I found this disgusting. I didn't understand why Professor Carl Seeband played such a significant part throughout the whole movie if Barnert was never going to realize who he was or get caught for what he did. Another thing that bugged me immensely was naming Barnert's girlfriend/wife Elisabeth and then having him not want to call her that, instead calling her Ellie, which makes one assume that it made him think of his dear aunt. His wife wasn't Elisabeth. It was too much fiction for me and at the same time too much bio pic. I wish the maker of the film would have chosen one or the other. If had been just a movie about an artist post-Hitler, it would have been a better movie....or better yet, a TRUE portrayal of Richter's life.
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Son of God (2014)
Loved it!!
13 December 2019
I really like the fact that Roma Downey and her husband decided to make this while filming The Bible. It was perfect for someone who is working through Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, which Im in the process of doing. Though all four of these books of the bible are the same story, there are some slight differences and I thought this movie did a wonderful job of using all four of them, even though the narrator was John. I love seeing Jesus portrayed. I am a visual person, so I learn so much better seeing the bible in documentary or movie form. And I really enjoyed Diogo Morgado's depiction of Jesus. He caught the deep humility and sadness well, though I wish you could have done rage better (in the scene where he topples the tables at the temple). If you want to watch a movie about Jesus' life and death, but don't want to be absolutely horrified by the violence, I think this is a good movie to watch.
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It made me feel good
12 December 2019
I will admit that the acting was simply horrible; no Oscar performances here. The story was a good one even though it felt rushed. It's hard to capture someone's walk with God in a 88 minute film and yes, some of what took place was overdone, but in the end it didnt matter to me. This movie is about realizing that your walk with God has been lukewarm and it's time to amp thing up, regardless of what that may mean. In this case it meant teaching your child to do the right thing even when it meant not liking the consequences or taking the chance that others weren't going to like it either. This is what it means to be a Christian.
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One of my faves
7 December 2019
This is one of my favorite Disney movies. It can't compare to all the old stand-bys such as Sleeping Beauty or Bambi (at least for me), but it is one of the best of the past 20 years. When Disney+ came out, it was one of the first movies I looked for.
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Arctic (2018)
so disappointed
29 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I saw the previews for this film and it looked so intriguing, I just had to see it. For some reason I just loved it at first. Even though all Overgard did was check his fishing line, turn a crank, etc., it was compelling and interesting seeing him in this strict routine, trying to make it until he was rescued. Once the helicopter crashes, it just slowly loses something for me. I didn't understand why he would leave where he was, being as the helicopter had JUST crashed there. So every time something happened, like not being able to get the girl up that hill, I was telling the TV "that's why you should have stayed where you were at." It was frustrating. The movie was too much and at the same time not enough. Getting the girl to safety seemed to be the motivating factor, but the wound didnt seem to serious at the beginning and he rarely checked it until he decided to leave her. And come on!!! You have a potential rescue right in front of you and you throw yourself down the hill to go get this girl, when you could have taken off toward the rescuers and lead them back to her??? Him resigning himself to dying and her also dying after all he put himself through to get her possibly rescued...and then having the helicopter land behind them, fell flat. It would have been a better ending to have them seen right off and rescued or not being seen at all and dying.
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The Truth About Christmas (2018 TV Movie)
27 November 2019
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I really liked this one! Once Ginny and George get to his parent's house, I couldnt stop giggling. I read in another review that it isn't very Christmassy and I agree. The only real "problem" I had with the movie is the thing with George's brother Blake. There is obviously a connection there and I felt like he had a lot to do with her change of plans for her life, but then it wasn't part of the ending. Most Christmas movies tie a pretty bow on the endings and it just kind of fell flat for me.
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Correcting Christmas (2014 TV Movie)
Bad acting
26 November 2019
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I was excited to see Michael Muhney; I just loved him as Adam in the Young and the Restless. He is a good actor, but was surrounded by crummy actors/actresses. The roles of Kelly, Jason and Ginny were just horribly portrayed. My son was in the kitchen and said "the story might be a good one Mom, back that acting is horrible." He is so right!!! I did like the story and thought it was original, putting a woman in the take-me-back-to-the-past role and i loved the fact that Ali didn't go back and fix the relationship that she thought she wanted. I do have one question: How in the heck do all these wonderful fathers (Brian) end up with these meddling, destructive moms (Robin)? I'm finding this in a lot of these Christmas movies lately.
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Every Other Holiday (2018 TV Movie)
New to the list of Christmas movies!!
21 November 2019
I have been watching hokey Christmas movies all day and this is by far my favorite. Christmas movies are what they are. For the most part, they aren't going to win any Oscars, but if a movie can make me laugh, cry and yeah, get mad then wrap it all up in a bow by the end, well then I'm a happy camper.
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20 November 2019
Normally I wouldnt review a movie like this, but I had to. I absolutely love and am a sucker for corny Christmas movies! I liked A Christmas Prince and gave it a 7. This sequel stinks!! First of all, the recasting of the dad's character was a major no-no. The original dad was this down-to-earth, simply kind of guy, while this new portrayal makes the father look like a simpleton with no manners. I ended up fast-forwarding through his scenes and also those of Sahil. I am about half way through the movie and I've decided not to finish watching it.
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