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Not a single copy of Preppy Handbook in sight...
24 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Working class kids long to escape their dingy existence in a barely survivable, fictional PA industrial town, where the resident's social lives seem to revolve around hs football. In the era of Reaganomics, Yuppies, preppies, Hollywood gave us ""ATRM". Gritty, atmospheric (a little over the top; that town's obsession with hs football). Good story, definitely lots of cliches and a predictable ending (we can imagine Stef will be a huge fish out of water in a California engineering school!). Lea Thompson does a great job as the sweet, understanding girlfriend with (as all those kids) a huge chip on her shoulder. This movie will draw you in on a rainy Sunday.
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Nostalgia and chemistry
10 March 2023
Four episodes in, I'm perplexed by the negative reviews (probably a bunchof Gen Z and Millens hooked on ancient fantasy nonsense). Yes, there's lots of smoking (and drinking and other things). That's what went on in the 70's. What we also have incredible chemistry between the characters and a glimpse into a culture that seemed only a dream for working class garage band kids growing up in the 70's, it's fascinating to see the music industry from the perspective of pre-computer musicians who only wanted to have fun and jam real music and showed (at least on stage and creatively) little interest in the goings on in the outside world. Daisy is a talented, yet free spirited loner wild child on a path to self destructive addiction; Billy is an intense and conflicted genius, as he tries to balance his family life with the RnR lifestyle. It's clear they can't live with, or without, each other. The entire band is somewhat of a disfunctional family, but they are family. It has a soap opera feel, emotions are expressed in song. Looking forward to the continuation of the series.
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Great movie!
24 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
No matter how bad you want to get away; something will always draw you back. JD is recent law school grad who's firmly entrenched in the east coast yuppie lifestyle. A native Kentucky Appalachian, he's struggled to over come poverty, severe family disfunction, bad friend choices, and a bleak future that is typical of most juvenile citizens of the mountain culture. I love that the story is true and by the scroll at the end , everyone is doing as well as can be expected. Forget everything you've ever thought about Glenn Close. Her turn as ragged, chain smoking, run-hard-and-put-away-wet, long suffering old lady is spectacular. For those of you who expect this to be some sort of documentary and peering into a hidden culture of stereotyped hillbillies, inbreeds, and moonshiners; you'll be sorely disappointed. Social justice warriors will decry the lack of explanation, causes, money; for domestic violence, addiction, poverty, etc.
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Eerily fascinating
28 October 2020
Interesting, disturbing, and tragic; the colorful centuries long stories of NYC's Bowery culminate (sort of) with the follow-them-around documentary of the residents of Sunshine Hotel. The "hotel" is a turn of the century former factory that has been broken off into rooms about the size of a broom closet; typically referred to as a "flop house". The men (and one trans female); are as different as night and day, but share a common bond; life has failed them in some way. Their day to day life is surrounded by substance abuse, mental health issues, trash, bugs, rodents,disappointment, loneliness, and shattered dreams. These guys make the best of their situation with sad, haunting matter-of-fact acceptance. Released just before 9/11/01, the irony of the transformation of NYC isn't lost on the viewer as we see the Twin Towers in the background.
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Deliverance (1972)
Not a chick flick
23 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
They should've played golf that weekend. Brilliant, frightening, thought provoking, incredibly intense. Deliverance is the story of 4 very different city guys who take a camping trip in the backwoods of Georgia. The group (lead by hunky, arrogant, all American testosterone overloaded Burt Reynolds) finds themselves in the middle of a nightmare at the hands of some very violent and unwelcoming locals. Man vs. nature, man vs. man, social hierarchies, control, brain vs. Braun, environmentalism, masculinity; fear vs. bravery; the themes of this cinematic treasure abound with a backdrop of spectacular natural beauty. A true classic and worth every minute of your viewing investment.
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Stay on the interstate!
14 October 2020
Why are we so dang mesmerized by Satanic worship movies; especially ones involving babies and children? Why do we always know a vehicle with "regular" people traveling in the barren desert, or a snowstorm, or in Hillbilly Holler is asking for trouble? This low budget psychological thriller is as good as any of them, and plays upon these universal fascinations and fears, without extreme over the top gore. Nonetheless, the viewer enters a twisted, horrific, and (at first) confusing scenario, similar to that of our "normal" family. We don't have any idea what's going on, neither do they. In a minor stroke of brilliance, there isn't much in the way of dialogue. The major players are trying to wrap their brains around their current situation. Slowly, the story comes together as we realize a small town cult is tied to deaths of parents of young children. Strother Martin gives an entertaining, campy performance as the mild mannered town doc who moonlights as the leader of a geriatric Satanic cult. Surely that role resulted in a visit to his cardiologist after filming.
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Never gets old
7 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
33 years ago I was a full time, broke college student working a lousy job in a grocery store. My manager came to work, pale and bug eyed; "You all have GOT to see this movie!!" My boyfriend and I did. I crawled under the seat at the "bunny" scene and cried all the way home. Suspense out the you know what; rising, boiling tension (water is a central theme in this movie); perfect casting right down to the child, the disinterested cop, and the jovial, yet shocked best friends. It deserves a 10 but gets a point deducted for some obvious continuity goofs; the most glaring of which was the amusement park scene. There are NO rides open north of the Mason Dixon Line in December; certainly not N.Y. My late mother with cognitive/dementia issues watched it for the first time a few years ago. She was riveted and followed the intensity of this cinematic treasure.
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Not too shabby for $6500
5 February 2020
Definitely low budget but not disappointing. The young girl did a very decent job as the lead. No special effects, no Hollywood big budget shock scenes. In reality, the events depicted would be far more catastrophic; since there are very few people with self sustaining skills. Our existence is fragile and reliant upon precarious and vulnerable infrastructure. It'll make you think. I highly recommend the novel "Ten Seconds After". Absolutely chilling.
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Worth watching!
29 May 2019
On Jan. 28, 1986 I was HS senior home for snow day in Maryland. Bored and bratty, I begrudgingly channel surfed and ended up watching "another" shuttle launch that by this point, seemed routine. At first it didn't seem real. They HAD to have made it. My dad squashed all hope. "Thousands of pounds of rocket fuel. No way." Anyway, this movie recounts the tension filled hours prior to launch as one engineer tries to convince his colleagues and NASA that the weather at Cape Canaveral is way too cold for the o-rings to properly expand. Great acting; as if these were the real guys. History, documentary, and disaster buffs will enjoy.
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Threads (1984 TV Movie)
Real life horror
26 May 2019
I first viewed this in the mid 80's as a teen. As others have said, the shock and realism led to stomach pains and nightmares. My mother actually left the room after the vivid bomb scene (not remotely the most horrific scene of the movie). The premise is common sense simple. Nuclear war is the end of civilized society. There's no rebuilding, no structure, government, or law and order. The few survivors revert to animalistic behavior. This film is not for the squeamish and delicate sensibilities. It's raw, shocking, and presents the most realistic depiction of an apocalyptic society. I don't want to reveal spoilers, but the basic plot deals with 2 families from Sheffield, England as they cope with the impending shot gun marriage of their son and daughter; Typical facts of life that every culture encounters. In the back ground, on tv and in the papers, tensions are rising as world super powers are becoming increasingly aggressive and provocative. City leaders dig out their "war Bibles" and try to plan for the unthinkable. Their efforts are nearly useless. The aftermath is a dark, disturbing, horrific hell on Earth as a pregnant woman, completely alone, struggles to survive. There is no happy ending. I recently viewed it again and there was absolutely no feeling of desensitization, just an incredible feeling of dread and hope that if this ever does happen, I'll be part of the initial blast casualties. Every single world leader needs to watch this movie.
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