
20 Reviews
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Analyze That (2002)
Good Sequel
4 December 2002
A good sequel to Analyze This, but not as good as its predecessor. I guess that's to be expected, since most sequels fail to live up to expectations. Still, despite its minor flaws, it was overall an entertaining film and if you enjoyed the first one, by all means see this one, too.
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Spider-Man (2002)
Good, but does not live up to the hype.
3 June 2002
Spider-Man is my all-time favorite super hero. I read the comics religiously as a teenager. I was very apprehensive about a big-screen adaptation. All the ads made the costume look cheesy, the Goblin looked really lame, and they made his web-shooters "built-in". After watching the film, I have to say that I enjoyed it. It was not as bad as I had expected, in fact, it was actually pretty good. It is worth seeing (even if it drags a bit in the middle), but I don't think it deserves the rave reviews it is getting.
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Almost Live! (1984–1999)
I watched this regularly.
3 April 2002
I used to watch this show on a regular basis when it was airing as re-runs on Comedy Central. I loved it! I wish it would make a come-back!

Some of my favorite skits include "Mind Your Manners with Billy Quan" or "The High-Fiving White Guys" or the adventures of the "Speed Walker" who was a superhero who, well, he speed walked around Seattle fighting crime. Just looney. Of course, who could forget the skit about a hunting season for street mimes? "Wait! You can't shoot him, he's behind an invisible wall. It would be unsportsman-like" or something to that effect.

I agree with other posters here who say this show was better than the crap they were doing on SNL at the time. I miss it.
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Not that bad, but not that great either.
20 February 2002
I saw this film last night at a free sneak preview. I have to say that while I was entertained, there were some things about the film I did not like.

1) The acting is sub-par all around. Aaliya may have been a gifted musician (I'm not familiar with her music, so I don't know), but she was a horrible actress. Townsend was not much better. Considering that these two are the top-billed cast members should prepare you for the lackluster performances from the rest of the cast.

2) I have never read any of Anne Rice's "Vampire Chronicles" so I don't know what specifically was cut out for the screenplay. What I do know is that they obviously cut out too much. There is too much that is not explained adequately on screen. It was plainly apparent that many sub-plots had been deleted, and therefore, a lot of potential was wasted.

3) The score, in several places, became an annoyance as the music "dramatically" elevated to a piercing screech that only made me wince in pain.

4) The eye makeup of the vampires in the movie made me wonder how they have managed to stay secret for so long, being that they all look alike. They all had the exact same discoloration at the corners of their eyes (near the nose). Visually, it was very distracting and failed at making the vampires look otherworldly - it looked more like that crud that forms in the corners of your eyes while you're sleeping.

Now, all that being said I feel the movie is not a complete waste of time. Aaliya, while not a great actress, is certainly pleasing to the eye. And there is enough action and special effects to keep the lukewarm plot going until the end. See it at an early matinee and save a little cash.

I gave it a 5 (out of 10).
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Fun Heist Flick
5 December 2001
I have to admit, the film was fun to watch.

The story is somewhat predictable - if you haven't seen it yet, you can probably guess how it ends anyway.

Eleven professional criminals - each with a special talent - team up for the biggest score in the history of Las Vegas. How do they pull that off? Well, that's the fun in watching this movie, at least for me. Watching the elaborate plot come to fruition can be very entertaining. Even though I guessed certain points of their plan before they were revealed, I enjoyed seeing the "flawless" execution of said plan.

I don't believe there is any award-winning material here, but it was a nice update of the good old-fashioned "heist" flick.
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Almost Right!
5 December 2001
Finally, a Disney animated film that lacks the two things I hate most about animated Disney films:

1) No SINGING!!!

2) No Anachronistic (voiced-by-a-popular-comedian) Sidekicks!!!

That said, the animation was up to the usual Disney standards. But the story, unfortunately, needed a little more development. The plot was so stop-and-go in the pacing that I nearly got whiplash: no gradual build-up to the climax, just short action-packed sequences interspersed along an otherwise long and uninteresting journey.

There were also a couple of story elements that were entirely too contrived and inconsistent, but I risk spoiling the story for those who have not seen the film yet.

Overall, I enjoyed it. But Disney still has a lot of work to do if they plan on making PG rated animated films like this in the future.
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The Tick (2001– )
Hit or Miss? Depends on if you're already a fan...
9 November 2001
Saw "The Tick" sit-com last night. Weird. Really Weird. I have to first say that I loved the animated series and have seen nearly all of the original episodes. I was skeptical of a live-action series. Here are my thoughts after watching the pilot.

Likes: The freedom of subject matter due to the evening time slot as opposed to Sat mornings. (Sexual innuendo, mention of the word "tit", Captain Liberty's cleavage...) The deliberately low-budget look. ("Jimmy Carter" was in the pilot, but they only showed him from behind.) The animatronics for the Tick's antennae (they MOVE!) and Arthur's wing-deployment mechanism (it's a dead-on copy of the cartoon).

Dislikes: The Tick's face is completely exposed (just doesn't look like the Tick to me). Lacks the rapid-fire pacing of the cartoon. The live-action Tick has nowhere near the enthusiasm of his animated counterpart (but he does narrate his actions constantly).

This is one of those "wait and see how it goes" kinda shows. No matter which way it goes, however, it doesn't have enough main-stream appeal to last more than a season.
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Fine acting, but a bit too slow.
1 October 2001
Overall, the main cast turn in fine performances all around, but I felt the film could have used a bit more editing. Perhaps cutting about 10 to 15 minutes would have been about right.

Otherwise, not much more than your typical "flash-back to growing up" story, but with a light touch of the paranormal that serves only as a plot device (not having any real impact on the story itself).
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Training Day (2001)
1 October 2001
Having heard very little about this film, I walked into a preview screening with no idea what to expect.

I have to say, I was entertained from start to finish. For me, that says a lot (just read some of my other recent reviews). And isn't being entertained what counts?

Ethan Hawke and Denzel Washington are both superb in their roles, and are instantly beleivable as the naive beat cop and the veteran narcotics detective. Hawke questions Washington's over-the-line methods at every turn, only to be faced with the effectiveness of those methods. With so many recent headlines referencing scandal and internal investigations of police forces across the country, this film is relevant, and carries a gritty realism that left an impression in my mind.

Definately not an action summer blockbuster, but too good to be passed up...
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Robin Hood with a Six-gun?
15 August 2001
I left the theatre wondering if I really enjoyed this film or not. And you should never have to ask yourself if you like should be a clear "yes" or "no" answer.

Aside from the great number of historical inaccuracies (allow the writers some degree of creative license here), I thought the film had an unfinished feel to it. The story ends just when things are getting interesting, in my opinion.

The characters are unconvincing...Timothy Dalton's accent seems to fade in and out through the whole film, as one example. All of the supporting characters are stereotypically stupid or incompetent, while the main characters seem to belong in a different era altogether.

To sum it all up, this is an action movie disguised as a western. It is also a very forgettable film, but you might enjoy it for the time it is on screen.
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Slap that Silly Goth!
11 July 2001
I have to admit that I enjoyed this movie. Bearing in mind that it is an independent film, and shot on a shoestring budget, I didn't get my expectations set too high. And this film was almost exactly what I expected: deliberately cheesy and mildly entertaining.

But I think the thing I liked best was the way this film utterly blasts the pretentious Goth lifestyle. Some of the dialogue when Lilith is hanging out at the Goth club is pretty amusing.

Not a bad attempt, considering the budget.
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Galaxy Quest (1999)
I Loved It!!!
22 June 2001
This movie is THE funniest Star Trek parody I have ever seen. Trekkies and non-Trekkies alike will find this movie hilarious, even though non-Trekkies may not get all of the in-jokes.

I don't remember the last time I laughed so hard through an entire movie! You MUST see "Galaxy Quest!"
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Swordfish (2001)
The Matrix meets Heat
6 June 2001
"The Matrix" meets "Heat" is one way I described this movie to a friend. But, unfortunately, it is not a very good mixture. The movie is so over-the-top that the explosions and gun fights quickly lost their impact (for me at least). I get the feeling that it was supposed to be satire, but for me it just didn't work.

Note to filmmakers: the "bullet-time" photography technique used in "The Matrix" has, unfortunately, been overused and is now cliché. Just thought all you directors and producers out there would like to know.

A very great concept of a movie that was almost right on target. Briefly entertaining for the action sequences and Halle Berry's topless scene, but otherwise a very forgettable film.
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The Crow (1994)
One of my favorite movies of all time.
5 June 2001
I can't say enough about this film. It is one of my all-time favorite films. After reading the comic book by James O'Barr, I eagerly anticipated the arrival of this film (thanks for letting me borrow your copies of the comic book, Matt!). What a pity Brandon Lee was killed midway through production...I would have loved to see more of his work. The dark nature of the film and its hero might not appeal to everyone, but for me it was right on the money. I find the movie fascinating and moving every time I view it. Yes, I said "moving" because I can feel the hero's pain and torment. Hey, how would you feel after coming back from the dead to avenge the murder of your one true love? As far as comic-book-to-big-screen adaptations go, this one gets the mood and feel of the original comics perfect. Great film. If you only see one "Crow" film, see this one. All others are pale imitations of this film's greatness.
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Shrek (2001)
How could anyone stand this garbage?
29 May 2001
I, unfortunately, saw Shrek this weekend. Any "adult" who says they liked this movie should have thier head examined. The kiddies will like the cartoon-quality characters and crude "gross-out" humor. That's all there is to this film.

The humor could have kept me entertained, had the comedy not been severely lacking in both timing and delivery. I must admit, however, I found the interrogation scene very amusing.

In short, see this movie if you think passing gas is genius-level comedy writing. See this movie if you like impressive computer rendering. See this movie if you would like to take a nap. See this movie if your age or your I.Q. is under 20. This is a kiddie movie and nothing more, I still can't figure out what material warranted a 'PG' rating.
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Overall, not too bad...
18 May 2001
...but my first complaint is: "How many times must we watch the face-in-the-dust-cloud special effect?" I saw it in the first movie and was not impressed then, why should I be impressed with it being used TWICE the second time around?

Honestly, the first movie was so forgettable, I don't even remember how they defeated Imhotep at the end. I tried, but couldn't recall. But that may have been a good thing. Since I had put the monstrosity of a film called 'The Mummy' behind me last summer, I was able to enjoy this sequel as a stand-alone story in its own right. In that regard, I admit I was mildly entertained.

Unfortunately, most of the "entertainment" value came from predicting the plot "twists" and noting where certain scenes and characters were stolen from. I said out loud "But she'll make point five past light speed!" when the pilot says "She may not look like much..."

And where was that tattoo on Brendan Fraser's arm in the first movie? And the weapons used in the 'cat fight' scenes between Nefertiri and Anuk-sun-whatever are oriental weapons...not Egyptian. And when will bad guys learn not to leave detailed instructions on how to defeat them just lying around in their lair?

Turn your brain off while watching this one, or have fun playing "Mystery Science Theatre," but don't expect too much.
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Rapid Assault (1997 Video)
5 March 2001
Some movies are bad. Some are awful. This one, however, is just insulting to the intelligence of the viewer.

It's obvious those who produced, directed and wrote this film have absolutely no knowledge of the United States military, or biological weapons. For example: the Los Angeles class submarine in this film is used, several times, for taking on and disembarking a SEAL team while 800 ft below the surface. Yeah. Right.

Then there's the cheesy effects for the deadly biological weapon that looks like neon-glow snot.

I could go on, but it's not worth the time I've already wasted with this review thus far.
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A Pleasant Surprise!
21 September 2000
As a child who refuses to grow up, I still watch action/adventure cartoons, despite the looks I receive from more "matured" friends. I have always liked the Warner Bros. Batman and Superman animated series. When Batman Beyond first aired last year, I was hooked. True, it is a children's show, but I enjoy the animation and the handling of occasionally mature subject matter (such as death).

I was expecting more of the same with the feature-length "Return of the Joker." And got more than I anticipated. The animation was smooth and fluid, even more so than the TV show. The story is engaging: you keep watching to find out how the Joker has managed to return after so many years, and not have aged at all. (No, I won't tell you. You'll have to see for yourself!)

Parents be aware, there are actually on-screen deaths! Sure, there's no blood or gore, but you may have to explain to small kids why the cartoon character didn't get back up again.

Overall, a very good time if you are a Batman fan, or like quality animation.
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The Cell (2000)
Was this supposed to be scary?
11 September 2000
I sure hope not. This film was mediocre, at best. The story, acting, and character development all took a backseat to the visual effects. By the way, the visual effects were not that impressive. I've seen more disturbing visuals in music videos than in this movie. In fact, now that I think about it the whole movie looked more like a music video than the disturbing thriller it was supposed to be. You could very easily add dancers in tight shiny outfits and a top 40 soundtrack to any one of the dreamscapes and have the next MTV hit video. Save your money folks.
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Highlander: End Shame
11 September 2000
I loved the original movie. I was an avid follower of the TV series. I was expecting a good sequel for a change.

I was disappointed.

This movie was nothing more than an episode of the TV series presented on a big screen. It should have been a two-parter for the TV show. Unless you like continuity. If you don't mind when the writers completely disregard all previous history and storyline, then I guess you'll be OK. Even I can understand the need to make the few changes needed to have facilitated the TV show in the first place.

But the writers take everything we know about the Highlander universe and pitch it out the window, so they can start over I guess. If you know anything about the history of the main characters, you will be slightly confused. If this is your first trip into the world of Highlander, you will be completely LOST! Example: If you've never seen an episode of the TV show, you will have no idea who Joe Dawson is, who Methos is, and what the Watchers' purpose is.

"In the end, there should have been only one." But we have sequels...
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