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Avoid and save yourself time you will never get back!
23 December 2014
I'm not a Playstation fan. But I bought one to play the game that this movie is based on. So seeing this movie was a must for me since Heavenly Sword was so amazing, especially the characters. After preparing a meal, speakers turned up, lights low I started this movie. After a small intro the action started. 10 seconds later I wanted to stop watching because the movie felt REALLY terrible.

The editing was such a mess that the movie feels all over the place and confusing. Its like if someone took all the cut scenes out of a game and made a movie out of them. Half the time I was like "Wait, what happened to the end of the last scene?" or "Now whats happenings?!?". The story is barley coherent. The animations aren't all that great and the game itself sadly looks way better then this movie does.

It felt like you were watching some low budget movie made on someones computer at home. And the voice overs were terrible too. The original voice actors from the games take up their roles again but everything feels really off when people speak. Sometimes things are not perfectly lined up to match the mouth. Other times it feels like the voice isn't coming from who you are watching, but more of a narrators voice.

Only reason I gave this two stars is because I like Nariko and Kai. And their voices. Other then that I really wished I had given up on this movie early on instead of sitting to the end. Many MANY times I found myself wanting to end it. Assuming you watch it and make it to the end.... prepare yourself as the story makes even less sense and leaves you wondering what your doing with your life watching such a terrible movie.

I feel bad about this review because I had high hopes for this that it would extend the Heavenly Sword series to new people. All it did was scare off people.
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Chronicle (2012)
Not what the trailer shown....
9 February 2012
There are no spoilers in my review, with that said I never rate a movie 1, I never understood why anyone ever has until I seen this movie.

I wanted to see it based on the trailer which make it look like some action filled movie with a cool story and good music. Sadly the movie was anything but that. Its all done "Blair Witch" style with the camera. Music isn't real in it at all. The acting was only OK. The story has so many plot holes. On top of all this it very very low budget and poorly done.

I've rarely get steered wrong by the average movie score on this site, but this time the score is WAY off. Goes to show you, your should wait for movie reviews.
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Alice in Wonderland (I) (2010)
Not like the book/game (which is SUPPOSED to be a sequel)
15 March 2010
Lets get something straight, most people are reviewing this and saying its horrible because its not like "Alice in Wonderland" (the classic). What Disney and the producer fail to mention is this movie is NOT based on that classic. Which is why so many are confused.

When it was in production the producer (at least at the time) said he based it on two things: A. the comic "Return to Wonderland" B. the game "American Mcgees Alice"

Both of these are very grim and macabre things. So when you see this movie this is obviously not the direction they went it. Which is why the movie flopped. You can't make a "sequal" to a classic movie and try to make it kid friendly but make it like its macabre counter part and then screw around with the story. It just doesn't work. Its like the threw everything in a blender.

The theme they choose to was awful. Example the tiny bodies or Depps god awful character. I love Depp, hes always great in his roles but I don't ever want to see him again in this.

So this is why I gave it a 2. It ONLY gets a 2 because they didn't do a totally bad job with the graphics. Other then that the movie was horrible. I only seen it because my friend wanted to.

Save your money. If you really want to know what Alice does past the classics we know go read the comic or play the older game. You won't be disappointed. This movie is just a blemish in Wonderlands history.
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The WEAKEST Indy movie (well the only weak one).
24 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers aren't posted until later.

Aside from all the crappy things there was a good amount of twists in it. And, uh, thats really the only good thing I can say about it. So heres why it was bad.

1. Over done action scenes. In kids movies you'd see a car fall from a skyscraper with people in it and be fine. Thats a kids movie. Those are the kind of over the top scenes in this movie!

2. This movie is based around the Crystal Skull obviously going by the title but when you find out more about it near the end your like "WHAT???". In my opinion it killed the movie for me.

3. The "villain" was a Russian woman who I can't tell was suppose to be good, bad, sexy or not sexy. The bad guys in general were kinda boring and dull like the movie. If anything there wasn't much attention to fighting half the time since the movie jumped around a lot.

4.This movie does A lot of jumping around. There's a comedy scene, a random scene that makes no sense, a fight scene, another random senseless scene, a chase scene, ANOTHER random useless scene. I think they needed extra footage. They had things like stupid gofers half the time when people would fall that would smile almost. Or a scene where the Mutt was swinging around on vines like Tarzan with monkeys. Trust me its MUCH more corny then it sounds.

5. For some reason to me the CGI seemed really bad. I am surprised for both of these directors.

6. Lastly another "bigger" nail in the coffin is the fact there was no real Indy...well Indy stuff! Usually he looks for clues, looks for traps, sets them off, figures out stuff, know exciting archeology stuff. In this? Not really. The temple(s) he simply walked in and out of pretty much no fancy puzzles or clues to untangle. No traps that were cool. Pretty boring.

===OVERALL (non spoiler version)=== Overall this whole movie from the minute you find out more about Crystal Skull really hurts the movie most.

Some people are fine with "the truth" but they don't obviously understand the premise and background of the the series or Indy. The series has been about historical artifacts and what not. Not "that stuff" or stupid over done scenes! So this makes it the worst Indy movie for these reasons in my review. Hopefully the confirmed 5th one will be back to its origins and not any more crazy stuff, beyond silly scenes or whatever else they come up with.

(((SPOILERS...THESE WILL RUIN THE MOVIE ENTIRELY!))) So what killed the movie for me then? Well I listed the some things above but let me actually go into the actual detail then.

1. Some of the actions scenes for instance that were to over board were: -Indy hides in a fridge, and first off the fridge SURVIVES a nuclear blast that is about 1/2 mile away. Then past that fact he survives a VERY violent throw(nuke throws him) and tumble across a desert and then some! Oh and then he gets up out of it and looks at the nukes explosion even though hes still pretty dang close. WHAT?!?!? Lame.

-Or the scene where Marion drives off a cliff HAPPENS to land in the only tree. Which HAPPENS to bend perfectly in to the water a distance below where she HAPPENS to be able to drive off of it PERFECTLY into the water (car is a boat/car thing) and it (tree) HAPPENS to snap back perfectly and knock off some Russians on the cliff climbing down. Lame.

There are a lot of scenes like this that are past pushing the envelope of corny and ruin it.

2. The Crystal Skull is an ALIEN SKULL. With "supposed" powers. Nothing really useful in the movie but it gets worse. The skull gets returned to alien skeletons where through silly looking animatronics they activate their UFO which even I have to admit looks HORRIBLE for CGI and lamely kills a certain bad guy and destroy the fake temple and it flys out of the ground...etc. The thing is huge but its a 50s looking saucer so if it didn't look bad enough being 50s looking it also was seriously badly done CGI.

3. As for the clues finding them, looking for traps...etc. I'll expand. -In one scene the massive clue to getting in the temple is... the crazy guys tells him to smash a rock to release sand. So everyone smashes these rocks and it works. WOW...that was thrilling. Thats about all the clue finding/guessing in the movie really since the crazy guy knows everything anyways.

-Temples. In two scenes each temple they can walk in pretty easy. In the first they simply find it and take out the massive army of...two guys armed with blow guns. In the second temple there's a actually group of guys. They hold up the magic alien skull and pass them! Thrilling. Inside more guys climb out of the walls, no explanation how they got in solid walls but whatever. Then they vanish once Indy and his crew get into the magic ALIEN ufo thing! ZZZ.

Yeah there's all your exciting temple/clue searching and doing for ya!
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I Am Legend (2007)
Masterpiece of a movie!
26 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I really am confused why a lot of people are so dense when they write bad reviews. Movies can't be like books for one because they have limited time to show them in. And movies don't "Steal" ideas. This movie is "roughly" based on the book "I Am Legend" so don't expect really any of it to be like the book.

I thought the movie was much like Cast Away. Very little music, very little....well...if you seen Cast Away you know what I am talking about. This is one of Will Smiths best movies and I am by no means a fan of his. This isn't a "Zombie" flick or a movie about action! Its a movie about a mans struggle. Yeah there's a story behind and maybe even some "moral" to it about what man shouldn't do. But this movie focuses on Will's character and his struggle to sanity being the last person alive even after finally being hunted down by the zombies.

Is the movie perfect? Of course not. There is no such thing as a perfect movie. But its one of the best movies I have seen in a long time.
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Hitman (I) (2007)
Worth seeing if you enjoy the game!
21 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Well I love Hit-man. Own every game. Spent thousands of hours playing them every way possible! I even dress up as Agent 4y every Halloween. So naturally I had to see the movie. But unlike most people who want to see the "game to movies" I don't expect the movie to be 100% accurate.

First I'll comment in its accuracy. 47 would never have sympathy for anything, although he did have a bird in the game it appears he "liked". So maybe its possible. But the girl in this movie he was suppose to kill and he didn't, he always kills his targets.

Second the beginning was crappy. 47 is a clone. They are not orphans and what not raised to be killers. And on one scene you see one of them is black. Nothing racist but all the clones are exactly the same and white. How can A clone be black? But like all things made to a movie they have to keep it more open to a broader spectrum.

Lastly there a few minors things that didn't really bug me but 47 wouldn't do like talk so much, get on camera, move the way this guy did...etc. Nothing major.

As for the rest of the movie it was great! The blood was the right amount, the action was perfect and even the story felt like the Hit-man style. I like the scenes that are just like in the game like the rubber ducky and what not. Some people didn't like nudity because there wasn't any in the game. The game isn't for kids anyways. Its a dark game about a dark subject.

The actors were all great and pulled it off well although I didn't care much for the guy playing 47. His voice was awkward and face was a little weird. Maybe I am to use to him in Live Free or Die Hard.
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King Kong (2005)
Jackson makes yet another great movie of all time!
20 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Having seen King Kong (the original), then many "Kong" spin offs that were silly and then seeing the trailer for this I had to see it! This movie looked amazing and with Jackson directing it you knew it would be good. He even said he had wanted to remake his whole life so you know it will be good.

The visual effects were amazing for Kong, the dinosaurs weren't anything extremely real but it was real enough that you were too caught up to care! Jackson stuck to the original Kong and then the later 70's version while adding a lot more emotions to this like comedy, drama and action.

One thing I would point out is I wouldn't take kids to see this, the scene with the natives when the first get on the island was really intense and the natives themselves were pretty "evil" looking, besides kids I even seen some adults looking in shock. Not that there was blood and guts or anything but it was just a really intense and frightening scene!

I must say I was shocked when people afterwords were complaining about its length of 3 hours. In a time when tickets are expensive and movies are rarely long I'm happy to find a nice long movie.

Overall its one of the best movies I've seen in a long time! Go see it!
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I'm still speechless!!!!!! Must see it again!!!
18 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I seen the movie yesterday night thanks to my local theater having a Midnight showing!

Well after emptying my bank account on refreshments a sat down in a packed theater and watch the intro roll in "Star Wars". :Chills runs down neck:

This movie was the best out of the 3 in Pre-Trilogy! I was going to give up on Lucas after the last two but after seeing the trailer i had faith again and now after seeing the movie he ended the 6 movie long series great! The battle scenes were amazingly detailed and made you just sit in awe, the Jedi battles were even cooler and the story(which most Star wars fans mostly knew) was great to watch on a big screen! I'm definitely going to see it at least 30 times at my local $1 theater when it comes there(really 30 times).

The only thing is while its been a great journey for the younger people that have seen Episodes 1 and 2 and now are teens(maybe adults) this one is definitely a little darker then the others and could be more scary. Its still FUN in the star wars sense but darker non the less.

-=SPOILERS=- The best moment on the screen was seeing Vader for the first time. When you first see it you get chills and it just seems like everything is complete in the star wars MOVIE universe! There's a lot of moments when you'll sit there and you'll be like "Oh... so thats why thats that way in the next movie"... grant it its a little bit in the future. -=END SPOILERS=-

I got to say ever notice all the negative comments are always first reviews & never say anything about what was IN the movie? Almost as if they "really" didn't see it and are just bashing it? Hmmm...
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Elektra (2005)
One of the best comic book movies ever. Ignore the "BAD REVIEWS"!
24 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
OK I've read a lot of Elektra comics (Yes its with a K for those who say it with a c that claim there such big fans on here).

I thought this movie was awesome, OK its no Xmen or Spiderman action wise but man it was still really cool to watch!! If you liked daredevil this is definitely better not to mention Elektra is a cooler character.

I wont post any spoilers but Electra you learn is a killer(aka assassin) and she has to kill a girl(WITH SECRETS!) and this girls dad but she protects them instead and through out he movie she fights some really great enemies and there's a group in all this called "The Hand"(Yes its cheesy sounding). All in all id see it again, probably even buy.

The effects in this really are what made the movie. When i watched it it felt like watching XMen in some scenes! Although there technically isn't really a lot of action its still really good.

As for seeing it if you already haven't, i noticed 98% of the bad reviews are posted right at the beginning when the movie opened. Those were probably people that bought into the over-hyped publicity of the movie then got disappointed.

So ill point out, see this movie if your a Elektra fan or a MARVEL fan. Even if your into action. Although if your not into any of these three then its really up to you because you may or may not like it.
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Best disaster movie ever(from a hardcore movie man).
28 May 2004
Warning: Spoilers
OK i seen the trailer and was thinking "Oh man i love this guys movies. I gotta see it" Boy was a disappointed......that i only paid $4.50. I would have paid more to see this!

Great graphics and makes you almost feel nervous! Mind you the script its self it kinda ....weak. But id definitely go see this movie again.

BTW on a side note work for the U.S. Geological Society and what you see in the movie would never happen in real life.(POSSIBLE SPOILER) There isn't enough fresh water to melt the WHOLE glacier like it shows. Even if there was somehow(never gonna happen) it wouldn't be that bad with cars flying everywhere and tornado's like that.

Global warming isn't going to happen anyways. You should be more afraid of the volcano underneath Yellowstone.
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Perfection of the rings. Read this for the truth about the negatives.
23 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this movie. This was the best movie ive ever seen. Its nearly perfect and never gets boring. Now im not one of those simply die hard fans that sees every showing and dresses up in LOTR stuff and buys every LOTR item but i am a fan non the less. And i have seen this movie 3 times. To me the 1st movie was good and the second one was slow. But this one is the best move ever by far.

When you first sit down your expecting maybe like in The Two Towers where it drags on and on. And most people would because its nearly 4 hours. But it goes by so fast that youll want more when its over. I think Peter Jackson did an amazing job. I think any company that gives this movie a bad rating should try making a better version adn then maybe they can appreciate all the work and time put into these movies!

The battle scenes were perfect to say the least, the charecters have a awsome build up and interaction and the detail in the movie is overwhelming. Youll cry, youll laugh then at the very end when its over youll die because there nothing else to do in life after seeing this movie!

I dont see what people are saying about this "multiple Ending" Thing. The movie only ends once!Maybe it feels like its going to end mutiple times but i think if it just ended with just the ring and what happens(all ill say or it will be a spoiler) then no one would like the ending, because you it would be like the wonderful COUGH-CRAP-COUGH Matrix Revolutions where it leave you asking more questions.

Another thing is alot of people dont like this movie to much because it isnt like the book. If your basing how good it is compared to the book then you shouldnt be rating this movie. Besides the fact the length of the book as a movie would be very long the money needed is impossible to have.

IMO go see the movie and forget what any reviews say. Just remember if your going to rate it dont judge it on how accurate it is to the book.
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5 November 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Ok the first one had lots of bullet time and a great story and was perfect. Then there was the second one which was better but had less bullet time. Now there is the final movie which besides the defending of Zion had crappy action and no bullet time.

As i die hard Matrix fan i was very disapointed. Ill say the bad points further in but as of now there is one thing that bugs me for younger people seeing this and that is that they dont need sexuality. The second one had basically a wet tshirt orgy. It also showed Neo and Trin making love in a artistic way but then they show them moaning and groaning which wasnt needed. In this one in a party club you see two topless girls doing sexual thigns to each others chests. This to me really makes a movie have less of a good rating.

WANT REALLY REALLY REALLY was horrid about this movie(Spoilers noted):

Spoiler-The fact the Trinity dies isnt that bad but the fact that theres a long sad speech that sounds liek what she always says in the other movies makes it a yawner and not that sad.

Spoiler-WHAT HAPPENED TO MORHPEUS??? Just like in the first one he makes speeches except these arent long there medium length and about every 10 minutes. They ruined his charecter.

Spoiler-What the heck was with the stupid comedy in it? Like agent smith taking over the Oracle and then the taked over Oracle laughing. WHAT??

Spoiler-Is it just me or has the ending been left open for more movies? For instance the Oracle says "We havent seen the last of him" or perhaps the fact that theres no the peace between machines and humans will last. What about the Matrix itself? If there is no one there then someone explain the point? So many questions such mind boggling theorys!

MY OVERALL THOUGHT: With the lack of Bullet Time, Action and acting this movie is horrid whats worse is that the story is like forced a bunch of puzzle pieces into places they dont fit. If you are or are not a Matirx fan id see it at least once. I personally think with the ending the way it was that the makers of the trilogy are planning another movie secretly or some tv series because to many things scream expansion. See the move and see why.

SIDE NOTE FOR PEOPLE THAT LIKE MECHS....YOULL LOVE THE MECH BATTLE! The battle for zion is the best scene ive ever seen in a movie!
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LOTR was amazing but this is even BETTER!!! Best movie(series) ever!!!!!
18 December 2002
Warning: Spoilers
(Possible Spoilers)

OK this move was better then what i thought. The opening scene with Gandalf was alone the best ive ever seen! And Helms deep...speechless!! I have never seen a more intense scene in my life!!! If you liked the first one (even if you hated it) go see this for at least the actions scenes!!!

()()Fast Fact()() Most people dont know this little fact but the Helms Deep fight scene took longer to make then any movie production of a film! ()()

This movie is packed with some major action. And it does have some scenec that seem to go on forever but the rest of it makes up for it!! In soweys this is even better then the last!!! I am a diehard LOTR fan and i cannot get enough of this movie!. This movie was defintely more dark and therfor some youger kids might find some of the creatures to be rather frightining.

Just like the first one when it ended i went nuts because i couldnt wait to see the second part!! Now i want to see the third Part!!!!! 12 more months!!! AHHHH!!!!

(*)(*)(*)(*)SIDE NOTE concerning accuracy to story(*)(*)(*)(*) I would like to point out that people might say its not like the book because they either missed stuff or didnt even add certain things but he told us from the beggining it was going to be diffrent!

Theres no way you can fit just one book into a movie. The movie would be hours and hours and hours long! The movie add the main points. Anyways i dont see anyone else spending millions to make a movie!
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Dont Listen to the PUT-DOWNS this is a Amazing Movie!!!!!!!
16 April 2001
Who cares if its not like the book. Jurrasic Park, Lost WOrld ect... NO movie is like the book.

I loved this movie. I am movie freak a see 1-2 movies a day.

There was nothing wrong with this movie. A matter of fact ive seen it 3 times(GASP says the commenters). The graphics and effects were amazing for a supposed flop. People say John Travolta charecter was cold and had a crappy personality. THATS THE POINT!!!

ARGHHH , The story,effects,graphics,sound,music(err) were great.

this is a must see!!
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Deep Blue Sea (1999)
Simply the best movie !!
16 April 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Some people believe the graphics were crappy. As if you guys that say that can do better.

I thought this was a amazing movie. Yes it was a new-style type.

These kind of movies dont have perrfect story lines but this one was great. I can describe it as a mix of Anaconda,Lake Placid and err....umm.. well some others.

This movie is somewhat better on the big screen.

BUT... if you wanna scare your self silly. Watch it on DVD on a BIGGG screen with surround sound and turn off all the lights!!!

The acting was great. The sharks looked real. The ending was a bit of a suprise, but im glad to see (Spoiler) all movies dont have the ending of the main charecter or hero win and lives.

This movie get 10 out of 10 stars!!! **********
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Hollow Man (2000)
Should be X instead of R
14 August 2000
X instead of R for this movie it has a ton of Nude Scenes that go beyond nudity. counted at least 7 or 8 scenes. Grant it hes invisible you know hes going to do things but this was definetly a a mistake for this movie.Other then that this movie is great in everyway. Theres a good story behind it. This isnt a gory movie. Such as no head being torn off or any of the things most people are use to seeing in these kind of movies. This would be the 2nd best movie ive seen next to the Matrix /Graphic Wise.
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