
5 Reviews
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Overrated? Too Stylized? No. Beautiful.
19 November 2003
This movie is awesome.

It's not the best movie I've ever seen, but, it's what I consider by far the coolest.

I loved Pulp Fiction and Reservoir dogs. I love Japanese animation and culture. I love violent films that hold no punches.

In this movie you get to see revenge. You get to see it really hardcore, the way it should be dramatized. You get to see throwbacks to old Bruce Lee and kung fu films. You get a beautiful tale of revenge wrapped around homage to a genre that didn't mind if it was goofy in parts... as long as the point got across:

It's not pretty when you chop off a head or a leg, but, it most certainly is...... meaningful.

The characters are awesome. Even characters whose names you don't become familiar with are excellently done.

The movie was so cool that there's really no way for me to make it make sense to you.

People say it's Overrated... these people like to think their opinion is golden and everyone else's isn't. They just want attention. Direct your attention instead to this movie.

Don't watch this movie if you are easily offended, or if you don't like action sequences. If you hated Pulp Fiction, this isn't for you.

The choreography of music and action and cut-sequences and dialogue in this movie has a "masterpiece" flavor to it. Yes, there are a couple parts that you can pick out and say "This was done poorly" in the action sequences... HOWEVER, the fact that you would do that, indicates that you should not ever return to a theater and waste your time or money. You missed all that beautiful stuff that's too hard to describe, and let yourself grunt about a silly-looking sword scene?

Awesome Cast Perfect Directing Beautiful Music Well Written Script Intelligent Violent Animation Sequence Perfect Blend
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Haiku Tunnel (2001)
Well done, despite critical reviews...
22 September 2003
Let me start by saying I have very little in common with a law temp.

This movie cannot be likened to Office Space except for in the fact that it deals with typical corporate America.

I see complaints that this movie is an inside joke, only understandable by certain people, etc... etc...

It's a really well done description of an experience, it's funny, and it describes with great accuracy the void experienced when life, in general sucks...

The well done monologue regarding his love for his own bed... his reaction upon meeting with the bed... his diversion from actual work to mess around writing his own novel rather than doing his work... his delaying of the easy work for gaps in the hard work... and various other details... the interaction with the guard and attempt to fast-talk his way into the building... all of these little parts are done so well and each one describes a flawed piece of the American workplace... with a dash of humor, this movie is extremely well done and something I think everyone should at least watch.

The negative reviews I read cast a dark shadow over my appreciation for the rest of the movie watching crowd... if you don't work as part of an office, you should most certainly NOT write a review for this... and if you work in an office and you wrote a bad review for this movie... maybe you should watch it again and realize which putz in the movie most accurately represents you, and then change your management style to more adequately fit your employees...

I think the accuracy of this film stabs manager-types in the chest with their own inadequacy and lack of insight, and appeals to those who work under them by illuminating the cycle of depression and cynicism the office instills.... and I think this was the goal of the movie, as well as drawing a few laughs.

Let me conclude by saying that this movie is NOT office space... it has very little to do with it. Office space is very 1 dimensional and thus more humorous... dealing with the utter lack of importance most of our work seems to have behind it (Filing those reports, using the right header) while this movie approaches the feeling of dread (the haiku tunnel itself) we face when given too much lattitude in pointless work after long periods of time, and the struggle to fit in with a model of business partially unfamiliar with what we do (working at S&M as a perm rather than temp, doing more than word processing)...

While not a world apart from Office Space, it is in fact more complex, more telling, less hollywood, and slightly less funny than it's counterpart.
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Critics of this movie only seek attention
18 December 2002
This movie and the previous one cannot be challenged with any degree of seriousness.

Ignore any comments that you read about this movie that say stock things such as "two dimensional characters" and "Just another action movie"...

People who say these things only seek to be against the flow, they set thier opinion against everyone else in order to gain attention.

This movie is excellent. I cannot think of another movie with as many stunning visuals, touching moments, and as much good acting.

So, write what you want, critics, this movie stands out far above the stock hollywood crap out there... it's an epic, and belongs in the IMDB top 250 EASILY.
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Lost Souls (2000)
Nothing Spectacular
14 October 2000
This movie was essentially a waste of time. Coming out on Friday the thirteenth was the only way it got many viewers at all, and probably could have been better released on television. If you want to see a good movie based on the Anti-Christ, watch The Devil's Advocate. It's essentially the same story, but done much better.
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Funny if you like toilet humor, and definitely overhyped.
5 June 2000
I found this movie to be overrated and rather full of rather vulgar humor and sickening sight gags. Just like American Pie and other modern comedies, There's Something About Mary lacks class and good humor. Watch a Mel Brooks film if you want to laugh, and this if you want to feel like a total loser in front of the screen.
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