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This was great!
18 June 2024
I'm surprised this isn't more famous. It's charming and hilarious. All the things Mr. Smith does, dancing with the young daughter, gambling, learning to be a soda jerk, pretending to be a painter, and all the other shenanigans he instigates are just hilarious. The only person that doesn't really fit is Rock Hudson. He does fine, he just doesn't look like he belongs.

I am curious how far $100k would go in the mid 20s. The internet says that's $1.7 million in 2024 but $1.7 million will not buy you a mansion anywhere that I know of. Even looking up Vermont, a house, smaller than the place they buy in the movie, is $14 million today. Of course it doesn't matter. It was just fun to think about, how far would $100k really go.
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Tron: Legacy (2010)
Nothing about this movie works
16 April 2024
They didn't get why the original worked and just used the name to tack onto a bad movie.

In the original, Kevin Flynn both created the main videos games and is clearly an expert at them as we see in his arcade. Once inside the computer, he excels at the Light Cycles game which makes sense as it's less physically demanding and probably uses the same skills he had from outside the game. But that's the only game he really plays. Flynn plays one Jai alai like game where he barely survives and is playing against a very unfit unskilled opponent. He never plays the disc based games that require tons of physical skill. Only Tron does that who was arguably programmed for it.

In the Legacy, Sam Flynn shows no real experience with video games but once inside he is suddenly master of the most physically demanding and skill requiring games there are.

The whole scene with Zeus was clearly inspired by the Merovingian from the Matrix but this scene completely doesn't work. Instead of an eccentric character we get just silly overacting and that is ultimately not interesting in any way. The Merovingian at least had somethings of value. Zeus had nothing.

During the movie Kevin Flynn, the father, has several very hippy / new age sounding lines. As far as could tell those were put in because they reflect Jeff Bridges' look. They don't fit the character of Kevin Flynn at all though. He was a computer hacker, not a hippy.

Compare the lightcycle battle in the original to the one in the sequel. If you can divorce yourself from the effects it should be very clear there is lots of tension and a strong feeling of speed in the original. The editing is tight. The speed is hyper. Then watch the lightcycle battle in the sequel. It's boring by comparison. No tension, no sense of speed. That doesn't even take into account that one of the things that made the original interesting is the 90 degree turns, something that can happen in a computer but not in the real world. That's the whole point of Tron, that inside the computer things are different. The rules of the outside world do not apply.

This same editing style is brought to the lightplane battle at the end which looks more like a sky ballet than a battle in cyberspace. They way the lightplanes fly they might has well been real world biplanes. It's slow and boring instead of tense and exciting. Such a huge opportunity was missed here to do something as creative as the original was with lightcycles.

There's also continuity issues with the original. You don't escape the computer world by standing in a beam of light and holding the disc above your head. That's how you communicate with your user. Did no one bring this up during production? Was the entire staff asleep or just not paying attention?

The sequel benefits from the advances in computer graphics but sadly it was all wasted. The style and designs in the original were far more interesting than the styles in the sequel. Of course that's subjective so let's try something a little less subjective. In the original everything in the computer is different from the outside world. In the sequel there's a nearly real world looking nightclub. In the sequel we have living rooms full of real world stuff. Real world looking food on a real world looking table with real world looking utensils. All of these distract from what made Tron special. Sure you can come up with various reasons why those things might exist inside the computer. That's not the point. The point is, the whole premise is about how inside the computer is DIFFERENT. Everything that makes it more like the real world makes it less interesting.

The sad part of it is Tron was a great premise and with the power of today's computer graphics in the hand of an inspired team could have been one of the most amazing movies experiences since the Matrix. Instead it's a pretty tame forgettable movie which has not only failed to live up to the original but spoiled the franchise forever.

Here's hoping someone, someday will come out with a cyberspace movie that really lives up to the potential of the topic.
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Fantasyland, not smart and witty
30 March 2024
What I liked. Seeing Bhutan. It's very beautiful, at least through the lens of the cinematographer for this movie.

What I didn't like is the "message". It seems there's supposed to be some lesson. Lessons like "Why do we need elections? All they cause is arguing and hate. We should just go back to having a King and forgetting about who makes the rules and what those rules are as we'd all be happier"

This only works if everyone is the same culture, same religion, same values. So apparently viewers buying into this message have something in common with white supremacists who push for such a situation where they push out diversity and inclusiveness because if you're a homogeneous monoculture/religion/race then, in general, everyone gets along.

As an example, homosexuality was illegal in Bhutan until 2021 (this movie is supposed to be taking place in 2006). So yea, if you wanted someone to represent LGBT rights but followed the message of this movie you'd never get them.

I don't consider myself either right or left but my gut says the people who love this movie are on the left and yet the message is about as far to the right as is possible. Just do whatever makes everyone happy! Yea, except that only works if everyone has the same things that make them happy and that only happens in monocultures.
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3 Body Problem (2024– )
Goes down hill
24 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I read the original so obviously they bias my opinion. In the case of Avatar: The Last Airbender, I thought their choices where good. But, in the case of 3 Body Problem I'm not quite feeling it.

For the first 5 episodes I was loving it. I had no issues with the changes in characters nor how they squeezed things to fit into the shorter time. But, from episode 5 on it just went downhill for me. The changes didn't seem like they added to the story or add to it. Rather they seemed like poor writing and bad ideas being jammed into the story with cliched scenes and responces. It started turning into a soap opera instead of hard scifi

I wanted to reach through the screen and punch the nanotech scientist who couldn't understand the stakes. I didn't buy for a second someone that smart could be that stupid. Bad writing.

The lead physics expert's scenes trying to convince her dying friend to, instead of do something amazing and meaningful with his last few days should instead sit in bed suffering. Probably the single worst writing ever. How they changed what actually happens to him also seems like it's going to turn into a new fiasco since it seems unsalvageable in any believable way to its importants later.

Of course I'll keep watching, but it just goes to show how in the same way the producers ruined Game of Thrones it appears likely they're going to ruin 3 Body Problem as well. I don't mind if they change it. I mind that that changes are bad.
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Meet John Doe (1941)
Hasn't aged well
2 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
OMG this is so dated. I love old movies but they aren't all good. This one is one of the bad ones. I've liked several Frank Capra movies but this one, ugh.

I suppose this says more about me than the movie but didn't buy it. The John Doe clubs form but in real life, people have different ideas about how to help each other and it's those disagreements which is why we have politics.

The bad guys have zero character. Why are trying to take over, "because they're evil! That's why!"

Why is does the newspaper head suddenly get religion? He wasn't stupid. He knew what was up when he started. So did Ann. She even wrote it. And he has this sappy "the star spangled banner gets me everytime" rah-rah thing.

There's even the obligatory appeal to Jesus at the end. As though there's no other religions in the world.

Why would there even be a rally? What did people expect to get out of it? The clubs send representatives. Sounds like a political party to me.

It's all just a bunch of nonsense.

The funny thing is this is the second time I watched this. The first time had so little impression on me I couldn't remember anything about it so I watched it again and wrote a summary for myself so I don't do it a 3rd time.

If you want a better Capra movie that you might not have seen try "You Can't Take It with You".
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Fan of the original. Loved it!
26 February 2024
I watched the entire original series twice. I thought this was an amazing version of the story. Maybe some details are different but for me, all the beats are there. Every actor was perfectly cast. Aang was great! Just enough of a kid. Perfect disarming smile. Sokka was a perfect as a movie version of Sokka. Not as silly as the cartoon but perfect for a live version. Katara was perfect. Prince Zuko was perfect. Uncle Iroh was perfect. Fire Lord Ozai was perfect. They did a great job with Bumi.

There was enough goofballness but not too much because it wouldn't have worked outside a cartoon. For me, in total, it surpassed the original! Watching the original it was clearly targeted at children. This one managed to be updated at least a little for a slight older audience.

The effects were pretty great too. I was worried in the first episode where they show the end of the Airbenders since it was hard to follow the moves but it picked up and was looking great by the end. They did an amazing job showing Earbending and Waterbending and all the creative ways to attack. I'm super looking forward to season 2.

I certainly would have loved it if they'd made it longer. More June for example since she was like on the screen for 2 minutes total or so it felt with no explanation of her talents. But, given they apparently had to squeeze it into 8 episodes for some reason I think they did an amazing job.
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Don't believe the hype
21 December 2023
This is just a mediocre movie and I don't know where all the hype comes from except maybe fanboys. Go in with low expectations because if you go in expecting a 8.1 (the current IMDB rating) you're going to be sorely disappointed.

It's more serious that most monster movies, maybe that's where people think it's good, because really, how many "serious" monster movies are there. But, ... it's a relatively typically highly overacted Japanese effects movie. Ridiculous dialog and melodrama-a-plenty. If you like K-Dramas or J-Dramas and you know how soapy they are then take some scenes from those and add Godzilla and you'll know what to expect.

It's also poorly edited, at least the end, as there's a long cut to alternate scenes right at the climax, robbing the climax of any impact.

The good: Godzilla is scary. He's not the protector of earth like some Godzilla movies. He's just a ridiculously overpowered monster and the humans have to try to deal with him.

Seeing Tokyo re-created in the 1940s was cool... Though not as good as the real deal from old 1940s/1950s movies.

Other good things, the songs from the original old movies, especially the "we can do it!" song. No idea what it's called but it's the song they always play when the humans start to put their ultimate plan in action in nearly every Godzilla movie.

I'm not against a serious monster movie, if it's good. But if we're ranking Godzilla movies, the last USA one, "Godzilla vs Kong", while it was a ridiculous and stupid movie, it was at least super fun.

To be honest, and I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I actually enjoyed Shin-Godzilla more than this one. It's not as nearly as serious, but the creative ways they tried to take down Godzilla were far more fun than the ones here. Japan loved Shin-Godzilla but almost no one outside Japan loved it.

Note: I speak Japanese so I don't know how much that influences how it felt to me. I'm sure it might feel different if I didn't understand the Japanese and only went by the subtitles.
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Pluto (2023)
Style over substance x100
5 December 2023
I didn't even make it through the first episode before I turned it off. There were lots of things like this but the part where I gave up was when the main detective goes to visit some old robot that's in some giant factory like room and he's supposedly been there for 8 years. In what world is a robot, accuses of the first murder of a human, pinned to a place that large for 8 years .. and on top of that, still on? I'll tell you what world, no world. It's pure nonsense designed to have a cool visual but make zero sense. No one would keep a facility that large to have a robot pinned to a wall. At most they'd pull his head off or remove his computer, put it in some shelf/locker, and go back to using this clearly multi-million dollar facility.

There was tons of nonsense like this and I could tell it was only going to get worse so I left.

I can handle silliness. I'm enjoying "Reborn as a Vending Machine, I Now Wander the Dungeon" which is ridiculous but is at least creative in how it approaches such a silly premise where as Pluto is the opposite. I doesn't buy into its own premise. It just farts "art" on the screen.
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Niagara (1953)
How is this a good movie?
27 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Way to many coincidences.

It wasn't clear how Rose was sure George would follow her into the tunnel. Nor was it clear how her lover knew to get in the elevator. Nor how he was able to kidnap George or if he magically confronted him later. Effectively she has to hope George will follow, hope George will not confront her at the caves and not see her not go in elevator. Hope that he will get in the elevator. Then we're left to guess how her lover will magically get George alone without all the other tourist to the caves not seeing their scuffle.

Polly and Ray go on a tour of "the caves". Magically George just happens to show up there. It makes zero sense. Why would he go there? A place where he'd be likely to be seen by Ray? What did he hope to accomplish. You'd think he'd just run.

George kills Rose but she never screams for help. She even tried to call the police. If she was willing to call the police, why wouldn't she scream for help?

Magically, Polly and Ray just happen to land their boat at the exact place George is looking for a boat and at the same time frame.

On the boat George pushes Polly and she immediately faints? WTF? She also never screams or calls for help before this point.

Why didn't George even try to get off the boat?

The only good thing about the movie, it really made me want to see Niagara Falls in person.
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I don't get the positive reviews at all
22 June 2023
I watch pretty much any old movie with a rating of 7+ that I find. I might not like all of them but I usually see why others would like them. Two examples, unrelated to this one. I watch "Camille" (1936) and "Remember the Night" (1940). I personally wouldn't recommend either of them but I did get why others liked them.

Why others like this movie though I have no clue.

Absolutely nothing of interest happens for the first 50 minutes of movie.

At 50 minutes we get our first conflict. It's resolved by the last 10 but the entire thing is fairly boring and the resolution is out of the blue.

There's a tiny conflict after that and it's resolved very randomly. The End.

None of the characters in the movie are interesting. Even the main character is almost nothing.

Seriously, I found nothing interesting in this movie. I don't know what others found 7.5 worthy.
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Evil Dead (2013)
Evil Dead Writing
19 June 2023
The other 1 star reviews sum it up nicely. The writing is atrocious. No explanations, no character motivation, no one to care about. The main characters grew up in this house but act surprised to find a basement? So they did or did not grow up here? Some rando reads opens a sealed book and then skips directly to the page to read aloud some incantation to unleash some demon? Why? No reasons given. The writers just wanted to demons to appear and couldn't be bothered with why anyone would open such a book, let alone read it. They could have made Eric super interested in witchcraft but also a non-believer, that would at least have given him a reason. Not that we'd care about him. For that matter, who are we supposed to care about in this movie.

I'm a fan of Evil Dead 2 (1987) and Army of Darkness (1992) . Evil Dead 2 is campy horror. Army of Darkness is comedy horror. Evil Dead (1981), which I saw last, I'm actually not a fan of. It's almost exactly the same story as Evil Dead 2 but just mean, zero laughs.

In any case, this movie has none of the camp and fun of the later 2 movies and it has far worse writing than the first.
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11 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was pretty disappointing. I went in with low expectations because I wasn't really a fan of the first one but my nephew said he liked this so I decided to check it out. It was worse than I expected.

Wakanda is supposed to be technically superior but the Altantians (or whatever they were) fairly easily overpowered them. That's fine, but when we were introduced to Wakanda in the previous movie they went out of their way to show us how advanced Wakanda is. It was super impressive. Atlantis (sorry again if that's the wrong name), was not impressive at all and so it felt very out of the blue that they had a relatively easy time overpowering the Wakandans.

Queen Ramonda's reaction to Okoye's failure to protect Shuri seemed way out of character. Okoye would be one of the best people to try to help get her back. The acting in the scene was fun to watch but the writing made no sense.

Namor wanting to concur the world made no sense for 2 reasons. (1) if he's angry at anyone it should be the US government but instead he wants to kill billions of innocent people. The Chinese, the Thai, the Laotians, the Malyas, the Tahians, the Indians, etc.. What did they do to deserve this wrath? (2) AFAICT this story takes place after The Avengers saved the universe. Which means they rescued 1/2 of Namor's people since Thanos made 1/2 of them disappear. The fact that the writers didn't work something in their made no sense. Namor should be seeking an alliance to protect his people from the next Thanos.

Namor upset at the surface world made no sense. Mayans were ruthless. Bad writing ignored that.

Finally, the trope of "I'm angry and going to do exactly opposite of what my mother/brother (father/lover/etc...) would want me to do" is a tired and bad writing cliche. I didn't buy Shuri's descent into rage. Especially just a few scenes previous she was the most level headed.
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Pretty, Boring
22 February 2023
Expectations high because of high reviews and oscar nominations. Expectations not met because the movie is boring. It's pretty. Several pretty shots of countryside seem out of place. Maybe the director was trying to show the contrast of how beautiful places can be and how horrible war is but it just came across as indulgent filler. I never cared about any of the characters. The where one of Paul's friends dies after the war is over is just stupid and didn't buy it. No one would risk their lives that way.

I've seen a few reviews that said the movie painted the French in a bad light. I didn't agree. Of course the French were going to have harsh demands. They're the victims.

In any case, a big disappointment. Nothing from this movie will last in my memory. The war scenes are beautiful and full of modern effects but they're somehow empty at the same time. It makes me appreciate how much craft there is to being a good director. Just putting people, explosions, guns, and death on the screen isn't enough. You actually have to tell a story by character dialog, actions, cuts, angles, etc. A good movie, Saving Private Ryan say, gets this right. The opening battle there is way more intense, way more involving, than this one, even though at a technical level seems on the same level.
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Massively over rated
15 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have to go with the negatives here. The movie is full of plot holes so big they can't be ignored, though apparently they are hence the high rating

The good: It's tense. I kept wondering what crazy thing Bruno was going to do next and where the story was going to go.

But, as others have mentioned, so many plot holes.

(1) Farley's wife is killed while some guy has been following her that her companions have all seen. They even make a point of the boat guy noticing him as he leaves the scene of screaming people. Did the police question him? Did they question the wife's companions?

(2) Maybe this it the point but Bruno was an idiot. He wants this perfect exchange of murders but for it to be perfect he has to never be seen with Farley yet that's the first thing he does is risk being seen. I get there's no movie without this but Bruno was not "a clever guy"

(3) What was Farley's plan when he went to see Bruno's father? He sneaks out of his apartment with a gun, sneaks into Bruno's house, sneaks into the bed. What was his plan? Why didn't he just call Bruno's father? Why did he need to sneak in? He didn't expect Bruno to be there so he could have just rung the doorbell. Why did he take a gun if he had no plans to kill the father? Such bad writing

(4) The tennis match. What was the point? How did it progress the story? It was there entirely for filler. Sure it was well done as you want Farley to get out in time to catch Bruno but that whole segment with Bruno dropping the lighter was cringe.

(5) Police randomly shoot into a crowded Merry-Go-Round. Like really? Further, they just "happen" to kill the operator who just "happens" to land perfectly on the controls to make the Merry-Go-Round go too fast and then when some manages to get into stop the Merry-Go-Round he just "happens" to do it wrong so it practically explodes. Apparently the guy who went in, he seemed to know what he was doing since he knew how to get in, but didn't know how to safely turn it off.

Hitchcock has made some great movies but this is not one of them.
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Seemed like a soap opera
11 February 2023
I didn't get the appeal of this movie. I'd mostly call it a slice of life and not a particularly interesting one. To a westerner, it's certainly interesting to see a Japanese family from 1960 and to a modern person it's interesting to hear about divorce leading to zero contact if you don't get custody (note: that's was still common up to 2022 in Japan, not sure it was uncommon in other parts of the world in 1960 though)

In any case. A big family, Mom, Dad, 4 daughters, 1 daughter in law, 1 grandson, 1 son, and 1 from a previous marriage, all go through different issues. One is super independent and never had a relationship but finally falls for someone. Another has to choose between 2 suiters. One is struggling with a ramen shop. Another is out of a job, not sure what to do and hoping the family will help.

The ending and what each of them do is not really resolved ... the end

There's no words of wisdom, no real messages except maybe life is messy and people do the best they can.

So, I didn't hate it and as someone that speaks Japanese and lived in Japan for 15 years I found parts of it interesting but overall I didn't get why it's rated 7.6. It seemed kind of forgettable.

If you want old Japanese movies that will stay with you see Ikiru, Woman in the Dunes, Tokyo Story. That last one, Tokyo Story, is similar to this one, just a family. But, at least the message will never leave you unlike here where there is no message.
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The Menu (2022)
Pretentious BS
5 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I get what this wanted to say (or maybe I don't and that's the problem). The issue is it's completely unbelievable.

People don't react in any reasonable way. Maybe that was part of the point but it didn't work for me because of that.

A man commits suicide right in front of everyone as part of a planned introduction to a course. The people barely react. They're all calm and back to eating in half a minute.

Just one of them is not and gets up to leave. The staff grab him and cut off a finger. Again, people barely react and 30 seconds later they're back to eating.

One woman finds out everyone will die by the end of the night. She seems barely phased.

Later, 4 woman find out for sure they're all going to die, they shrug it off and go back to eating.

Maybe their lack of actually complaining, rioting, overthrowing the stuff, crying, lamenting, something, anything, was part of the point but that point was lost on me.

There are pretentious people. I've meet them several times in my life. I might be one from time to time. But still, the movie needed to be grounded in some kind of believable base and that's missing from this movie because of the way the writers decided to have the characters behave.
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Barry Lyndon (1975)
The Emperor has no clothes
23 January 2023
Roger Ebert gave this movie 4/4 but I'm going to quote from his review.

"emotionally distant"

"aggressive in its cool detachment"

"because Kubrick has directed Ryan O'Neal in the title role as if he were a still life"

"ultimately inconsequential story"

"there is no there there"

"forcing our detachment"

I'd argue all that adds up top "this film sucks but I'm going to declare it genius because because Kubrick is an artiste!".

Some people see piss in a bottle and think "that's piss in a bottle". Others see it and then try to deconstruct it into an epic commentary on society. I've pissed in a bottle before but I didn't declare it art.

About the only positive part of the film were some amazing long shots but a 5 minute slideshow would have been far more interesting than this.
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Showgirls (1995)
Don't get the hate for this movie
18 January 2023
I saw this when it opened and thought it was fine then but the people I was with hated it and said Elizabeth Berkley can't act. I didn't see any problem with her acting. I chalked it up to their having watched too much "Saved by the Bell" and then not being able to separate Elizabeth Berkley's character in that show from her character in this show. Me, I'd never once watched "Saved by the Bell" so I just saw Elizabeth Berkley as Nomi Malone and she did fine.

For some reason I recently (2023) decide to watch it again. As far as I can tell there's nothing wrong with this movie. It's interesting all the way through. It's got fun and interesting characters. "Mama" is hilarious. And of course all the other characters are great. All the behind the scenes of the show is super interesting as is Nomi's ascent and education.

It's also pretty unique. What other movie covers a topless revue in Vegas in such a gritty way?

If you go in looking for bad movie maybe you'll find it. If you go in looking for a good movie, you might find that too. I did. Unless you're just not into sex, nudity, and bunch of "bad people" characters. If those things upset you then yea, this movie is not for you. It's not a bad movie though.
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Desk Set (1957)
Really disappointing for a Tracy / Hepburn movie
1 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I love Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn's good movies. Woman of the Year, Pat and Mike but this one didn't live up to those.

Nothing happened for the first 10-15 minutes. It was so boring I was worried my partner would ask me to turn it off.

Then, almost none of the comedy is funny. It's all forced and poorly written. Just one obvious example IMO, when they break into Christmas songs as they march over to legal. It didn't seem natural at all, it seemed forced, silly in a bad way, and just fake.

And, the end was horrid. Richard and Bunny never show any romance or attraction but then out of the blue in the last 60 seconds of the movie he proposes. WAT? I love them as a couple from the other movies but not here.

The entire thing seemed phoned in, like a contractual obligation or a last ditch effort to make some money based solely off their fame from their previous rom-coms. Extremely disappointing.
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Gattaca (1997)
Great idea, poor choice of a setting
26 December 2022
This is probably one of the top movies where I violently disagree with consensus and am miffed that no one else seems to see my point.

The basic idea for the movie is great. Push yourself to the limit, don't let anyone else tell you you can't achieve something. Great!

Unfortunately the setting is the Space Program for a mission to Saturn. In the real world, the real space program is already like gattaca. You will be tested in 1000s of ways and if you fail the tests you will not be selected to be on a multi-billion dollar space mission. If you have bad sight, bad hearing, bad heart, bad sense of balance, bad lung capacity, etc...etc...etc... you don't get to be on the mission. A large portion of those tests are a proxy for your genes. See all the tests in The Right Stuff for reference if you can't find actual references.

I 100% get that someone labelled with a weak heart might outperform everyone who's tests say they have a normal heart, but, when you're selecting a few people to be on a rare and expensive space mission none of that matters. They're still going to do the tests and in every possible way, try to pick people the least likely to have a medical issue on the mission. Is it possible they'll pick someone who ends up having a heart attack anyway? Sure, but they're still going to try to raise the odds of success but choosing people who's every measurement says they're more likely to make it through.

It's similar to a bank looking at your history and deciding if you're a good risk for a loan. Let's say you're 20 and ask for a $500k loan. Most banks will say no because you're judged to be too high a risk, even if you might personally be more responsible and more likely to pay back the loan than anyone else on the planet. There is no way to for them to tell that you are the exception. Instead they look at your age and decide, "nope, 20yr olds are to risky for a $500k loan"

The Space Program is going to be even more selective for their multi-billion dollar space mission. If they'd have chosen a different setting for the movie the story could have been great. Try harder than anyone else. Believe in yourself. Instead, because of the context, the main character is being pretty selfish trying to sneak into a such a rare, risky, and expensive project and effectively putting the mission and everyone else's lives at risk.
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Werewolf by Night (2022 TV Movie)
Mildly entertaining but full of holes
17 December 2022
Maybe this is one of those things where if you're intimately familiar with Marvel comics then you don't need the movie to explain anything. Me, I'm not so

Why would monster hunters need to fight in a hunt to the death with each other? If you're trying to save the world from monsters then having more monster hunters is better so having a fight to the death would work against your stated goals.

Why would monster hunters even want to kill each other for the "bloodstone". They were already successful without it. It's never explained why they'd be willing to kill fellow hunters to get their hands on it.

What did the daughter do/not do? They vaguely suggest she didn't train, but of course she has no trouble fighting the other hunters.

Why is the daughter so nonchalant about killing whoever gets in her way. Without more background she's basically a psychopath.

How did Jack get invited to the hunt? He's supposedly the most successful hunter. How did the others not already know him and how did he get invited to this hunt? Someone had to vouch for him or he had to be impersonating someone.
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Interstate 60 (2002)
A direct to DVD movie for a reason
15 December 2022
Let me first say, I enjoyed the movie overall. I'm glad I watched it. And, I would recommend to friends with caveats.

Still, when it was over I tried to analyze why it felts far less than its current 7.6 IMDB rating.

I think the reason is it doesn't really know what it wants to say. Right off the bat Mr. Grant basically straight up kills Mr. Baker (Michael J. Fox) in cold blood. (happens in first few mins so not a spoiler IMO)

Mr. Grant is riding a bike by Mr. Baker's parked car. Mr. Baker opens his car door. Mr. Grant crashes into the door. Mr. Baker jumps out, apologizes, helps Mr. Grant up.

Then, in the middle of an important deal, his phone and Mr. Grant's bike get run over by a truck. A scene that make zero sense. There's no way a truck would not have seen the bike nor is there any way the truck wouldn't have stopped if it had run over the bike.

Mr. Baker clearly had something important to deal with. Maybe his wife was pregnant. Maybe he was in the middle of a deal that would let him buy his father's needed surgery. We don't know. All we know is Mr. Baker is distressed that he needed to be in contact with people and his phone was destroyed at the worst possible moment.

Mr. Baker wishes the accident hadn't happened. Mr. Grant resets time back 2-3 minutes knowing what will happen. Mr. Baker is then hit and killed by the truck that ran over the bike the first time. This makes even less sense than running over the bike. You could maybe assume the bike, being on the ground, would be hard for the truck driver to see but you can't possibly believe the truck driver wouldn't see someone standing in the street. It was a small 2 lane road, that just started from a T intersection. It was not some 55mph highway.

Further, in general, the trope is that people wish for something greedy and the wish backfires but Mr. Baker has not wished for anything greedy. He's just wished for the accident to not have happened. That's good for both Mr. Grant who'd get his bike back and for Mr. Baker who's phone wouldn't be crushed.

And that sets the tone for the movie. Mr Grant has been a dick to everyone he's ever granted a wish to. Not just a dick, he's been malevolent with Mr. Baker. Why he doesn't do the same to Quincy we're basically supposed to chalk up to Quincy asking for answers, not for money or sex. But Mr. Baker didn't ask for money or sex.

Then, whole dream girl story just didn't really work.

That said, the various other events were interesting.
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The Red Shoes (1948)
People saw a different movie than me.
14 December 2022
I wouldn't have watched this if it weren't for the 8.1 rating but after watching it I'd give it a 5 at best.

Seeing Monte Carlo in the 40s was interesting. Seeing a kind of interesting if ridiculous dance sequence was okay. But....

The dance is supposed to be live yet the dance we are shown is only possible via film post production like having the main character appear and disappear, having shoes magically put themselves on in an instant. Having the main character dance with her reflection. Etc. Sure those are neat, but they break the story since the ballet we are supposed to be watching is being put on live in a theater.

One top of that the 3 main characters, Julian, Boris, Victoria, all over act.

Julian and Victoria never one show even a tiny bit of chemistry nor attraction to each other but then we're suddenly told they're head of heels in love with each other. Completely out of the blue.

And, finally the ending comes out of nowhere and makes no sense. Whether it was on purpose, accident, or the spirit of the shoes, no path is satisfying. It just ends for no good reason.
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Interstellar (2014)
Gets worse the more I watch it.
17 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Like many I was impressed with this movie when I first watched in in 2014. The new more physically correct depiction of black holes. The futuristic AI robot. The amazing spaceship. The fantastical planets. The time distortion.

The "love saves the day" took it down a notch but the rest overwhelmed that ridiculous part for a overall positive feeling.

But, having watched it several times since then it gets worse each time. Scientists say "love is the only thing that transcends time" and other hokum. The lie of the main scientist on earth. The crazy astronaut. The stupid brother who doesn't want someone saving his son. The stupid daughter who thinks her dad abandoned her. The sister burning her brother's crops.

And, the ending makes zero sense. How does Cooper, now ~70yrs in the future go met Brand? There's no backward time travel in Intersteller. If he makes it to Brand she'll be +70yrs (just as Murph is +70yrs)

It's basically a silly nonsense soap opera with an amazing effects budget.
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Loved it though flawed
17 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I watched it knowing absolutely nothing about it except it was directed by George Miller who when I started I had mistaken for George Romero (lol)

Like many others the first half of the movie is amazing. Yes it's full of magic but it also feels magical as a movie. I was loving every moment!

The 2nd half is not bad but it it has a few issues that knocked it down from its initial high. It feels like it really needed an editor to come in and fix a few things.

If I were you I'd just watch it. Be aware it's not a fast paced movie. I didn't go in expecting it to be fast paced but apparently some people did. That might be a problem with the trailer setting the wrong expectations though fortunately for me I never saw the trailer.

In any case, after coming down from the high of watching the movie the small issues started to creep in. Some I noticed as I watched but let pass at the time. Others gnarled at me and actually got me to lower my initial rating from 9 to 8.

In particular:

(1) I didn't understand why in the 3rd story the woman is mad at the Djinn. She's not just slightly mad, she's infuriated over and over. I didn't get it and that kind of tainted that segment for me.

(2) I didn't fully buy into Alithea's wish. I kind of got the idea that through hearing the Djinn's stories she either wanted some of what she'd heard, or she kind of fell for the Djinn. But, there was no chemistry demonstrated between them at that point so the 2nd reason doesn't work. The first reason also doesn't work given who she is. I suppose you could argue that even though she would know better it was a true desire.

(3) I didn't get why they needed to split up. I get that the Djinn couldn't live in London but that's not that uncommon for a relationship. I know people who's doctor told them they needed to move to a drier, or more humid, or colder place. Their S. O. then supported them and went with them. I'm not saying they shouldn't have split, only that the fact that there was zero discussion made it feel off .

(4) Alithea's neighbors added nothing whatsoever to the movie/story. It would have been no worse and arguably better for those scenes not to exist.

Even we those issues it's still a great movie. It's hard to imagine something more interesting coming out this year.
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