
17 Reviews
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Shrek (2001)
Instant Classic
30 April 2001
Wonderfully clever. Drop-dead funny. The best animation offered to date. These all describe Shrek, and yet don't even begin to cover how much fun this movie is. Dreamworks has hit a Grand Slam with this one. I predict this one will be beloved by many for years to come.
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Gladiator (2000)
The perfect example of why we go to the movies.
3 May 2000
I'm hoping people will discover it for themselves, so I'm not giving anything anyway. Suffice to say that nobody will EVER be able to say "They don't make them like they used to" anymore. Commanding performances, jaw-dropping visuals and shockingly exciting action sequences are only a few of the excellent components of Gladiator. I envy all of you who have yet to see it.
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Very Interesting Note!!
23 July 1999
According to David Morgan's fine book, Monty Python Speaks, both Graham Chapman and Douglas Adams worked together to create new dialogue for this movie. Based on the version you see, who knows?
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If you don't like this movie, I don't like you.....
13 July 1999
A long overdue slap in the face of Hollywood. This tiny, inexpensive movie is scarier than ANYTHING Hollywood has ever produced. Simplicity itself, this film taps into primal fears that mainstream horror directors apparently know nothing about. When was the last time you were scared by some psycho slashing someone. Sure, that can be entertaining in a shock value way, but shocking is not the same as primal fear.

See this film in a quiet place with people you can trust not to interrupt and blab about "what was that noise", etc. If this film earns any Oscars in the major categories, it will be a large step for the Academy's credibility, which is currently almost non-existent.

Regarding the few negative reviews stated earlier: Are you kidding? Anyone who loves movies enough to post reviews on the IMDb must certainly know enough to see this as one of the most unique and daring films to be released. Ever.

Shake off that movie complacency. You know the one. When you unconsciously predict every scare, punchline, explosion, etc. Go see a film that has some respect for it's audience and the imagination. See it.
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Summer of Sam (1999)
6 July 1999
Someone needs to inform Hollywood that what they always thought to be true is, in fact, quite false: Longer is not necessarily better. This movie would probably have been watchable at 95 minutes. As it stands now, it is a rambling pointless mess. Ask yourself what the point of this film was after seeing it. That the Son of Sam murders were terrible? Thanks, Spike. That you shouldn't cheat on your wife? Good advice. The only thing I learned from this ugly film is that Italians hate punk rock. (I'm pretty sure that was the whole point-seriously)

Anyway, if you choose to sit through this indulgent snoozefest, that's fine. If you want good Spike, however, stick with Do the Right Thing or School Daze.
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HOO boy!
30 June 1999
Wow. I don't think I've ever seen a movie that so joyously wallows in it's own wonderful vulgarity. It's so raunchy and over-the-top that you either surrender and laugh or end up very angry. African Americans, homosexuals, Jews, women, kids.... You name it, they're offended. The MPAA ratings board takes a particularly inspired trashing, as well.

The musical numbers are mostly entertaining. I especially enjoyed Mr. Garrison's song about alternatives to using dirty words. If you're easily offended, or have never seen South Park, STAY AWAY! If you like a good dirty joke, and think you've seen it all, just wait. Belly laughs in this one.
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Big Daddy (1999)
24 June 1999
While not every film needs to be an improvement over the previous, it's surprising to see Adam Sandler do such a light comedy. (That is not an endorsement.) In trying to appeal to all audiences, he really reaches none. The humor is childish, but not so childish that you would want children to see it. For good measure, Sandler favorites Rob Schneider, Josh Mostel, and Steve Buscemi show up, and you can tell their scenes are supposed to be wacky, but it just seems like forced tries at reproducing the silliness of the earlier films.

There are a few good laughs, and Adam Sandler is likable, as usual. Yes, the kid is quite cute, but really, how much do we need to know about this kids' bodily functions? Joey Lauren Adams is always an entertaining actress to watch, and there are a few other recommendable aspects, but if it's true Adam Sandler you're looking for, wait for the next one, or break out your favorite.
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Just Plain Bad
12 June 1999
Moronic, formulaic, and dull, this offering has Woody and Keifer as bickering Cowboys who come to New York. That's it. Really. What can you say about a movie that aspires to be as deep as Crocodile Dundee? Woody deserves better.
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Pretty funny
12 June 1999
This is a strange, little, forgotten movie from the late eighties. It's one of those "Large-cast kitchen sink" movies that delivers some good gags. If you like the people in this one, give it a shot.
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A worthy sequel
11 June 1999
If you enjoyed the first one, you will have a great time. Same cast, director, writers, etc. That's the way to do a sequel. Side-splittingly funny at times. A few jokes fall flat, but there's two more coming. Mike Meyers is truly a comedian who will do ANYTHING for a laugh, and thank him for it. Heather Graham is a luminous beauty, as well. Perhaps the funniest opening credits ever on display here, also. See it.
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7 June 1999
It's really too bad that John Candy wasted his skills on so many horrible films (Delirious, Wagons East, Who's Harry Crumb?, etc.. This one has maybe a few chuckles, but it's mostly just really bad one-liners and dumb physical stuff. Let's honor this comedian's memory by remembering things like Planes, Trains & Automobiles and Uncle Buck.
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Xtro (1982)
1 June 1999
As I love both horror and sci-fi films, this seems like a no-brainer, right? Yes and No. This movie is so derivative of other movies it becomes dull. There are a few good grossout scenes, but this is so poorly made and lighted that it's difficult to watch.
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Come On!
1 June 1999
I was shocked and dismayed to see A)That this movie wasn't rated higher and B)One ONE user comment!

If you want to see a really fun, goofball D&D type movie, here it is. Come on, like you've never complained that they don't make movies like DragonSlayer and Labyrinth for adults. Well, this one has some of the coolest bloodletting you'll see in an action movie. Bad acting, nutty monsters, beautiful (half-naked) women, great villains, and a whole bunch of heroes. Hey, it even has a plot! Personally, I can't wait for 'Tales of the Ancient Empire'!
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The Fog (1980)
A Modern Classic
29 May 1999
Based on what I've seen in the other user comments, I'm not alone in praising this vastly underrated modern classic of horror. John Carpenter hits all the right buttons with this one. The suspense he learned making Halloween (another classic) is on excellent display here, and his usage of "restrained" gore is really creepy. Truly creepy music, good performances, and an interesting plot, plus a few really good murders. (I was 9 when I first saw it and I had nightmares about the old babysitters' demise.)

If you're seriously looking for a fun, well-made horror movie, look no further then The Fog (or Halloween or The Thing for that matter.)
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Tales of the Gold Monkey (1982–1983)
just wondering...
26 May 1999
I was curious to see if ANYONE out there still remembered this show. I was 11 when it aired and I loved it. It's probably for the best that I'll probably never see it again, as I doubt it would stand up to what I remember. Ah, well.
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Ringmaster (1998)
Here's some adjectives for you.
25 May 1999
Vile. Reprehensible. Disgusting. Unfunny. Depressing. Tedious. Awful. --I checked out the user comments to see if ANYONE could actually like something about this trash, and there were. Well, to each his own, but I can't understand it. This movie has no plot, no laughs, the worst acting and editing I've seen in years, and the tacked-on, phony moralizing Jerry puts on is a travesty. If he at least had the guts to say something like "Hey. I make trash for people to watch, and they seem to enjoy it, so sue me." at least people would respect his honesty. Instead, this freakshow manager tries to put on airs as a voice of the average man or woman. Speaking on behalf of the average man, thanks for NOTHING, Jerry. Not just poor, amateurish filmmaking, but an absolute insult.

P.S.. Yes, Jamie Presley is an absolute beauty, and I pray she will survive this to be seen again soon. (She DESERVES to be seen, if you get me.) And tell Molly Hagen that she's actually a good actress and it's a shame she's in this filth.
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Don't Believe the Gripes
19 May 1999
Warning: Spoilers
If you're a person who got even a little excited as the movie approached, I believe you'll love it. (also, although I don't think I have any spoilers here, I feel you should see it before reading ANYTHING about this film).Since I'm writing this right after I saw it, it's tough to think straight, so here's some bullet points:

Immediate Reactions from a cynical movie lover:

A) It was fantastic.

B) For every scene that was geared towards the kiddies, there was an equally adult scene regarding the trade blockages and whatnot. Lucas achieved a solid balance, I believe.

C) Yes, JarHead was annoying, but if you couldn't find something interesting going on while he was doing his schtick, you weren't looking closely enough.

D) The kid was adequate. I don't think I've ever been that impressed with any child actor, at least not blown away by one's performance, anyway. He was supposed to be an innocent kid who was great with machines, and I guess he conveyed it well enough. Anyway, you want to see wooden acting, watch Mark Hamill.

E) While desperately trying to light my cigarette afterwards, I found myself looking forward to seeing it again. Seriously.

F) I liked how ObiWan was almost never the center of attention.

G) What was the deal with the little Greedo? (nice sandpeople and jawa cameos, by the way....)

H) I assume Ani (annoying, huh?) will HAVE to stop and say hi to his virgin Mom at least once, right? Gotta pick up C3PO.

I) If you didn't enjoy the big saber-fight at the end, check your pulse. (especially with that music!)

J) PodRaces?--Hey, I have a Playstation!

K) Samuel L. Jackson---He was sincerely......wooden and terrible!!!

L) Why is JarHead getting all the criticism?? His entire RACE was annoying!!

M) What was the deal with the Red-"I freeze Jedis"-ray anyway?

N) Is Palpatine already evil or not?? I honestly couldn't tell.

O) Terence Stamp? Why even get a name actor for a non-role? (cool name, though--Vallorum--say it)

P) Did anyone else not fully realize R2's repair capabilities? Those droids are pretty handy!

Q) Say what you will, but it was 2:20 AM, and I was in a car by myself, and I smiled a few times. I might catch a lot of flack for it, but I really enjoyed it.

R) No Ewoks. Yay!! Long live JarHead!

S) The guy who played Boss whatever (JarHeads mumbly-mouthed boss) also played the head of the winged warriors in Flash Gordon (1980).

T) I love Natalie Portman. Yes, she was a little bland at times also, but I don't think Lucas expects too many Acting Nominations on this one, anyway.

U) Why did those combat robots need to speak at all? They seemed to have a lot of personality for battle drones. And why would robots need BINOCULARS??? and what's with this: "roger roger"

V) Was Qui-Jonn trying to explain to Ani (ech) about cells and parameciums or what? Is he a science teacher?

W) Forget all those cynics. If there are legit reasons you didn't like it, fine. (Plus, I'd love to hear them.) But let's not pick apart a movie that is completely about aliens and other planets and complain that there are TOO MANY SPECIAL EFFECTS!!! I'm sure Lucas would love to have hired real Gungans, but they're pretty tough to come by, I'd assume. (and I think Tatooine has laws against filmin there, like Red China.)

Y) I really could have done without the juvenille gags and stepping in bantha-poop jokes, but I digress. (I did hear a few young giggles, though, so what do I know?)

Z) BOTTOM LINE: If you really love movies, I sincerely think it's great.

Enjoy! (Remember, if you are jealous of people who have yet to see it for the first time, it's a GOOD movie.)
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