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A Holiday Turkey
19 December 2008
This film was a bitter disappointment. Not even the usually wonderful Reese Witherspoon could save this holiday turkey. Vince Vaughn was his usual self: nauseating and ham-fisted, and had zero chemistry with his co-star. To be fair, neither Vaughn nor Witherspoon had a lot to work with, script-wise. The opening scene is crude and strange, and seems very out of place in what is being marketed as a "holiday movie". The closing scene just rehashes one of the main opening jokes. The remaining middle of the film is a mess of crude, Farrelly Brothers type "humor" mixed with hokey sentiment. I found the church scene particularly offensive and I'm not especially religious. I'd hate to think how offensive other viewers may have found it. Not even cameos by Jon Voight and Sissy Spacek could save this film. I don't think I've been as bitterly disappointed by a movie since "Wedding Crashers"(which I walked out of - I wish I'd had the sense to do that with this movie!) There are a wealth of really wonderful holiday movies - this isn't one of them. Please save your $$ and go out and rent a tried and true holiday classic and stay away from this utter turkey.
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Identity (2003)
3 August 2003
What a disappointment this film was!

Not even the brilliance of both John Cusack and Clea DuVall could have saved this film from winding up in the bad movie hall of shame. When I saw it on Friday evening everyone in the cinema seemed confused as to the film's genre, as people were laughing during the supposedly "suspenseful" moments -- who knew it was a comedy? It certainly wasn't advertised as one. Alas, the trailers and advertisements gave a false sense of worth to this film which in fact turned out to be a cliched mess.

Identity had real potential, if only the writers hadn't relied on every lame horror movie cliche and chosen to use a hackneyed plot "twist" (and I use that term very loosely) to finish the film with. The ending seemed almost rushed, like the screenwriters got tired of writing it and decided to quickly tack on an ending.

Those of you who are familiar with horror/suspense movies will see the final plot twists coming a mile away.

I give it four stars - two for Clea DuVall and one each for John Cusack and Holmes Osborne.
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Sophomore Slump
1 June 2003
What a pity that "The Matrix Reloaded" doesn't live up to all the pre-release hype. Instead of continuing with the same clever and innovative writing that helped make the original a success, 'Reloaded' gets bogged down by a convoluted, and at times, nonsensical script.

The leads, Keanu Reeves as hero 'Neo', Carrie Anne Moss as 'Trinity' and Laurence Fishburne as 'Morpheus', manage to do exceptionally well with the mediocre material and continue to build on their signature roles.

Along with solid lead performances, a thrilling freeway chase scene and some dazzling special effects help save "The Matrix Reloaded" from being a total anti-climactic experience.

One can only hope that the final chapter of the trilogy, "The Matrix Revolutions", makes up for the weaknesses of this sophomore outing.
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Donnie Darko (2001)
The less you know about Darko, the better.
20 October 2002
I saw 'Donnie Darko' on Friday night.

I can say with absolute certainty that I have never been as blown away by a film as I am by 'Donnie Darko.'

In fact I went back to the cinema on Saturday afternoon and saw it for a second time. It's that good. Like 'Fight Club', it's definitely the sort of film where a second viewing is really beneficial.

I went in knowing little to nothing about this film, and that's the best way to approach it. The less you know about 'Darko', the better your enjoyment of the film will be. This is the sort of film that doesn't treat it's audience like children. It doesn't provide a simple story, it doesn't offer up any easy answers. This is the sort of brave and innovative filmmaking that makes up for all the insipid 'paint-by-numbers' films that have become standard multiplex fare. It's this sort of film that restores your faith in cinema. Every performance here is no less than first class, every moment no less than totally engaging. If there were any semblance of logic in the world then this movie would be #1 at the box office.

'Donnie Darko' is a cryptic, haunting gem of a movie that will stay with you long after the final credits roll.
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Good actors, awful movie.
8 September 2002
Being a fan of the new wave teen horror genre, I had heard quite a bit about this movie and was interested to see how good it would be compared to other such films I'd seen. Sad to say that this movie was not a stitch (no pun intended!) on some of the other movies in its genre. It was so awful, it made "I Still Know What You Did Last Summer" a perfect "10 out of 10" movie in comparison. The plot had gaping holes (and I mean *gaping*), the ghoulie menacing the main characters was some lame hybrid of every teen horror movie killer and there were so many cliched moments that the majority of "terrifying" moments just fell (and felt) flat. The most annoying part of the entire movie was the last twenty minutes of the film - a "showdown" between the main characters. You keep thinking that maybe the film will get better if you watch it for another five minutes, but it only gets worse and worse.

However, kudos must be given to the two main actors, Gina Phillips (Trish) and Justin Long (Darry). Their ability to convey fear (especially Long) was truly convincing. They did their best with a very mediocre script, and brought an air of believability to what is otherwise a dog of a movie.
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Panic Room (2002)
Pleasantly Surprised
14 April 2002
I was surprised at just how much I enjoyed Panic Room. Having seen the trailer beforehand, and being put off by its overbaring noir-ish tone, I nearly didn't go. However, being a fan of director David Fincher (and an even bigger fan of his last directorial effort, 'Fight Club') I decided to check it out. I'm glad I did.

Jodie Foster gives an excellent performance as beleaguered mother Meg Altman, and newcomer Kristen Stewart is wonderful as Meg's daughter, Sarah. Forest Whitaker delivers a solid performance as Burnham, the burglar with a conscience, as does Jared Leto as the cocky young Junior.

Panic Room is an effectively thrilling ride of a movie, utilizing some excellent performances, fantastic camera work, awesome special effects and an almost water-tight script. It's a much-abused cliche when discussing movies within its genre, but Panic Room really does leave you on the edge of your seat for the majority of its 112 minutes.

My only real complaints with the film are uneven performances by two of the actors. Patrick Bauchau who plays Stephen Altman, the ex-husband of Jodie Foster's Meg Altman does not imbue his character with any sort of personality whatsoever, and as a result his character comes across as flat and one dimensional. Maybe it's partially because the Stephen Altman character is not (physically) introduced until around halfway through the film, but we are not really given any idea of what sort of character he is. (And consequently, you don't really care what happens to him.) Dwight Yokam's portrayal of Raoul, one of the burglars, seems to be a 'paint-by-numbers thug' role. He does no favours (to either movie or audience) by playing it as such. These instances where there is definite lack of character development are minor blemishes on what is ultimately an effective and engrossing thriller.

Watch out for a cameo by ‘Seven' scribe Andrew Kevin Walker as a clueless neighbour and a (vocal) cameo by Nicole Kidman as Stephen Altman's bitchy girlfriend. I'd recommend Panic Room as a good thriller movie - but if you're squeamish, you might be best to wait for this one on video so you can skip the yucky bits. ;)

9 out of 10.
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11 February 2001
Having read numerous rave reviews, and several friends commenting on how wonderful this film was, I decided to finally see it for myself. I wish I hadn't. The film plods along (the 2 hour running time is *painfully slow* and could have easily been cut back without damaging the film) and only for the charasmatic leads Chole Sevigny and Hillary Swank,(who does give an astonishingly true and heartbreaking performance as Brandon Teena) I would not have watched the entire thing. 'Boys Don't Cry' bravely attempts to deal with very weighty and serious subject matter, but in the end the whole thing just doesn't seem to sit right. 6 out of 10.
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Celebrity (1998)
It's Not Classic Allen...But It's Fun Nonetheless!
11 February 2001
I can't really understand why this movie is hated so much. Sure, it's not a 'classic' Allen film, but it has some definite funny moments and sly social commentary. The only thing that really annoyed me about this film was Kenneth Branagh's poor and painful attempt at mimicking Allen's 'screen style.' (The stuttering, the neurotic behaviour/attitude, etc.) Judy Davis is delightful as Branagh's wife and Winona Ryder is wonderfully droll as a wannabe actress. This is the sort of film that grows on you with subsequent viewings. Like I said previously, it won't ever be a 'Classic' Allen movie, but it's a fun little romp that pleases nonetheless.

8 out of 10.
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Limit Up (1989)
Cure Your Insomnia...!
3 February 2001
I had the relative misfortune of catching this film one day when I was home with the 'flu. It is virtually devoid of any substance, plot-wise. It's not offensive, just a mind numbingly silly film that seems to utilize every trick of the trade from the 'school of bad 1980's movies'. The only highlight (if you could call it that) was a cameo by musician Ray Charles (and one has to wonder what he's doing in a film such as this.) Avoid at all costs, unless, of course, you are a Ray Charles fan or suffer from chronic insomnia. Half a star out of five.
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Bring It On (2000)
Not Just Another Feelgood Teen Flick...
8 January 2001
I had some reservations going to see 'Bring It On.' Surely this was just another cookie-cutter 'teen flick' churned out by the big studios to rake in holiday box-office dollars. How was a movie about cheerleading (you know, that 'phenomenon' solely related to North American high schools) going to have appeal outside of North America, let alone outside the 12-17 year old demographic it was targeted at? By using a surprisingly cluey screenplay by Jessica Bendinger, snappy dialogue, an effervescent cast (in particular, Kirsten Dunst (Torrance Shipman), Eliza Dushku (Missy), Jesse Bradford (Cliff) & Gabrielle Union (Isis)) and some absolutely awesome choreography. It may not be up to par with 'Clueless', but it certainly has the same flair and fun-loving sense of style. 8 out of 10.
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The Skulls (2000)
It's Not Rocket Science
1 January 2001
After just viewing 'The Skulls' and subsequently reading the comments here, I am disappointed by the number of unimaginative 'movie-going' public there are nowadays. Granted, 'The Skulls' is nowhere in the league of such films as 'American Beauty' or 'Fight Club', but it is a fun little thriller that will pass an hour or so. Many viewers found the inaccuracies overwhelmingly distracting, have they not utilized a little thing called 'suspension of disbelief'? Joshua Jackson is engaging as the lead character, Luke McNamara. This is easily his best role yet -- he is able to showcase some more of his range and ability -- not just the whole 'wry, sarcastic, lovable-rogue' act that those of us who have seen him as 'Pacey Witter' on the WB teen soap 'Dawson's Creek.' Out of the entire 'Dawson's Creek' cast, it is Jackson who will be the one to watch, career-wise.

I bought this DVD a few days ago and was not disappointed when I got around to viewing it. True, there are definite inaccurate moments and absurd situations, that may on subsequent viewings, grate on one's sense of reality. But overall, this is a enjoyable film that takes a new angle on the whole 'thriller' genre.

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The Cell (2000)
Possibly the worst film ever made.
17 November 2000
This is the worst film I have *ever* seen. And I've seen a lot of films. It was VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY graphically violent, misogynistic, and gory. 'Silence of the Lambs' or 'Se7en' seem like Disney filcks after seeing this. The plot is flimsier than some of Jennifer Lopez's costumes. (Both 'Silence' and 'Se7en' have about 100,000 times the plot.) It was *such* a waste of time. Jennifer Lopez has a lot more talent and range than this film affords her, and she is capable of better. You have to wonder how a piece of rubbish like this gets 'greenlighted.' I want the 2.5 hours back I wasted on this piece of pornography. I'd ask for my money back too, but thankfully I didn't pay to see friend did.
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