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A thrilling, if someone gruesome, film
5 November 1999
I will not hesitate to say that I saw this movie for one main reason only and that is Angelina Jolie. Ever since Hackers back in 1995, I have been intrigued by her and have seen her rise from humble beginnings to reach the level at which she is at currently. The reviews of this movie were less than spectacular from our local paper, so I was a little scared that she would not live up to the potential set forth by her performances in Playing by Heart and Gia. Luckily, her, as well as Washington, delivered spectacular performances. The story was one that kept my attention the entire time, although there were the times when I wasn't completely sure I wanted to look. I must say that this will be another movie that will land Jolie as one of the top female actresses of our time. Overall, I would give this movie an eight out of ten.
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A Beautiful Masterpiece
27 September 1999
When I first heard about this movie, I read about it in Entertainment Weekly and it sounded really interesting, but I didn't realize that it would be as good as it was. Everything about the movie fit so well with everything else in the movie. No scene seemed just thrown in to extend time or add some nudity. The nudity that was in this movie really fit the movie (unlike other movies like He Got Game and The Thomas Crown Affair). The dialogue was excellent and every actor stayed in character the whole time. I must say that I am not really a fan of Annette Benning (She's good, but there are better actresses), but I see Oscar contention for her. Kevin Spacey was also excellent and he could also get an Oscar. I must say though that it was the "kids" that most impressed me. Thora Birch was fantastic in this movie and it is good to see that she has outgrown stuff like Now and Then and Hocus Pocus. Mena Suvari was fabulous in this movie (She was one of the few really good characters in American Pie along with Alison Hanningan). I was, however, most impressed with Wes Bentley who came out of nowhere to be such a great actor. I really believed him to be Ricky Fitts.

As soon as the camera was flying above the street at the beginning of the movie, I was convinced that it was going to be a great movie. It reminded me a lot of The Ice Storm, which is one of the best movies I have ever seen. Even the music sounded very much like it would have been in the Ice Storm (with the exception of "American Woman").

I must say that in a year with such high movie grosses, no movie has jumped out at me as being in contention for an Oscar and while I doubt this one will win Best Picture, I do hope that at least one of the talented actors receives an award for their performance because they were really that good.

On a scale of 1-10, I give this movie a very high 9.
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Mumford (1999)
A good, if not graphic, look at small town life
19 September 1999
I just saw the sneak preview of this movie last night and it was rather strange. If you go to this movie thinking that it will be a comedy, you will be very disappointed. The only funny parts to this movie are in the previews and/or involve Jason Lee (he is not in the movie for that long). A few complaints with this movie include the speed and the graphic nature. I was one of those people who went into this movie expecting a comedy and that was not what I got at all. There were a few parts that seemed to just be thrown in because they could include drugs and nudity in them. That really gets to me because not everyone goes to movies to watch a bunch of high men and their naked wives/girlfriends/random woman. Also, there are a few parts that seem to just drag on for hours at a time. A final problem was with all of the sub-plots involved. It was very hard to tell that the main plot of this movie revolved around Hope Davis. Overall, I am glad that I saw this movie, but I would not say that this is a must see movie like Lola Rennt (my favorite movie of this year). On a scale of one to ten, I give Mumford a 7.
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Run Lola Run (1998)
One pulse-pounding good time
14 August 1999
I walked into this film with the hopes of it being good. I had read the review in Entertainment Weekly, but skipped the review in my local paper because they are never good at predicting things anyway. They actually got this one right though (It got three and a half stars).

The film centers around Lola, a young rebellious German girl who needs to help her semi-seedy criminal errand-boy get back 100,000 Marks in 20 minutes. Kind of a strange plot scenario, but it was still effective. The first time 20 minute segment that you see is a bit boring, but you'll be able to stay awake because it moves so quickly. After that first time through, you'll want to stay to see the rest. While I do agree that the dialogue was a little cheesy, it didn't take away from the film because you weren't really supposed to be listening to it anyway. It was quite effective and I feel much more cultured now because I just watched a movie with subtitles. It also really helped that I had taken German in school for 5 years. I was actually able to understand most of the dialogue, even though my German vocabulary isn't all that large.

The best part about this movie was the music. Every song during the movie effectively heightened the scene whether to make it more suspenseful or comical. No matter what it was planning on doing, it worked beautifully. Usually when a movie has music this good, something else is lacking. Most often, it's the acting, but everyone in the cast really fit into the role. Lola seemed to be a rebellious twenty-something and Manni really looked like a criminal lackey. Everything really was put together wonderfully. The only complaint that I do have is with the animation. You see it in the opening credits and then again when she runs down the stairs from her apartment, but that's it. There are several other times when it could have been woven into the story. Even if you combine it with the real stuff. That is the only real flaw I found in the movie. I also really love the soccer metaphor at the beginning of the movie. The only things known are that there is a ball and the game lasts for 90 minutes. The rest is theory. The same is true for the story. The only known is that Lola needs to get Manni 100,000 Marks in 20 minutes. The rest is again, theory.

Overall, I gave this movie a high 9, just on the edge of perfection.
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Close, but just missed the mark
6 August 1999
The Thomas Crown Affair was one of those movies that you see the preview of and think blah, but it does surprise. The first theft of the painting was very well done, but a little too slow for the opening sequence of the movie. It took too long to set up and the payoff was in the previews so it lacked a little bit. The next hour was good, but a little slow and a little too commercial. Pepsi, Lucent, and Apple were all over this movie and it was not hidden well. For someone who drinks green gunk every morning, Russo sure did gulp that Pepsi One quite fast. What is not seen is the reason why the movie is rated R. I can put up with a little bit of nudity, but that was a little much. I don't know about you, but I rarely see a woman walking around my house without a top on. The rest of the movie is a little confusing, but fast pace and the ending is the big payoff. It is the one part of the movie that I didn't predict (part of it at least). I won't ruin it for all of those who chose to see this flick.

For me, this movie was a little bit too slow in certain parts. It isn't that I don't like slower movies, but I went into this movie thinking it would be a 007 rip-off movie. I mean they even got Brosnan to appear in it, but this movie stands out on its own. I have not seen the original and after seeing this, I'm not really sure I want to. I do know that the first one is about a bank robbing rich guy and that seems a little too low-brow for me. The art theft is more romantic and it really fits in with the flow of the movie. If there is one thing in this movie that was almost flawless it was the music. Each scene got just the right style of music and at the same time, it avoided the fast paced violins that you normally hear during these types of movies. It changed it into a lighter more comical tone because that is what this movie really was. It was a romantic comedy in the disguise of an action movie. You still get the action, but you also get the romance at the same time with just the right amount of humor. I think that if you lost the commercial endorsements and the bare-chested Russo, you would have had a better PG-rated movie.

Overall, I give this movie a solid 8 out of 10.
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Cube (1997)
A little bit of a headache maker, but good
6 August 1999
Without knowing much about this movie except the basic plot I sat down to watch the video that my friend has lent me. The opening sequence was enough to make me want to turn it off, because it was just too confusing for the beginning of a movie. After I got past the dead guy, it turned into a movie that was pretty good. The dialogue was a little lagging, but I think it was mostly due to the fact that the entire movie was spent talking. There are short bits of action, but nothing to major to allow a few minutes of silence. The continuous talking led to more and more questions and a bunch of confusing characters.

The one biggest flaw that the movie has is that none of the characters keep a personality throughout the movie except for the thief, but he doesn't live long enough to change. I found it hard to care about a cop that keeps changing from good to evil. The doctor was a little bit too annoying for my taste because she was shy at the beginning, but then suddenly grew a backbone. The student was good because she actually grew with her character changes. Having to go through all of those numbers will change a person. The "businessman" was a little too glum for my taste. He just sat around the entire time until he had one significant part in the whole movie, and then he faded into the background again, but would reappear to say something stupid. The guy with the mental problem was very well done. It seemed as though he really did have a problem. My only complaint with him is how he suddenly would hang from the ceiling to climb through that one blue room (you'll see when you watch it). Overall, the characters were a little lacking, but I still cared about two of them.

Overall, I wouldn't say that the film was memorable, but it was still a film. A movie is something that spends a lot of money to bring monsters to New York and an asteroid toward Earth with only Ben Afflack to save it. A film, on the other hand, is something that actually gets you to think. A lot of independent movies are films (Blair Witch Project is a good example. So is An Ideal Husband.), but this is one that rides the edge. I think that this film was good, but not overly memorable. I'm glad that I saw it, but I feel even better that I got to see it for free. (8 out of 10, but only for the two characters and a few parts of the plot. The two off are mostly for the headache I got when trying to figure out that number thing.)
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Pleasantville (1998)
A very, very underrated movie
28 March 1999
This was one of the greatest movies of 1998. I think that it was also one of the most underrated films of the year. In a year full of war, disaster, and Shakespearean films, this movie put a new twist on the fifties flashback movies. Tobey Maguire and Reese Witherspoon are two of the most under-appreciated teen actors of this generation. They may still be young, but most of the parts that they play are very mature when compared to the teen bop movies that are coming out right now. Joan Allen is still one of the most versatile actresses in Hollywood today. William H. Macy always plays small roles that are played to perfection. I must say that this cast probably couldn't have been chosen any better. I think that this movie was fantastic and should have been nominated for more Academy Awards because, yes, it is that good.
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A warm heart-felt movie without the script to back it all up
27 March 1999
Sure, this is one of those little known movies that comes out of nowhere to surprise everyone into thinking that it is some great movie. Let me tell you, it may be a little known movie, but it is far from great. Most of the scenes jump back and forth so much it is hard to remember what is going on with which character. The whole Anthony Edwards/Madeline Stowe thing was just weird (if you've seen the end, you'll understand). There were three things that saved the film though. The characters Meredith and Trent were great in this film. Don't be confused into thinking that I am saying that the acting was good. Just the characters. Sean Connery and Gena Rowlands are good thing number two. They were magnificent in this film, but it was the characters that seemed to be lacking when compared to the acting talent. Good thing number three is easily the greatest thing in the movie. Joan, played by the fabulous Angelina Jolie, saved the movie. She was the best character in the whole movie and Angelina played the part beautifully. If she really deserves a Golden Globe (she won for Gia), it should have been for this movie. It was easily her greatest role EVER!
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Can I have my four dollars back and just wait for it to come to HBO?
27 March 1999
It was a good movie. That is really all I can think to say. Nothing in the movie really popped out at me as being great. The dialogue was good at times, but really lagged most of the time too. "A bird could love a fish, but where would they live?" Come on. How many times have we heard lines like that? Usually only in the movies that we all love to make fun of for saying stuff like that (anyone remember the one-liners from Batman and Robin? [shudder]). Anjelica Huston was good in it, but it was far from her best role yet. This is one of those movies that you hear is good, but you leave the theater wishing that you had gone to see something else instead and just waited for this one to be the HBO Friday Night movie that you watch only when you don't have something else to do that night, so can I please have my money back?
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Hackers (1995)
A fast paced cyber-drama
14 March 1999
The film is often misread as another cheesy teen drama that uses smoke and mirrors to get your attention and then lets you leave the theater disappointed. Once you get passed the surface of cheap dialogue and flashy gimmicks, you see that the movie has a deeper meaning. Whether it's the bond formed between the new kid and the established hackers or it's hearing the hacker manifesto, this movie has something that everyone will enjoy seeing. While it isn't the greatest movie ever made, it is one of those movies that you can feel good about watching every other week when there is nothing else on. Also, you may want to pay attention to Kate Libby (Angelina Jolie) since this is one of her first big movies and she is rocketing up the list of greatest new actresses. Her role in this film, while fantastic, is nothing compared to what you will see in her more recent work, such as Gia and Playing By Heart.
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