
48 Reviews
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So Little Time (2001–2002)
What is this???
13 July 2001
I love the tagline that Fox Family boasts regarding this show: "Joi Mary-Kate and Ashley as they deal with high school, boys, and their parents in this hilarious show!"

The very first episode had me reeling: Two 14 year-old girls, made up to look like they were 21 year-old models coming off the Paris runway, telling stupid jokes and gossiping about 17 Magazine and dating. What is wrong with this picture?? When I was 14 I sure wasn't caught up in boys and make-up. That in itself made me want to throw up.

That aside, the show itself sucks too. The jokes were not funny, the characters were flat, the plot of the show is too cliche. Give me a break.
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Edgemont (2000–2005)
Where's Britney Spears?
8 June 2001
I keep waiting for Britney Spears or someone from N'Sync to walk onto the set of this pathetic so-called show. Honestly, I cannot believe this show would last long. High school teenybopper shows ara a dime a dozen these days, and this show is no different. Take a bunch of stick-skinny, highly sexual teen characters and place them in a high school atmosphere: what do we get? A lot of teens mouthing off to each other and talking about who slept with whom. I remember 'Fifteen' and 'Welcome Freshman' from my younger Nickelodeon days, and at least those shows had some body and plot. The only episode I saw of Edgemont was a major turn-off, and I hope I never have to see it again. I regret what we are teaching our teens these days...
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The continuing story of Anne Frank
21 May 2001
I was skeptical of this TV movie when I found out it was not based on Anne's diary, but on a biography of Anne Frank written by Melissa Muller. I am sure I am not the only one who wondered if any truth would be presented. I was pleasantly surprised.

I have just finished watching the second half of this movie on ABC. The scenes of the concentraion camps are horrific, and really tug at your heart. I can only imagine what these camps were like for the real people and how survivors live life today. Since the story wasn't told from Anne's diary, the viewers got another view of the short but significant life Anne lived, headed by a wonder all-star cast. The movie began with Anne in 1936 and ended upon her death at Bergen-Belsen in 1945.

Hannah Taylor-Gordon was excellent as Anne. At first I wondered if she was too young (at age 14) to portray such a dramatic role, but as Anne grew, Hannah grew as well. Ben Kingsley and Tatjana Blacher played Anne and Margot's parents wonderfully, and the rest of the cast added to the beauty, horror, and passion of the film: Lili Taylor, Rob Das, Brenda Blethyn, and many more.
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Dharma & Greg (1997–2002)
Enjoyable but silly
29 January 2001
The very first time I watched an episode of D&G, I was very turned off by the constant sex, sex, sex (i.e. "Oh no, we fell asleep in the middle of it!"). But this season I have actually gotten into the show, for it has mellowed since the first season and the jokes are actually funny.

Dharma and Greg is, I think now, one of the best sitcoms on TV. It didn't start out that way in my book, but Dharma is less cheeky and Greg has actually mellowed from his "executive state". The only real complaint I have is that Greg and Dharma are way too different- he's Mr. Suit and Tie, and she is a living flower child. Greg's parents consider filet mignon (SP?) as an afternoon snack, and Dharma calls her mom by her first name. I suppose the major differences make the show interesting, but the relationship and marriage between D&G seem a little too incredible.

In any case, D&G is a good show that deserves some good credit, and I hope to see it around for awhile. Especially now since the writers are now coming up with some great new story lines. *** out of ****
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Finders Keepers (1987–1989)
The good old days of Nickelodeon!
24 December 2000
When I was a kid I loved watching the old shows on Nick, like 'You Can't Do That on Television' and 'Today's Special'....and 'Finder's Keepers'. My best friend and I used to hide things in my room and when we gave each other clues, we'd time each other to find the items while we ransacked my room. We threw stuff everywhere! Ahh, memories of childhood.

On FK, the object of the game was to ransack different rooms and find certain objects based on clues. Rooms included beach houses, junk yards, bathrooms, bedrooms, kitchens, every kind of room. The props made the show exciting, players would have to go through pools of slime and boxes of junk to find the specific item.

However short-lived, FK is a representation of the funny kid game shows of the past. Forget about 'Figure It Out'.
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Clarissa with magic
11 December 2000
Sabrina is an ok show, but it's not Melissa Joan Hart that makes it cool. I love Salem, Sabrina's aunts, and especially Harvey. Unfortunately, all in all, when I see Melissa Joan Hart act as Sabrina I see too much of Clarissa (from Clarissa Explains it All). They talk the same, act the same, behave the same, the only differences lie in the name change and the fact that Sabrina does magic.

The show might be a major hit if MJH would brush up on her acting a little. Even major stars like Geena Davis and Bette Middler are getting by on sitcoms, without showing the character personalities they portrayed in the movies. But when I watch this show, I see way too much Clarissa. Work on it, girl.
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The $treet (2000–2001)
Oh, please.
15 November 2000
Don't even start with this one.

The writers (creators, or whatever) of 'Sex In the City' have brought us another cute little TV show about one thing...S-E-X.

Just out of curiosity, I tuned into the first episode and changed channels within 5 minutes. I have grown tired of the repeat sex plots on TV these days. Basically, whoever created this show is trying to bring SITC to Fox. I was not impressed.

A show about bimbos trying to gain power on Wallstreet by "opening themselves up" to Wallstreet men may be sound cool to some people, but the idea is getting very worn out. I have no respect for characters as shallow and as the ones I witnessed. I am saddened that stars like Tom Everett Scott, Jennifer Connelly, and Molly Ringwald are present on this show. Talk about a true waste of talent.
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Phenom (1993–1994)
"Phenom"? I think not.
9 October 2000
The only good thing about this show was Judith Light. And all I remember from the series is this cute, innocent tennis player torn between a normal life and her coach's never-ending push for "professionalism".

Angela was an unusually beautiful teenager living with her mom Dianne and younger sister Mary. She was a phenom at tennis (hence the name) and her coach always pushed her to perfection. The only episode I remember pertained to Angela learning how to kiss. She was developing a healthy relationship and her coach tried to stand in the way.

The who show was a string of cliches, and I am not surprised it was cancelled. It had potential but fell flat.
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Bring It On (2000)
Grow up, Kirsten
5 September 2000
This movie was dumb. What can I say? It was meant to be dumb. The scene when the dance instructer asked the girls to skip meals to lose weight really made me sick, although the rest of the movie was so-so.

I've been a Kirsten Dunst fan for years, but I have to say she been cast in some really lousy flicks lately. She has talent but she should use it with her mind instead of her body. I noticed that her seemingly "perfect" body is shown off way too much in her movies. Yes she is beautiful but she has talent, somebody tell her agent to get Kirsten some MIND movies (if that makes sense).

Anyway, back to the movie.....oh, did I say it was lousy?
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Turned out nice!!
1 September 2000
I was skeptical about this movie the first time I saw it. I was expecting this sort of remake to follow the original movie word-for-word, like Pyscho, but I was pleasantly surprised at the differences as well as the similarities.

Lindsey Lohan was great as twins Halle and Annie. I found the movie had a great up-to-date look, and was very warm and inviting. Acting by Natasha Richardson and Dennis Quaid was also good, as were the supporting characters like Elaine Hendrix.

If you know both versions well, see them both. It's easy to compare, but I found that this version had a mind and soul of it's own. This remake is certainly a good example of a good remake!
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Where the Heart Is (1997–2006)
Do I detect a pattern?
31 August 2000
'Coronation Street' is a good example of a long-running British drama that has been on United Kingdom TV's longer than any American soap. Other drama series like 'Heartbeat' and 'Ballykissangel' are right up there, and 'Where the Heart Is' is on its way to joining the ranks.

In only its fourth season, WTHI has quickly become one of the favorites. Now the show is popular in Canada, a few networks there have picked up last season to show. Unfortunately WTHI is not shown in the states, but I got my hands on a video taping of the second season. And there is no comparison.

WTHI is a great British dramatic series about real families, real problems, real people and real love in a small Yorkshire town. You can share the lives and loves of sisters-in-law Peggy Snow and Ruth Goddard. Some have called this series "sugar-coated" but don't knock it until you have seen it.

The British must know something we Americans do not, many programs they show are based on real life, not what the ideal kind of person is. Imperfections are not looked upon in the media. I think we should all take a cue. And watch this show if you can, I'd move over to England just to see it if I could.
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Scary Movie (2000)
I didn't laugh very much.
26 July 2000
Although "Scary Movie" had its moments, I think the Wayans made a common mistake- they spent too much time trying to make the sexual jokes and gore too graphic. A movie like Orgazmo was hilarious because the jokes were original and most of the graphic scenes left something to the imagination. "Scary Movie" was a 2 hour-long rpresentation of cliche after cliche.

I really don't know why, but I didn't laugh at this movie much. Not to mention the fact that there were only a total of six people in the theater (myself and my boyfriend were 2).

The movie was good for a few chuckles over all, and I have to say I do love spoofs. However, the jokes and most scenes that were meant to be funny turned out to be far too graphic.

Solution? Try leaving something to the imagination.

** out of *****
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Kids (1995)
Good yet terrible....
26 July 2000
I watched about the last half hour of this film and, truth to tell, I didn't like it. I know this is real life (in some places) for many children. However, I wish I had not seen it.

But at the same time, I agree with some of the other comments made. This film IS a major wake-up call for all parents. The all-too-realism shocks you into shape.

The only aspect I didn't like is that some scenes reminded me of nothing more than kiddie porn, especially the last scene. I think it's perfectly ok to place realism in films, especially ones based on modern society problems. But having children participate in some of those scenes, even for the benefit of Hollywood, is not apropriate.
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Forget Titanic and Star Wars...
27 May 2000
Want to see a real movie? See this one. Truly, The Elephant Man is one of the greatest films ever made and yet it is so unrecognized. Anthony Hopkins and superb, as is John Hurt with his moving performance as John Merrick. I have never seen or felt such a film that touched my heart so much. 10/10
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The Three Stooges (2000 TV Movie)
An intimate look at the Stooges
24 April 2000
I've been a life-long fan of the Stooges, and I'm glad I got to see a side of them that fans rarely saw. On the media side, I found striking similarities to this made-for-TV movie that compare to the recent showing of Audrey Hepburn's TV biography starring Jennifer Love Hewitt. Like with Hepburn, a TV movie doesn't do the Stooges justice. If you liked this show, watch 'Chaplin' the movie. Hopefully when the Marx brothers get their turn it'll be a movie movie like 'Chaplin'

On the other hand, I found the cast talented and refreshing (I especially loved Michael Chiklis' performance of Curly).
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She's All That? I respectfully disagree.
30 January 2000
Yuck! 'Clueless' was better than this junk and John Hugh's 80's teen flicks were SO much better.

The acting stunk. The storyline stunk. The plot stunk. The movie stunk. Need I say more? I have to give Freddie credit, his acting was the only element that saved the movie from sinking faster than the Titanic. But how cliche can we get?

A gorgeous high school hunk is paid off to turn the new school 'ugly duckling' into the Prom Queen in a short time. I don't think I have ever seen so much self-centered bull wrapped up into one movie.

Such a waste. Don't spend your money on this one, rent BEAN instead.
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Clueless (1995)
A lesson learned.
24 December 1999
For a long while I flat refused to see this movie, out of disgust for those self-centered bimbos that head the cast. Amy Heckerling is an incredible director but I still didn't want to watch Clueless. My mother, of all people, LOVES this flick. So I swallowed my pride and watched it one day.

I laughed. I laughed a lot. The movie was funny, witty, and completely stupid. I imagine it was meant to be that way. In the end I was surprised at the ability of the characters to show their responsible, mature side. Plus Paul Rudd is adorable.

Anyway, if you see this flick, let is all slide. It's hilarious if not taken too seriously.
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The Man Show (1999–2004)
Funny, yes, but....
22 December 1999
'The Man Show' is very degrading to women.

I watched one episode one day and laughed. But still, as a woman myself, I have to look past the humor at the way those men on the show treat women as sex objects. This is not a sexist comment but I don't appreciate being made to feel inadquate to men because I don't have a model's butt or strip for a living. Men can be men, disgusting, funny, without having to include degrading women. I hope the female producers and director of the show change the format a little. Until then...
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American Pie (1999)
Porkys? I think not!
21 December 1999
This movie is nothing like Porkys. For one, Porkys was good. I grew up with it. Sexual humor is fine, I love movies that you can kick back with. But THIS flick.... If I said what I really thought of it my comments would NEVER be accepted.

I would expect Thomas Ian to go for better movies than this, he's got some good talent. Utterly wasted on this flick. zip out of 10.
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Get ready for the Oscars...
20 December 1999
'Man On the Moon' is a winner. So is Jim Carrey, who took the character he was given and ran with it. What a strange event, that the same wrestler who landed Andy in a neck brace also injured Jim.

MOTM is a beautifully made film with good, decent acting (for once!) and kept me interested all the way through. As a life-long Kaufman fan I was thrilled with the movie and Carrey's performance. This time around, he deserves best actor. I've never really been a big fan of Carrey but I am changing my tune surely. I'm glad that Carrey had enough respect for Kaufman to do him justice. But then maybe Andy was really poking through... Who knows.

8 out of 10
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Will there be a next time?
19 December 1999
I sure hope not. But if there is, put something besides inexperienced actors and pathetic filming into play.

This movie was B-O-R-I-N-G and had little effect on me, the characters were stale, and the acting terrible. The only thing that held its own weight was the story which is original and interesting. But Steven and James (Cameron that is) could have done it better.

I hope these college kids find some good stuff to spend all that royalty money on. NOT another movie like this one I hope.
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Titanic: Adventure Out of Time (1996 Video Game)
Wonderful and stimulating
19 December 1999
Whatta combination! Not only do you get to step back in time on the world's most famous ocean liner, you get to actually be a part of history in the making! Gives me goose-bumps everytime I reach the end of the game.

Cyberflix did a breathtaking job with the game. A must-have for Titanic buffs. Just don't spend much time trying to look for the Heart of the Ocean. Also, you won't find Jack Dawson, which I know is a disappointment for girls everywhere. But it's still a great game!
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Black Beauty (1994)
A masterpiece
19 December 1999
I'm not big on animal movies, especially sad ones at times. I get too emotional. But this version of Black Beauty was truly beautiful. Danny Elfman did a fabulous job with the music, as he has done in movies in the past. The cast was excellent.
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Absolutely marvelous!
19 December 1999
This version of TSG is probably the best ever made. The film is so lovingly directed by Holland, I've been told that this story was one of her favorites growing up.

Heading a wonderful all-star cast is Kate Maberly as Mary Lennox. Maberly carried her character beautifully, she didn't appear to be acting as much as actually getting into character. Her attitude and personality changed as things got better in life. Maggie Smith, one of my personal favorite actressess, is wonderful as Mrs. Medlock. Others like John Lynch and Andrew Knott add more magic to the production.

Hayden Prowse was wonderful as Colin Craven. Surprisingly enough, this is the only movie he's ever been in. I certainly wish he acted more often for he has good talent.

8 out of 10
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Psycho (1998)
Where's the suspense?!
18 December 1999
Ok. The orginal Psycho scared the heck out of me. And it still does. It is, in my opinion, the best Hitchcock film ever made. But the remake? Not a bad try...but not that good either.

To begin with, whoever said that Vince Vaughn is better than Anthony Perkins is crazy in the head. Vaughn, a good actor otherwise, portrayed Norman Bates as a scared little boy. You can see it in his sheepish grin at the end. But Anthony Perkins portrayed scared little boy AND grown man defining his clingy mother, as well as "mother" herself. In the original Psycho you can just tell it in his face what personality is within at that moment. From what I have seen, plenty of people ridiculed the new vs. the old. But that's to be expected; this is a remake, for crying out loud! The music is the same, so is the dialog. It doesn't make any sense to change some. It's either all or nothing.

But to stray from the usual comments, the acting was good. Aside from Vaugh's "little boy" act, Anne carried the character of Marion Crane to new heights. Julianne More, however, was cast poorly as Lila.

Last but not least, the suspense was lacking. At least do Alfred Hitchcock some good by keeping you on the edge of your seat. And what's this with not using the original, I mean ORIGINAL, Bates house? A newly-built set in front of the old one on the Universal lot just doesn't cut it for die-hard Psycho fans. Plus some of the speeches like the one "mother" speaks at the end were too fast. It doesn't give you time to understand what's really wrong with Norman.

Forgive me for completely dissing the final project, but it could have been perfected in so many ways. The only thing that really excited me is that the original license numbers on Marion's car were carried over to her car on the remake. Did you see the NFB?
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