
10 Reviews
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beautiful and forgettable
27 March 2002
My thoughts on this film.

It is a beautiful movie. It look s very very good. It has a lot of fighting scenes. Some of them are entertaining, but most of them are just plain stupid. The sound and music works fine, but are not that noteworthy.

The main problems with this movie are these things:

1.Uninspiring story

2.You never really get to know the characters that good, so I at least couldnt care less about what happened to them. I dont think it is the actors or actresses fault, it is the story. Of course, if you speak Chinese you may get more into it, but I still think it will fall short.

3.The flying. Why they thought that removing the gravity in some scenes would improve on the excitement I will never understand. It just ruins the whole thing.

Some people has written here before that it is a fantasy movie and that we should have an open mind to what is possible in a fantasy movie. I agree, in a fantasy movie I always accept these things, but this is NOT a fantasy movie. At least none of the trailers or ad's for this movie has given me that impression. As far as I know it's a tale from the ancient times. If people flew back in those years I would love to know the reason. At least then I would accept it as a fairytale.

This movie would be very good without the flying, and it could have been great with more depth. (Just because it comes from exotic China does not make it deep and thoughtful)

Why people compare this to Matrix, I dont understand. They have absolutely nothing in common. (to say it is similar because of the fighting scenes is like comparing Rambo to the X-files because they both have guns in them)

My personal impression of this movie says not to recommend it to others, but it is not a bad movie so a lot of people will like it.

I will rate it as I rate games.

Visuals: 9/10 Sound : 8/10 Story : 6/10 Value : 6/10

Score in the normal IMDB fashion would be a 7/10
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4 March 2002
I did'nt expect much from this movie, and that was right on.

None of the elements of the movie is that bad, the whole thing is just plain pointless. It is just one silicone bouncing action scene after another with no real story in between.

If I should point out some dumb scenes I noticed it must be some of the car scenes.

In one scene a sports car accelerates away from the camera. You hear the usual roar from the engine as it is shifting gears and picking up speed, the great part in this scene is that the car brakes some distance away but the engine sounds like it is still accelerating and shifting gears.

Another car scene is in the jungle. Lara is driving pretty fast through the jungle, still, in some close up shots of Lara the car goes smooth and level like she was driving on a nice road.

It is small stupid things like this that are so easy to make right that make me dislike certain movies.

I will add this movie to my list of very stupid big budget movies. The list: (1 is worst)

1.Dantes Peak 2.Godzilla 3.Mission To Mars 4.Lost In Space 5.Mission Impossible 2 6.Tomb Raider
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Scary Movie (2000)
Absolutely tasteless/How low can you go....
4 January 2001
When I saw the trailer I knew I wanted to see this movie. I love parody, but I wont go as far as to call this movie parody. It has many "funny" moments, but it is just too many tasteless scenes inbetween. This one is a No Go! I'm sorry, but this kind of movie could only be made in Hollywood, U.S.A. 4/10
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This could have been good....
10 December 2000
With more work put into the story this could have been a good movie, but it seems rushed and unpolished. I just wander....when did DePalma realize that this movie was going to suck? I guess most people thought so about 30 minutes into the story, at least I wanted to throw something at my dvd player at that time. This movie proves it once and for all...good visuals doesnt do sh*t for a movie if the story is neglected. Just look at what Ridley Scott accomplished 22 years ago equipped with just a rubber puppet!(and Sigourney Weaver). At least Stephen Hopkins(lost in space)now has company in the shame of making totally pointless space movies. rating 5/10. The 5 points is to the visuals. Its the ONLY good thing in this...whatever. Tip Of The Day: Suffer from insomnia? Rent this'll do miracles for you!!
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Spawn (1997)
not good, not horrible
10 October 2000
If you like fantasy action movies, then spawn is not the worst movie you could see, but it could have been so much more.

The visual effects are ok, but sometimes incredibly annoying. I remember seeing "the making of spawn" a couple of times on the tv, and the movie makers were very proud of the graphix work on the boss down under. Actually, I thought he is the lamest thing in the movie. What is so good about him? He is totally static, and doesnt even move his "lips" when he talks! Not good at all. The other most annoying thing in the movie is the clown. Totally dull and annoying. But the musical score is great! How it is adapted into the movie is nothing special, but as a soundtrack cd it is great. Of course the graphix on spawn himself is superb. Its action and a lot of graphix not "Bridges of Madison county", so take it for what it is. 4/10
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I want my money back!
7 October 2000
I saw this movie on the IMAX cinema just a day ago, and I recognize what other reviewer has written. When the movie ended,everyone just stood up and left in silence. This must be an attempt from Panasonic IMAX to dig their own grave! This movie is at best an entertaining movie for 6 year old's, but it is advertised as "the most awesome dinosaur movie ever" or something. And you see these big posters everywhere with the picture of a terrifying T-Rex leaping at you. If you want to see dinosaurs in 3D, then dont get your hopes up for this "movie". The 3D effects are awesome when they are used to the max, and that is what the IMAX movies must deliver if they dont have a story to carry the movie, but this movie fails in both. The story is for kindergarten kids, the 3D dinosaurs are almost non existant, and in Norway the movie had the worst voice-over ever heard in an movie. I went to IMAX not for a story, but for a thrillride in 3D effects, I got none of that. This movie is actually worse than the "kid going to america" movie I saw on IMAX last year. What a complete waste of great technology!

The only reason for paying money to see this movie is if you bring kids along. They will probably love it.
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100% enjoyable,over the top editing!
7 October 2000
This movie has it all. least all it needs to be the movie it's supposed to be. It's not an deep dark futuristic sci-fi like many other great sci-fi flick's, it's the exact opposite! It's just plain fun, and everything is executed so very beautifully. Visuals/Actors/Audio....all superb, but the one thing that really make this movie something very special is the editing! It is so well done...I cant praise the editors enough. Thanks!! 10/10
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Dune (1984)
I just love this movie!
19 March 2000
A lot of reviewers says it dont do justice to the novel. I can't really tell if it does or not because I've only seen the movie. But as for one that has never read the book, I can truly say that this is one of the few movies I watch over and over and enjoying every moment of it!

Some people slaughter this movie because of the "lo end fx", and some I talked to said the way Paul Atreides and the other characters displays their thoughts throughout the movie totally ruins it.

Well...some people gives Armageddon and Dantes peak top ratings.....
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Lost in Space (1998)
What did I just see?
16 August 1999
Can someone please tell me the reason for this movie to ever be released!

What I think is that they had 5 or 6 unfinished movies..found some tape and taped the unfinished scripts together in random order.

Highlights: Hmm...must be the shooting scene with LeBlanc fragging those spiders. More of that and it would save some of the movie. (for a quaker anyway). I thought exactly the same as one of the other reviewers here....Penny was a true animè girl. Nice touch.

Letdowns...The always brilliant Oldman did'nt really shine in this movie, but I blame the script or/and the director. Jack Johnson was the only actor that got it somewhat right. The intro....I really thought it was a trailer for babylon 5!! Seriously! Comment from the movie: "You're a monster Smith"...Comment from one of Oldmans latest movies: "You're a monster Zorg", (fifth element).....It bugged me.

And what about that monkey??????!!!!! What lamebrain wizard came up with that idea? Poor judgement, poor animation! The final thing that wrecked this movie was LeBlanc actually got a kiss at the end. Always that soft hollywood!

A movie for the youngest.
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One of the best!
12 August 1999
I bought Portishead's album "Dummy" when it came out. It has since then been one of my favorite records in my collection,But when I saw this recording from Roseland it gave the name Portishead a whole new dimension! It is one of the few bands that actually can play their songs live without improvising half the hard parts. I could not spot one single weak point in vocals or instruments! If you like Portishead but have never seen them live...what are you waiting for?!A new experience is waiting...the Portishead experience!
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