"9-1-1" Brawl in Cell Block 9-1-1 (TV Episode 2021) Poster

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Season 5 really seems to be about Eddie's heart
maggiemargaret1232 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First the universe, now the heart theme. I love it.

And let me tell you after last weeks episode this weeks episode was so much better and i really loved the focus is on Eddie (and the other firefighters). I did miss Chimney, i do wonder if the actor has another project and that is why he is missing some episodes.

And sigh to that Diaz boys ending scene. How anyone can hate this character is beyond me. I love them and i do wonder what is going on with Buck.
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Solid episode
itisiabanana1 November 2021
After a lot of misses this season, this episode was a nice change. We got good screen time for the mains, which was nice. It's always a plus to have more time spent on the 118 rather than Athena/police, though there were still problematic copaganda aspects in this episode, unsurprisingly.

It was great to see more of Eddie again, I love his no nonsense attitude and seeing him with Christopher again was a treat, even if they totally dropped the ball on letting us know how Christopher handled Eddie's breakup with Ana, after making him a pivotal part of their relationship. More follow-up for everything Eddie (and Buck) has been going through is needed.

It was nice to have Hen's storyline addressed again, though I can't say I'm a fan of how they're inserting her medical school storyline into the show. I get that the show won't always be realistic, but meh. It's a step too far.

Taylor and Buck still felt off to me and I can never tell if it's just bad acting on Megan's part or if it's intentionally uncomfortable.
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Best episode of this season yet!
agentsofsword2 November 2021
I have one problem of this show is that they keep making their characters suffer.

But they won't address their traumas like buck and eddie has been through ALOT

EDDIE has been to a war , got shot, almost drowned and now held at a gunpoint.

BUCK has witnessed his best friend got shot in front of him, truck fell on him, almost lost his sister , almost lost Chris , tsunami and now held at gunpoint.

It has become a formula making their characters traumatized every season but never even talk about it.
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Eddie the pretty boy Who saves the season?
hessah-177-797942 November 2021
This was the best episode of the season so far, Eddie is always the pretty boy who saves any episode, despite what happened throughout his relationship and the trauma after another made me wonder when Buck and Eddie would open up about all this drama between them.
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Best episode of the season
TIN-370-9183272 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This one ticked off all the boxes for me.

The Buck and Eddie storyline was really great. Worried Buck is a weakness.

The way Mitchell's storyline twined with Eddie and Eddie's understanding of why it happened the way it did. (Also sass master Eddie is perfection, I love him omg). This has been one of the best Eddie seasons thus far, nice to see the writers finally using Ryan the way they should. His subtle change from in control and collected while Buck was there to sassy and annoyed when Buck was gone, was really noticeable and I loved the way the writers showed that change. Eddie's trauma will come to a head soon, I'm excited to see what Ryan and the writers actually interested in exploring Eddie's trauma do with it.

There was a threaded storyline this week about parents and family and I don't think I misread the way that the guardianship was threaded subtly through the story this week. Also, the last Eddie and Chris scene had me crying. Ryan is SO GOOD.

Doctor Wilson! Doctor Wilson!! I loved Hen getting to showcase her talent and gentleness and skills. I can't wait for a Hen focused story next week.

The Bobby and Ravi scene was a nice throwback to Buck and Bobby's scene back at the beginning. I love how much Bobby dad's his entire team. He loves them all.

This week was much better than last week and it really shows that 911 thrives when there's a central plot that all the cast kinda revolves around. Last week was a mess of pacing and writing and plot and they really stepped up their game this week. The episode switch makes more sense now, I feel like this week was a set up for the rest of 5A.
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Most intense episode of the season so far
MKUltraViolet1 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I liked it a lot for the most part, but one thing that annoyed me is that there is NO way they wouldn't send SWAT to a prison riot.

Also Taylor is up to something and I don't like it, I have a feeling she's just using Buck to get inside info to use for her own job.

I hope she doesn't stick around for much longer, she's robotic and awkward, I don't understand what she brings to the show.
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So good
sfier-544312 November 2021
Ravi Hen Buddie this was a really good episode I wish Buck and Eddie would realize their feelings for each other sooner but this episode was solid Christopher was the cherry on top Taylor was annoying but I think the writers write her that way #buddie makes for the best episodes though always.
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Why are there guards have guns
bill-554672 November 2021
Where did the inmates get their weapons guards don't carry weapons inside prison. Also inmates would not be located around a inmate on death row. Also why did just the fire department show up without any outside law enforcement.
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Loved this episode!
viviciuz2 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was for the gays and the gays only!!

Really loved Buck and Eddie's interactions in this episode. The anger in Eddie's eyes when Christopher was threatened and Buck basically taking a hit for him?? That's two parents fighting for their son right there!! Amazing, truly. Let's not even address Buck literally running to Eddie when he hears the gunshot. There's so much love between those two!

I really enjoyed also Hen's storyline (very proud of her) and Ravi's. I feel like he's really integrating in the team and i love to see it, although i DO miss Chim a lot and i hope he and Maddie come back soon!

The scene between Buck and Taylor was... awkward and uncomfortable as usual. Either she's up to something or the chemistry between those two is dead..

Less Taylor, more Ravi!
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sssdawtr2 November 2021
This episode definitely felt like a 9-1-1 show that I've first started watching a couple of years ago. There was an interesting plot, development for some of the characters and just overall good pacing (especially after 505).
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Best episode of season 5 so far!
seban-015502 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is the show I watch for, this episode was great. We had sassy Eddie, worried Buck, dad Bobby, Momma Athena, we even remembered Hen is training to become a doctor! How's that for (eventual) continuity?

My critique of this episode would only be to say really that it was quite an obvious bait and switch with the guards being inmates instead. I would also say I saw most of this episode play by play in season one of Chicago Fire but hey.

Still no idea why they're pushing Taylor Kelly in every episode, she is not an important part of this story at all, she's clearly been put there only to look pretty and I dont doubt at all we're about to see her true colors revealed shortly.

Finally, ending the episode with Chris and Eddie? Yes. Beautifully done.
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Great episode, best one of the season so far
stillnotyourbusiness2 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Eddie dealt with that hostage situation brilliantly.

Buck was great, his usual self.

I'm so glad we got to see doctor Hen again and she has decided on being a surgeon. It looks like that arc is going to be explored some more in the following episodes and I'm so interested in it.

Ravi was badass in that prison riot, such a great addition to the team while Chim is gone.

Bobby being the usual calm that know what to do in every second.

The story was great, I loved both teams (the one in the prison and the one in the ambulance), Athena being ahead once again, and that final scene of Chris and Eddie was the sweetest thing ever.
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major improvement in comparison to the rest of the season
TARL0S2 November 2021
Whoever wrote this episode needs to help save the rest of the season! This episode was a significant improvement from the previous episodes. From the emergencies to the main characters everything about this episode felt like the 9-1-1 we know and fell in love in season 2!
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Nearly Perfect.
rsmith-478362 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First off, no way in hell would this episode have been the lowest rated of the series for live views if hulu hadn't had it up a day early for like 8 hours! Great episode! (I assume the person(s) responsible for leaking it an entire day early has been . . . If not fired then at least written up and scolded)

Anyway, the episode. Lotta action, lotta character stuff. Awesome. The more I see Ravi the more I like him. More screentime for Ravi please! Then we had Dr. Wilson, Bobby in dad-mode, etc. And my 2nd best highlight: Buck running headlong *toward* gunfire because he knows Eddie is in danger, then seeing him nearly attack an armed man outright when Mitchell threatened to go after Christopher. I can't even imagine Buck prioritizing anyone above his Diaz boys, so if such a thing ever happened on the show it would ring utterly false and forced to me. The Buckley-Diaz family has been so beautifully crafted since the moment Eddie and Chris arrived in S2, and it really paid off in this episode.

I'd love to see more screentime for Ravi. And at this point I've decided that there's literally no point to Taylor other than to provide a male lead with an attractive female. Which, speaking as a woman, is super annoying. We deserve better. So please take her usual 1 or 2 minutes of screentime per episode and give them to Ravi. Or Karen. Or Michael. As a reporter all she can do is report things we're already seeing in the episode, and as Buck's girlfriend it feels like the writers just chose a random female who'd been on the show before and smooshed her together with Buck out of sheer laziness. However if the awkward randomness of this relationship is on purpose and leading somewhere interesting? Then yes, it is still good writing despite being uncomfortable to watch. So I'll wait and see before forming a final opinion on that front.

Finally, as for my #1 highlight? The beautiful Family scene at the end with Eddie and Christopher. A perfect way to end this episode, seeing him so warm and grateful to have such a wonderful son. Flawless.
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getting back to what we love
YouGotTimeForASinner2 November 2021
This ep was a breath of fresh air and felt like we are finally heading back in the right direction after whatever last week was supposed to be. Possibly the best of season 5 so far.

Loved how Ravi is fitting in so seamlessly, Anirudh's performance here was perfect. And loved the end with Bobby, it did remind me of season 1 Buck and Bobby which was nice. Though I do miss Chimney and I hope to catch up with him and Maddie again next week.

Hen being a surgeon was bad ass, though the thought of her leaving the 118 is so scary... those are her boys and the dynamic works so well with her there. I get she's only in year 2 of med school but I am curious how this will play out.

AND FINALLY we got Buck and Eddie where they should be....teamed up and together again. However you interpret them there's no doubt they are so good on screen together as a duo and there's a reason the dynamic is so widely adored. Though they really need to tackle the elephant in the room. Feels like something big is simmering under the surface with Eddie and I really hope the writers give this arc the screen time it deserves. I also feel there's a reason we are seeing Buck almost at arms length from the Diaz boys whilst it's simultaneously cemented that they are incredibly important to him....very interested to see where this is going. If the Buck and Taylor scenes are deliberately awkward and this will be soon uncovered as to why... then fair play to the actors....if not then...lol??

Also yay for Athena and Buck interactions, I always enjoy those (and would love for 911 to explore it more, I really feel like she sees Buck in a way others don't, because she's both incredibly close to him/the 118 and an observer at the same time). Athena, Maddie and Carla, I feel are integral to Buck figuring things out 👀

The end scene with Eddie and Chris was perfect. Gavin McHugh you are a scene stealer always. Writers please use him wisely!

Overall good ep, high energy and intense. Followed through with some more character work post this "event" (I.e. More trauma) this could be really solid.
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Not perfect but a solid episode
buckdiaz3 November 2021
I loved to see Eddie, Hen and Ravi getting screen time, they deserve it. It's always good to see Eddie and Buck together, proving again how strong their bond is. The way Mitchel's story resonates with Eddie was an interesting move, I'm hoping the writers don't abandon the things they have started approaching with Eddie earlier this season and we get a chance to see more depth in his arc, because the break up magically fixing everything is just lame. I still don't understand the angle the writers are trying to approach with Bucktaylor. First, she was the absent girlfriend, deeply committed to work. But now, her only job is to be in Buck's apartment all the time to have dialogues that don't really add anything to the story, it's hard to see a clear development or a purpose for this. Their scene in this episode was once again pointless and awkward, so what's the message the writers are trying to give? Are they building a break up? Because if this relationship is meant to last, they're doing a terrible job and this entire arc feels completely deranged, it's as if they can't decide which path to take. The lack of chemistry between Oliver and Megan doesn't help either.

Please, give us more Chris, the world needs more Christopher Diaz in their lives!!! My heart just melted with that cute father and son moment, love my Diaz boys. Also, give us more Bucley-Diaz family moments, that's what we really love to see in our screens.
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Best Episode This Season (So Far)
gaslight-1261110 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
FINALLY. This season has felt like a collection of good moments mixed with a lot of confusing writing and character choices, some of which I hope will make sense eventually? But this episode is what I watch the show for. Yes, I'm biased in that I love any episode heavy on Buck and Eddie but honestly, it was just solid all around.

Despite most of it taking place in a jail, it was one of the least cop-heavy plots of this season. It centered around the 118. Even split up, everyone got good moments; Hen's medical school plotline advancing, good Bobby and Ravi moments, Buck proving again why Eddie made the right choice with his will, Eddie getting some really good moments, though I would've liked to see something character development wise for him in an episode like this. Just seemed like there were possibilities that didn't get utilized here, but still a very strong episode for him. AND an actually interesting plot with a twist I cared about and didn't predict!!

My only real criticism would be that Buck and Eddie had ZERO interaction after the kidnapping. Their characters sometimes seem attached at the hip so that just felt out of place? I get that there's only so much time in an episode but they left the hospital at the same time, 1 frame of them interacting out of earshot in the background as they exit would've been satisfactory. But if the rest of this season could come close to this episode I'll be happy.
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Excellent episode
psmomini9 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This season has been a bit hit or miss but this episode was excellent. Seeing Eddie be the focal point within this storyline was just perfect. Buck's worry for Eddie? Always a highlight. That ending scene with Chris? Beautiful. Hen's scenes with the Doc? So great to see. Bobby and the new kid? Such a small but important scene. Just an amazing episode overall.
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[9.2] Brawl in Cell Block 9-1-1
jimmyishere-377483 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What an amazing episode! Packed with actions and suspense. Im really happy 9-1-1 is getting back to it, after those boring episodes.

The episode was really good but the only problem for me is the fact that the two prisoners were caught so easy by the police even though 5 minutes prior to that, they were the masterminds who managed to walk out the front door.

But besides I have nothing else to else.
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lynnettegibson5 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I missed something. Where did the knife come from? When Mitchell dropped the apple, he picked it off the ground and hid it. Did someone plant it for him? I was expecting the Dr. Or his ex-wife to have been in on it, but no mention. How did he know the knife was there?
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Better than 5x05 but...
bingoplayer-526272 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Okay I like the episode in general. What I love about the episode was the balance of screentime among the major characters. I think this was the most balanced so far out of all the episodes, screentime-wise.

I would just like to commend Anirudh Pisharody's character first. The guy can act, thank God! And he has this very likeable approach to his acting choices. I love how his eyes act. You can feel his inner pain. I want more of him. More of Ravi.

Second, Oliver Stark. This guy is the big deal. He's got the looks and he undoubtedly can act his face off. He captured the right amount of emotions of a person in panic and worried about his friend. It's just beautiful to see. Great acting there.

Third, Angela Bassett. Finally Athena's back!!! I miss the badass Athena Grant in uniform. I want more of that. More grittier storyline for her I hope.

Fourth, Aisha Hinds. God bless this woman. She's got the least screentime among the major characters but she shown us so much in those limited time. Hen Wilson needs more storyline and I'm glad they address the progress of her Med school.

Fifth, Peter Krause. The forever dad of the 118. It touched me when he came to Ravi to give him company in times of rough calls. He's such a dad. Now, Ravi's the newest and the youngest Bobby's adopted son. Move over, Buck.

And finally, Eddie and Christopher. Their last scene together was just cute. No one can question what kind of a father Eddie was because he's really an amazing and loving father to his son. Christopher has gotten so big and I'm not ready yet. I wish Ryan Guzman could give more on his acting though. I know he improved but it's not enough. I want the grit. I want to feel what Eddie feels in a particular situation. I don't want to see Ryan Guzman. I wanna see Eddie Diaz! I want Ryan to shine without relying on the storyline. I want him to shine through acting!
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