"The Twilight Zone" Queen of the Nile (TV Episode 1964) Poster

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Age 38 ? - even Jack Benny used to say 39.
darrenpearce1112 February 2014
Ghost written by Jerry Sohl for Charles Beaumont, who by this time was suffering from Alzheimers disease. This entry generally lives in the shadow of Beaumont's season one tale of longevity, 'Long Live Walter Jameson'. I think this one stands by itself as a middle ranking Zone. Pamela Morris (Ann Blyth) is a flirty , soft-spoken, beautiful star of old movies who somehow never seems to age. She has a very strange filial relationship with Viola (Celia Lovsky) and you'll have to see it to find out just how strange. Pamela gives an interview to a cynical journalist (Lee Philips) who wants to unravel her alluring and sinister mystery. Rod Serling says he's 'just looked into the face of The Twilight Zone', and it can seldom have looked better than Ann Blyth, best known as the spoiled Veda in 'Mildred Pierce'. Pamela Morris is deceptively feminine and petite, and the star performance carries this light 'Sunset Boulevard'-like entry well.

Kevin McCarthy lived to 96 after starring in 'Long Live Walter Jameson'. Ann Blyth is one of the very few stars remaining from the 1940's. Let's wish her much more longevity!
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"I still do feel just about fifteen..."
classicsoncall21 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say, Rod Serling inserted a clever reference into this story about an ageless movie siren, portrayed by Ann Blyrh. Like the most famous character she portrayed in film, Pamela Morris lives like the 'Queen of the Nile', basking in her timeless youth and beauty. A year earlier, Hollywood released it's blockbuster film "Cleopatra" starring Elizabeth Taylor. If you recall Jordy Herrick's (Lee Phillips) conversation with the editor of his newspaper, Kreuger mentioned that there was a 1920 silent film also called 'Queen of the Nile'. The star of that film was - Constance Taylor! And if I'm not stretching too far, Ann Blyth had quite a passing resemblance to Liz Taylor as well.

This episode did a nice job of setting up the twist to follow, in fact, that came half way through the story with the revelation that Viola Draper (Celia Lovsky) was the DAUGHTER of Pamela, and not the mother. Seeing these shows as a youngster back in the day, this was a revelation that just blew me away like a lot of the Twilight Zone's did. One of the reasons it's so easy to recall these shows after so many years, as they made such an impression the first time around.

It's too bad old Jordy didn't see it coming despite the warnings of Viola. The thing is, many of these TZ stories ended with just such an ending of finality for one of it's characters without ever considering the aftermath. Wouldn't someone come looking for the writer once he failed to show up for his next assignment? I guess Serling's intent was for the viewer never to take it that far, instead going for the shock and surprise of the moment to captivate the audience. This was one of those times when it genuinely did.
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Age is just a number?
cpotato101011 March 2019
This episode was broadcast on March 6, 1964.

According to IMDb Ann Blyth was born August 16, 1928. That would have made her 35 (and a half!) years old when this episode was shot. Not sure why they made her character "38" years old.

Also interesting is that they seemed to have "aged" Celia Lovsky. Here she was 67 years old, but in the Star Trek 'Amok Time', she was 70 but looked younger than she does here.

The problem with having seen too many horror type films, I think I saw this idea of an ancient Egyptian using the Scarab beetle as a means to transfer life force, but I cannot remember the title, or if it was before this episode or after.

The ending for this seems obvious when 'Jordy' first notices the Scarab beetle sculpture.

Btw, in reference to reviewer bkoganbing, Joan Collins guest starred on a recent (March 8th, 2019) episode of the new Hawaii 5-0. She did not look much older than when she was on Dynasty.

Maybe she has her own Scarab beetle?
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On the menu: beetles, cupcakes and much more.
copper19636 September 2006
Rod Serling always felt that a writer could write tougher and stronger "message" pieces working in the science fiction/fantasy genre than he could ever write in a contemporary dramatic setting. He was right. And this episode proves it. Ann Blyth offers up an ageless movie queen who has played Cleopatra in both the silent and sound versions of the story. A handsome young reporter is sent to inquire how this is possible. Her explanation (she was very young in the first film) is plausible and puts him at ease. Bad move. He is quickly approached by a mysterious woman twice-his-age. He brushes her warnings off, too. Another bad move. It only gets worse for our good man from the fourth estate. Stay tuned for the twist ending and Mr. Serling's theory will crystallize before your eyes. Ann Blyth never played wicked any better. Every dusty old bone in her body is evil. But she looks great. The actress who played the old lady went on to uncover another evil plot in Soylent Green. Unfortunately, with the same negative results.
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Weird Coincidences With This Show
jayraskin28 January 2023
I just watched a 1951 movie with Tyrone Power and Ann Blyth called "I'll Never Forget You" It is about time travel and very Twilight Zone-ish. I checked out "Queen of the Nile" star Ann Blyth and found that she starred in this episode which I first saw in 1964, when I was 11.

I also found that Ann Blyth is still alive, now age 94. She was born in 1928. Even more weird, I was born on her birthday 25 years after her. I will be 70 on the day she turns 95. I feel I'm having a Twilight Zone moment.

If you enjoyed this Twilight Zone episode, I think you'll enjoy the movie "I'll Never Forget You." Ann Blyth is just a wonderful actress who is easy to fall in love with.
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Drop dead gorgeous
theotherblonde30 October 2019
Perfect episode for Halloween about a ageless beauty rumoured femme fatale.They should of made this a two parter it seems really really rushed and I have a lot of questions about what happens next. I would have liked to see that little old lady exact revenge on pam so we can find out who she is really and if she is cleopatra. Also does anyone know why the daughter/mom had a very distinct European accent? Was that supposed to symbolize something or not?
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Might be true (?)
daillstate24 January 2023
Just watched the episode today, Jan 2023 and to my shock, she's still with us! Maybe she really used that beetle! I'm being silly, but she was born 1928 and this episode shows 1964 date. Interesting. Fun episode, but I mourn for the old days. The long takes, delivering lines without a bunch of jump cuts. The days of memorizing lines are hard to find now. The special effects were creative to telling the story. Storytelling is always welcomed and The Twilight Zone delivered. The camera moved with the story and that classic close-up was used correctly. Pacing adds to the suspense. I can't give spoilers, but I think even today's audiences can sit through this one.
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Eternal Beauty
claudio_carvalho1 November 2023
The columnist Jordan 'Jordy' Herrick travels from Chicago to Los Angeles to interview the famous Hollywood star Pamela Morris. He is welcomed by Pamela and is introduced to her mother Mrs. Viola Draper. Her house is decorated with Egyptian artifacts from her film "Queen of the Nile". He questions Pamela her age, and she tells him that she is thirty-eight years old. She invites him to date her at night, and while leaving her mansion, Mrs. Draper calls and warns him to forget Pamela. Further, she tells him that she is Pamela's daughter. But Jordy dates Pamela and uses information about her career to ask his editor Mr. Krueger to check a couple of them. Soon Jordy finds the truth about the eternal beauty of Pamela Morris.

"Queen of the Nile" is a nice and tragic episode of "The Twilight Zone". The plot is predictable and the fate of Jordy expected for any viewer. In the present days, it would not possible to Pamela Haris to hide her age and career. My vote is eight.

Title (Brazil): "A Rainha do Nilo" ("The Queen of the Nile")
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The "Queen of the Nile" isn't as young as she looks...
chuck-reilly18 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Ann Blyth never looked better than when she played the enchanting and thoroughly wicked "Queen of the Nile" in this last season Twilight Zone episode. The "Queen" is an old-time actress whose career dates back to the 1930s, but somehow she's retained her youthful appearance. Lee Philips plays a Hollywood reporter who visits Ms. Blyth in her mansion and falls under her spell, believing her when she tells him that she was "very young" when she made some of her more famous movies. Along comes someone (Celia Lovsky) who appears old enough to be Ann's mother and her unsettling demeanor is disturbing to both Ms. Blyth and her guest. Philips hangs around long enough to discover that the old lady claims to be her DAUGHTER. That should have been the big hint to tell him that something was terribly wrong. Since this is the Twilight Zone, Philips instead proceeds with his newfound relationship with Ms. Blyth at his own risk and to his utter detriment. You might say that Ann needs some fresh blood to enliven her moribund career and Philips has plenty to provide her with.

"Queen of the Nile" has some twists and turns that will keep viewers interested until the final curtain. Ann Blyth, more noted for playing nice girls (except for her turn in "Mildred Pierce"), does a fine job as the wicked lady and she exudes just the right amount of sensuality to give the role some much-needed life-blood (no pun intended). Philips, a veteran of a catalog full of television performances, is his usual competent self in the role of the bewildered and star-struck reporter. Old-time actress Celia Lovsky is perfect as Ms. Blyth's "young" daughter. What can you say? Some people just don't age as graceful as others.
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Beauty can be eternal
bkoganbing22 January 2018
If this Twilight Zone were made today Joan Collins would be the one doing it. She's another of those who never loses her looks.

But Ann Blyth stars in this episode. She's Pamela Morris who's been playing beautiful seductresses for a long time on the screen. She lives in splendid isolation in Hollywood with senior citizen Celia Lovsky as her only companion.

Investigative journalist Lee Phillips who works for some tabloid rag has been checking into Blyth. But I'm sure he wasn't ready for the answer Celia Lovsky gave him as to their relationship. Or quite ready for Blyth's plans for him.

This is one of the best Twilight Zone stories out there.
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good episode, Ann never looked better
susan-nierenberg1 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The other reviews say it all so I don't fear to disclose that Constance uses a scarab (a live one!) to drain the life force from unsuspecting men(always men??) in order to keep her eternal good looks. Having Celia Lovsky as an aged "daughter" was a nice touch- that woman can say more with her eyes than with any dialogue- but speaking of dialogue, it's never explained why Constance has no accent and her 'daughter' has a distinctly Austrian/German accent!! Guess Celia couldn't imitate an American accent well, so they just left it in, but it is the one jarring note in a good episode- and yes, it's the perfect companion to the Walter Jameson episode- this time with the "happy" ending that Constance Taylor keeps going on!
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Standard Sci Fi B Movie Fodder
Hitchcoc18 December 2008
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The plot that involves a timeless female using living people to perpetuate her beauty had already been done several times (The Wasp Woman, etc.). This is not a bad episode. It has good acting and a fun premise. The idea of the Queen of the Nile going on for eternity is certainly intriguing. I couldn't help but think of the Praying Mantis (more bugs), as I watched this. The universe has rules and for what lives something must die and this carries on that theme. I did feel sorry for the poor saps who let their sexual urges get in the way of their common sense. They are the drones to her queen bee. She certainly gets the final say.
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Good Halloween fare!
joposa21 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Pamela Morris, an attractive, seemingly good-girl actress has a dark secret. With the aid of an ancient and deadly, vampiric beetle, she can live forever, and has already been around since the days of the Egyptian pharaohs. Living with her is a German-speaking woman, Viola Draper, who is quite convincingly passed off as her mother. Viola wants no part of Morris's deadly endeavors, but fears meeting the fate of Pamela's many victims if she doesn't cooperate.

Syndicated columnist Jordan Herrick is intrigued by Pamela and visits her in her mansion for an interview. After the interview he promises to return, in spite of a dire warning from her "mother", who tries to convince him that she is really Pamela's daughter. He is befuddled by some discrepancies in Pamela's timeline as he sees photos of her as she looks now that were shot when she was supposed to be not much more than a baby. During a return visit he uses the phone at the residence to call a friend named Kreuger, possibly his editor, and asks him to check on these discrepancies. His suspicions of Pamela's age are confirmed. Then, after a revealing conversation with Viola, he makes the deadly mistake of accepting a a cup of coffee from Miss(?) Morris. Before he takes a sip we see her slipping knockout drops in his cup when his head is turned. Then the beetle goes to work, and with Jordan's blood Pamela will live to see yet another day, which cannot be said for poor young Mr. Herrick. Almost immediately after, the doorbell rings, and another young man enters. His fate is sealed.

You have to wonder, how long can she keep this up before people get suspicious? The fact that so many people were last heard from at or on the way to her house would surely attract the attention of the authorities, and Mr. Herrick's phone call to Krueger from Morris's house would prompt Kreuger to alert the police when he fails to turn up. Rod Serling, however, wasn't bothered by such trifles. He apparently felt they would only distract the viewer, even if they also spark the viewer's curiosity.
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Glad I missed this one as a child
lrrap17 January 2009
"Queen of the Nile" is an absolutely mediocre TZ episode that is indicative of the creative malaise that affected most of the final season. Essentially a female version of the far superior "Walter Jameson" plot from Season 1, this show is sabotaged by its utterly ordinary direction, and a set that includes bright 60's-style sitcom lighting and lots of obvious painted backdrops. In other words, absolutely no visual atmosphere or character.

A lot of the dialogue, though, helps to build intensity, and the big revelation of the old woman (very effectively played by Celia Lovsky, Peter Lorre's real-life wife) which comes right before the commercial break is pretty cool. As the drama moves to its conclusion, it gets better, and the scenes of Herrick on the phone with his editor are actually pretty suspenseful.

But then it's back to the brightly lit glare of 60's suburbia that feels more appropriate for the Dick van Dyke show than the horrific conclusion to this tale. The ending is really pretty shocking, especially for 1964 prime time TV...and definitely TZ's most gruesome scene of all, in my opinion.

I was a lad of 8 when I saw the network premiere of "Long Live Walter Jameson" in March of 1960...and that ending really freaked me. I consider myself very lucky that I wasn't at the same impressionable age and sensibility in 1964 when "Queen of the Nile" debuted; had I seen it then, I am sure I would have been traumatized. Now are you curious enough to watch it?
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tcchelsey30 April 2024
Really weird story that was outlined by Charles Beaumont, though finished by Jerry Sohl, due to the fact that Beaumont was quite ill. Sohl also wrote for Alfred Hitchcock's tv show, without too much surprise. This one has that feel, and will definitely keep your attention.

Beautiful Anne Blyth plays one of the greatest movie stars of all time -- who has literally found the fountain of youth. You have to see this one all the way through it's that bizarre, and so well acted.

Blyth, best known for her Oscar nominated performance as Joan Crawford's daughter in MILDRED PIERCE, shines in this role. A one of a kind performance.

Good support from popular actor Lee Philips as Jordy and veteran Celia Lovsky (as Viola) in one of those mystery lady roles she plays so well. Lovsky was married to actor Peter Lorre, who passed around the time this episode was filmed. Good trivia question.

10 Stars for originality. SEASON 5 EPISODE 23 remastered.
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Interesting to see...but quite derivative.
planktonrules1 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
In season one, Kevin McCarthy played a professor who turned out to be semi-immortal. In other words, if he avoided serious injuries like gunshots, he could live forever! Now, in season five, the same story has been recycled in "Queen of the Nile"--though with a much darker edge this time.

The show begins with a reporter coming to the home of a pretty film star that looks amazing for her age (Ann Blythe). At first, the show seems friendly and innocent enough. However, once the interview gets started it is obvious that the man is looking for something--some more sinister or unusual story. Again and again, he confronts her about her age and seems confused that she could only be 38. Later, after he digs a bit more outside the interview, he learns she should be at least in her 60s. What gives?!

While the idea is a re-tread, as least the nice evil twist at the end makes the show more interesting and different. Still, the show will fill you with a strong sense of deja-vu if you've seen the previous episode.
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Deadly Beauty
AaronCapenBanner8 November 2014
Ann Blyth stars as ageless film star Pamela Morris, who is adored and envied by her fans, but who has a mysterious past that a syndicated journalist(played by Lee Philips) hopes to uncover. He is of course enchanted by her beauty, but his curiosity and professional ethics propel him to investigate her past, where he discovers a most startling secret that Miss Morris will protect at all costs... Mediocre episode has a fine cast and interesting story, but this is also quite predictable, even sad, though remains entertaining despite this. This is just a female version of earlier(and superior) episode 'Long Live Walter Jameson'.
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She Who Must Be Obeyed.
rmax30482322 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Reminded me of the H. Rider Haggard novel, "She," but that's not where the writer Charles Beaumont got the idea. Beaumont was pretty ill by this time and writing was beyond him. One of his co-authors who was wearing a scarab ring suggested the story.

Briefly, Ann Blyth is a famous movie star being interviewed by a reporter, Lee Philips, who begins to suspect that she's much older than the thirty-eight years she claims to be. Evidence accumulates that she's had many names in the past and has always looked as beautiful and glamorous as she does now. Philips asks her how she does it, and Blyth shows him. Too bad for Philips.

Aging was a problem that was commonly addressed on "The Twilight Zone," and why not? We all face it, and the dissolution that follows. There's nothing good about being old unless you're Chinese. It's all downhill, which was the underlying theme of "Citizen Kane" too.

There is nothing particularly special about this episode though. Ann Blyth had a stunning voice but her acting talents were pedestrian. She was fine when she was dressed in period costumes, standing in front of lavish sets, and singing. Here, make up has given her a coif of black hair that looks made of iron and frames her already oversized face and forehead. Maybe it was intended to give her presence a sinister cast. If so, it succeeded.

You'll probably recognize the actress Celia Lovsky, who plays Blyth's mother/daughter. But I'll bet you won't figure out why Blyth speaks with the accent of general America whereas Lovsky has a Viennese accent.
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A cool tale as old as time !
lbowdls8 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The weirdest thing to believe about this story is that Ann Blyth was only 35 years old, 3 years younger than her character states she is. But because of how people, especially women, looked back then due to make up of the day, she actually looks at least 50!

This story might work much better now due to fact we all look much younger than we did half a century ago. Though with cosmetic surgery or many without using it, these days again a person who is 60 now can easily look 38! So actually that is contradictory to what I first said, actually you'd have to have the main protagonist actress be played by a 20 year old. Because at least they'd look 20 and it would be more realistically, mysteriously frightening. There have been a lot of stories similar to this over the years of course. And this remains creepy, fanciful fun.
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Utter predictability drags this down.
fedor810 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The one very realistic thing about QOTN is doubtlessly the fact that a famous Hollywood actress is ready to hop into bed with a guy she just met a minute earlier. This is not only realistic, this pretty much defines a great number of Hollywood "divas", especially from that era.

Lana Turner, Joan Crawford, Grace Kelly, Marilyn Monroe, Mary Astor, Mae West, Ava Gardner, Hedy Lamarr... Couch casting was more prevalent back then, and so the types of women that made breakthroughs were of that caliber. Logic.

Less realistic is the journalist's non-reaction to being told by the actresses's mother that the actress is her mother not her daughter. This actor's reaction is as if he's listening to a completely different line. Either he's a horrible actor, or there was some confusion or nonsense over editing and altered dialog in post-production.

Equally absurd is the large difference in accents between the actresses playing mother and daughter. There is literally no explanation for this. A reversal of accents may have made more sense, with the Queen having an exotic accent and the daughter an American one. Or how about the same accent to keep things neat and logical?

This episode has no key flaws - other than its total predictability which takes away much of the fun. We know from the start that she's Methuselah, and that the journalist is in danger. And guess what? She kills him.

Nice clever irony of the Nile Queen playing herself in a movie, several millennia later.
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Femme fatale, Egyptian style.
BA_Harrison17 April 2022
Within minutes, it becomes blatantly obvious that famous movie star Pamela Morris (Ann Blyth) is using an ancient Egyptian method to keep herself eternally young, most likely draining the life force from other people. So when this exact scenario happens, newspaper man Jordan 'Jordy' Herrick (Lee Philips) her latest victim, Queen of the Nile becomes yet another disappointingly predictable dud in the final season of The Twilight Zone.

Celia Lovsky's line of dialogue' I'm not her mother... I'm her daughter' is intended to be the incredible kicker in this particular tale, but as far as I am concerned, the most amazing thing about the whole episode is Blyth's hair: it's impressively enormous.
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Oh, oh, here she comes... Watch out, boy, she'll chew you up!
Coventry10 December 2022
Well, darn... Here I was all prepared for "An Occurrence at Owl Creek", supposedly one of the absolute highlights of the entire TZ-series, but apparently that episode seems to be missing on my "Twilight Zone: the Complete Collection" DVD-boxset. Not so complete after all, then. Hopefully, I can catch the episode elsewhere.

Anyways, "Queen of the Nile" was good, but obviously very predictable. From the moment we lay eyes on female protagonist Pamela Morris, a celebrated Hollywood actress, it's plain obvious that she has a sinister secret to retain her eternal youth and staggering beauty. The only question is what exactly her secret is. Handsome journalist Jordan Herrick will soon find out, but I doubt it'll be the scoop he was hoping for.

It's a familiar concept handled in various ways already (for example, "The Picture of Dorian Grey" or the countess Bathory legends), but this is nevertheless an enjoyable little shocker, thanks to good performances and a surprisingly gruesome finale (which is quite rare in the Twilight Zone universe).
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She's a maneater
Calicodreamin23 June 2021
Predictable storyline, and few effects, make for a mediocre twilight zone episode. Acting was decent.
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