Review of Blood Ties

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Blood Ties (2001)
Season 5, Episode 13
Being a teenager is tough in the best of times
19 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Buffy and Giles are forced to tell Xander, Willow, Anya and Tara that Dawn is the key. They all try to act normally but over compensate, causing Dawn to become suspicious. Dawn, with the help of Spike, breaks into the Magic Box and reads Giles' notes, telling her what she really is. Dawn becomes psyched out and actually cuts herself and later runs off and tells Ben what she is.

Why It's So Good - DeKnight's debut as a writer is a very interesting one, though not much of an individual episode it is important for establishing many themes and storylines for the season. Dawn's almost suicidal reaction is surprising, but even more surprising was the Glory/Ben twist.

Watch Out For - Spike explaining things to Dawn.

Quote - "I wasn't lurking. I was standing about. It's a whole different vibe." - Spike talking to Dawn.
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