Still lacking
3 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Thank you to IMDB for allowing us a platform to express our opinions, each person has an different opinion and the right to express it. Thank you for allowing it, even the opinions of fans who don't agree with all the unrealistic 10s that seem so over the top, about this show. Thank you IMDB for giving everyone, including faithful fans/hearties that are disappointed in the show, a voice. It is much appreciated.

In my opinion, this was the best episode so far in S9. Because of a few outstanding characters, and not the writing. The writing is still horribly lacking, those episode was better.

Nathan was exceptional, Kevin McGarry's acting chops are off the hook. His face alone, his expressions, his eyes, convey so much. From confusion, to taking a stand, to helping a friend, then helping another friend, to receiving a thank you. We. Felt. It. All.

Bill was so funny, and Jack Wagner exceptional this episode. I laughed out loud for the first time this season, when he was slurring in the jail. He killed it. And the Christmas tree at the end was just "like" him. It was so nice to see everyone gathered there. A touching moment reminiscent of the good ole days, when the show was heartwarming at every turn.

Basically, the jail is where it's at. The best scenes of this episode happened in the jail! Bill, Mei, Nathan, they were all great. And loved Nathan taking care of Bill, and Mei, for that matter. And her thank you was so wonderful. I think, in that moment, he was proud to be a Mountie. In fact, knowing Nathan, it's probably the little victories like these, that inspired him to become a Mountie in the first place. Finally a little joy for the guy whose been the punching bag since S8E2. He deserved to smile, and we loved seeing that smile. Finally.

Jaeda Lily Miller was wonderful as usual as Allie. Can't say enough good things about her acting chops. And she's so grown up and beautiful now. Kudos to costuming, that olive green dress at the end for the photo shoot was just lovely on her.

Erin Krakow plays crazy so well, and in this episode, her character went from manipulative, to pushy, to bossy, from one minute to the next, and then well, as usual, she butted her way into other people's business. But I loved the way Nathan stood his ground with her and shut her down this time, when she came hunting for him. He had his boundary in place, though she plowed through it, as usual, but he held his ground and told her not to worry about him. Don't know why she can't seem to leave him alone.

I normally don't like Lucas, but I respected him this episode for standing up to crazy pants Elizabeth, for once. (about what Nathan had confided in him.) However, I felt sorry for him when she was manipulative and weird with her marriage talk, later on, with Nathan, right in front of him. He really should run for the hills. But Chris did a good job looking awkward and really made us feel how weird the whole thing was. I thought for a minute I was in the twilight zone, but then remembered, it's season 9.

Minnie, Joseph, and Mr Fuzzy the squirrel were a cute and funny storyline. I love them. They put the warm in heartwarming, or what's left of it, in this show. And I loved Joseph's message at church. Bravo!

And Rosemary and Lee were lovely, though they still don't seem to have anything to do. Can they get a storyline, please? So much potential wasted, though do shine in what they are given.

It's sad that Kevin McGarry and Erin Krakow still have more chemistry with one "Hi" in the street between Nathan and Elizabeth, than E and L have with that ridiculous over the top kiss, in the beginning of the episode. It was especially over the top because she tried to manipulate him, and chide him first, for not telling her something that was confided to him in confidence. Tried to boss him around, for next time. Glad he didn't budge even if she did turn around and make it look like he did.

Bottom line, Nathan/ Kevin was strong, intuitive, intelligent, hilarious, and saved the day. In fact, he stole the entire episode.

One last beef: at the end of the day, why is Nathan once again, helping Lucabeth figure out what love is? With his cute but touching quote, about love, from the window? Why is he involved at all? It's like they don't know how to have a relationship without him. Nathan was amazing, was funny, and took himself out of the equation, but it's awkward! Do the writers really have nothing left to write for Lucabeth?

Hope it will keep improving and that Elizabeth gets some kind of redemption arc soon. For Lucas' sake!
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