Stranger Things: Chapter Six: The Monster (2016)
Season 1, Episode 6
Missing El
1 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Nancy flees from the Upside Down following Jonathan's voice and cross the gate. Jonathan stays with the scared Nancy in her bedroom and Steve sees them together and believes Nancy is betraying him. Mike misses El that steals Eggo waffles from a supermarket. Hopper and Joyce visit Terry Ives that is catatonic. Her sister explains that she participated in a government project using drugs and had a miscarriage of her baby. However she claims that she delivered the baby that was alive. Jonathan and Nancy purchase weapons to hunt down the monster. However Jonathan meets Steve writing with spray bad things about Nancy; they fight and Jonathan is arrested by the police. Lucas follows his compass and stumbles upon the Hawkins Laboratory.

In "Chapter Six: The Monster", Nancy succeeds in going to and returning from the Upside Down, what people from the Hawkins Laboratory apparently did not succeed. The return of El saving her friends is the best moment of the show. The troubled relationship of Nancy, Jonathan and Steve is a silly entertainment. My vote is nine.

Title (Brazil): "Chapter Six: The Monster"
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