Could Have and Should Have Been Better!
14 June 2014
Bright Lights, Big City is by all means not an awful film and in fact, it's actually quite interesting. But with the subject material given, the movie should have been better. Despite my holding interest, boring would be a word to accurately describe the movie. Seriously, it seems like the only thing the guy does in the film is snort coke and that grows old fast. But it was interesting to watch a Kansas guy barely holding his own in a big city while struggling mightily with his inner demons.

James Bridges film is about a guy named Jamie Conway who is a fact-checker for a huge New York magazine, but at nights he is a convulsive partier with a bad cocaine addiction. He is also struggling with his past as he moved to New York to get away from anything and he is also having problems with his estranged wife who left him as her career exploded.

The acting is actually pretty good. This is a good attempt for Michael J. Fox to get rid of his "good-guy" image and I think he mostly succeeds. But by the end, I still sympathized for the guy. There are some good supporting turns by Kiefer Sutherland and Jason Robards here.

Overall, I dearly wanted to love this film, but I wasn't able to. I liked the film enough, but I was kind of disappointed at the end result. The movie looks good, makes some good points, and tries to be your typical 80's movie. I should also mention it has a killer soundtrack. But, I guess it wasn't meant to be. It was still interesting and a rather good watch and so I rate this film 7/10.
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