Some funny bits, mediocre overall
18 March 2008
So this is the comedy that brought France laughing their heads off? I guess I was in the wrong mood to enjoy it or maybe... It must take a strong desire to escape from French reality to enjoy this film.

The actors are OK, and the plot is not complicated (at least has the merit to be simple enough to avoid continuity errors). Now in this age of consciousness of the dangers of alcohol, a film focused on "how funny is it when you're blasted" sounds like how much fun a child has hearing a rude joke than how grown ups enjoy themselves.

While some moments are funny, pushing the language joke too far makes it look like the writers had nothing else to laugh about. OK the accent up North is funny. But NOT funny enough to base a whole film on it! When a single joke "Et je vous dis quoi" turns into a language class and is taking more than one minute and a half, you start wondering if someone had a proper look at the final cut. When that same language joke is repeated four times in 90 minutes you start wondering "is the way northerners speak the only funny thing?"

Do consider as well that the leading character is supposed to come from a region in Southern France where people are known to have a fairly strong accent too, but oddly enough does not have any accent himself, you start wondering whether this "Essex meets Glasgow" film deserves that much attention.

A few good jokes here and there, in particular about how people in Southern France see anything beyond Lyon as "the North (Pole)", a decent performance from the actors, but really, really not worth the hype.
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