IMDb Polls

Poll: Know-It-All, Busy-Body Neighbors

An oft-used TV trope is the nosy, superior neighbor(s). The ones who want to know everybody's business and expect you to do things exactly the way they want, because they think they are always right and know the best way to do everything.

Harriet Oleson was one such character. Played with aplomb by seasoned Broadway actress Katherine MacGregor, Mrs. Oleson (always called Mrs. Oleson, never Harriet except by her long-suffering husband Nels) was the best-known and longest-running character on Little House on the Prairie (1974) outside of the Ingalls family.

Scottie MacGregor, as she was known most of her career, recently passed away at age 93, after living for many years at the Motion Picture Fund Long Term Nursing Care facility in Woodland Hills, CA. She was a devout Hindu and was known by the actors from Little House, particularly the children, as a caring, funny mentor.

In honor of Scottie MacGregor and the perfectly horrible Harriet Oleson, which of these know-it-all, busy-body nosy TV neighbors would you most hate to live next to?

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Make Your Choice

  1. Vote!

    Larry Keating in Mister Ed (1961)

    Roger Anderson - Mister Ed (1961)
  2. Vote!

    Sandra Gould in Bewitched (1964)

    Gladys Kravitz - Bewitched (1964)
  3. Vote!

    Jack Mullaney in My Living Doll (1964)

    Peter Robinson - My Living Doll (1964)
  4. Vote!


  5. Vote!

    Don Knotts in Three's Company (1976)

    Ralph Furley - Three's Company (1976)
  6. Vote!

    William Bogert, Edie McClurg, and Emily Schulman in Small Wonder (1985)

    Harriet, Brandon and Bonnie Brindle - Small Wonder (1985)
  7. Vote!

    John LaMotta and Liz Sheridan in ALF (1986)

    Raquel and Trevor Ochmonek - ALF (1986)
  8. Vote!

    Meagen Fay in Roseanne (1988)

    Kathy Bowman - Roseanne (1988)
  9. Vote!

    Jerry Seinfeld, Jason Alexander, and Michael Richards in Seinfeld (1989)

    Cosmo Kramer - Seinfeld (1989)
  10. Vote!

    Maggie Roswell in The Simpsons (1989)

    Helen Lovejoy - The Simpsons (1989)
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    Peter Boyle, Brad Garrett, and Doris Roberts in Everybody Loves Raymond (1996)

    Robert, Marie and Frank Barone - Everybody Loves Raymond (1996)
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    King of the Hill (1997)

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    Judy Geeson and Paxton Whitehead in Mad About You (1992)

    Maggie and Hal Conway - The Caper (1998)
  14. Vote!

    Michael Winters in Gilmore Girls (2000)

    Taylor Doose - Gilmore Girls (2000)
  15. Vote!

    Kathryn Joosten in Desperate Housewives (2004)

    Karen McCluskey - Desperate Housewives (2004)
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    Johnny Galecki and Jim Parsons in The Big Bang Theory (2007)

  17. Vote!

    Frances Conroy in Royal Pains (2009)

    Blythe Ballard - Royal Pains (2009)
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    Rachel Cannon and Ian Chen in Fresh Off the Boat (2015)

  19. Vote!

    Mädchen Amick in Riverdale (2017)

    Alice Cooper - Riverdale (2017)
  20. Vote!

    Katherine MacGregor in Little House on the Prairie (1974)

    Of course, Harriet Oleson - Little House on the Prairie (1974)

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