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Belsize Bliss
24 January 2023
An entertaining Featurette with songs,filmed in the Hampstead district of London during the "Swinging Sixties".

The story concerns a young chap who falls in love with a model pictured on a billboard,after crashing into it on his cycle! He subsequently searches for her on his bike,accompanied(at a distance) by a new found friend,a small girl who he also collided with a little earlier!

The songs and singing are pleasant,including the familiar Title song,and the likeable "Julie".

The light-hearted feel to the movie is maintained by the escalating near slapstick bus stop sequence,inadvertently instigated by the youngster.

There is very little spoken dialogue:In fact a single word exclamation indicates two Happy Endings!

Pretty Judy Huxtable(the future 2nd wife of Peter Cook),is the "Billboard Girl",seeking to step away from her current hectic lifestyle,and Anthony May is her enthusiastic admirer. They compliment each other nicely! Leslie Goddard also contibutes well as the little Girl along for the ride. Competent direction maintains the pace. Well worth viewing.
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Assassination (2015)
Fine Wartime Movie
10 October 2021
This is a good,intelligent Korean movie. My first viewing was several years ago on a flight from South East Asia, and I found it quite engrossing. I have finally acquired a Region 2 DvD,and the subsequent viewings do not disappoint!

The strong storyline,spanning the years 1911 - 1949,is mostly set during the harsh period of the Japanese Occupation of Korea. It deals with Resistance,Betrayal,Bravery,Assassination,Double-Cross,Trust and Mistrust,tempered a little with Romance and a dash of Humour.

Although the plot is not as complex as it may first appear,attention is required in the early stages! All falls into place,especially after a second viewing.

The acting is fine across the board,with Jun Ji-hyun(Gianna Jun) excellent in her role as the sniper"Captain",(and the secondary but very crucial role as her long lost Twin Sister).

The movie has plenty of action,and also a couple of startling scenes,and is a thoughtful reflection of the Korean People's lengthy struggle against the Occupying forces. The appropriate Denouemont is very well handled.

Good Direction by Dong-hoon Choi,Fine Camerawork and very Authentic-looking Sets contribute greatly to this,one of my Favourite "Foreign" Films.

Out of interest,a previous reviewer claims that the Identical Twins do not look alike: Strange remark as Gianna Jun plays both Sisters! 9/10.
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Enjoyable addition to the Biblical story
9 June 2021
This re-working of the Biblical tale is an entertaining Italian "Sword & Sandal" movie,pre-dating the wave of Peplum Adventures that flooded the screens later in the decade,and well into the next.

Leonora Ruffo dazzles as Balkis,the newly crowned young Queen of Sheba,torn between her stifling cultural tradition,and her new found love for Prince Rehoboam(Gino Leurini),the son of King Solomon of Israel. Add to this scenario her jealous would-be suitor,Kabaal,Commander of Sheba's army. Her reciprocated love for Rehoboam turns to bitterness,however,as Rehoboam and his friend Isahar,in Sheba using aliases,are revealed to be spies for Israel.

They are aided and accompanied in their escape from Sheba by Ati(Dorian Gray),a handmaiden to Balkis,who has fallen in love with Isahar.

Meanwhile Balkis decides to lead her army against Jerusalem,a decision made easier by Rehoboam's perceived betrayal! This campaign results in a duel outside the city walls,with surprising combatants and consequences. These consequences later culminate in a chase and final confrontation between Rehoboam and the rascally Kabaal,which includes the endangered Balkis.

Gino Cervi is excellent as the Wise,Wily and. Judicious King Solomon(The story of the two Mothers is included and well presented). Marina Berti( Soon after her strong performance in "Quo Vadis") has a good secondary role as the beautiful,patient Phoenician Princess Zamora,waiting in vain for her betrothed, hesitant Rehoboam to name the day for their Wedding!

The sets and scenery are impressive,and are enhanced by some very good,sharp black and white cinematography by Mario Montuori: Some impressive Photogenic close-ups of Leonora Ruffo too. A mention also for the excellent Costume design:Note the Minoan influences of the ladies' apparel;Marina Berti/Zamora in particular. The action sequences are well staged: In fact solid direction all round by Pietro Francisci. Add to that Nino Rota's appropriate musical score ! Even the English dubbing is good.

One of my favourite movies of this genre.

Interestingly,this film proved very popular,and in the USA had an impressive initial 9 week run at New York's Astor Theatre.
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A Tale of Two Tassels..!
19 January 2021
Or at least to begin with,as Striptease Artiste Barbara(Delectable Carol Hawkins)wearing the aforementioned strategically placed tassels and little else,successfully disrupts a photo-shoot of a Moscow Ballet Company,in order to facilitate the escape of her defecting Ballet star boyfriend Rudi(Amusing Lewis Fiander) to her waiting car.Unfortunately,he climbs into the boot of the wrong vehicle! This belongs to Naval Commander Rimmington(Leslie Phillips),who drives off home,and the frantic "Adventure" begins! The Film is full of Broad British humour,typical of the Seventies:Farce,Innuendo and even Slapstick:Politically Incorrect and Funny for sure. Much of the Innuendo is centred on Barbara and her obvious charms! All of the cast of British Comedy Stalwarts,several appearing in very popular t.v.Sitcoms of the time,rise appropriately to the occasion. Ian Lavender,as Civil Servant Gerry Buss(Also Boyfriend of the Commander's Daughter Nancy),has as much screen time as anyone,including pretending to be both the Commander and Rudi when called upon! Michele Dotrice(Nancy) and Carol Hawkins are fun in their respective roles,as is Roy Kinnear as the increasingly paranoic Gardener,Hoskins. Co-Director Ray Cooney is also amusing as the initially staid Mr. Laver,the MI 6 man,who' loosens up' as his drink ratio increases. Windsor Davies is the local Constable doing his best to sort out the escalating confusion,determined to get his man,even if it's the wrong one!June Whitfield and Don Estelle(Who also sings the Title song) appear later in the proceedings to add to the hilarity in important,if limiting roles. Add the two pursuing Russian KGB men into the mix also! If you enjoy this very British Entertainment of the period then this movie is for you!
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Agreeable Early British Mystery
27 October 2020
This film featured one of the earliest substantial roles for Ida Lupino. The pretty fifteen year-old Ida gives a competent performance as Mary,loyal sister of Ernest(A young John Mills),who is implicated in a theft at the Jeweller's shop where he works,and then something more sinister! The interesting British production has Henry Kendall as John Gray,a rather staid Chemist,who upon his return from holiday,finds,via his Assistant Albert(Chirpy Victor Stanley),an unfamiliar camera in his car. He decides to develop the film in the darkroom upstairs to ascertain if the photos give any clue as to the owner/ whereabouts. To his considerable surprise,one of the photos appears to show a killing:Another has a young lady standing outside her front street door,and luckily the street name is also visible. After an intruder attempts to steal the camera/photos,John sets off to trace the girl in the picture,which he does.It's Mary,of course! She is amused by John's flowery language,and,realising Ernest took her photo when he last left home,and hasn't been seen since,the protective and concerned Mary joins he determines to trace the source of the other photographs. Eventually they arrive at a Country Pub featured in one of the pictures,and decide to stay the night. Separate rooms,of course! However,a frightened Mary is disturbed by a menacing intruder,and moves in with John. Being a Gentleman,a platonic night is obviously shared,although Mary's very scanty lingerie must have been something of a distraction! Next morning the couple follow a lead to a nearby ruined castle,and their worst fears are confirmed. However,the victim is not her brother.But a panicky Ernest quickly becomes the main suspect,is trapped by the Police and brought to trial. Events escalate. The real criminal tries again to retrieve the "missing" camera,but is challenged by the resolute John! Will the repentant Ernest be given another chance? And will the cheerful,charming Mary get together with the verbose but stalwart John? Guess! There is some innovative camera work,and brief "Noirish" direction from Bernard Vorhaus. Interesting location photography too,including Corfe Castle and an early Southern Railway Electric train! The music is atmospheric,if rather odd early on. Nice to see our Ida Lupino, and also John Mills in these early career roles. The supporting cast are quite good too. All things considered a movie worth watching!
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Forever Yours (1936)
Gigli and Gardner in Touching Romance
29 September 2020
Joan Gardner and Italian tenor Beniamino Gigli are the unlikely lovers in this effective,low key British Romantic Musical Drama of the Thirties. Quietly pretty Joan gives a very believable performance as the Secretary,travelling with her boss on an Ocean liner bound for New York. On board,she meets and is subsequently wooed,by Ship's Officer Ivan Brandt:Not the most reliable fellow on board,as his Girlfriend(Jeanne Stuart) is also a passenger! Regardless,Joan falls for him,partially entranced by the loudspeaker recording of famous tenor Curti(Gigli) singing the pleasing "Non Ti Sordar di Me"(Do Not Forget Me). However,her shipboard romance is scuppered by a jealous Jeanne Stuart. Back on shore,a downcast Miss Gardner is persuaded by her Employer to accompany him to a Curti performance. Her reaction is spotted by Curti from the stage,and he sends an aide to find her. Meanwhile,coincidentally,Joan has befriended his pleasant young son at the hotel where they both reside. They meet,and the Widower Curti proposes:She accepts and they marry. However,after a year or so accompanying her new Husband and son on tour back in Europe,her ex-lover suddenly re-appears. He wants her to leave Curti and go away with him,claiming his love for her! She is torn between her erstwhile love for him,and her loyalty and devotion to her husband. Curti receives a mail saying that his wife is about to elope with Brandt,and is heartbroken when she leaves his current Concert. He believes that she has left him,and disconsolately returns to his little boy. Has she?? The closing camera shot encapsulates the reason for her final decision. Joan Gardner is very good,giving an understated but heartfelt performance with no histrionics:Obviously down to Zoltan Korda's clever direction. And Beniamino Gigli,though not much of an actor,does convey the required anxiety and apprehension the part demands. And his singing is excellent:The title song,of course,and "O Sole Mio",plus a handful of Opera classics. Ivan Brandt, Jeanne Stuart and little Richard Gofe are more than adequate in their supporting roles. Out of interest The movie was released as "Forget-Me-Not",with hyphons! Worth watching.
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"That long?"
22 August 2020
"The World of Suzie Wong" is a really fine Romantic film,focusing on the growing love between an American Architect turned Artist,Robert Lomax,and a Chinese Prostitute,Suzie Wong,who becomes his model. The setting is the real World of late Fifties Hong Kong,complete with it's social problems and "Cultural snobbery". They must overcome many pitfalls along the way,including mistrust,prejudice(Social and Culturall),misunderstandings,etc.;all culminating in a disastrous,catastrophic landslide,which brings tragedy but also sets them up for a life together of renewed happiness and hope. Hong Kong born Nancy Kwan,plucked from a London Ballet School,is absolutely perfect as the pretty,sexy Suzie,a girl both bright and illiterate,detemined yet vulnerable,amusing and direct:She views her occupation as being of economic necessity,but creates an imaginary bridge to a better life. It is in this latter persona that Robert is first drawn to her on a Hong Kong ferryboat. When they meet again in the hotel in which Robert has chosen to live and paint,she has resumed her Bargirl role!! After initial surprise,it is obvious that they share attraction and affection,although Robert,initially at least,does not want an affair,even though she becomes his regular model. William Holden is excellent also as Robert,giving a very credible performance. Their Romance is very believable,and there is good chemistry between them. It is no surprise that Nancy won a Golden Globe for Best Newcomer,and was nominated in the Best Actress category also. Perhaps the only real surprise is that she did not receive an Oscar nomination: She is that good! Sylvia Syms gives a good performance also,as the Bank Manager's daughter who falls for Robert,and wants to help get his artwork noticed by London Galleries. She also tries to indirectly cause interference in his relationship with Suzie,her own prejudices eventually revealed! She just cannot comprehend why Robert would prefer a Chinese girl over her,let alone one from such a lowly background/profession!! Laurence Naismith,as her Father,is more moderate in his views,at least initially,even inventing a non-existant Chinese Brother-in-Law to diffuse the snooty approach of some of his "Colonial" peers. Michael Wilding,often an underrated actor,is solid as the Colonial Official stuck in an unhappy marriage,who takes up with Suzie,though never with serious intent,only to let her down with a bump,and is too cowardly to tell her himself! Jacqui Chan,as Suzie's friend Gwennie,gives a likeable and sympathetic performance: Bernard Cribbins appears in a tiny role as Gwennie's Seaman Boyfriend.Dancer Lionel Blair,well known from UK t.v. appearances,shares a lively dance routine with Suzie in the hotel bar. Richard Quine's direction is well-paced and good throughout. The landslide sequence is very well staged and completely believable.!The cinematography and location filming are top-notch. Credit due too for George Dunings music score. There is a little humour scattered among the drama,some pointed! Note the Australian Tourist who comments on the Chinese baby(Suzie's) held in Robert's arms:She moves quickly away when he tells her baby Winston is "All Mine"!! I must point out that,contrary to other reviewers comments, at NO time does Suzie refer to Robert as "Lobert". It is always Robert. Gwennie(Jacqui Chan) is the girl whose "R's" come out as"L's". The movie ends with the perfect last line,confirming that,after all the preceding heartache and tragedy,all will be well for Suzie and Robert's future together. I never tire of watching this excellent film.
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Doesn't quite do itself justice
15 August 2020
Although boasting a strong cast,this film just fails to attain the anticipated level of entertainment. The movie has an interesting premise,with Rex Harrison as a bigamist,several times over,who has forgotten about his Marital escapades due to his waking up in a Welsh hotel suffering from amnesia. Unfortunately,the film does not quite achieve it's billing as a Comedy,as very few humourous moments are to be seen! However,the acting is solid throughout,with Rex Harrison ideal as the caddish Husband, and there is strong support from Kay Kendall,as his latest Wife...Perhaps? French favourite Nicole Maurey is in spirited form as the Italian "Spitfire",and the always watchable Margaret Leighton is fine as his Barrister. Of interest in the supporting cast,as the Italian "Mama",is Marie Burke,who,in 1928, sang the Helen Morgan role of Julie LaVerne in the original London stage production of "Showboat",and did a fine job! The storyline of "The Constant Husband" would have us believe that all seven of the (known) Wives ,plus a surprise new addition,could be waiting earnestly for such a scandalous cad after he has faced up to the obvious consequences of his previous actions! Unlikely,to say the least. In conclusion,Sidney Gilliat's direction is more than adequate,but as Co-Screenplay Writer a livelier input was required.
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Surprisingly Good Thirties Musical
8 August 2020
This is an enjoyable,unpretentious Pre-Code Musical,made on a limited budget,yet as fun and entertaining as some of the Warner Bros. movies it sought to imitate! Filmed in less than 3 weeks at the Astoria studios and Casino theatre,New York,it nevertheless had an earnest,determined Cast and Crew of some talent;plus good songs and dancing sequences. The latter,staged and choreographed by Bobby Connolly,were not over-choreographed,like those at Warner,and this comparative simplicity actually makes the routines much more endearing and believable! Real Showgirls performing like Real Stage Showgirls!! Roger Pryor,as the pressurized Songwriter turned Theatrical Producer,proves to be a versatile lead,with a pleasant singing voice too. He is little known now,but appeared in quite a number of 30's/40's films. His co-star and romantic interest here is Mary Brian,former Silent movie leading lady:She is okay in her "Ruby Keeler" type role. Lillian Miles,though,is the standout Female performer,with her peppy,energetic,no-nonsense approach as sexy Elsie Warren,proposed star of Roger Pryor's debut production.She really puts over her songs well,including "Ah,But is it Love?" and "Are You Making any Money?,both of which became popular successes. Leo Carrillo is fun in his pivotal role as Nick Pappacropolis,the Greek Gambler and new Citizen of the United States( United Steps in his amusing vocabulary!),who comes to the rescue of the new show,enamoured as he is with Elsie! Even Herbert Rawlinson,as the shady big-time gambler Sport Powell,acquainted with Nick,and interested in the show because he is keen on Mary Brian and wants to try and "further" her career: proves that he isn't quite such a bad egg after all. It all comes down to the flip of a coin! Others in the cast include Bobby Watson,as the harassed dance director,and William Frawley,who contribute ,in their different ways,to the general ambience of the movie. Several Radio and Stage performers of the time also feature,some more fleetingly than others.These include Alexander Gray(Good rendition of the optimistic "Dusty Shoes" number),Bernice Claire,John Hundley and Jack Denny and Orchestra,among others. The New York Chorus Girls perform well,especially in the catchy "I've Gotta Get Up and go to Work"number,including a saucy,pre-code Silhoutte sequence as they disrobe and change into their daywear! Although the Musical Film Author Richard Barrios wrote that "Moonlight and Pretzels" was 'Terribly Wonderful',I would describe it as 'Audaciously Wonderful". I have watched it many times,and can fully understand why it was such a popular movie on it's release.
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Determined Sister to the Rescue
28 July 2020
This is brisk Monogram Feature,competently directed, within limited resources, by Lambert Hillyer Movita Castaneda is the Girl in question,as Marquita Romero,an aspiring Singer in Rio,who,on the verge of her big musical breakthrough,is diverted upon hearing the news that her brother Carlos has been arrested in New York,on a (false) charge of arson and a resultant death. She flies to the USA,to meet with the sender of the cable,Carlos' new Wife(Adele Pearce). Steven(Warren Hull),Marquita's boyfriend,follows her North to assist! With his help,and that of a Lawyer friend, and an interested Insurance Investigator,Marquita gains a singing spot at the new Nightclub of the main suspect,the owner of the premises,whose actions were responsible for her Brother's predicament! Marquita finds evidence of both the arson and the Insurance fraud,but is trapped by the criminals involved. However,her message(In Spanish!) for help whilst singing a few minutes earlier brings welcome timely assistance from both Steven and the Investigator!! Pretty heroine Movita sings three pleasant songs in the movie,including the catchy "Singing Burro"(Really!) She possibly should have had a better Hollywood career. Although of Hispanic origin,she found herself playing Polynesian maidens in several Films,including "Mutiny on the Bounty"(1935),"The Hurricane"(1937) and as the lead in the interesting "Paradise Isle"(1937),again with Warren Hull. "Girl from Rio" is a very watchable "B" movie,with a decent supporting cast and a simple but sensible screenplay.
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Standing By Her Last Man!
9 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is an interesting Henry Hathaway directed Western,concerning the bitter feud between two Kentucky families,the Haydens and the Colbys. Randolph Scott is Lynn Hayden,who,as a youngster saw his Grandpa shot and killed by Jed Colby(Noah Beery). Lynn's father Mark(Egon Brecher),just home from the Civil War and war weary,decides to let the law deal with Colby,who is jailed for 15 years. Mark moves his family westwards,seeking a more peaceful life for them all. Unfortunately Colby,upon his release,now accompanied by the even more ruthless Jim Daggs(Jack La Rue),moves his family to the same area,determined to re-ignite the feud and extract revenge! Lynn meets the spirited,spunky Ellen,daughter of Jed Colby(Well played by Esther Ralston),and after a very shaky start the two young folk fall in love,and hope to marry. Ellen is beaten by her Father,but will not be deterred! But the feud,fuelled by Colby and Daggs,overtakes all,and following a gun battle at the Hayden Ranch,a dynamited ambush goes disastrously wrong,leading to a dramatic showdown between the badly injured Lynn,given refuge by Ellen,and the nasty,salacious Daggs,determined to make Ellen his,and the brave,plucky Ellen. All appears lost,but there is suitable optimism in the final frame. The acting is generally okay: As a previous poster remarked,the strongest performances came from the ladies,notably Esther Ralston(A Silent star who successfully coped with the Sound transition),and the little-known today Muriel Kirkland, as the ultimately despairing Wife of Lynn's Brother Bill(Buster Crabbe). Others in the cast include Barton Maclane,Gail Patrick and 5 year-old Shirley Temple,as Hayden Family members, and a very briefly glimpsed John Carradine,as a Colby shot offscreen by Barton Maclane. This is a worthy early addition to the Western Genre.
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Doctor at Sea (1955)
At Sea With Brigitte
25 June 2020
"Doctor at Sea" is the sequel to the popular "Doctor in the House",with Dirk Bogarde reprising his role as Dr. Simon Sparrow,now a newly qualified and overworked GP,who flees from the amorous advances of his Senior Partner's daughter. He decides to sign on as a ship's doctor and escape! Various amusing situations occur on the outward voyage,instigated by the vessel's somewhat eclectic crew. These range from the overbearing,bombastic Captain Hogg(James Robertson Justice),to the loopy,hallucinating ship's carpenter(George Coulouris). At their tropical Port of Call Simon encounters pretty club singer Helene: A young Brigitte Bardot managing to radiate modesty,charm and a kind of demure sexuality,all at the same time! Of course,Simon falls for her,and his affection increases when the misogynistic Captain Hogg is ordered to give return passage home to the daughter of the Shipping Line owner,Muriel(Brenda de Banzie),and her friend ...Helene! Muriel sets her sights on the irascible Captain,while Simon romances Helene(Lucky chap!). Other comic situations abound,including the Merchant ship's Dance,and Crewman Noel Purcell's dental visit. The film,although not having many real "Laugh-out-loud" moments,is constantly amusing. And BB does get to deliver one of the funniest lines after the crew present Dr. Sparrow with a caged bird,in thanks for his successful operation on one of the seamen. The viewer has to be quick,as the scene is faded just as Helene speaks her line!! The movie reaches it's zenith with Hogg growing even more cranky and cantankerous(Not entirely his fault), and with Helene and Simon's shipboard romance looking to be scuppered,as Helene now has a singing contract in Rio...But wait? Well played by Dirk Bogarde,James Robertson Justice,Brenda de Banzie and a radiant Brigitte Bardot,in her debut British film performance. There are several good cameo and supporting performances too,and the whole concoction is tidily directed by Rank stalwart Ralph Thomas. All in all an agreeable British movie.
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Action in Manchuria
17 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is an exciting,brisk adventure movie set in Manchuria,which is under serious threat from Tartar renegades led by the cruel Voronsky. Richard Dix is the hero: The heavy-drinking but fearless Riverboat Captain Carson,who assumes command of a motley group of passengers,hotel staff and a handful of Soldiers who are all taking refuge within a walled hostelry,as his Riverboat undertakes repairs. These were sustained in a previous recent encounter with the Tartar bandits,during which Carson bit off most of Voronsky's ear! Those trapped in the Inn include attractive Gwili Andre, as the unwilling mistress of Voronsky,seeking escape from his clutches. She and the Captain find themselves immediately drawn to each other. Another,touching, romance begins to unfold involving the ultimately heroic,anguished Edward Everett Horton(Playing against type) and Arline Judge,as a stranded entertainer,nicknamed "Bridgeport". They both play their part in caring for some local children also taking shelter. Others in the cast include Dudley Digges,Zazu Pitts and C.Henry Gordon as Voronsky. Nice also see Toshi Mori in a small speaking role as the daughter of the Inn proprietor,one of the very few ethnic Asian actresses to appear in these roles. Under siege,and already suffering losses,the little band must attempt to reach the now-repaired paddle-steamer to escape the area. The Captain and Edward Everett Horton fight a rearguard action in order that this can be achieved. A very good film of it's type. 9/10.
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The Moonraker (1958)
Exciting Eglish Civil War Adventure
24 May 2020
Of the surprisingly few films produced dealing with the English Civil War,this is probably the most entertaining:One I've viewed many times over the years! George Baker is ideal as the Cavalier Aristocrat Anthony,Earl of Dawlish,aka "The Moonraker".,who has helped many Royalist fugitives evade Cromwell's forces and escape to France. Now,he has his most important task to fulfil,to aid the heir apparent to the English throne, Charles Stuart, in a similar course of action. Dawlish too must try to leave England as the Roundhead net tightens. A journey not without danger ends at the clifftop Windwhistle Inn,used by the Moonraker in previous escapades,from whence he must find a Captain and vessel willing to risk the Channel crossing to France..Those at the Inn include both Friend and Foe(Especially Tyler,a dangerous spy). One of these folk is pretty Puritan Anne Wyndham(Nicely played by Sylvia Syms),who has bitter feelings towards Royalists,and happens to be the Fiancee of Colonel Beaumont,the local Cromwellian charged with hunting down both the Royal Prince and the Moonraker. After wounds sustained in a swordfight with Tyler,Dawlish is attended by Anne:Her heart is melted by the dashing,romantic Cavalier. Beaumont arrives at the Inn with a troop of his men:A pompous,rotund but ultimately heroic Royalist named Parfitt attempts to facilitate the escape to the waiting ketch in the cove below. A lengthy duel ensues between Dawlish and Tyler. Will our hero escape? Will Anne,now released from her Engagement to the staid Beaumont,follow Dawlish?? This is a colourful movie,with good location photography in Southern England,accurate costumes(Sash colours permitting!)Swordplay and even Romance,and good supporting performances generally. Paul Whitsun-Jones(Parfitt),Marius Goring(Beaumont),Clive Morton(Lord Harcourt),Gary Raymond(Charles Stuart),Peter Arne(Tyler) amongst the latter And the Title song(Sung by Ronnie Hilton in good voice) helps proceedings along! Recommended.9/10.
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Tamahine (1963)
Bright Sixties Comedy
21 January 2020
This fun British light romantic Comedy is enhanced by an endearing performance by Nancy Kwan in the Title role. Her bubbly portrayal as the pretty,fun-loving,free-spirited yet naïve Polynesian Girl sent to England to stay with her late Father's Headmaster Cousin is perfect! The story centres on the effect her presence has on the pompous,upper class Public School routine,and especially on the three men who are most smitten by her:Their lives and loves are all reshaped accordingly! Tamahine has several good comedic exchanges,especially with her staid Headmaster Guardian,Dennis Price. Good comic support also from Derek Nimmo and John Fraser. Justine Lord acquits herself well in the Romantic sub-plot too. An early role also for James Fox as another Student admirer. Although likened to a "Carry On" movie by a previous reviewer,that it is not!! One or two dramatic scenes are also featured along with the fun. Recommended!
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Light-Hearted Dottie Lamour Musical
10 July 2018
One of my favourite Dorothy Lamour movies,in which an ideally cast Dottie rebels against the Broadway "Sarong Girl" persona inflicted upon her by her Producer/Manager Jerome Cowan,and flees the City! She winds up on a Showboat owned and captained by dependable Lloyd Nolan,and,despite some initial hitches,they become Romantically involved and she becomes his star attraction. Meanwhile,her Manager has been busy trying to locate her,and has had Legal injunctions issued for breach of contract in order to stop her performing. Can his last-ditch attempts to stop the Show be thwarted ?? Dottie sings several good songs,including "Blue Nightfall" and "I Go For That". Contrary to the comment by the previous reviewer,the Title song is featured: Competently sung by Maxine Sullivan(And Quayside Chorus),who also chips in with a couple of Traditional songs too. The plot also features an amusing additional romance between a pursuing Tito Guizar and a receptive pretty Mary Parker. Jessie Ralph is good as the Riverboat Matriach who is both feisty and kind-hearted: She even succeeds in enrolling an old flame and rival Riverboat Showman(William Frawley) in the efforts to keep Dottie and the show on the River!! Well directed by Raoul Walsh,this entertaining movie should be more well-known.
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Enjoyable Wartime Drama:And that Topless Scene!
30 June 2017
This is a well-cast and quite enjoyable Greek-set World War II yarn,which manages to entertain even with the studio edits(Which caused confusion to some).War Correspondent Robert Mitchum is suitably both laconic and heroic as he,initially reluctantly,seeks to escape Nazi-occupied Greece with a memorised list of Greek Patriots who will feed information to the Allies,whilst feigning collaboration with the Germans. Acting is generally good,with Mitchum and Gia Scala(As the Greek Village girl who aids him and loves him)bonding well together.Some interesting supporting performances too,including a surprising but vital appearance by Sebastion Cabot later in the movie. We also have a risqué(For 1959)early Taverna scene,featuring the "exuberant" Singer/Dancer Marita Constantinou,which must have been filmed twice in anticipation of possible Censorship. The VHS copy I have from the U.S.A shows her bosom discreetly covered - The recently acquired DVD(U.K)reveals her to be topless! Overall,some good,nostalgic location filming:The Plaka,Tourkolimano,etc.;adds atmosphere to this likable Adventure/Drama.
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Operator 13 (1934)
Likable American Civil War Espionage Romance
28 May 2017
Although there are some blinkered reviews here,this is actually an enjoyable Civil War movie.Marion Davies acquits herself well as an Union spy in two guises:Initially as a mixed-race maid(Of French lineage from Martinique!),and latterly as a supposed Northern Sympathiser of the Confederacy.She is appealing in both roles. Gary Cooper also gives a decent performance as the Confederate Captain/ Counter-Spy who seeks to apprehend her and becomes her Paramour.Even though this is not exactly his strongest career role! Add to this a stalwart supporting cast(including Jean Parker as a Southern Belle),and some fine atmospheric cinematography:Note the early morning "fishing" scene,and also the Romantic interlude with Gary Cooper pushing Marion Davies on a sizeable swing as she sings the nice "Once In A Lifetime".This is one of several songs sung by her or the Mills Brothers. Approach this Film with an open mind and you may well find it entertaining!
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Entertainingly Silly!
10 February 2007
I watched this British Comedy again yesterday,and it is 72 minutes of very pleasant viewing.

Our intrepid hero(Jack Hulbert),an RAF pilot,is seconded to the Egyptian Air Force and given the task of rooting out a gang of desert Riff drug smugglers.

He launches into his mission with great enthusiasm,proving to be both a hindrance and a help,much to the consternation of his commanding officer!

Pretty,bubbly Anna Lee is on hand to assist our Jack,and appears to enjoy every minute of the proceedings!

Jack's barmy but entertaining song and dance routine to Noel Gay's "WHO'SE BEEN POLISHING THE SUN",complete with appreciative equine audience,plus some good location photography help make this a fun film.
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Enjoyably authentic version
5 January 2007
Having watched the 1995 movie for the first time a few days ago,I decided to watch this fine BBC production again,and found it the more satisfying of the two.

The acting was of a good standard;Tracey Childs splendid as Marianne,and Bosco Hogan's interpretation of Edward Ferrers far exceeded Hugh Grant's peculiar effort in the Ang Lee film.The direction and location filming in Dorset/Somerset and the authentic early 1800's feel more than compensated for the budget constraints.

Also,Willoughby's telling confession to Eleanor as Marianne lay seriously ill upstairs was,thankfully,retained,unlike the 1995 version.

A good miniseries,more Jane Austen than it's "grander" successor!Nine out of ten!
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