
18 Reviews
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The Hustle (I) (2019)
Stay away
2 April 2020
I watched this with my wife, she chose - we're both fans of the original, so thought we would try it out.

Don't bother, complete piece of crap. A couple of genuine moments I mildly laughed, but that is it It's just So cringeworthy and a complete fail.
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The pinhead you ordered from
10 March 2020
This is such B grade garbage. It's the worst of all the hellraiser movies, and actually does not even deserve to have hell raiser in the title, it's a complete pile of crap. The wish pinhead is laughable. I can't believe how bad he is, it looks like something from a parody movie, it was brave of the actor playing him to give it a go. The shaky cam cliche angle they took with the majority of the pin head scenes was lame. I wish I did. It see this, please if you're reading this before seeing the movie, don't - unless you have an hour to Kill. Yep, it's an hour and 12 minutes long, I mean the other sequels were at least an hour 25 or 30, and actually seem like masterpieces compared to this.

Just a garbage cash grab, although I don't think it would have made much cash.

Watch at your own risk
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Hellraiser: Deader (2005 Video)
Not too bad
10 March 2020
As I was watching this, it was blatantly obvious this was never originally a hell raiser script, watching the behind the scenes features the afterwards confirmed this, all the heraiser components were added while they were shooting it, which was done in 25 days...

It's probably the weakest of the hell raiser movies I've seen so far (2 more to go) but Kari wuhrer did give a pretty great performance, I'll give the movie that. It also looked pretty good, it was well shot and lit etc.

Pin head was pretty good , and the other different cenobites, although they did not do much. The story itself was pretty weak, and really clutching at straws.
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Hellraiser: Hellseeker (2002 Video)
not what I expected
10 March 2020
I had always heard how crap the hellraiser films are from 4-9, but I have to say, as I work my way through them all, I am very surprised at how good they actually are. Maybe it's because my expectations are so low.

Anyway, this instalment brings back Kirsty, which was great to see, and it is not done in a lame cheesy way either, actually having a pretty good twist to it, that was somewhat predictable but still good to see how it played out.
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Complete garbage
10 March 2020
Absolute pile of flaming garbage. I'm not going to bother saying any more, other than don't waste your time and it's obvious why he's touring the movie personally, but even that can't save it, budget of 10mil and made under 5 - hahaha, pathetic.
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Hellraiser: Inferno (2000 Video)
It's different...
10 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I kind of liked how this movie was so different from the others, it actually reminds me of aims if the saw sequels. There wasn't much pin head, but when he was there he was Ok, his costume and make up Looked a bit different, and I don't think this really toes in continuity wise very well with the others, but who cares I guess.

It is more a psychological thriller with some horror elements, than a straight up horror movie.

It kept me wanting to find out why was going to happen, and the pay off was a bit confusing, I Still Don't really know what to make of it. I think basically the whole movie after he opens the box is him in his own hell, not sure.

It's worth a watch if you like the hell riser franchise, actually it even works as a one off even if you havnt seen any of the previous films.
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Really not that bad
9 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I am re watching all the hell raiser movies, and kind of forgot much of this one, I figured it was god awful going by the reviews though - but you know really isn't that bad.

Yes, it starts in space and I literally said out loud "omg you have to be kidding!?!" But I stick with it, and it works...most of the movie is flash backs to the 1700's(I think) showing the origins of the box. Then jumps to 1996 as well. I really liked it and thought it was a great addition, adding to the lore of the whole hell raiser universe. This movie is also very pin head oriented which is great, and he even has some classic memorable lines. Sure, there's some really goofy parts, but all in all it kept me wanting to keep watching, so it's a win for me 6.5/10
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Am I missing something?
9 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure if I'm just missing something, but this is another recent release I was keen to see after rave reviews. I am a car guy and love movies that are set in the era this movie is set, but there was something seriously lacking in this movie. I don't know if it was Bales put on cock way accent or what, but the movie left me feeling extremely unfulfilled. The story itself, which I was not entirely familiar with was OK, but there were some serious flat spots that made me want to turn it also had a very anticlimactic ending, I was hoping they would show the car crash close up, instead it was off screen and in the distance.

It was shot well, the race scenes were good, and the set design and streets transformed to the mid 60's was really well done. Matt Damon was great, the standout actually, I was more interested in bales performance but it was lacking something.

Still worth a watch, but I would wait until it's on Netflix or something.
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1917 (2019)
I don't get the hype
9 March 2020
I was looking forward to this after all the rave reviews, but aside from the technical achievements with the whole single shot thing, it's just a boring movie. It ya a paper thing story and not much happens. I mean, sure there's some interesting shots and some good scenes, but it's just so bland. I don't get the hype 🤷‍♂️
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Terrible - so I overrated
9 March 2020
This movie sucked! Costner is a wooden plank, as per usual. Connery was Connery - and he certainly did not deserve an Oscar for his performance, it was so campy and over acted.

This movie was not only boring but they somehow made the subject matter so cartoonish and stupid. The only saving grace was de deniro, but he is hardly in it and even still, his performance was pretty average.

Rubbish movie that does not deserve the praise it gets. I do Not recommend this garbage at all.
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Hidden gem
9 March 2020
I had not heard of this movie until I saw it on someone top 10 favourite movies in a Facebook post, so thought I would check it out. Found out it was on Netflix and had a crack! I was not disappointed at all, great movie! Would recommend it. I don't know why I have not heard of it before, but glad I came across it.
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Curb Your Enthusiasm: Artificial Fruit (2020)
Season 10, Episode 3
Worst episode of all time
4 March 2020
This season started of quite promising With two "ok" episodes, but this one was Just so stupid; and not in a typical "silly curb stupid" way. I will check out episode 4 out of sheer curiosity that the series gets back on track, but I'm thinking it may have been better to have just let the series go and not done this season. I used to think JB Smoove was a great supporting actor that comedically worked Well off Larry, but he is just awful In this season so far.
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I think i am done with this season
4 March 2020
The first two episodes were pretty good and reminiscent of seasons past, but episode 3 was probably the worst episode I have ever seen and episode 4 was not much better. I am a huge curb and Seinfeld fan, but it is just getting really, really lame. Don't think I could even be bothered with future Episodes to be honest.
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Terrible! what a way to ruin the saga
27 December 2019
I cannot be bothered typing much here, but this movie is just a convoluted mess. You can see how JJ is trying to repair the damage caused by TLJ, he even tries to retcon aspects of it which is quite funny, but too little too late. The damage is done and there's no fixing this trilogy. Ruin broke it and JJ tried to fix it.Anyway, dont pay to see this destruction of the skywalker saga, wait for it to come to disney plus or something if you must see it.
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Game of Thrones: The Last of the Starks (2019)
Season 8, Episode 4
what...the....$&@&!!!! was that
10 May 2019
I really cant even be bothered typing a decent review. all i will say is I am so disappointed in this show now. After the long and boring night i gave them the benefit of the doubt to redeem themselves in the next one and explain a few things. Was not expecting so much more teleportation and stupid lazy writing. I don't know where to begin so I will just end here. PATHETIC.
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Game of Thrones: The Long Night (2019)
Season 8, Episode 3
This is not Game of Thrones...
30 April 2019
OK, firstly let it be known that I love game of throne. I have recently re-watched the entire series again in preparation for season 8. This episode for me was a complete and utter let down. Visually very boring with the same type of repetitive shot over and over again.

This was a long battle, yes. but long for the sake of being long does not equal good. It was bad. Very bad. The pseudo deaths were also extremely annoying, as soon as you think a major player was gone, they turn back up again to once again defeat the terrible odds they face. The plot armor is strong with this one. The CGI was sub-par and I think that is why they went with the muddy dark tone of the episode. This is not the Game of thrones I fell in love with all those years ago. This is just another mediocre, bloated contrived mess like all the other average shows out there. Come on GOT you're better than this. You could of at least shown the scene where everyone was handed out teleportation juice and plot armor.

There were a few moments spread throughout the episode I thought were cool. But that's it, a few moments. The episode as a whole was just so disappointing. I don't understand all these 10/10 reviews, clearly blind fan boy/girl sheep who are in denial?

4/10 - please don't ruin this series by jumping the shark with these last 3 episodes.
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AMAZING - You're not ready for this
30 April 2019
This movie blew me away. It kept me guessing and on the edge of my seat the whole time. It was slow where it needed to be and fast where it needed to be. I am glad they decided to keep the run time at 3 hours, it needed it. And on run time, it flew by. There was a fair big chunk of the movie that was "slowish" but I do not say that in a negative way. With how infinity war left off, it had to be. The story was so good and wrapped up nicely. It was respectful to the characters and I am happy where they all ended up, as hard as it was to watch, it was still satisfying. I would be completely satisfied if this was the end of the MCU altogether, it was just so tastefully done. I need to see this again!
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Star Wars: Resistance (2018–2020)
Dumbed down Disney trash.
8 October 2018
The trailers really were an accurate representation of how terrible this series was going to be. I had to see for myself and I was not surprised at all. Adds nothing but cringeworthy jokes to the lore and Star Wars universe as a whole. I know it's s kids show, but at least TCW and Rebels added elements for more mature Star Wars fans as well. This is just pure dumbed down Disney trash
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