
5 Reviews
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Awesome in every sense of the word
5 January 2012
This movie... was awesome. i mean AWESOME!

Sure there's some dodgy stuff about it (Rosie Huntington Whitely's performance for one) but then what the heck did you expect from a movie that's essentially about gigantic fighting robots?

i know that's not an "excuse" sure... why should we lower our expectations when it comes to big summer blockbusters? why should we expect no real story or strong non-stereotypical characters? i'll tell you why... it's because it's a big flipping action movie that's essentially about gigantic fighting robots.

the whole premise of transformers (remember, based on toys) is ridiculous. It's preposterous. but it IS AWESOME. so, in fact, no, i don't want to be wasting my brain too much getting really 'in' to how deep and thoughtful the movie is. yawn-o-rama.

Having said that, a story is present here, and it works perfectly well for the source material. It tells of a device that has the power to re-shape the universe.

re-shape what i hear you cry? the universe? YES! THE UNIVERSE! that's epic man i don't care what you say. it plays out mostly like an epic fantasy, with it's own mythology and world relatable history. and man, what more do you want?

Michael Bay is the king of blowing stuff up. He's the man here who dreamt "what would it be like it bunches of massive metallic transforming alien robots started having a war on our planet, smashing each other and everything around them to smithereens" And I'm so glad he did dream that dream. because this movie perfectly portrays exactly what i'd imagine would happen if this was in fact the case.

We need this guy. Nobody creates this kind of spectacle like he does. it's so impressive. I can't even imagine beginning to conceive some of the sequences he pulls off in this movie. and he does it with such ease. It's so easy to hate michael bay, sure it is. he makes big dumb action movies, but we know this, and i really really enjoy a big dumb action movie once in a while. it's so much fun.

michael bay is the man. yes, THE MAN. he is your man for pure explosive spectacle. No one else would have done a better job of this movie. I genuinely believe that.

Beautifully mixing perfectly realised CG effects with epic locations. The camera always at some kind of ridiculous angle that makes everything look GINORMOUS. Huge towering sky scrapers, and vast landscapes setting the backdrop for the showdown.

It's a movie that knows exactly what it is, and who it's aimed at (that's right, horny teenage boys) and because of that, this movie DELIVERS. I'm now in my twenties, but when I was a young teenager, all i wanted to see was some awesome action, some crazy effects and some hot women. boom boom boom. this movie nails it.

Given most of the reviews from critics and again here on IMDb, people seem to have forgotten what fun it is to go and watch a real event movie. To see something that will blow you away. To have an experience. (3D came about for this reason) You want your ears bleeding, you want your eyeballs popping out, you wanna be guzzling your popcorn at all the visual thrills.

well i do at least.

i love movies. i love everything about movies. and i loved this movie. for all it's obvious flaws, it's not trying to be anything but what it is. and i love it for that.

sorry if i rambled on there. i know it's not the most eloquently written review. i think you get the idea of how i felt about this movie.

go see it with your brain tuned the right way and you'll have a blast.
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Eastbound & Down (2009–2013)
just glorious
15 March 2010
This show is above and beyond what it deserves to be. What ought to be a dumb fun Danny McBride, Will Ferrell produced sports comedy vehicle is in fact a work of television genius.

I am in love with this show.

Every slow motion musical moment, every scene filled with such beautiful comedy and affecting drama. It is cast impeccably, each scene judged to perfection, and the score drifts you along, deep under it's trance. Each episode continues on from the last as if it were a 3 hour movie, and this, I feel, is how it is best viewed. I can not rate it highly enough. I only wish I could live forever, perhaps rather sadly in the warm glow of this series. It is an instant favourite.

If you want your life to be better, watch this show. I only hope there are people out there who can enjoy it on the level that I did.

Just glorious.
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The Holiday (2006)
2 January 2007
OK, i do not know where to start on this.

Yesterday (New Years Day) i went and saw the very shoddy, predictably clichéd tweenager body swap 'comedy' "its a boy girl thing" it was dreadful. Today we go and see "The Holiday". "no way can this be worse than the movie i saw yesterday, it has an amazing cast" i said. Oh my f***in god how wrong was i?

2 hours 18 painfully goddawful minutes. A movie with a story this straightforward and simple does not justify that gargantuas running time. That it has a script so riddled with forced exposition does not help. Now i'm not expecting a masterpiece but c'mon!

The film has a cast to die for! My mind boggles at why they'd all sign on to this generic mush. Each and everyone of them looks embarrassed. Their individual talents as performers are shamefully wasted.

Kate Winslet pointlessly plays air guitar to JET, Cameron Diaz pointlessly bellows out The Killers. No, no, no, no, no. STOP, enough! i wasn't laughing because i was too busy rolling my eyes and sighing with frustration. it isn't funny, its humiliating.

This is sledgehammer story-telling. None of the dialogue feels natural, its all spoon-fed to the actors and the audience. We know how we are supposed to be feeling, but we don't feel it.

If you're after a romantic comedy, please stick with "When Harry met Sally" it really is infinitely better, and considering its story's set over many years, its a great deal shorter as well.

A real waste of some decent actors, and a real waste of two and a half hours. Avoid if you have a soul worth saving.
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Eraserhead (1977)
plays out like a nightmare, but who chooses to watch their nightmares?
29 December 2006
i sometimes wonder if people like lynch make movies with complete random crap in them just to see how many people they can convince that its art, or a masterpiece.

i can imagine lynch sitting in a room reading all the praise for eraserhead and laughing at how many pretentious people buy it as a serious piece of film-making.

that aside, before a hundred more 'open minded' sorts bash me for missing the point, i'd like to think i understand why other people like it.

I hate this movie. I'm surprised i lasted the full running time. i don't think there's a film out there that i've seen, that has made me want to pierce my eyes and ears more than when i watched eraserhead (ok, 'love, actually'). And maybe its designed to make you feel uncomfortable, maybe that's part of its 'power', but to me that doesn't make it a good film.

as far as i know, there are very few people who would actually take pleasure in wanting to stab themselves in the eye.

To its credit, its a film open to interpretation, but all the people i know who enjoyed it are annoying film students who like to over analyse movies (but if he puts his hand there, what does that mean???... er nothing) and look as if their cultured and have a grasp of film language.

Watch it if you like, you may take something away from it that i missed or ignored, but don't say i didn't warn you if you find your eye on the end of a fork.
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Love Actually (2003)
Piece of S**t
31 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
After watching this film and feeling completely ripped off in every way imaginable, I had to look and see what everyone's comments on IMDb were... I agree with every one of the poor reviews.

I was also surprised to see the average rating of 7.8!!! What are people thinking?! Firstly, there are far too many story lines, consequently lending themselves far too little screen time to develop any kind of feeling for character or plot.

Pretty much all of these story lines, too, are painfully nauseating. In fact, anyone still in possession of their own stomach (I should imagine most of you) will find it tricky not to feel at least a little queasy after watching two hours worth of this overcooked, shamefully formulaic pap.

I HATED IT! And yet.. My sister and her many friends found it to be delightful!! My sister saw it TWICE at the cinema!! How? I have no idea! She loved it! One of her FAVOURITE movies she says. I feel for her... I really do.

It makes me soo mad to watch it. Is this the only thing we Brits can produce? We've made many films like it in recent years... light, passable British comedies... But this takes all of them, repeats them, and then shits all over them.

The only shred of light I can cast on it, is that I enjoyed this one scene were 'Nick' from 'My Family' (can't remember actor's name) goes to America and picks up a collection of really hot women. The only reason I enjoyed this is that it is soo over the top and unbelievable, and such a dream like scenario (who wouldn't want three lovely ladies on there arm?) that it is actually quite funny -- but still completely pointless.

In short: Only worth watching if you enjoy watching s**t films and then commenting on how BAD they are.

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