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Glory Road (2006)
The Malcolm X of racial sports movies.
19 March 2008
Now yes, "Remember The Titans" is a similar story to this and I completely understand there has to be one for each sport.

But this one just had something to it that sent it down the wrong direction, a movie that should be about the uplifting story of these players was drowned out and hate took over.

The movie acts like it's brand new to have "black" starters in college, but yet JoJo White was someone they played against and he was not only an All American, he was later drafted by the Boston Celtics.

I guess it's just how they come off, as if this coach did wonderful things for "black" Athletes, but the truth is he was far from the first to start someone with a dark skin tone.

Now how I see it "Remember The Titans" is the Martin Luther King Jr. of these types of movies and Glory Road is the Malcolm X, two working for the same end result, but working in opposite directions to get it.

What we learned in "Remember The Titans" was the best player got the job, there's no difference between those kids, people are people and that's a nice way to look at it, but this movie smashed that one and looked at it as the color of your skin defines you. Which is the complete wrong message to send.

I mean the starters were only all "black" because the coach played into the race card, what about those other kids that helped them get there? They don't deserve to play because they are white, or Spanish? I don't get how that is "uplifting".

I wouldn't really recommend this movie, but Josh Lucas does a great job so do most of the students. It's just the message gets askew during the runtime that really rips what the story should have been about away and leaves you with this hateful piece of work.
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Tales from the Crypt: Collection Completed (1989)
Season 1, Episode 6
Good finish to season one that leaves you wanting more.
19 August 2006
In this episode M. Emmet Walsh plays A newly retired man named Jonas. He has been away from home so much he doesn't know his wife is a little crazy. In her loneliness she has befriend a lot of animals to fill her void. When she refuses to pick him over her animal friends, he takes matters in his own hands and starts taking up a new hobby and he's getting pretty good at it.

It starts off slow, but there is a lot of characterization in the first ten minutes, so don't just zone out. This was a good choice to end the season with.

But the real treat of this episode is the annoying neighbor played by Martin Garner. We all have one of those and he pulls it off perfectly. He is funny and at the same time he doesn't give away he is just there to get a few laughs.
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Great Character Not So Great Movies
10 July 2006
I thought Pitch Black was an OK movie, but it took me a long time to see this sequel to it. I always liked the character Riddick, he doesn't need special powers or anything, he should just stay as he was in Pitch Black (2000). He started off that way in this movie which I enjoyed, but then he started to do things that were not in Riddick's character. He cared about people, he tried to play the "good guy." I loved when he was a bad guy, but you still wanted him to live.

I have no complaints with Vin Diesel besides the writers changed his character a little bit. Karl Urban, and Nick Chinlund did a great job as minor bad guy (in Riddick's eyes) and I wanted them to have more screen time. I liked the idea of Keith David's character Imam returning in this film, but I didn't like the whole Kyra/Jack story line. It just doesn't fit the Riddick character we met in Pitch Black.

If you don't like sci-fi movies that create a universe and put a lot of thought into it then this movie isn't for you. This is an action movie with a sci-fi surrounding, if you don't mind that then I recommend this movie for you. It's not an awesome movie, but the characters make up for what the story lacks. It's worth a look, I guess, but don't expect much.
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Damon, Ledger, and CGI, oh my!
5 July 2006
The beginning of this movie sucked me in and I really wanted to see how it all came together. As the movie went on though, I found it getting progressively worse. Everything that was a special effect in the movie was CGI and poorly done CGI at that. I could understand the wolf standing on two legs, but trees are CGI and spider webs are CGI. It just got so ridiculous I started to lose interest. Everyone's character is over the top without any point to it. The references to the grimm tales was really the only thing in this movie that seemed like they put thought into it (at first), but then they got sloppy with even that.

The cast wasn't bad, but it was just seemed like there was no direction for this film. They wanted it to be a grimm tale, but with a modern way of telling it. The first five minutes like I said sucked me in and I was waiting for them to build off of that moment in Jacob's life. Then it becomes a whole other movie. I was happy I didn't spend any money to see this, I found myself thinking (after every CGI moment) "What was I thinking?" I still have no answer for that question.

In my opinion this movie isn't worth any kind of fee. If you want to see it borrow it from a friend or find another (legal) way to view it without paying. When or if you see this movie don't let the first five minutes trick you, the movie will only get worse from there.
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Predictable Trash.
19 June 2006
I didn't expect much entertainment watching this film and I didn't get much. All the jokes they use you could see coming a mile away, so it wasn't all that funny. Some of them were funny, but they used them for the previews and they already ran their course. They became dull and the movie ended up coming off Predictable.

This movie follows Nick played by Ice Cube (Boyz In The Hood) that falls for a single mom of two little brats. (Hmmm. sounds like Dutch, but with two kids instead of one.) When she is in a tight spot, good boy Nick says he'll take them to her. Comedy was suppose to happen after that, but I saw little to none. The jokes that were funny, have all been used before. it seems to me with all the ideas they stole, the writing credits should have went to John Hughes.

In my opinion if you have kids rent them Home Alone and enjoy it and leave this horrific movie on the shelf.
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The Island (2005)
Where's my left shoe?
15 June 2006
In the Island Ewan McGregor(Shallow Grave) plays Lincoln 6 echo and does a great job like always. Scarlett Johansson (In good company, Home alone 3) plays Lincoln's "friend". There are a lot of jokes throughout this movie that really keep your interest and make the movie pretty good. Steve Buscemi(Fargo) plays McCord which is the heart of the film really, he knows what's going on and tries to make it better through Lincoln.

This movie is a bit long for the story, it was a forty-five minute movie told in over two hours. The action scenes seem forced and most of them are too long. I did hope Michael Clarke Duncan would have a bigger part, but I did enjoy the short time he was on screen. The real comedy comes from Ethan Phillips and Brian Stepanek That play two of Lincoln's friends.

In my opinion this movie is mediocre and it's just a fun movie to watch. Just don't get use to the first forty minutes, cause the plot takes a left turn and your left wondering "What just happened?".
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See No Evil (2006)
Kane as a psycho? No way!
8 June 2006
I love horror movies and when I went to see this, I passed it off as a horror movie with lots and lots of gore and little story. Well it did have gore, but it did have a good story in the background too, I just wish they would have spent a little more time on the story and some of the characters. if you don't like gore in movies this movie isn't for you, but if your a horror fan you'll like the throw back plot and by that I mean this movie could have been made in the 80's with all the Jason movies and done really well. It seems like 2 cent horror flicks want to make a come back and I support them. I love how Vince McMahon had to be a producer on this and had to put the WWE name on it as if that makes a good horror movie. Vince you don't have to own everything your wrestlers do.

Glen Jacobs (most of you know him as Kane) was a very good psycho killer, but isn't that what he plays every night he's on WWE? Christina Vidal (Life with Mikey, yeah that little girl grew up) Plays Christine which is really the good guy in this film. The rest of the cast are really nobody's and that's the way to do it, most of them have some parts in a few movies or were on TV shows for a little while. Michael J. Pagan that plays Tyson was in a film called Fallen and played Sam Hobbs, another child actor that I thought disappeared.

The movie centers around 8 misfits that have to clean up a hotel for 3 days to get a month of their sentence, not a bad deal. They just don't expect to find a psycho killer locked inside with them. Even know some points of the movie seem rushed and most characters know too much before anything is explained, it wasn't a bad movie.

In my opinion this movie is worth a look, if you like horror movies. It might not be worth the ten bucks, but you should look into the rental fee. I guarantee you'll like this over any remake this year (If you are a true horror fan), so enjoy.
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Angus (1995)
Not your typical Teen Movie
3 June 2006
I grew up with this movie, I enjoyed it so much. I watched it every week of my childhood. I wasn't really one of those kids who got picked on, I just thought Angus was a true (real life) hero and I looked up to him. There isn't too many one dimensional characters in this film. Everyone has feelings and the movie does a great job of showing their feelings. I have not read the short story, but if it's anything like this movie it'll be great.

Like all teen movies it has a strong message that is spelled out for everyone. Unlike other teen movies this one seem to show everyone's side of high school life, even though the two main character's are "outcast" they're not really nerds. they both play on the football team and one of them is really good. You don't really expect that from "losers". The whole movie has great gags that everyone can enjoy and they're really funny.

Charlie Talbert plays Angus Bethune (Great name, right?) his best friend Troy Wedberg is played by Chris Owen (Can't Hardly Wait) and he is just hysterical throughout the whole movie. George C. Scott (Patton) plays Angus' grandfather that is always falling asleep and he plays the role of dad to Angus giving him advice. Kathy Bates (Misery) does a great job as Angus' mother, Kathy Bates is just a great actor. Then we have James Van Der Beek (Varsity Blues) playing the bully and he does do a great job at it and Ariana Richards (Jurassic Park) plays Melissa Lefevre which Angus has a crush on.

Overall I recommend this movie to anyone that likes teen movies such as the breakfast club, can't hardly wait, and sixteen candles. As longs as you went to public high school this film can't get old.
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The X-Files: Tooms (1994)
Season 1, Episode 21
1 June 2006
I knew "Squeeze" was too good to end like that. This is not as good as "Squeeze", but most sequels arn't. This is not a bad episode at all, though. Anyway this episode is the triumphant return of Eugene Victor Tooms played by Doug Hutchison (The Green Mile) they also add Paul Ben-Victor (A Civil Action) that plays Dr. Aaron Monte who tries to help Eugene, because he truly believes he is sorry for what he has done.

Mulder can't let this one go, because he knows Tooms will kill again. He is always where Tooms is. It kinda make you feel as annoyed as Eugene must be. You get to see a lot more of what makes him tick and it's a very enjoyable episode. In my opinion Tooms deserved more episodes, but maybe it would get boring. I'll settle for two. It's a great episode, but just don't expect the same as "Squeeze".
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The X-Files: Squeeze (1993)
Season 1, Episode 3
Best Episode
1 June 2006
This is my favorite episode of all the X-Files shows. Mulder and Scully investigate a series of killings where the room is sealed (windows and doors locked) from the inside and the victims liver is missing. As Mulder and Scully look into this more and more they find that this happens every thirty years. Five people are found dead with their liver missing.

Doug Hutchison (The Green Mile) plays Eugene Victor Tooms. He does a great job too, he makes you believe he couldn't hurt a fly, but then he scares you when he starts killing. The one thing that I can never shake from this episode is his eyes, watch those eyes.

This episode kept my interest in the rest of the show. I felt that the theme of no home is safe was really creepy. My opinion you should see this episode even if you don't like the rest of the series. It really is ahead of the curve in every way.

See you next time X-Files fans and watch the skies.
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It doesn't get much better than this.
30 May 2006
This is my favorite episode of the whole series, it has the best jokes throughout the whole show and it was nothing short of horror. Joe Pantoliano (Bad Boys) plays Ulric a bum who meets Dr. Emil Manfred (Gustav Vintas) which gives him money to do and experiment on him. When Ulric wakes up he now has nine lives, so he and Dr.Manfred go into business with Barker played beautifully by Robert Wuhl (HBO's Arli$$)and the business is death.

A wonderful story of betrayal, greed, and murder. It's really hard for "Tales From The Crypt" to top this episode, they set the bar with this one and had the rest try to meet it, but few of them did.

This might be the best episode to introduce yourself with "Tales From The Crypt" if you don't know what it's about already. If you like this episode you'll love the rest of the series and if you don't, then no hard feelings, this show really isn't for you.
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30 May 2006
In this sequel to 2002's "Resident Evil" Milla Jovovich returns as Alice and joined by Sienna Guillory (The Time Machine) as Jill Valentine, which we all know as the petite cop that becomes stronger throughout the first game. She is not anything, but strong in this flick. I never notice Jill Valentine worn such an inappropriate wardrobe in the game she was always in her uniform, but in this movie she looks like she'll fit in on the corner with all the other prostitutes.

I really don't want to ruin the movie for you, but since this has nothing to do with the rest of the plot I'll tell you. Jill walks into her police station and shoots "Zombies" in the head (Nobody knows these people are the undead yet) and all her boss has to say is "Valentine!". She gives him a small speech about they're not alive and she goes on shooting as he walks away. Wait, she'll be arrested on the spot no matter what she said in that situation.

Anyways, Mike Epps (Next Friday, Bait) joins the cast, (yes I said Mike Epps) as the token black guy, I mean L.J. and of course Nemesis is in it, but he even lacks something, maybe like realism and/or loyalty to the video games.

In my opinion, stay away from the whole Resident Evil series, it's nothing but a waste of time and money. Even if Leon shows up, they'll find away to mess his character up, so what's the point? If you do end up watching this, don't expect much.
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Tales from the Crypt: Only Sin Deep (1989)
Season 1, Episode 4
Lorraine Baines?
29 May 2006
A call girl (Lea Thompson)needs money to land a handsome playboy (Bret Cullen) so she tries to sell some jewelry to a pawn shop owner (Britt Leach) but that's not what the pawnbroker is interested in. Instead he buys her beauty.

This is not the best in the series, but it's far from the worst it's an overall great episode with a great plot, but it seems like it tries too hard. you won't be disappointed with any episodes in this series, because they all bring something creepy to the table. This one hits home to the people who think beauty is everything.

It is kinda funny to watch this now being a big fan of "Back to the future." A part of me is just waiting for Michael J. Fox to show up in the DeLorean, but then I remember I'm watching Tales from the crypt, the show that help make HBO what it is.
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They Live (1988)
Put on the glasses!
29 May 2006
"They Live" A great John Carpenter flick. Based on the short story "eight O'clock in the morning." Roddy Piper plays Nada, which is what his character is, nothing. Nada is a drifter just looking for work. He finds a job at a construction company. There he meets Frank played by Keith David which you might remember from another carpenter flick, "The Thing". Frank helps Nada out and their friendship almost begins and ends there, but Nada starts sticking his nose where it doesn't belong. he starts to look around a strange church, where he finds a box of sunglasses and that is only the beginning of Nada's adventures.

I loved this movie, it has something special about it. John carpenter knew what he needed to tell/show you to have everyone understand the plot, but still seem distance enough to be "fiction".

All I have to say is this is a movie that should be seen, it's worth it. After you see this movie, you'll have to take a good look around, because really, everything isn't what it seems to be.
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I feel bad for Stan Lee!
27 May 2006
I love X-Men, the first two were good films, and then this came out. From about twenty minutes into the film I started to shake my head until the end credits. I feel that The X-Men Franchise should be put in a hole deeper than six feet so I won't have to put up with People that just destroy the whole universe of the X-Men.

I have to ask these questions, Where is Gambit? and Why has Morph been over looked for the third time? I feel that this franchise passed up Gambit too many times, three strikes and your out, so he should either get his own film or we pretend this movie never happened and Make a real X-Men three. Morph is a huge part of Wolverine's character and they seem to not even care about that.

Juggernaut was a big disappointment, they cast the wrong guy for it and then gave him crappy lines, but then again everyone got bad lines. That brings me to my next question. When did Storm become the strongest mutant of all time? I mean really what can she do? Make it rain a little, or no! run for the hills. Halle Berry can't act! She got a big part in this movie and she had bad lines and she delivered them poorly. All I have to say to her is stop crying about not winning an Oscar or anything else, because all you deserve is a pink slip from life.

They trashed Wolverine's character, Logan is a loner, he couldn't care less about the X-Men and motivational speeches are not his job their Cyclops', but I'm not even going to get into that. But here's another question for you people that did or will watch this movie, What happened to Nightcrawler?

I feel bad for Stan Lee, he was a producer on this disaster, he should have said, maybe this isn't a best idea. Comic book movies just took one huge step backwards.

I did like Jamie Madrox Showing up, "Multiple Man" or "the man of a thousand personalities" is one of my favorite minor mutants, but that's what he was in this. just another minor / useless character. If they used his character right, he could have brought a million more laughs to this film that it really needed.

Over all this movie should be thrown away! If you have not seen this movie yet, please don't. I need to cost this movie at least 30 bucks to make myself feel better. If you don't take this warning to heart I'm telling you after you see it, you'll be on your knees crying. I hope that when My friends and I were complaining about this film on the way out we stopped at least five people from seeing this movie. Any money this movie makes I'll blame on the teaser of "Snakes on a Plane" in the previews. I hate to say it, but that teaser got a much better reaction then this film and I know it'll be better, because it's gonna have to really try to be a worse movie.
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Christine (1983)
King + Carptenter = GOLD!
3 May 2006
I loved Christine as a book, but that was in part to the movie, Since I grew up watching this movie. When I read the book I was surprise it was so different. But I didn't have a problem with that, it was a very good adaptation with one of John Carpenter's trade marks Great special effects. I know how they had christine put herself back together, but it's still amazing for the 80's, even by today standards(Because it would be all CGI and look terrible).

I am also surprise that not many horror fans (at least around this area) don't talk about this movie or like it. This is one of carpenter's best, it's up there with "The Thing", "halloween", or "Escape from New York". There arn't too many bad Carpenter movies.

Stephen King has a lot of good stories that are just messed up when they are made into films, but not Christine. King should just let Carpenter or George A. Romero, do all his movies from now on.

P.S. The world will be a sad place once John Carpenter leaves us.
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Hate to be negative, but...
3 May 2006
When this movie came out, I was kinda happy. I've watched the original and didn't think it was great. So I thought maybe with our technology now a days, this film could be better than the original.

Wow! how I was wrong. The movie was just another example of how Hollywood changes stories to make them more suitable for them to make. This is a true story, how can you change it around? The beginning is suppose to be the scariest part, but in this movie it was just pointless.

They should have spent a little more time on casting, just because, nobody fits their parts. I can't imagine being afraid of Ryan Reynolds and I think the kid that played Billy Lutz was much older than he should have been. I didn't think much of Melissa George as Kathy Lutz, but that could have been because the writing for her was pretty bad.

This is not the movie's fault, but when I went to see it I had this girl behind me was talking about how she was sick and she needed to throw up. That took me out of the movie watching mood. Please people, if you are sick or feel like you're going to be sick stay home or leave the theater silently and go home. Don't announce it.

To my understanding both movies are not what really happened, only certain parts. So I guess neither one of them had it right, maybe I should just read the book.
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Tales from the Crypt: The Man Who Was Death (1989)
Season 1, Episode 1
Starting with a bang!
24 April 2006
"A shocking experience! When the death penalty is abolished, a penitentiary executioner turns freelance electrocutioner. But fate may pull a switch on this man who loves to throw the switch."

William Sadler plays an out of work executioner, that hates seeing the guilty walk away free. He takes the law into his own hands to create one of the best episodes of the series.

The real treat here is William Sadler's narration. He sometimes makes you laugh and sometimes makes you think "He has a point there." The special effects arn't "up to par" with today's standards, but if you can remember it's a TV show from 89' then I don't think you'll have any complaints.
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Tales from the Crypt: Lover Come Hack to Me (1989)
Season 1, Episode 5
Low point of first season.
24 April 2006
The show had great episodes, this is not one of them. It's not a terrible episode, it's just hard to follow up "The man that was death.", "All through the house", and "Dig that cat, he's real gone."

This episode is about a couple that has just been married Peggy (Ammanda Plummer) and Charles (Stephen Shellen). In the first five minutes you find out that Charles only married Peggy for her money. The two go on their honeymoon and their car breaks down on a dirt road and they have to seek refuge in an old abandon mansion. Charles soon finds out a secret of Peggy's family...

In my opinion you should watch this episode, but just don't expect the same feeling as the rest of the episodes in the first season.
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Silent Hill (2006)
Johnny Cash?
23 April 2006
I would like to start off saying I have not played the games, so I watch this movie as a "Movie goer." I was disappointed, I notice a lot of camera views like I would see in a game and I thought "That's smart." Then it's about an hour into it and all the camera angles are still in video game view and I start thinking "Am I playing a video game?". I understand that keeping the camera angles were for the "fans" of the games, but they did get annoying. And did they have to keep the dialogue from the game?

My friend that played the game turn to me about half way through the movie and said "A video game trying to be a movie and a movie trying to be a video game, somewhere in the middle there is silent hill." I laugh this off, but then I realize I wanted this. I always complain when movies mess up video games (Mario brothers, Street fighter, Double Dragon, Resident Evil, etc.) I always said they should make them like the game, but would I really like an hour and a half of mario saving the princess from bowser about 14 times and every time it's a little bit harder? or an hour an a half of non-stop fighting of the street fighter crew?

The answer is no, so I have to change my ideas on video game movies. I think they should hold onto the plot of the game, but make it still enjoyable for movie fans. I still think mortal combat is the best video game movie, not great but had both plot of the game mix with a movie atmosphere. Maybe it'll be just better for Video games to stay as video games, Books to stay as books, and movies to stay not remade. Then again what else would I write this long review for?

P.S. Johnny cash's "Ring Of Fire" about twenty minutes into the film was the best part of this movie!
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It's Mason!
5 February 2006
I like this movie, it's not the best action movie, but is very good. The movie doesn't have the best acting and the writing and the beginning is so-so, but it picks up and gets a lot better as the movie goes on. If you ever feel like watching a solid action movie, I say pick this one up. Or if you just want to watch crazy Gary Busey act like Gary Busey.

This movie is about a homeless man (ICE T) that loses everything twice. Then takes a job with some business men (Rutger Hauer and Charles S. Dutton) to help hunt in a isolated place. Ice T soon finds out that they are hunting a deadlier game...

This movie is well worth the rental fee. You might surprise yourself and like it.
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Murphy's law
4 February 2006
I watch this movie because I was bored and I didn't think too much of it, but then once I got into it I couldn't stop laughing. This movie is one of the Seann William Scott's best movies. I think this movie deserved more, I would recommend this movie to anyone who needs a laugh. You will not be disappointed in Stark Raving Mad, trust me.

The movie is based around a group of bank robbers that can't do much right. I don't want to give anything else away, because the mystery adds to the fun. This film is smart and funny, a combination that I haven't seen in newer movies.

As you watch this movie just remember Murphy's Law, which is "Whatever can go wrong will go wrong."
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Wonderwall (1968)
This is the reason why hippies shouldn't make movies
3 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie make little to no sense during it's running time. Maybe you have to be on drugs to understand this movie, but I doubt even that would help.

The plot of this movie is Professor Collins and a woman named penny moves in. A lot of the movie is just Collins alone, so there isn't much dialogue, in fact there isn't much of anything that happens during this movie. He starts to look through the wall and see women dancing and doing other things. Then when he starts to make his view window bigger he finds there is a brick wall behind it and it's the wall itself.

I say stay away from this movie, there is no point to it.

I'm sorry if this offends anyone, but it's just my opinion.
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The Brood (1979)
"It's Baby licking good."
26 January 2006
David Cronenberg has done it again! He brought us movies like Videodrome, Stephen king's The Dead Zone, and the remake of The Fly that mess with our heads. Now he gives us The Brood (filmed before the others). Not many movies scare me, but this movie scarred me for life. The movie is not Cronenberg's best, but if you want to see a movie that borders insane, then The Brood is your film. This movie will show you things that right after you see them, you wish you never did.

The movie is base around Frank Carveth (Art Hindle) and his daughter Candice(Cindy Hinds) Frank finds cuts on his daughter and blames her mother (Samantha Eggar) that is at a seminar camp to deal with people that are "Different". After Frank wants to take His daughter away from her mother, Mysterious deaths start to occur.

This is not my type of movie, but I think it's worth a look. If you don't like disturbing moments in movies, then don't watch this film. Don't say I didn't worn you.
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Harvey (1950)
One of the best movies ever made!
29 October 2005
When I first saw this movie I didn't think I would like it. I didn't think it was my "type" of movie. I was wrong. HARVEY will make you laugh and at the same time show you the power of kindness. JAMES STEWART makes you believe someone is there even know his friend is an invisible 6-foot tall rabbit. It is easily one of the best movies ever made! If you don't know what this movie is or haven't seen it for any reason all I have to say is "GO SEE IT!" Even if you don't like black and white movies, there is something in this movie for everyone. If you like drama, comedy, or just films that make you feel good inside this movie is for you.

"If ELWOOD P. DOWD is crazy I don't want to be sane."
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