
32 Reviews
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Echoes (2022)
I couldn't stay interested..ridiculous
18 April 2023
So disappointed. I will watch and pretty much enjoy anything with Jonathan Tucker (Westfield, Kingdom) in it. Throw in Matt Bomer (White Collar) and I'm sold. I couldn't watch more than 1.5 episodes because the premise was ridiculous and did not like Michelle's acting. I am an identical twin. This could never work with people who know you well. There are always slight differences physically that are huge to close ones and they see right away. Let alone the anxiety of having to pretend to be the other and not get found out (we tried in school in 3rd and 9th grades). Why does she act uncomfortable now when she's been doing it for decades?
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Walker: Independence (2022–2023)
I thought it was absolutely entertaining
19 October 2022
I waited two episodes to give my review because it seemed like everyone was going off the deep end here. How such a little show on a small network could get people who've barely ever reviewed anything (if ever) to get off their couch and have such a visceral reaction to this harmless show. Ones? I thought it might be worse than Chucky. Of all the shows out there in the last 10-20 years, this was the one they had to let everyone know was sooo bad it barely rated. I was afraid as a die hard western fan that it would be terrible.

Well, it wasn't. The characters were very interesting, the story is intriguing, the production value OUTSTANDING for a small network. And I am a Western Junkie, my favorite. I've seen every single one, many multiple times with my fave being Once Upon A Time In The West. Others like the Original Django, the man who shot liberty valence, high noon, the wild bunch, the searchers, red river and of course the man with no name trilogy and many more. I love them all. Walker Independence is a perfectly fine show with heart, intrigue and humor. And anyone giving it a one has a vendetta or something because those should be reserved for the most awful of shows in TV history.
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Smallville: Ambush (2010)
Season 10, Episode 7
Change of personality
8 January 2022
What happened to the Lois that defied her father at every turn? What happened to the strong willed Lois? I don't know who this person was but it was not the Lois I fell in love with and wanted to be with Clark Kent.

What a terrible and disappointing episode. I miss the old Lois.
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Smallville: Legacy (2004)
Season 3, Episode 17
The beginning of the end of the friendship
1 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
After Clark tries to kiss Lana she is at Lex's house where he is paying the Talon's bills. He sees she's upset and tells her she can tell him anything. She asks if he thinks people can change. Talking briefly about Clark kissing her earlier. She is crying. Lex has moved from across from her to next to her on the couch and proceeds to say in so many words, no...Clark can't change. He says people aren't one thing they've done but the sum of things they've done knowing Clark has a history of letting her down. He has begun to try to take Lana. He has begun his turn on Clark.
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All American (2018– )
Like some, can't stand others
6 September 2021
I want to like this show. I really like some of the characters. Love Coop, Jordan, Asher, Billie, Corey, Grandpa, Grace. Don't like Spencer or Layla. I can't stand all of Spencer's temper tantrums over every little thing. Just talk it out. It really brings the show down and makes the character one dimensional. Layla is also one dimensional. I couldn't care less about their screen time together. It's hard to watch a show where I want to fast forward through the main character's parts. And it's not the acting. That's fine. It's just how he's written. Maybe I'm just not interested in a show where the main character gets angry and throws fits all the time. Almost done with the first season. Only got this far because I love the side characters.
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Station 19: Out of Control (2020)
Season 4, Episode 5
Pulling guns on firefighters?
5 February 2021
On what planet are a group of cops at a fire scene with off duty firefighters who just rescued kidnapped girls from a house start arresting the colored firefighters because they started running at them or pulling all their guns on one of them who was clearly unarmed. NEVER would this happen. Sorry. Not to other government officials in front of their squad and captain. Cops don't think they're gods and even if they did they wouldn't be so bold to risk a PR nightmare. I hate that all my shows a pulling this crap. Now I have nothing to watch anymore.
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Station 19: Poor Wandering One (2020)
Season 3, Episode 9
Andy for Captain?
4 February 2021
Curious about what happened to Jack. He has significantly more seniority. Is this show really trying to show how awesome Andy is that she (and Maya...both women) are more deserving of the Captain position than Jack? In fact he's not even in the conversation when they discuss that Andy should have been Captain...that only she deserved it. Like this show but please stop showing that Andy is the bestest at absolutely everything. It's really annoying and not realistic. Even Grey's Anatomy allows other Characters to shine.
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
Where's all the adults?
29 January 2021
The show is entertaining but quite obnoxious at times. Where are all the adults in school, arcade, the detention home, the mall, anywhere where all these kids are violently fighting? How are teen being assaulted by other teens in juvi for 10 minutes with no supervision? Otherwise I enjoyed it.
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Supernatural: Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox (2016)
Season 12, Episode 6
Dean saves Sam again
27 September 2020
How does someone the size of Sam get overpowered every episode but can knock down heavy locked doors with one kick?

If I watch one more episode where Dean has to save Sam in order for the spn to show what a badass Dean is I'm done.
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Arrow: Present Tense (2019)
Season 8, Episode 4
Mostly great
29 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Stephen's acting again top notch. Loved all the interactions and the main storyline.

CAN'T STAND Mia's behavior. Sorry folks... she is nothing like Oliver was and you disgrace him by saying so. And her threatening to take down Oliver by the elevator because she was trained by Nissa? She's out of her freaking mind! He could take down Nissa, took down Merlin (twice) and was trained by and killed Ra's al Guhl. And she's 120 pounds lighter. Get a grip Arrow.

He never acted like an ass just because he thought he was tougher than everyone else.
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NCIS: Los Angeles (2009–2023)
Not feeling it anymore
9 March 2020
Having a hard time continuing on with the show. Still watch it for the Callen/Hanna interactions. Don't really care one way or the other for Kensi/Deeks but absolutely cannot bear to watch Nell and Eric any longer. How NCIS would continue to employ a moron like Eric is beyond me.
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A Million Little Things (2018–2023)
Too much Maggie drama
25 October 2019
I love almost all the characters on the show and their stories. Great acting and very interesting storylines. However I find myself fast forwarding through the Maggie scenes with all her fits and crying and they've made her personality cringeworthy.
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I'm dying!
29 March 2019
This show is hysterical. Reminds me of the British 'The Office' without the uncomfortableness. Some people said the jokes don't land but that's the point. It's supposed to be awkward. So glad I found this. Not many shows interest me.
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Not Great, Not awful
10 March 2019
I'm a huge Marvel MOVIE fan. Don't know anything about the comics. Fell in love with them after Captain America and Iron Man first movies. Have watched every one at least 5 times each including the lesser ones.

I found this amusing. Brie was cute in her 'cute' moments but lacked any emotion when it definitely needed it. She was stoic. Maybe that's what they were going for. A LOT of the film is fluff stuff going over her past. I felt no emotions or sympathy or happiness where I should have (and I cry over everything).

SLJ was his very funny self as usual. With the cat I was really cracking up. What made the movie for me was Ben Mendelsohn (Skrull). He was hysterical with perfect comedic timing and also great at playing very sinister. Definitely best character in the whole movie.
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Grey's Anatomy (2005– )
What happened to Alex Karev?
8 February 2019
It took a few years but Alex became one of my favorite characters and in the last few, my favorite. He's barely been in season 15. I would have thought that there would be a lot of storylines with Alex as chief but aside from the 2nd episode there's been nothing. Most episodes barely have him and the rest don't have him at all. If this keeps up I have no desire to keep watching.
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Funnier 5 years later.
1 January 2019
I remember watching this movie and watching the boat scene with the FBI agent (not knowing at all who he was then) and liking his character so much that I was cheering for him to get Leo's character. Usually everyone HATES the cop/investigator. 5 years later I've now seen Homefront, Early Edition, Friday Night Lights and a number of Kyle Chandler's movies and definitely had it right. He's got that something that makes you root for him. Now when I watch the movie I find it hilarious instead of crude.
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The West Wing: The Stackhouse Filibuster (2001)
Season 2, Episode 17
Great but...
8 November 2018
Seriously that intern would be fired. Watching her behavior really rubbed me the wrong way.
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NCIS: Los Angeles (2009–2023)
No more Mosley or I'm done
22 October 2018
Absolutely loved the show until season 9. Couldn't stand Mosley. What was the purpose of having her act that way to this team like they are children? It wasn't just the character but how Nia portrayed it as well. I thought she was done for season 10 but it looks like they are working her way back into her job again. She has no personality, is a horrible human being, ordered her team to do illegal actions and put their lives in extreme danger. They better not give her her job back. She belongs in jail. If they do I'm done with the show.
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Chicago Fire (2012– )
Great show but...
17 October 2018
Binge watching. Halfway through season 4. Must Severide sleep with every new female on the show? How about they try something new...have him decline an advance once in a while. It's getting old and annoying.
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This Is Us: Nine Bucks (2018)
Season 3, Episode 1
Enough Kate
28 September 2018
Please just take us out of our misery watching Kate and her misery and whining and meltdowns and feeling sorry for herself. Love the other characters. Love the show otherwise.
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The Blacklist: The Cook (No. 56) (2018)
Season 5, Episode 12
The girl in the bar
23 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Pretty good episode except the scene in the bar with the girl who goes up to the cook (a priest). No way anyone would ever just invite themselves to sit with him, blurt out her issues, hug and kiss a priest without asking if they minded first. Who does that? Who would ever be so physically familiar with a priest? This is only done to further the story. I hate when shows do this.
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The Good Wife: Mind's Eye (2015)
Season 6, Episode 14
Just awful
11 August 2018
I have never given a review below a 5 before but this, dear god was mind blowingly awful. It was not only the worst tv episode of the entire 7 seasons but probably of any tv show I ever watched. Having to sit and watch Alicia debate everything in her head for an hour with imaginations of the other characters either debating with her or acting out her thought process is not a plot. Try again.
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Yellowstone (2018– )
Can't stand the daughter
26 July 2018
I really like the show with the exception of the daughter. Her behavior practically qualifies her to be institutionalized. Millions and millions of people have had horrible things happen to them as children, most must worse than she, and somehow most adults figure out how to function normally. This is just so ridiculous. This role seriously detracts from the show.
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Mad Love (1995)
Is it a Love story?
15 July 2018
Hard to buy this as a love story when Matt is in love with crazy. He doesn't love her. Doesn't know who she really even is. All he knows is her crazy behavior. Showing his happy memories of her at the end is silly. Her actions and feelings weren't real. Oh, and this is not Depressive or Bipolar behavior and I'm bipolar. You don't talk to yourself like you're autistic (in the car as she's driving). Scene in the hotel room is not bipolar either. In any case she's out of her mind and not sure how anyone could want to be with that. Hard to buy but character was a kid so I'll give it a pass.

I liked the actors a lot. Plot could have been better.
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NCIS: Los Angeles: A Line in the Sand (2018)
Season 9, Episode 23
Do they think we're stupid?
13 July 2018
Love this show. Love Hanna/Callen combo and Deeks with anyone. Hetty is also a gem. Kensi, Eric and Nell have always been annoying and the new young agent has the personality of a rug but Mosley is megameniacal. This episode takes the cake. Sadly I think the writers think they've made her a strong woman of color but obviously they know nothing of human behavior. Inner strength isn't putting people down. Being a great leader isn't ordering people around like they're children and smart isn't being smug and putting your employees down with a smile on your face.

Are we supposed to feel bad for her or wish her put in jail in this episode? The music and shots look like they want us to feel sorry for her but not on God's green earth for someone who orders their team to break the law for her own personal needs or else be fired (multiple times).

Callen may not have lied for the woman he loves but is going to break the law for this monster? If she's here next year I'm done and I love love love Chris O'Donnell and LL Cool J
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