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The only upside
28 January 2023
I am not sure what the point of this being made was...except the never-ending flopping directors making money and the studios losing even more money.. This is surely a sign of desperation by a corrupt and morally bankrupt system, in their last-ditch effort to make a movie that actually, culturally matters, like the original matrix movie did.

But since their only job now is, to promote political propaganda, diversity and liberal culture, it is getting harder and harder as more and more people get turned of by this garbage.

The only upside of this abomination being made, is that tens of millions of dolalrs were lost. Maybe someday they will stop financing these "directors" never-ending flops.
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Another Anti-Trump documentary
16 August 2020
This is just another piece of liberal / socialist anti-Trump propaganda disguised as a "documentary", featuring well knows socialists like Chris Hedges. Conveniently, there is no information about the globalist corruption going on in the EU and in China.
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A bunch of made up C$%P
27 January 2019
In the words of Varg Vikernes, this "movie" is a bunch of made up C%&P., it is fictional and mostly made up propaganda to vilify the people portrayed.
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A wonderfully directed piece of socialist propaganda.
8 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
After watching this movie, i gave it nine stars. I was really moved by the realism and the stories of its characters. Unfortunately, after reflecting upon it, i saw the characteristics and flaws of the typical socialist European movie, namely: 1 - All inmigrants are always portrayed as hapless victims of an unjust capitalist system, even though France has been a socialist democracy in the past. All the violence portrayed in the movie is always done by the evil white French people. There are no portrayals of the violence, drug dealing and murders done by islamic immigrants in France, because this would be seen as "racist" 2-As a result of #1, all White French natives are also portrayed in a negative light: they are racist, drunk, drugs addicts, assasins, white women are portrayed as whores ready to sell themselves for a buck. 3- This movie is quick to promote the typical leftist, pro-diversity Inter-racial propaganda.. it not ok for the poor struggling white woman not to like blacks, but it is ok for the rich one to sleep with them.

For a movie that supposedly criticizes neoliberalism, it is ironically filled with the same propaganda that neoliberals have been spreading through out Europe for years: Immigrants that do not assimilate into your culture are ok, ignoring your ancestor's culture is ok, all whites are evil. I wonder what this movie could have been like if its writer and director not been brainwashed with the socialist disease when he was young.
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Epifanía (2016)
An interesting collaboration that has some problems...
29 November 2017
I had the good luck to attend a screening of Epifanía given by one its' directors, Oscar "Papeto" Ruiz Navia.

One of Papeto's main premises as a film maker, is that movies or films do NOT have to tell stories. He claims that that story is not needed for a movie to be a cinematic experience. So if we expand on the director's claim of "no-story-needed" we are basically left with the cinematography and sound to carry the viewer's interest through a movie.

This movie consists of three parts, numbered i, ii and iii. Judging this movie by Papeto's premise, the first part (filmed in Sweden) is a success.. based on a simple idea, the stunning northern fall landscape, the cinematographic moments that looks like beautiful paintings and the amazing sonic landscapes certainly were breathtaking. The telepathic communication, and blank screen scenes were brilliant. I was hoping the rest of the movie would be like this, but....

Unfortunately, once the first part of the movie ends and morphs into the second part, beginning with the Temazcal (sweat lodge) scene, the great cinematography and sound ends, and we are greeted with what feels a cheesy documentary featuring shoddy, hand-held camera work worthy of a home movie, and horrible editing decisions, such as cutting off a song that one of the protagonists is playing in her car. Hey Guys, ever heard of continuity?? Did you know sound can be faded? LOL

The rest of Epifanía feels like two cheap home movies (parts ii and iii) were glued into the beautiful part i, because there is no continuity in the cinematography or sound from the first part of the movie into the other two, despite the great transition between parts i and ii. Let's not forget that sound and image are the two things left to carry the movie, since there is really no story behind it. I wish Papeto wouldn't have taken the lazy way out and put more effort into filming his documentary pieces.

In Papeto's talk about the movie, We learned that the first part was mostly written by and inspired by one of Anna Eborn's dreams, After watching the entire movie, one can see clearly that part one has her imprint all over it, and I yearn to watch some of her work.
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A beautiful musical journey through the Northern Colombian Coast landscape
29 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
There is nothing new about Ciro Guerra's plot for his second film "Los Viajes del Viento (The Wind Journeys)" Most of us have seen this story many times before, a variation of Joseph Campbell's The Heroes' Journey. Story-wise, a few movies come to mind: Crossroads, the Matrix, and many more.

You could even say that this movie also provides a basis for what was to be Guerra's next film, the highly recommended and Oscar-nominated "The Serpents Embrace", another variation of the Hero's Journey across the amazonian landscape.

The true innovation about this movie is that it takes place in a geography never seen before in a movie: The stunning North Atlantic Coast Colombian landscape, and that it covers the many ethnicities and music that habit such landscape. Another interesting twist in the story is that it takes place in the past and it covers some local historical events, like the 1st Vallenato Festival in 1968. providing the viewer with the origins and history of what was to become "modern" vallenato.

SPOILER For those who do not understand the end of the story, here it is in a nutshell: The protagonist starts a journey to return his accordion to the person who gave it to him and taught him how to play it; after his wife passes away, so he can stop playing music and move on with his life. Once the protagonist completes his journey, he finds his master has died while waiting for his return, but he basically left him his home, wife and children, the family he never had, but always wanted. This is why we see the hero's companion return alone through the desert to his home.
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Four Easy Steps to get Foreign movies nominated to Oscars.
29 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Hollywood's cultural Marxists have perfected their formula for nominating Foreign Films to the Oscars. This movie has all components to meet Hollywood's requirements for liberal / leftist neoliberal propaganda. This film has a nice music score, good sound and great photography, showing the bleak and bare landscape the characters live in, and most importantly it thrives on showing how infinitely evil white people are, which is a prevalent theme for Hollywoods leftist propagandists of today.

So, If you are a foreign filmmaker and want to follow in the steps of self hating whitey director Claudia Llosa, and you want to be noticed by the great (((people))) in Hollywood, here are the most important ingredients for foreign movie Oscar nomination :

01 - Regurgitate the "Holocaust".. because we all know that there aren't enough Holocaust movies already.. This movie touches on this theme indirectly when we see the a portrait of an evil white man wearing a military uniform in the evil white woman's bedroom, because you know that all white people must be evil descendants of military white men, exploiters of native people around the world.

02 - Show the differences in lifestyles between between non-white, native foreign populations and the inevitable evil, and very rich white people. In the case of this movie the main character, (who happens to actually look more white than most of her family) ends up working as a maid for an evil blonde white woman, who also happens to be very wealthy and it is never shown to be doing anything of any importance.. We all know that rich white people, have nothing but idle time in their hands, right?

Later we find out, the rich and very evil white lady is a pianist and a composer, but we are never shown her practicing her piano playing or working on her music.. but why.. we all know that evil white people don't have to do any work, even in artistic fields, everything is handed over to them in a silver spoon. Brown people are the only ones who do ALL the work LOL

03 - Show that white people are really evil, unjust and dishonest. As the movie develops, we notice that the rich white lady, is not only spoiled, she is also a thief who steals a melody that the main character sings and plays it in her piano concert.. just to remind the audience that white people have always been thieves and they have stolen everything they have from native people.. In the lowest point of the movie, the evil white lady throws the poor innocent native Indian woman out of her car when they are driving from the concert, after she makes a sarcastic remark, a plot twist that is just ridiculous and exaggerated.

04 - Marxist Feminism 101: Show that most men of all races are also just like white people.. They are EVIL. As if the "white people are evil" propaganda wasn't enough, the director also had to include some necessary "men are evil" propaganda, when the main character's drunk uncle tries to rape her, in the aftermath of her daughter's wedding.. another ridiculous and exaggerated plot twist.

If you carefully examine all recent foreign Oscar nominated movies, you will find some of these elements present in the plot.. and this of course is no accident, as the (((people))) who run Hollywood know exactly what kind of anti-white propaganda to promote.
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City of God (2002)
hyperviolence stylized and glorified
20 March 2017
I live in one of the top 10 most violent cities in the world. After Living just a few miles away from one of the thousands of Latin America ghettos, i find that the story portrayed in this film is nothing new, shocking or amazing.. it has been going on, over and over again for decades...Teenage gangsters and hit men, pregnant teens, drug cartels, turf killings, high unemployment, corruption, YAWN... tell me another story.

Having also lived most of my life in the US suburbs, I can also see why first world inhabitants were fascinated with this movie, as it presents a sanitized version of reality, where we don't see the aftermath of the violence presented in this movie, and it glorifies third world poverty in a slick and glamorous Tarantino-like way. Countless of dead people are just an afterthought presented in this masterfully edited and photographed film. To the casual viewer in Europe or the US, it all seems so wild and cool, so detached, and exotic, but so far away... and of course the effect this film has, would not not quite be the same if all of its audience actually lived in or near any slum like the one displayed in this film. We see a never-ending stream of dead people, but we never see the grief of those who are still left alive to mourn them, etc etc.

It is no wonder that the exporters of glorified capitalist propaganda (Hollywood) were quick to nominate this movie to the Oscars, as it is one of the most cleverly packaged turds (storywise) ever made, complete with the usual neoliberal propaganda of multiculturalism, race mixing and white women throwing themselves to black men and boys.

In the decade+ after this movie was made, countless movies and slick TV series have been made depicting Latin America gangsters and ghettos, and it is getting old and tired.

If you take away the sheen, the music and the quick editing from this movie, and you are left with another boring third world ghetto story, full of clichéd kiddie characters, devoid of any humanity; killing each other for no good reason and a pathetic story that goes nowhere.

Of course the movie has a few good moments where humanity seems to come through, but they get quickly railroaded behind the director's obsession with making another pointlessly violent Tarantino ripoff movie.
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Interstellar (2014)
The most obvious and idiotic plot mistakes on Interstellar
15 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
It is just unbelievable that a movie with a budget of hundreds of millions of dollars, a movie that generated two research papers and a science book (The Science Of Interstellar) written about it by the Caltech scientist that was part of the production crew of the movie, has such large plot holes.

Here are the most obvious and idiotic plot mistakes on Interstellar

01 - If Cooper was the "ghost", trying to communicate from the future, and he was trying to stop himself from traveling into space, why did he provide his past self with the coordinates of the NASA station?? this makes no sense.. if it wasn't for this event, he would have never gone into space!!.. All he had to do is to stop his present self from doing something he knew he did before in the past...

03 - We currently have the technology to scan far away solar systems for planets like our own, planets with water, with an atmosphere, and with reasonable temperatures, As of 2017, scientists have found a few of these earth-like planets in nearby galaxies.. so in the future, we won't even have the ability to tell whether a planet is a complete antarctic wasteland or not?

03 - If an alien intelligence was advanced enough to create a worm hole to another part of the universe, why didn't they choose a part of the universe that had at least a planet that is easily recognizable as habitable for colonizing humans? DUH

04- If an alien intelligence was advanced enough and had such power to rip the fabric of space time and create a wormhole, why didn't they have the technology to relay and communicate the information needed to save mankind to scientists? That idea sounds a lot more logical that a far-fetched trip across the universe through a wormhole, etc etc...

05-For decades humans have been sending robots and probes, out into space to explore and learn. In the movie we even have a few robots that appear to have human-like or above human intelligence. So why send unreliable, mortal humans into space by themselves, knowing there weren't enough of them to colonize a planet. Yes, i know about the whole plan A and plan B, but if plan B was secretly the idea all along, why split the expedition into single parties? that makes no sense.. it would have been impossible due to time and resource restrictions for a single human to span a colony in an eco-friendly planet, even with the plan B technology described in the movie.

I am a big fan of Inception, but parts of the plot of this movie are completely idiotic (in other words, typical Hollywood fare), and that is accepting out-there sci-fi ideas like hibernation, traveling through blackholes and wormholes, and other silly liberal / leftist idiocy, like the idea that humans will someday will stop making weapons, etc..

Sorry Dolan Brothers, Interstellar is a nice and typical Hollywood, silly, but completely idiotic movie, made for public consumption, that is about it.
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InRealLife (2013)
A new generation of internet-addicted snowflakes
9 December 2016
In this documentary, Carnegie Melon professor Luis Von Ahn tells a story about how his younger software users won't read anything longer than one line of text.

Judging from the moronic reviews made here on this great documentary, we must assume that the reviewers are young and feel quite insulted because the basic premise of this documentary is, that the new generation of internet-addicted youth are basically sheep being led by corporations like google and fakebook to give up their privacy in exchange for socializing online. Obviously this premise goes over the head of attention deficient morons who can barely read a sentence or two and claim in the reviews that there are no teenage women interviewed (i guess she missed the entire segment about the black teen who basically prostituted herself in order to get her cellphone back) or the genius reviewer who talks about the kid who is addicted to gaming, getting thrown out of "Harvard". Hmm.. Harvard is in Massachussets, USA, and the game addict is in England.. Harvard, Oxford, USA, England.. same thing, right? LOL

This documentary, through its many interviews with experts and net addicts, shows clearly how transnational corporations big and small spend millions to manipulate and keep young people addicted to their internet platforms, to commoditize their personal information and sell them products, ranging from games to online porn and apple iphones.

It is easy to see how this new generation of net addicted snowflakes live in a fantasy bubble, never having to worry about the reality of working to make ends meet, spending most of their time living in the safe online world, socializing and playing games. It is no wonder this generation of over-protected youths need "safe spaces" and counseling when things don't go their way, or when they hear someone disagreeing with them, as they have never encountered the real hardships most people have to deal with, in the real world. It is as if these kids are living in a game, where everything is a click away, life is easy and parental supervision is non-existent.

It is disheartening to think these cynical kids are the future of our world, and i can't help to think that humanity is doomed by its own stupidity.
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The Principle (2014)
Garbage for people who still believe in creationism
10 August 2016
This documentary is filled with so much false, inaccurate and non- scientific facts, i could spend twenty pages debunking most of the information shown on this thinly-veiled piece of religious propaganda disguised as a "documentary". I find it hilarious that the greatest theoretical physicist and cosmologist the world has ever seen, Stephen Hawking was not interviewed for this piece of garbage "documentary"...

He would have surely laughed in his robotic voice at most of the non- sense being spewed.. like when some genius says "we are the only life in the entire universe" as if we had already explored the entire universe, when we haven't even explored out own solar system!

I am sure Richard Dawkins would have a field day ridiculing most of the fools who participated in this crap.
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Those who know do, those who don't BLOG
6 March 2016
Only a few short years after turd-marketing expert, and olive-oil- salesman-cum-blogger, Alex Ferrari, unleashed upon the world, his horrid short "Broken", he decided to get further revenge on the cinematic universe by releasing another one of his inane, plot less, and horribly over acted shorts.. the Little Red Riding Hood ripoff, imaginatively called "Red Princess Blues"

Mr. Ferrari truly went out to lunch polishing this turd.. He got a nice and shiny Red camera, he hired concept and storyboard artists, set designers, special FX experts, stunt coordinators, etc to create this monsterpiece..

Unfortunately.. Mr. Ferrari forgot the most important part of a short: an interesting story, and a good plot.

As it is customary with Mr. Ferraris' juvenile shorts, the direction of the actors is non-existent, the acting is cartoonish, amateurish and over the top.. the action scenes are laughable, the whole thing has a almost comical feel to it, which is obviously not intentional, because when this disaster was produced, Mr. Ferrari probably harbored in his 30-something- year-old tiny brain the hope that he was going to be "discovered" and become the next Tarantino or Robert Rodriguez, despite his obvious lack of anything remotely resembling story-writing talent.

This short is so bad, it feels like a spoof of a bad action movie.

Fortunately for all those who have higher film making aspirations, the universe has pushed back in kind revenge against Mr. Ferrari, and has made his inane blog popular, thus condemning thousands of his mentally stunted followers to dwell in the primordial soup of suck that Mr. Ferrari has been residing in, all his life, because following the advice of a failed filmmaker, can't lead to anything but failure... You could even say that Mr. Ferrari is the Jim Jones of indie film making, giving kool-aid advice to hundreds of unsuspecting fools a via a blog, thus condemning them to cinematic hell, but dear reader.... sssshhhh please, don't tell anyone, let's keep this our secret, OK?

Thanks Mr. Ferrari for clearing the path for real talent.
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A visionary masterpiece!
17 February 2016
Watching this movie ten years after it was released, i got the feeling of watching a current documentary of what is now going on right in Europe: Third world immigrants invading the biggest cities in Europe by the thousands? check. Countries around the world with failing governments being ruled by militias and chaos? Check. UK being controlled by a militarized police state? check. European cities suffering never-ending random terrorist attacks? Check.

Very few other movies have managed to predict the present of our troubled world with such accuracy .

One of the few things this movie purposely or accidentally failed to predict is the real reason why world is in such a state of chaos, namely the war that the American neocons and the NATO puppets are currently waging against Russia, Syria, Iran, etc. No fertility crisis was needed to create such a dystopia around the world. Another thing that this movie got wrong is that in the real world most Europeans are against (and protesting) the invasion of their countries by "refugees" or "fugees" are they are called in the movie, As as consequence of this, protesting European citizens are now being arrested by the militarized police state for opposing the European banker's"multicultural" agenda.

The aesthetic decision to create a sci-fi movie with documentary-style production was brilliant. Couple this with top-notch acting, great direction and story telling and you have a brilliant piece of visionary film-making. The movie's now famous car scene has already entered the canon of cinema's great long one-take wonder sequences.

I have to laugh at all the geniuses that 10 years ago gave this movie one-star ratings, mocking the plot and premise of this movie as "implausible" and nonsensical. Unfortunately, reality has proved all those who (for whatever reason) didn't understand this movie, wrong.

Children of men was way ahead of its time, and clear proof of this, is that today, ten years later, even network TV and game companies have jumped in the "conspiracy theory" and dystopia bandwagon with countless TV series and games about citizens resisting the police state, etc.

Children of men is easily the best science fiction movie of the 21st century, pushing the technical boundaries of science fiction film making; standing way above the current wave of Hollywood tired and brainless superhero and never-ending sequel crap movies.
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Broken (I) (2005)
Beyond Awful
3 February 2016
Alex Ferrari is the king of what i'll call "turd marketing", an olive oil salesman, passing himself as some kind of filmmaking guru. The truth is that Mr. Ferrari is so skillfull at BSing and marketing his turd movies and products that people are actually fooled into thinking they are good. He now has a "podcast" where he tries really hard to sell himself as a "hustling" filmmaker and director.. and yet in his "20 years of experience" he only made a few horrible shorts.... which is really a good thing, because the world is already cluttered with too much garbage..

His first short, "Broken" is so laughably bad, that i thought i was watching a parody or a comedy. The directing of the actors is non-existent.. the actor's performances are so cheesy and over the top, and the plot is so juvenile, that the whole thing could pass for a freshman filmschool project. The action scenes are laughable.. the only thing that saves this cheesefest from being a complete wreck is the fact that Mr. Ferrari colorized the whole thing to give it a more professional look.

I felt bad for whoever got taken by this turd salesman, and the five star reviews left here by his sockpuppet accounts and purchased this piece of garbage on DVD...what a ripoff.. I have seen teenage film students put out better and more interesting shorts than this laughable waste of digital bits.

The other two shorts done by Mr. Ferrari feature more-of-the-same horrible overacting and juvenile plots.. so obviously this genius hasn't learned poo-poo in his "20 years of filmmaking" Mr. Ferrari is an inspiration to everyone, because if such a talentless hack like him can pass himself as a "filmmaker" ; anyone has a chance!!!

To top it all off, the ever fat and lazy Turd salesman is now selling a "film school" video series in Udemy, that is comprised of ten-year- old, outdated, rehashed and recycled "behind the scenes" and "making-of" videos of his cheesy shorts and his idiotic podcast videos, so anyone can now learn the difficult art of making terrible, overacted movies with amateurish plots.. with plenty of guns and cheesy FX, of course! You too can now learn the secrets of the turd marketing!!

Remember kids.. no amount of turd marketing, special FX, stunts, guns and props, concept art and iphone apps are going to make up for competent actor directing, having a good story and an interesting plot. Mr. Ferrari's horrible shorts and failed career as a "filmmaker" are living proof that there is no replacement for real talent.
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